Sunday Open Thread

| December 1, 2013

It looks like a slow news day – Fox & Friends spent the last ten minutes talking about some Hollywood guy who crashed his car and died and how the Obamacare website still doesn’t work, so I’m going to IHOP for a pork-packed breakfast. Since the nearest IHOP is in Virginia, I’ll be out a couple of hours. So here you go – an open thread to cuss me out for being AWOL.

Category: Administrative

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B Woodman

Never AWOL. merely on extended leave.
And since you are your own boss (almost), how can it be unauthorized?


Just squeezed out a Giduck….like him, it won’t go away…just too fat to flush.


Snow and ice in Cow Hampshire this am, so of course the girlfriend suggested driving 25 miles to A MALL with the family to catch the latest money sucker…I meant Disney movie. Yay!

Frankly Opinionated

I just watched this video, of an apologist for a phony SEAL.
He is giving his most educated comment:


For me it’s work today so I get to deal with bullshit that the boss has decreed will make us more efficient while really just fucking things up even more.


@5…which reminds me. Union, company, and arbitration folks getting together today for more talks. If no agreement is reached, I go to work for one day then will get locked out at 2359 Monday night. FML.


I have to post a new post to my blogposting post. And work on stories. I’ll pop in from time to time with some smartalec comments.

I refuse to rake any more leaves. Did you know that the new estimate on Earth-size rocky planets in this galaxy alone is now 8.8 billion? Eliminating carbon-rich stars (low in water, carbon absorbs water), the possibilities for settling on another human-friendly world are expanding.

I’m looking forward to it.

A Proud Infidel

Ex-PH2, I say we shuttle ALL liberals to the nearest one, and we keep what we’ve got once they’re gone!!


Proud, I concur. Send them to Ceti Alpha 7. Ceti Alpha 6 is too good for them.

Green Thumb

I looked in the toilet bowl upon relieving myself this morning after a long night of beer, BBQ and football and I saw Phildo.

Much like the way people see the Virgin Mary on a box of Fruit Loops.

War Eagle!

The Lurker Formerly Known As Curt

God help me, I love the randomness in these Open Threads!

Ex-PH2, 8.8 BILLION?!? Wow- we can send a whole metric shit-ton of dumbasses away…


Lurker, Formerly Curt, that’s the most recent estimate by NASA, based on planets picked up by Kepler.

That means that some day, every one of us can have our very own planets to live on. And that’s just in our galaxy. Doesn’t count the other galaxies.

Oh, yeah – Vega does actually have a giant planet in orbit. It has been photographed by Hubble. It is definitely there. Heinlein was right: Mother Thing’s home world orbits Vega.

Three Galaxies – One Law!


Some “cat stuff” for PH2 and others who are owned by cats:

Your Cat Really Doesn’t Care What You Have To Say, Study Shows

7 Foods to NEVER Feed Your Cat


Cats order me to feed them people stuff and I comply…

Milk – check
Ice cream – yep
String cheese – a top favorite
Dried squid snacks – two paws up
Chicken/pork fried rice – lovin it

A couple longhairs look very similiar to Henri the French existential cat…


Occasionally, Mikey the large and In Charge gets a nibble of KFC and a smidge of the Filet o Fish. Otherwise, only cat stuff, plus catnip.

Now, the Late Great Smokey the Pooh loved the biscuits from KFC and would grab potato chips out of my hands. Abd I did have a cat that like hot salsa.


You know what makes writing stories difficult? I’ll tell you.

You’re in the middle of giving the cat Laxotone for the hairball wheezes, because it’s hairball season at your house. Before the Laxotone is even half consumed, you get this really great piece of dialogue popping into your head. But you’ve got a cat that grabs onto the Laxotone tube like a wino grabs onto his whiskey bottle and you can’t exactly stop to write it down, because there is also Laxotone all over your fingers.

And by the time the cat has detached himself from the Laxotone tube and you have the gunk off your hands, that piece has evaporated like snow in the desert sun, so when you go to recreate it, it’s a shadow of its former brilliance.

And no matter how hard you try, those incredibly brilliant phrases never come back and you KNOW you won’t get the Pulitzer prize this year.

And it’s all the cat’s fault. Bummer.

B Woodman

We’ve had cats that have liked cantalope, canned peas, dried fruit and gummy fruit snacks, licking the dust off plants and blinds, raisins, dried turtle food, and dill pickles.


Physics lesson of the day:

Sponsored by a Spanish Ministry of Economy grant. Ummmm, okaaaaaaaaay.

Now next time you suspect a poser in a bar, tap away.


Squid snacks?

I thought that was the term for the pre-dinner hors d’orderves served in goat lockers.


While I’ve been taking a beginner’s class since mid-August, it’s only been in the past three? four? weeks where I’ve actually started a barbell program and actually stuck to it, instead of faffing about with cable machines.

I’m actually at a pound over the same weight that I was on Zero Day a little over five years ago, only able to do 7PU/12SU/20+2MI. Not worried at all, because I know I’m definitely stronger, and my bodyfat is definitely a lot lower than it was then.

Not that I could get a measurment from the snappy nurse practitioner doing my very first VA physical. Took about four months to receive the appointment in the mail despite going to the regional office two days after I final outed and drove home. Mildly obese. The BMI chart doesn’t lie. Of course the chart can’t lie, it doesn’t realize it’s outdated. I was overweight every single weigh-in but I never got flack from any of the leadership because I never busted tape, and I was a comfortable 5% away, not like all the borderlines putting on Icy-Hot or bruising their necks or God knows what else.

She gave me the TeleMove number. I suppose I should call it tomorrow. Don’t want to waste everyone else’s tax dollars and all.

Next semester classes start. I’ll be getting formal coaching to learn Olympic lifts. Can’t wait. It feels a bit off being older than the high-school athletes taking advantage of their age and all the college students studying to be personal trainers, but then again I’ve been told by plenty of people that approaching 30 ain’t nothin’.



the Nerf Longstrike CS-6 is going to be what every 2d grade boy wants this year for Christmas.



Green Thumb


Actually I would prefer a urinal mint that looks like Phildo.


@22–and yet we’re flush with them (or so I believe) at the local Wally World.

I’ll look when I can, and if there is one I’ll pick it up; if not, no harm done.

The Lurker Formerly Known As Curt

Ex-PH2,can you figure out a way to convince the dumbasses to go find their own planet? I have been told I lack “tact” and “nuance”, whatever the hell they are…


I gave my cat a bath the other day. The hair stuck to my tongue but the cat love it.

Who’s joke is that?

For one million dollars!


Steve Martin


Jonn et al:

The Nerf N-Strike Longshot CS-6 Blaster is in WalMart stores, not on

For those who want to call their local store to see if they carry it, the WalMart Product Number is 070035161. It is bright yellow/orange in color.



Amazon has some…some are blue, others are yellow/orange.

For that price, you may as well buy him a tommy gun.


Lurker Curt, offer them a free ride to the nearest space port, plus a bucket of FKFC and potato wedges. I think Alpha Centauri is the closest star with a rocky planet, 4.3 LY away.

Alpha Centauri Bb is too close to AlCenB, but the probability of habitable planets in the Goldilocks zone is very real.

With the Alcubierre warp bubble drive, they can be there in less time than it takes to talk about it. In fact, they could get there before they leave Earth. Time wrinkle, you know. Miguel Alcubierre did the math for the warp drive in 1994. He was/is a big fan of Star Trek: Next Gen. NASA is currently testing the concept for future development.

On another note, the Chinese lunar lander fired its thrusters successfully today. We’d better get off our dead behinds and stop putzing around or they’ll claim all the water on the Moon, and charge us landing fees. They also sent a probe to Mars last week.

Green Thumb

I really dislike the Denver Broncos.


How was breakfast?

A Proud Infidel

The greatest part of shipping the liberals to another planet? Thar’s it, they’re GONE, no more welfare/freebie bailouts, tax increases,… But yes, Ex-PH2, you’re dead right, thanks to B. Hussein 0bama & Company, WE’RE#2 in the space race and sliding!! He had to scrap as much of NASA as he could so he could keep himself in expensive trips and junkets, let alone hand out more freebies to his base!! If we ever could ship libs off like that, I say we ship the 0bamites FIRST!!!

Ahh yes, and the joy of being owned by cats, since kittenhood, my two owners have had a fetish for treating windows and the front of the dishwasher like a scratching post, they love doing it on our french doors going to the patio, especially when I’m outside grilling on the hibachi. They’ll start, and once I put my finger on the window where their paws are, they go full throttle until they’re exhausted. Hey, KITTYCAT PT, what was I thinking? And yea, I give them NutriMalt for hairballs, neither will eat it, thus I have to rub it into their fur, especially “Inky”, the female, she’s VERY talented at flinging it off of her leg if I don’t!


@ clamgotslegs … Good work. You have won 1 million Obama dollars.

400,000 – from China.
600,000 – unfunded and unavailable tax dollars.

Again, nice work.


@34, Proud, it shouldn’t have been scrapped or downgraded, but it was, for reasons I can’t begin to understand. The space program was Lyndon Johnson’s big baby. He wanted his name attached to that the way a lamprey eel attaches itself to a Great Lakes trout – sink in teeth and hold on. LBJ was a Democrat, but every stupid ass dumbocrap president since him has taken funding away from it and now it’s a shadow of itself and the US has to pay fees to Russia to send supplies and personnel to the space station.

So maybe it was just as well that real non-government commercialization of space began in the early 2000s and not too long after that, Burt Rutan’s Spaceship One, launched by the White Knight (a carrier plane) won the Ansari X Prize. Now, companies like Virgin Galactic, Space X, Orbital Sciences and Planetary Resources are all aiming at space tourism, commercial mining of near-Earth asteroids, and maybe even establishing a lunar base that is NOT government-owned or operated. And more than 200,000 people so far have applied to go to Mars and not come back to Earth.

It really is the next frontier. In my next life, I want to be one of those pioneer freelance space explorers, with a commercial run now and then to pay for things like pizzas and hot dogs.

Try Laxotone. It’s tuna-flavored. Mine eat it right out of the tube.


Oh, but hey! The obadmycare website is 90% ready and will handle up to 50,000 applicants in one day. But it was supposed to be more than that, was it not? Something like 800,000 or so? Well, they didn’t want the site to crash, so they kept the ‘reveal’ low-key, so as not to attract too many visitors.

Jim Legans, Jr

Ugh, I just finished watching a two hour chick flick with my wife. She went to bed happy, this makes me happy. Time for T&A or Mel Brooks.

Eagle Keeper

@17 B Woodman: Those probably ain’t cats. Those are probably space aliens DISGUISED as cats.

Jim Legans, Jr


Breakfast was a grilled cheese sandwich, topped with a sausage patty, two easy over eggs, and smothered with sausage gravy. It was good.

Eagle Keeper

OK, I give. What exactly does “bodaprez” mean?

I mean, I know who you mean … but what’s the significance?

Near’s I can tell, Ex-PH2 coined the term back in April. And when I was stationed W Germany in 80-82, somebody (on base, off base, I don’t remember) sold leather wine skins called boda bags … but …

Anyone? =8-/


bo = incumbent’s initials
da = the
prez = president

Kind of like jodaveep. Short, 2dapnt.


My female cat is conflicted I think. She wanders up to me, starts rubbing against my leg and purrs. When I reach down and pet her, she rubs harder, then bites my hand. Hard sometimes. The male shows affection without the bites. I’ll never figure cats. Had a Golden Retriever for 14 years and still miss her. Always knew what she was thinking – nothing. Stupid and sweet, really sweet. She had the cats snuggling up to her when it was cold. Cats never bit her.


Ex-PH2 the answer is 42. :)~

@43 IFCSguy-I think you answered your own question. You aren’t stupid and you aren’t sweet.

Remember-Dogs have owners, cats have staff.

Crimean War Protestor aka A Proud Infidel

Clams, I think “staff” is putting it lightly, more like “servants”!


The difference between cats and dogs is thus:

Dogs: Wow,look at all the toys! And places to sleep! And holy coyotes, critters to chase!

Cats: Everything here is mine.


I know you all despair of ever seeing whatshisname get his comeuppance, but I keep telling you to be patient. He has been, since before the 2012 election, “under a signature of potential deception and betrayal – either by him to the American public, and towards him by others. He is vulnerable to a series of poorly thought-out decisions, miscalculations, and even scandals from February 2013 through March 2015. His issues are almost entirely about trust, as one cover-up after another is revealed and proves to be embarrassing for him. As long as he is transparent and discloses all the details that the public needs to know in order to make an informed decision themselves, he prospers under these aspects. If not, then this soap opera will continue, and with it, his favorability and approval ratings will continue to fall to new lows, as they have steadily been doing since February.” – Not my prediction, someone else’s, starting back in the fall of 2012.

Since we all know that he’s a slacker and a dilettante and operates in an insulated cocoon, it’s unlikely that his pattern of behavior will change. It was established over an adult career of not really taking responsiblity for anything, including his brief term at the University of Chicago as a senior law lecturer: he turned the class over to the students. I’ve said before, he won’t finish his second term. Most likely, he’ll get fired. Keep your pants on.


As a backup for my ‘establishe pattern’ statement, the attached article dispells the ‘rock star’ stuff.

John Robert Mallernee

The lesbian waitress was dishonorably discharged from the United States Marine Corps, and at her previous job, lied about having brain cancer to solicit donations.
