Sunday Open Thread
It looks like a slow news day – Fox & Friends spent the last ten minutes talking about some Hollywood guy who crashed his car and died and how the Obamacare website still doesn’t work, so I’m going to IHOP for a pork-packed breakfast. Since the nearest IHOP is in Virginia, I’ll be out a couple of hours. So here you go – an open thread to cuss me out for being AWOL.
Category: Administrative
I was sitting on Curt´s shoulder when this former NCO in the East German Army told him the his life story. While this man was in the Volks Armee he used to enjoy being mean to those under his command. He told himself that this was a neccessary
thing to do to make sure that his soldiers would have no pity and be remorseless killers. So one day during a field exersice he was telling a new officer in the unit about how his older brother was impaled in a farming accident and survived. But as he began to go in to the details of the story one of his privates interrupted him and told the story for him. The NCO had been especially cruel to this private but the private knew the rest of the story because he had heard it from his father. The privates father was the surgeon who saved the brothers life. This day became the first day of a change in the world view of the NCO.
I was using this Newspaper dispenser to mark my terrirtory when I looked at one of the papers inside. If I understtod correctly it said something about new officers or maybe it was new soldiers wondering what the military of the future will have to be good at. These young people should know that there is a clear and present opportunity that is open to any idealistic person that hopes to serve America and the world.
This opportunity lies in plumbing. It should be the NUMBER ONE PRIORITY of Every LT. and every SGT. to learn how to manufacture, AND SELL, and install composting toiletts.
It is very hard for me to trust human beings. One of the causes of this distrust is that so many humans SHIT in to perfectly good drinking water. It should go with out saying, I have never shit in to fresh water even once in my life. Of course when humans are indoctrinated to do such a stupid thing from infancy and when huge amounts of resources are deployed to make sure that humans continue this stupid behavior until they die it is not surprising that they act like vandals. It will be a difficult job to change this behavior. But who better to do this important job than the people who wear uniforms.
I will not spend anytime explaning why you should fight and struggle to acheive such an important goal because I trust that is one task that you can figure out for yourself.
I will not object to anyone reprinting these comments. You could even enshrine them on your blog home page.
Anyone that needs a good laugh should read the reviews for the Samsung 85″ television. A guy at work was talking about, and it was funnier than any TAH career advisory tips.