Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell ends
So everyone is emailing us to let us know that Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell will end this week since the Senate voted to repeal the policy. The Stars & Stripes sent us this;
In a stunning turnaround, the Senate voted 65-31 Saturday to repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” law as soon as the White House and the Pentagon certify a plan to minimize any disruption to the armed services that may result from the abolition of the controversial law.
Too late, it’s already an unnecessary disruption – anything that has taken this long to resolve which has nothing to do with our national security is a disruption. The President emailed us this;
Jonn —
Moments ago, the Senate voted to end “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
When that bill reaches my desk, I will sign it, and this discriminatory law will be repealed.
Gay and lesbian service members — brave Americans who enable our freedoms — will no longer have to hide who they are.
The fight for civil rights, a struggle that continues, will no longer include this one.
This victory belongs to you. Without your commitment, the promise I made as a candidate would have remained just that.
Instead, you helped prove again that no one should underestimate this movement. Every phone call to a senator on the fence, every letter to the editor in a local paper, and every message in a congressional inbox makes it clear to those who would stand in the way of justice: We will not quit.
If only the President was this committed to fighting the war in Afghanistan to a successful conclusion. The only real upside to this whole discussion is that now dicksmith’s material has been cut to about a quarter. What will they have to talk about at VetVoice now?
Can we talk about something else now? Something important? Something like killing large numbers of our enemies who won’t tolerate gays either?
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues
When this administration is more worried about social justice in te military that winning the wars we are fighting I don’t really see the point in remaining. I will be tendering my resignation this summer after 27 years of service.
I will be tendering my resignation this summer after 27 years of service.
I saw this comment in response to similar sentiment on another blog and I think it’s true here as well…
You know what is irritating… while I 100% understand and support anyone who will now leave the military or refuse to join, because they don’t like the PC bullsh!t with which it has been infested, this then plays right into the Left’s hands.
Now, with conservatives leaving or not joining the military, it allows the Left/progressives to take it over and destroy it from within… just as they have done with the MF-ing media, with our grammar schools, high schools, universities, Hollywood, etc.
Just as they did with all those organizations, they are now going to take over the military and make it a liberal PC utopia. And, just as they don’t care about results in the other organizations (don’t care about facts in the MF-ing media, don’t care about education of children in schools and universities, don’t care about making money in Hollywood, so long as they get their message out, etc), they won’t care if the military becomes inefficient.
This is their goal. Take over the military from within, destroy it with PC bullsh!t.
If the Left truly cared about the military, they would fix voting laws that prevented deployed service members from voting. Instead, their first priority is DADT. Tells you all you need to know about the Left’s opinion of the military.
Can we talk about something else now? Something important? Something like killing large numbers of our enemies who won’t tolerate gays either? ========== Not so fast there, Jonn. Now that we have open homosexuals in the military, there are some questions to resolve: ===== What does “serving openly as a homosexual” mean? Will the personal opinion on homosexuality of a service member become an impediment to promotion or assignment to key billets? Are there any assignments to which homosexuals must be or may not be assigned? Will the Senate and the House Armed Services committees demand sexuality statistics to make certain that homosexuals are being promoted at the same rate as non-homosexuals? Will homosexuals be promoted at a faster rate to “compensate” for previous years of discrimination? What benefits will same-sex “partners” receive? How long must one have a relationship to qualify as a partner? Will partners of homosexuals be assigned to on-base housing? Do former partners of active duty homosexuals retain dependent benefits (like a divorced spouse) when divorce is not a legal option? Will homosexual service members be permitted to date each other? Live with each other as partners in bachelor officer quarters (BOQ) or bachelor enlisted quarters (BEQ)? How does this affect fraternization regulations? Will homosexuals be deployed to countries where homosexuality is a crime? If not, who picks up the slack? ===== As I have speculated all along, the next step is to use the military to push forward with repeal of DOMA. The LGBT movement will start having their homosexuals in the military start complaining about getting marriage benefits and housing, etc. The military will refuse, since same-sex marriage does not exist. So the LGBT movement will say that we need to repeal DOMA in order to give our openly homosexual military members the same “rights” as the married military members. So this is not over by a long shot. Starting JAN 2011, the talk will be about homosexual couples in the military being denied the same “rights” as married couples in the military. This isn’t the end, this is just the beginning. That is… Read more »
> I will be tendering my resignation this summer after 27 years of service.
Yep, my husband hits 20 next year. We are running for the exits. He said he went through all the sensitivity training and EO classes for female and minority soldiers. He is NOT sitting through sensitivity training for someones bedroom behavior. Don’t the guys deal with enough crap right now with multiple deployments and “reintegration?”
Personally, I don’t believe that homosexuality is a normal function, and I can’t accept the idea that it is the natural way things should have evolved, but, somehow, I can’t help but believe that America is faced with far more important issues than who is wearing lacy pink panties under their BDUs.
TexasFred: Very well put.
Frankly, it appears that America is becoming minority rule and the majority can just “suck it.”
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by DanRiehl and A Proud Veteran. A Proud Veteran said: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell ends Via This Ain't Hell […]
Michael pretty much summed it up. Yeah, the EO training will be really fun. And I can’t help but notice that the veterans who favored repeal all came from occupations that have nothing to do with actually fighting and winning wars. Patrick Murphy must be pleased.
Michael in MI and melle1228:
Buh bye.
Door. Ass. Do the math.
jfxgillis – How very mature of you.
Yeah can’t wait to see the 24% of gay men and women that sign up to make up for those that said they are leaving..Oh wait, gay men and women don’t even make up 3%– that’s right.. Now what again was the payoff to repeal DADT?
I know, I know…losing experience operators, soldiers and marines so that Biff can tell everyone he has a boyfriend.. Brilliant absolutely brilliant…. (not to be confused with the clap>
I can do better. How’s this:
The USA is a better country with a stronger military with bigots like Michael and melle’s husband sitting on their asses getting drunk at an American Legion post railing about the faggots taking over than it is with bigots like them running around with guns in their hands and a license to kill issued by the U.S. government in my name as a citizen.
Michael doesn’t want to serve in the military anymore and I want him out of the military. Sounds like a win/win situation.
I wouldn’t worry about jfxgillis. Looking at his blog, he writes about once a month and he’s stupendously wrong on each of his analysis. And it looks like he’s a draft dodger. Another social justice warrior who has never spent a day in uniform.
A 24% reduction in military personnel sounds good. Could you make it 50%, please?
Nope. Got lucky with my lottery number.
Although the funny thing is, I’m in favor of a draft now, for exactly the reason that Michael himself implies. The military should reflect the country as a whole, not simply the values of right-wing authoritarian militarists and related “conservatives.”
So you didn’t serve, waiting for your number to come up, but now that you’re too old to be drafted, you think it’s fine for the rest of us. AND you want the professional soldiers, the institutional knowledge, to leave the military to satisfy your sense of justice. AND you think you’re intelligent.
Boy, reading Time magazine once when you were nine is really working out for you.
>sitting on their asses getting drunk at an American Legion
My husband doesn’t drink.. you assume with stereotypes- does that make you a bigot?
>railing about the faggots taking over
Nope, my husband could care less about gays serving in the military as many are currently serving right now. The issue is the affirmative position the military will take on gays serving in the military. Once this happens, gays become a “protected” class. Protected classes may be tolerable in a civilian world, but they are hell on a team environment-especially one that involves daily life or death decisions. You just didn’t wait to find out his reasons. You’re one of those types that cries racism, homophobia (fill in the blank) to shut up debate.
I wasn’t aware that serving in the Military was a “civil right”. Look for every handicapped person in the states with a hard-on for the armed services to try and join then sue when they are told no. Fat-ass in the Army? Thats a “handicap” according to most. Good luck with that.
jfxgillis, having never served, misses the whole point of the military. it is not like the civilian world and cannot function like it. Trying to shoehorn whatever mores and values that you may have or think society should have onto it will only degrade it and our countries ability to defend itself.
Crap is already starting:
Warren Arbury of Savannah, Ga., served in the Army for seven years, including three combat tours, before being kicked out two years ago under “don’t ask, don’t tell.” But he said he planned to re-enlist once the policy is officially abolished.
“As soon as they give me the go, I’m going to march into the recruiter’s office,” he said. “And I want retroactive pay and rank.”
I’m not in military and has not serve in any military branch but I oppose the Congressional repealing of DADT policy.
Now we’ll have the DADT ban lifted, what it will mean for the entire US military in the next few years?
Will we see a large drop-off of quality recruits and enlistment from all over the USA in the next year or so?
Will we see an increasing number of “in-your-face” openly gay people into the military?
Will we see a huge uptick of conduct unbecoming and other improper conducts by openly gay personnel toward straight personnel and among themselves throughout the US military?
Will security clearance procedures and background checks become more stricter than ever before? (Military do not wanted another Bradley Manning or a vindictive gay man/woman among its ranks)
Will this lead to letting transgendered people into serving the US military eventually?
Will unit cohesion be seriously affected in the face of adversity or dangerous combat situations along with openly gay soldiers?
Will the enemies of the USA deploy their gay or lesbian personnel to undermine our service personnel via homosexual or erotic overtures in order to find out our national defense secrets or orders?
I am sure there are questions and concerns out there. The US military is not a democracy but the arsenal of our republic and it should not be a place for social engineering experiments. It’s all the doings of George Soros’ Open Society initiatives.
“So you didn’t serve, waiting for your number to come up, but now that you’re too old to be drafted, you think it’s fine for the rest of us.”
“… you want the professional soldiers, the institutional knowledge, to leave the military to satisfy your sense of justice.”
“… you think you’re intelligent.
Ok… I have a question. DADT was drafted to allow gays and lesbians to serve in the military, as long as they kept it to themselves. It circumvented US Title and code something or another. I don’t know the exact section, but I’m sure somebody here does.
Now that DADT has been repealed, aren’t they (gays) now subject to the formal code? The only way to change that is by an act of Congress, not Presidential decree.
Seems to me, gays were better off under DADT.
And before somebody gets their knickers in a twist, I have a gay brother and BIL and a lesbian SIL and her partner. I don’t care about your sexuality, as long as I don’t have to watch.
“[the military] is not like the civilian world and cannot function like it.”
Which is exactly why the Founders and Framers instituted civilian control of the military and, oh yeah, exactly why they prohibited standing armies.
Why can’t you Tea-Party ignorati running around in the funny hats with the Gasdsen’s flag and all ever harken back to that particular bit of irrelevant 18th century trivia?
If the founders had known that there’d be draft-dodging, smelly, pot-smoking, Starbucks-drinking, pseudo-intellectuals-who-read-a-Time-magazine-once hippies (like you) turning this country back into Europe, they probably wouldn’t have bothered with a Revolution.
And, oh, that quote isn’t from anything I wrote. That glaucoma must be flaring up again…time for you to light another doobie.
People like jfxgillis prove without a doubt that our concerns about DODT are valid.
It’s funny how people who have never served tell those of us who have how we should run the military.
Nice blog, jfx — did you do that all by your little widdle self?
Sorry, DADT.
You can do better than that, can’t you? Other than the Starbucks reference, it’s like I’m having an acid flashback to the ’60s.
Or are you practicing for a seat at the American Legion bar I had reserved for Michael?
>Which is exactly why the Founders and Framers instituted civilian control
Good JFX, now tell me what George Washington’s Army did to homosexuals since you are relying on the founders and the framers to make your case…..
“It’s funny how people who have never served tell those of us who have how we should run the military.”
The military doesn’t run the military. The military follows orders.
Let’s go over this again. The CONSTITUTION is what empowers people like me to tell people like you how to run the military. My side won 365 Electoral votes in 2008 and your side …. didn’t.
When you win 270 or more Electoral votes in 2012, which you very well may, then you get to run the military.
I am, however, distantly related to the famous Dorothy Sampson, a woman who served in disguise under Washington’s command.
Really? When has Democrats EVER concerned themselves with the Constitution. There are 18 enumerated powers given to Congress, which one gives them the power to force someone to buy healthcare? If you say the commerce clause, you would be wrong.
They court martialed them and then publically “drummed” them out of the military. Drummed being literally following them with the drums and fifers all the way out of the camp, so that everyone knew his crime.
“When has Democrats EVER concerned themselves with the Constitution. ”
When it suits our agenda. Same as you, as this very thread demonstrates.
“If you say the commerce clause, you would be wrong.”
Okay. The taxing power. Next?
“They court martialed them and then publically “drummed” them out of the military.”
After which they no doubt joined the Navy.
As a nation and a military, we will regret this.
>Okay. The taxing power. Next?
The taxing power can force citizens to buy a product?
>Same as you, as this very thread demonstrates
Nope, I know the Congress & the CinC makes policy. I disagree with their decision as is my right as a citizen. My husband will render his opinion when he decides he is done serving as is his right(service is voluntary).
>After which they no doubt joined the Navy.
Now that is actually funny! See I give you credit when credit is due!
Slow moral decay is sad to watch. I wonder if the Romans had the same thoughts.
“Will the personal opinion on homosexuality of a service member become an impediment to promotion or assignment to key billets? Are there any assignments to which homosexuals must be or may not be assigned?
Will the Senate and the House Armed Services committees demand sexuality statistics to make certain that homosexuals are being promoted at the same rate as non-homosexuals? Will homosexuals be promoted at a faster rate to “compensate” for previous years of discrimination?”
More importantly, how many servicemen will be discharged because higher-ups want to kowtow to the newest special minority?
54% of my recruiting office’s poolees (people who have contracted and are just waiting for their date to leave for boot camp, for anyone unfamiliar with the term) didn’t show for a mandatory poolee function today. Now, I’m not saying this decision did or did not have any impact on that number, but I wonder how many of them will be formally leaving the program after today… While I won’t be one of them, I rather suspect any chance of me making a career out of the military just died. Personal issues with toeing political lines and ignoring the anti-heterosexual discrimination that will be particularly rampant in the next few years (before settling down to a steady, institutionalized discrimination) will be a problem. I can’t help not liking that sort of thing, but I doubt Congress will be willing to change policy to suit my likes and dislikes. After all, I’m not a statistically insignificant minority demanding Congress ignore roughly half of all combat troops’ concerns about a drop in combat efficiency.
Some points:
1) A lot of talk about what makes a partner for benefits. Same thing as it does for straight couples- a marriage. The military sure didn’t give my committed straight partner of years health insurance.
2) I promise you there is more improper behavior from straight males to straight females in the military that there could ever be in a hundred years from gay soldiers.
3) Enemies of the USA do not have secret gay sex reserves waiting in readiness for the day we repeal DADT to sex our new openly gay soldiers up. This only happens in someone’s really repressed fantasies. They do, however, have spies already that try to seduce secrets out. Amazingly, most of them are straight!
4) Servicemembers already live in military quarters together, because we have both men and women in the military. Amazingly, the fraternization thing manages to survive.
5) Servicemembers are also deployed to countries where premarital sex, whistling on a Tuesday, and women driving are crimes. Somehow, this never manages to affect deployment. Why do you think it will be different for gays?
“The taxing power can force citizens to buy a product?”
Sure. In fact, it can buy health care coverage, which is what Medicare taxes are all about.
“See I give you credit when credit is due!”
Thanks. Might be a good time for me to sign off on that more pleasant note.
With DADT Repealed, is there any valid reason remaining for sexual separation in the showers?????
I won’t waste my time by checking out Denny dumbphucks, (jfx), blog. He is probably creaming his jeans at the sitemeter hits he has gotten from his idiotic comments on this post.
Am I the only one who feels like saying “This is Spartaaaa!!!”?
1: the showers won’t change.
2: open homosexuality will be the same as open heterosexuality, minus the marriage thing.
> open homosexuality will be the same as open heterosexuality, minus the marriage thing
Hate to rain on your parade, but a lawyer will make mincemeat out of the fact that the military recognizes legal marriages. That it now accepts homosexuality; it has no compelling legal reason to discriminate from recognizing legal homosexual marriages. To not recognize legal homosexual marriage but recognize legal heterosexual marriage is blantantly discriminatory more so than homosexuals not serving(which has some legal basis on mission). In order to discriminate, you must prove to the court that there is a compelling reason why you do that. Once your organization recognizes the fact that hetero same as homo then everything is the same. Make no mistake this was one of the reasons they went after DADT, so they could backdoor DOMA.
“1: the showers won’t change.
2: open homosexuality will be the same as open heterosexuality, minus the marriage thing.”
Gender segregation in showers, bunks, and the like exists to separate each group from the object of its lust, no? Given the definition of homosexual means the group lusts for itself, how, exactly, can that principle be applied to homosexuals of either gender?
Wow…I leave for a few hours and jfx comes in and starts shitting on the carpet. What’s next, son? Scooting your ass on it to make sure you’ve got it all off?
Of course you don’t mind instituting a draft. Kinda like a kid who’s in favor of abortion now that he’s been born.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and venture to guess that there have been a SHITLOAD more people shown the door since 1993 for reasons other than the fact they like sucking dick–reasons such as bodyfat/PFT failures, adultery, sexual harassment (real or not–and some were, quite frankly, bullshit), other medical issues, etc., etc.
These folks aren’t going to be coming back, and many of them were valuable members. So why is it that someone with 23 percent bodyfat all of a sudden is less desirable than someone who can’t wait to tell everyone he likes it in the ass?
Care to discuss that? Oh wait–standards. You want them, until you realize you can’t meet them. Got it.
I foresee many a good career getting cut short when the gay soldiers wishing to flex a little PC muscle start filing discrimination charges against their straight supervisors. Anybody who has been in a leadership position has had to endure these sort of Equal Opportunity charges when one soldier gets selected promotion over another or Joe Shit the Ragman is pissed because he got put on ass and trash detail. My best defense was the that anytime somebody logged one of those against me and EEO looked into it they came back and said no basis, hell he’s screwed everybody at least once it seems.
I also am not so sure we have as much to fear from the gays in military as we do an eager and overzealous media who will digging for any story they can find to headline allegations of physical assault against gay members, perceived slights in promotions or assignments or discrepancy in duties. The media is the gay community’s biggest weapon, and just like they will give time and face time to those who protest against the military they will also push the agenda from outside using service members as their tools.
No, the next step is going to be barrage of stories detailing all the atrocities against gays in the military in the lefts further attempts to marginalize the only institution that most Americans still have confidence in.
Hey anyone see our favorite poster boy Danny Boy Choi? With all his attention whoring, I’m stunned we have yet to see him all over the media, with tears in his eyes, sniff sniff, full of emotion at today’s events.
He got his obligatory post on Huffington Post 30 minutes after the anouncement.
Good luck to the unit that gets him when he returns to service.
Ah, gotta check that one out Daniel.
Good luck indeed. The sad thing is, he’s the kinda guy that rubs people the wrong way no matter what his sexual orientation is. Yet he can always use that as a crutch.
The media is the gay community’s biggest weapon, and just like they will give time and face time to those who protest against the military they will also push the agenda from outside using service members as their tools. No, the next step is going to be barrage of stories detailing all the atrocities against gays in the military in the lefts further attempts to marginalize the only institution that most Americans still have confidence in. ========== Yep. The MF-ing media will definitely be using this issue as another way to smear the military. In the same way that CAIR makes up bullsh!t about how Muslims are supposedly experiencing ‘hate crimes’ and discrimination, I’m sure GLAAD and other LGBT groups will now be putting out polls and made-up bullsh!t stories about how homosexuals are experiencing ‘hate crimes’ and discrimination. The MF-ing media has no qualms about making up a BS story about a Koran in a toilet to smear the US Marines, there’s no telling what BS stories about homosexuals they’ll make up to smear the US military. And as I and melle1228 mentioned earlier, this was a way to get started on repeal of DOMA, since open homosexual couples who consider themselves “married” will want the same benefits/rights/perks as married couples. The military will deny them that and then the LGBT movement will move on repeal of DOMA, using the military as the tool to do so. 1) A lot of talk about what makes a partner for benefits. Same thing as it does for straight couples – a marriage. The military sure didn’t give my committed straight partner of years health insurance. Heterosexuals who are committed to one another are married. Those who are not married are dating or in a relationship. Homosexuals who are committed to one another do not currently have a legal institution for that commitment. Thus, the military will not be giving them marriage benefits/rights/perks, simply based on their word they are in a committed relationship, any more than they would take the word of two heterosexuals who claimed they were in a committed… Read more »