Wikileaks: Cuba didn’t like the propaganda in “Sicko”

| December 18, 2010

The Guardian reports that one Wikileak-released State Department cable discussed the Cuban reaction to Michael Moore’s Oscar-nominated (for the lack of a better word) documentary “Sicko”, supposedly a comparison of the US health care system and that of the Caribbean island.

Cuba banned Michael Moore’s 2007 documentary, Sicko, because it painted such a “mythically” favourable picture of Cuba’s healthcare system that the authorities feared it could lead to a “popular backlash”, according to US diplomats in Havana.

The revelation, contained in a confidential US embassy cable released by WikiLeaks , is surprising, given that the film attempted to discredit the US healthcare system by highlighting what it claimed was the excellence of the Cuban system.

But the memo reveals that when the film was shown to a group of Cuban doctors, some became so “disturbed at the blatant misrepresentation of healthcare in Cuba that they left the room”.

Castro’s government apparently went on to ban the film because, the leaked cable claims, it “knows the film is a myth and does not want to risk a popular backlash by showing to Cubans facilities that are clearly not available to the vast majority of them.”

Most of the readers here probably aren’t shocked by these revelations, but why would the government keep revelations like this quiet? Unless there is an agenda at work.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Health Care debate

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Southern Class

Jonn asked: “,,,,,but why would the government keep revelations like this quiet?”
Very simple explanation here. Michael Moore is a tool of the Mossad, who wants to keep things stirred up in the USA, so that the JOOOOS can bring their doctors and insurance companies imto the US Healthcare system. To let the Cuban citizenry see the docufantasy would cause them to make so much noise that we here in the South of Florida would hear them.
No great mystery, Jonn.

Don Carl

I bet Mikey really regrets donating to Assange’s bail right about now…



He wrote a nice piece on HuffPo saying that the document shows that the State Department was telling lies to make their bosses happy.

It is a great scam isn’t it. If the wikileaks documents support your cause they are the definitive truth but if they don’t support the cause it’s more evidence of government dishonesty.

Brilliant I tell you brilliant there is no way not to support your cause.

Just Plain Bob

I liked “Sicko”, because it does show that somehow we let industry take over healthcare, largely (IMO) because they convinced us that doing otherwise socialism would be our lot in life.

If we followed the healthcare industry’s reasoning, then police, fire, and air traffic control should also be out-sourced, privatized, and user fee based. Why didn’t anybody bitch about airport security being taken over by TSA? Isn’t that socialism?

But the thing that chaps my ass is that all of the people I know who were bitching about “Obama-care” here in town were retirees who are taken care of by medicare or the VA.

And yes, Cuban healthcare is a myth. And Canada’s isn’t so swell, either, especially if you live in a province like BC.

Michael in MI

Why didn’t anybody bitch about airport security being taken over by TSA? Isn’t that socialism?

Most conservatives I know have not liked the TSA since it was implemented. My stance — and that of most others I know — is that the airlines should hire their own private security with minimum standards to be set by the government. Then flyers can make their choice based on with which airline they feel the most comfortable. If one airline wants to pay for the minimum security necessary, so be it. If another airline wants to pay for maximum security and use that as a selling point, so be it. But there is no reason government should be in control of airport security.

If we had no choice and government had to be in control, then the requirements on becoming a TSA employee should be as strict as those to become a cop, fireman, military member. There should be thorough background checks, security clearances, etc.

And yes, Cuban healthcare is a myth. And Canada’s isn’t so swell, either, especially if you live in a province like BC.

Neither is the British NHS, another of the universal healthcare systems the Left always touts as a brilliant model to follow.

Michael in MI

I liked “Sicko”, because it does show that somehow we let industry take over healthcare, largely (IMO) because they convinced us that doing otherwise socialism would be our lot in life.

Well, who would you rather have in charge of healthcare? The healthcare industry which actually knows something about healthcare and answers to their customers… or 535 politicians who answer only to their largest campaign contributors and know absolutely jack squat about healthcare (or much or anything, as they don’t read bills, don’t write bills, don’t comprehend the bills they vote on and don’t do much of anything except bitch about wanting to go home to their families because instead of using from JAN 2009 to OCT 2010 to do their fucking jobs, they wait until 2 weeks before Christmas to bother to do anything)?

Personally, I’ll stick with the healthcare industry, as imperfect as it may be. Utopia is not possible and improvements can always be made. But to scrap our entire industry and change it to a proven failed socialism model and put our healthcare in the hands of 535 idiot politicians? That’s just plain idiotic beyond belief.


Moore’s attempted rebutal falls short. The State department cable was dated 1 January Whereas Moore’s claimed showing of the film was alleged to have been 28 April, same year. So even if Moore’s claim are legitimate,it still does not refute the State Department cable.


I’ll go with agenda….


Bob I resent the partial use of my nick name.

I’ll have to find the story, but last year several patients in a mental institution froze to death. I guess all those people building rafts going south to Cuba for good healthcare.


Here is a good pic of Cuban healthcare.