Holiday Open Thread

| January 1, 2025

Happy New Years! If this post has freshly dropped, it’s because the East Coast just rang in 2025. Congratulations for completing another year. This year could very well live up to being promising, with a new administration set to take over. If you’re still out, be safe. Make it back in one piece so that you could join us with making 2025 memories.

Category: Open thread

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May I be the FIRST to wish ALL of the TAH Family a Most Wondermously Happy, Healthy, Safe, Prosperous New Year!

Trump is not going to save America…It will be up to Americans to save America…Prepare

Green Thumb

You beat, me! Turd.


Had my eye on the prize and Little CocoPuffy Puppy snuggled close for when the fireworks went off in the ‘hood. Had a feeling he might freak out (he did) and that the HOT might drop right about midnight. Score a 1st FIRST of the New Year for the Gun Bunny.

Green Thumb

I just took a moonshine shot and wandered in the room….


Sipping on a Frosty Yuengling and some stump “Apple Pie”, chilling with the pupper. One day Imma gonna show them hood rats what a real fireworks show is and give them an Earth Shattering KA-BOOOOM…or 12.


I’d love to see that old school fowling piece of yours in action KoB. Every time I go to Gettysburg or other battles, I’m in awe of what they managed with those old wheeled muzzle loaders.. I’d be happy to be part of the gun crew if any opportunity ever arose.


I’d be proud and just pleased as tickled pink punch to have ya, Fry. Run you thru a few Bunny Hop Drills and put a lanyard in your hand. Full disclosure…you may have some physical side effects that may cause some swelling in one of your extremities. A gun line of pieces parked nearly hub to hub is indeed an awesome sight. Seen 75+ guns booming away on a number of occasions. Speaks to the courage of men that could stand shoulder to shoulder and cross an open field in the face of that, knowing what the outcome could be. Malvern Hill and Gettysburg are two places in particular that the only thing that saved the Union Army was the skill of the gunners on tearing huge holes into the lines.


I went to the big reenactment battle of Gettysburg one year. They reportedly had 105 artillery pieces that year. Around 50 on each side. There were supposedly about 25,000 reenactors attending that one.


In ’88 during the 125th there were 75 guns lined up on the Johnny Reb side. Not nearly as many on the Federal line, but it was a bunch, , exact number I don’t recall, somewhere near 50+. I helped with the deployment of the Confederate Guns and caissons, working with a Battery until my Regiment went in with the Infantry. Numbers suggest that “Pickett’s Charge” was over 50% scale in that there were nearly 10K lined up for the assault. When the 2 signal guns fired, the entire line erupted in unison, then several volleys of ripple fire, before going into by battery then independent fires. Awesome as all hell until one reflected on what damage would be done if there were projectiles in those pieces…gave pause for thought as we marched across that open field and the Federal guns opened up. Later years didn’t have the same #s from what I saw. The 150th was splintered by having 2 separate “National Events”. I’m sure that you and I were on a number of fields back yonder. Coulda even shared a pull or 2 from the flasks I carried. Good Times!


got some DELICIOUS apple pie moonshine downstairs, but decided to forgo for tonight.. just went with a few beers i was gifted on Christmas..

Mark L.

Trump is not going to save America…It will be up to Americans to save America…Prepare

America is the most prosperous and richest country to exist in the history of human existence. And it’s been that way for decades, which is incredible considering there are more countries in existence than ever before.

What exactly do we need saving from?


Happy new year.


And Bless Your Heart


Being spent into oblivion immediately comes to mind.
Happy new year to you and yours.

Green Thumb

From The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics)!

RGR 4-78

Socialism/communism = a few rich elites and the vast majority equally poor.


Fucktards like you for one, Marky L..


OK, who had KoB on their betting card for FIRST FIRST of 2025?

(Practically everyone.)

Green Thumb

Happy New Year, TAH!


Happy New Year’s freaks

And in before anybody else

“ Mark L. Works Balls, but not nearly as good as his mentor and personal trainer, Phil Monkress.”

Last edited 2 months ago by ChipNASA
Mark L.

Shit NASA thinking about balls so much you’d think he’s Pac Man.


Oooohhhhjj sick burn 🔥 Mark. 😂🥹

OK, OK I’ll be completely honest. I’ll give you this one, I snerked. A little.

And just because there is absolutely no other reference to Pac-Man in the entire entirety of 10 pages of, The As(s)teroid of Insults®™, (aka, “This Ain’t Hell” Thesaurus), you just earned yourself an entry.
Who says I’m not firm but fair. 🧐🤓


Happy New Year, or as I call it “Arbitrarily Decided Calendar Replacement Day”.
Aka “Rookie Drinking Night”.

Safe and Prosperous to you and yours.

Now stop trying to sing Auld Lang Syne, the 5 people alive that know the lyrics are asleep.

Edit: being treated to nature’s fireworks in the form of one heck’va lightning storm right meow. Com’on Zeus, yous a *itch and won’t hit the nasty neighbor’s new truck!

Last edited 2 months ago by Roh-Dog
RGR 4-78

“Rookie Drinking Night”

Working New Year’s Eve or St. Patrick’s Day night of the pub crawls always promised numerous MVAs some of which were accompanied by somewhat amusing excuses from the drivers.


The station I worked at for a long time was in a “special” part of town.. and coming up on those nights, friends and family asked me regularly if I was ready for a crazy night, and I said Nah, those are amateur nights, and everyone that live where I work is a pro… ( Cinco de Mayo, or Cinco de Stupid as we referred to it was another thing entirely..)

RGR 4-78

I worked the “special ” part of town for many years. The interstate from the little big city to the south was like a spider’s web catching the stupid.

Cop; How much have you had to drink young lady?

Young lady strapped to a long spine board: Toooooooooooooo Muuuuuuch!


I recall rolling up on a similar scene.

Engine was already there, “eager to please” probie had checked out a guy who’d wrecked his bike, and was more than happy to give report when we showed up on the ambo. His report/ assessment was pretty good, until he got to the part where he said “no alcohol”.

I walked over to the guy who was sitting on the curb and swaying. As I was more familiar with the neighborhood than the probie, I walked up and asked “Hey amigo, quantos cervezas”.. to which he broke into a wide grin and happily told me ” Twenty-four”…

( a quick check of why his arms in his jean jacket seemed so much bigger than his skinny body would suggest revealed that he had an additional three cans of beer stuffed into each sleeve.)

Slow Joe

Present…i tikn
Wreher is myt beewr?


Joe, did you find some real beer, or still drinking that sex in a canoe swill??

Amateur Historian

Happy New Year from from MSTy Mountains!!!


There are many of us who are not here now. There are many of us who never came home. It is our duty to honor them by living our lives to the fullest. Happy New Year!


Officially make MRD and mandatory retirement today.


NOTE: The news said the FBI will have a press conference at 17:00 Zulu about those murders on Bourbon Street this morning.


Happy New Year all.

Mrs. GB and I were asleep when this dropped so nolo contesto for the prize.


Just because…

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