Stolen Valor Down Under

| December 1, 2013

Grant Sutton

Mark sent us this link on Facebook to The Advertiser News in Australia about Grant Sutton who attended a Remembrance Day event with his buddies from Military Brotherhood, a military motorcycle club dressed as he is in the picture above.

When closely questioned that day by a true returned serviceman, who smelled a rat, Sutton even claimed he had served in East Timor with 6RAR.

But Army records reveal Sutton was discharged from the Army in 2000 because he was “unsuitable to be a soldier” and was only ever in the Army Reserve, mostly part-time for 11 years.

The veteran who confronted warehouse storeman Sutton later questioned him on Facebook and reported him to police after he admitted his deceit about his overseas service.

On Tuesday Sutton pleaded guilty to falsely representing himself to be a returned soldier and improper use of service decorations and was convicted and fined $2000.

I guess Stolen Valor is the same in all countries. When questioned about his service, he doubled down on the stupid instead of coming clean, and he hid out in a veterans’ motorcycle club.

Category: Phony soldiers

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B Woodman

As has been pointed out many times before, SV is just one symptom. One has to wonder what else goes on with this asshat?

And for the record, that vest looks like a South American general’s uniform.

Frankly Opinionated

Sounds so much like a phony SEAL and his non-caring Mil-Vet bike club, that we all know so well. I wonder if he had a smelly, overweight, drunken elitist covering for him, drawing fire, so to speak.


Uh-huh. Big medals make it look more legit. Sure does. Yeah.

A Proud Infidel

No, WAIT, look again…

Beret?,… CHECK!
Black leather vest?… CHECK!
Cheesy mustache (SOF wannabe type)… CHECK!
Rack of medals that would make a blind man squint?… CHECK!
Cheap $1 Store sunglasses?… CHECK!
Shit-eating “I could kill you with a thought” grin?…CHECK!
Black T-shirt w/Military anything?… CHECK!
And the vest, it looks brand new, GOTTA BE LEGIT!!!
His Mommy told him so!!!

Open Channel D

Jeebus, how many cigarettes to a pack in Oz?


About 100 ciggies, were pretty tough down ‘ere you know…

HS Sophomore

Well, good to see the US doesn’t have a lock on shitbaggery and stupidity. I was beginning to wonder.