No good news for Trump

| September 14, 2024 | 107 Comments


Regardless of whether Trump claims he swept the debate, and that everyone SAYS he did, it seems from here that he is seriously mistaken. Now, there are quite a few allegations swirling that Kamala Harris got quite preferential treatment, which would certainly skew the results. The gist is that whenever Trump said something remotely fallacious, the ABC hosts immediately challenged it, but when Harris did the same, they just ignored whatever she said and acted as if it were Gospel truth, even if demonstrably false.

A former adviser to Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton has called on ABC to launch an internal investigation about whether there was an effort from its news division to rig Tuesday’s presidential debate in favor of Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris.

Mark Penn, a pollster and senior adviser for the Clintons from 1995-2008 and co-chair of the Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, told the “John Solomon Reports” podcast Thursday that “suspicion is really quite high” and a review of internal texts and emails should be done by an independent party to find out whether there was an effort to rig the debate’s outcome.

“I actually think they should do a full internal investigation, hire an outside law firm. I don’t know how much of this was planned in advance,” Penn said, according to Just the News. “I don’t know what they told the Harris campaign.

“I think the day after, suspicion here is really quite high, and I think a review of all their internal texts and emails really should be done by an independent party to find out to what extent they were planning on, in effect, you know, fact-checking just one candidate and in effect, rigging the outcome of this debate. I think the situation demands nothing less than that.”

In an editorial Penn wrote with Andrew Stein, a former Democrat New York City Council president, which was published Thursday in The Wall Street Journal, it appeared to them that ABC News’ debate moderators, David Muir and Linsey Davis, “had decided in advance” they were going to fact check Trump but not Harris.   Newsmax

Y’know, if I had seen this on Breitbart, I would have “yeah, yeahed” it and gone on my way. But a senior Clinton aide?  Not exactly a MAGA source, now, is it?

Given that the usual criticism I hear of Trump in the debate was “he was caught lying” and “she got under his skin and threw him off base” – could this have been a cogent issue? Ah, yes.

(Now if Trump would stick strictly to the literal verifiable truth, that certainly would also help. But Harris should have been called on several of her claims, such as that the 2025 Project is Trumps, that he favors banning abortion 100%, etc.  Makes you understand why Trump says he will not debate Harris again …no one would with a biased forum such as is alleged.)

Maybe he should refer to things like this?

A video from 2019 surfaced last week showing Harris declaring her support for removing police officers from schools in an effort to “demilitarize” campuses during her time as a California senator.  Fox News

Apropos in light of recent school shootings stopped by school police officers. Or maybe challenge Harris on her recent attempts to  portray herself as a gun owner (yeah, right – Model? Maker? Caliber? When did you last fire it?)

“And then this business about taking everyone’s guns away, Tim Walz and I are both gun owners,” Vice President Harris stated. “We’re not taking anyone’s guns away. So stop with the continuous lying about this stuff.”

Podcast host and former Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly jumped in, too. “KH: we’re not taking anyone’s guns away. Truth: She is literally on camera saying she supports a mandatory buy-back program.”

Kyle Smith posted on X about the vice president’s track record on gun confiscation as well.

“Um Harris did support mandatory gun confiscation aka ‘buybacks’ and the people deserve an explanation of why she has reversed course on this, ABC News.” Smith posted a Bloomberg News article after his comment with the headline “Kamala Harris Supports Mandatory Buyback of Assault Weapons.” Buckeye Firearms

Attack her on facts, Trump, not her race. News on Friday says various sources are pegging her as getting a bounce from the debate and leading Trump overall on electoral votes for the first time.  Trump, of course, says his polls say he swept the polls instead. I suspect hers (CNN, YouGov and SoCal Strategies) are biased, but at least are named. His are probably equally as biased – I’d like to see their names too.

Category: 2024 Election, Kamala Harris, Politics, Trump!

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Hack Stone

Polls in September don’t mean squat. It’s the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November that counts, and despite Hillary Clinton’s bitching, it is electoral votes, not the popular vote, that determines the winner. Anyone who doesn’t know that by now has just fallen out of a coconut tree. (Insert annoying giggle here)

Major Tuddy

Came here to say that. ✌️


I wonder if the former Clinton advisor wanting an investigation isn’t doing so at the request of the Clinton’s. Yeah, both rich and ironic at the same time. Maybe uncover some shenanigans that went on (again, rich and ironic) to oust kamala and present herself as a viable option for candidate. Neither one was voted for in the the last primary, so it would be business as usual for the democrats. Talk about a constitutional crisis.

Cacles or cankles. What a choice.


Actually no. The Clintons tossed him out after the 2008 failed primary election and he went through a big, public, rightward swing. Really it was more a case of Dems going far left and him not liking it. He was one of the early ones that threw the BS flag on the whole Russian Collusion thing years before it was over.

He supported Desantis for a 2024 run, which of course he didn’t do. He is a big opponent to deep state and after the Dems went far left started railing against it.


Politicians lie, it is what they do, it’s how they get elected. Here they only fact checked one. It’s like the teacher only graded one paper and just gave the other person an “A+” without even reading it.

Fact checking aside the other problem Trump had what that Kamala posted all of her new positions the day before the debate. Even if he wanted to he really could not have got up to speed that fast considering how much she claims to have changed. Certain things she just straight up lied about her position like the gun thing where she still has posts everywhere supporting the AWB.

The one opening they gave Trump on all of her lying and hypocrisy he squandered it because he was so focused on beating her over the head with immigration. Immigration is a big issue but there is a lot more going on than that. Honestly though I don’t think anyone who owns a so called assault rifle is the least bit interested in supporting her.

Last edited 4 days ago by 5JC

“…launch an internal investigation…” Bwahahahahahahaha Ray Charles could see that the “debate” was rigged. And he is not only blind, he’s dead, Jim.

I don’t give a damn what the polls say, or who is gonna vote which way, I tell you now…Trump WILL NOT be elected, TPTB learned their lesson in ’16 and proved their control of the (s)election process in ’20. All we are seeing now is the going thru the motions of “preserving democracy”.

When Kum-Hella is installed in 2025, you can kiss America good bye. Watch…and…Prepare!


IDK, as near as I can tell it’s all going to come down to Pennsylvania. Both candidates are working their ass off in that state. Harris leads by 0.1%. which is to say it’s a dead even tie. If any major cheating happens is going to happen there.


Came across this article. I’m sure those that will cheat will find a way around it, or file an appeal.


It’s good to live in Pennsylvania.
Just as in 2016,
when ALL the polls had Hillary Clinton up by 5% – 10%.
And we all saw how that turned out.


Back then:

Last edited 3 days ago by Anonymous

For all the excuses the Trump side are making -she had the questions! she had bluetooth earrings! the moderators were on her side!- the simple truth is that Harris wasn’t some vision of excellence in the debate… it was that Trump was a train wreck.

No amount of brilliant-advisors-in-a-war-room whispering in her ear could make his answers so bad. I’m betting some of his advisors have concussions from facepalming so hard when he said, after talking about replacing Obamacare since way back in 2015 that now, after all that time, he has a concept of a plan. Well, gosh, color us impressed.

The best I can say is that his performance in this debate was a cross-the-aisle homage to Biden’s in the previous one.


I don’t see how that changes how many times Harris was fact checked during the debate for all of her lies?

I think the best part of her vision was when she called Trump “old”. Since she will be officially “elderly” on October 20th. Other than that I didn’t see shit.

There’s no economic plan to save social security, balance the budget or end the insane levels of debt.

There’s no plan to secure the border.

There’s no plan to secure Europe (not that it’s our job anyway)

There’s no plan to secure Israel. (as above)

There’s no plan to reduce crime (which by the way was another lie she told at the debate, Trump was correct about them lying about the crime stats, LA, NYC and Chicago are no longer providing crime stats so it makes crime look lower and it isn’t)

So please tell us at the debate what vision she showed us that was so much better? Anything of substance would be useful.


Hey 60 is only elderly if you let yourself go and become an old fart. “ Don’t let the old man in”.


With her it isn’t the age, it’s the miles.


Yeah, she looks like 60 miles of bad road. Speaking of road…she also looks like she has been rode hard…and put up wet.


Actually, about 31% of the 18,000 state and local law enforcement agencies country-wide did not report their crime stats to the FBI. That is why FBI numbers are worthless.


There are always a few non-reporters but the big cities pulling out made a huge difference. They did that as soon as Biden was installed in office. If they had tried that under Trump they would probably be working under a consent decree.


This is a completely false statement. Did you not read the entire transcript of the debate, or watch the entire debate itself? Kamala Harris got her a* handed to her. It did not matter that she had two other people helping her out; with the moderation team basically ambushing Donald Trump, Harris got pulverized. It was painfully obvious, not just to Republicans but to those in the middle, the moderators were biased. Remember, most Republicans, and Democrats, have their minds made up. Those in the middle are going to see what we have pointed out here.

Her receiving the questions is valid theory, as her performance on the debate stage was inconsistent with how she normally fields questions. Despite having three people going against him, Donald Trump did good, got the points across that he needed to get, proved Kamala Harris wrong, and was consistently correct with his arguments.

You win an argument by advancing fact, reason, and logic. Donald Trump had an arsenal in this area. Kamala Harris lied her a* off as if her life depended on it. Trump carpet bombed Harris, and she could not even so much as toss a pebble up in the sky in response.

It is unusual for Kamala Harris, after initially refusing to debate Donald Trump, to all of a sudden call for another debate with him. This is a clear indication that even Harris knew that she got her a* cut off and shoved down her throat. It’s like a defeated boxer calling for a rematch.


She certainly knew she would NOT be ‘fact checked’ because she invoked many lies that even The Left knows are not true. The ‘good people on both sides’, ‘bloodbath’, ‘suckers and losers’ are bullshit stories from years ago, but the “moderators” were silent. The Haitians eating animals is very recent and ongoing, but the “moderators” jumped in like it was etched in stone.
Harris gave statements about her past when asked SPECIFIC questions about policy. She was better than that living corpse she replaced, but I noticed there were ZERO questions on why she, and the rest of the Dems and the corporate media covered for Biden for 3.5 years. Trump did CRUSH in his closing statement.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

It was mentioned that her earings were sorarity earings which her sorarity sister wore and who was the other moderator. The monitor mmentioned it on lve TV so thats a fact. earings could of had built in voice for her to be tutored through the debate. From what was mentioned on the radio, she was nice and calm compared to the hour interview she had cut down to 18 minutes.


Trump shoulda had a Ronco whammer jammer in his pocket.


J. Giels had one.


Helps if a link is provided.


He would have brought the house down.


Anyway speaking about lying…. I know you guys are going to find this impossible to believe but one of the Vindman Brothers went about lying and putting on his campaign website that he fought in combat, when in fact he did not.

His opponent, a retired green beret, would like him to explain that. Apparently it’s going to be a long wait because he’s not going to do that. At least he did deploy to a combat zone unlike little Timmy. But no combat badge, so He is a straight up liar.

I didn’t have the pleasure and joy of being a Fobbit on my two trips to Iraq, A lot of people did and I don’t have any resentment about that But don’t run around lying about shit, because that will piss me off.

Last edited 3 days ago by 5JC
E. Conboy

Hope the research continues. Inquiring minds want to know.

Green Thumb

Shit candidates.

Both of them.

I think the real Democrat strategy is to just win and figure it out later.


Remotely fallacious? He shamelessly lies constantly.

He has been getting away with outrageously claiming doctors are executing babies after birth for more than a year and hasn’t been called on it. Mostly because news agencies assume people are not stupid enough to believe it. He has a sub 80 IQ so he may actually believe it. At the very least he thinks his supporters are stupid enough to believe it.

The ridiculous “eating dogs and cats” claim was debunked by the city manager, the police department, and the animal control officer. Even the woman that posted the original facebook post backpedaled. And the post said that her daughter said her daughter’s friend said that her daughter’s neighbor thought her daughter’s friend’s cat had been a victim of Hatian’s killing it to eat it based on a news story he daughter’s friend’s neighbor read about a psychotic woman that stomped on and ate a neighbors cat on a fit of rage. Which didn’t happen in Springfield and the psychotic woman may not even be an immigrant and may not be Haitian.

He was fact checked more because he lies constantly. And they didn’t even call him on most of them. Just some of the more outrageous lies.


I thought you left?


Yeah. So did I.

There is nothing of value here for me at this point. But I keep getting sucked in by how far off the map of reason the blog has strayed in the Trump era.

I keep doing an azimuth check on you all and it is hard to resist trying to let you know how lost you have become.


In other words, you have absolutely no control over your actions. You have anger issues, control issues, and ego issues. You erroneously assume that you know what you’re talking about, and you erroneously assume that you have a grasp of reality.

You don’t.

You have absolutely no clue about what you are talking about, and there is a massive disconnect between what you think is the case and what is actually the case. You’re confusing your fantasies and wants with reality.

How many times are you going to jump in here, and argue with the commenters here, before you’re going to realize that once the argument is over, neither side of the argument is going to change their position?

I argue with people here and elsewhere with this understanding. Neither side is going to change their minds. Unless you are willing to engage in indefinite disagreement, then you are going to have to acknowledge that you are just tilting windmills.

Not once, in the 21 years I have argued against the left, have I come across anyone who has advanced any relevant fact, reason, and logic to the argument. Instead, you guys brought propaganda, easily proven wrong propaganda, to the argument.

Want us to take you seriously? Present a valid case. Failure to do so will result in your getting raked through the coals. You’ve consistently failed to present a valid argument, choosing instead to repeat media talking points.


At least you have acknowledged that you need help. Now if you can get you away from this behavior, your life might start improving.


You come here because all the leftist crap out there
bores you. At least here you can express your opinion
even if it is wrong.
Come for the jokes…stay for the fights.


“Admit it. You are not here for the hunting.” – bear


So, you lied again?


Then, shut your mendacious mollusk mouth and go away forever.


You should’ve stopped writing after “ There is nothing of value here for me at this point.”

You also have nothing of value to offer. Not even a reasonable opposing point of view.

I believe you enjoy the scorn we heap upon you because it’s the only attention you get.

Such a sad, fraudulent little man.


Commissar I’m sure you’ve heard this many times already. You’re a dork. I find everything you say to be left wing propaganda. Pull your heard out of your a*s and enlighten your mind with a little truth. You don’t have to remember so much if you stick to the truth. Stop listening to your dem propaganda source. It’s not the truth…do some research that doesn’t reflect your goal of intended results. Open your eyes. You might make some friends too.


WRONG! Donald Trump was factual during the debate. Did you not read the transcripts, or watch the debate itself? Kamala Harris was like a Gatling gun when it came to lying.Donald Trump statements, that were “fact” checked, were subsequently proven true.

However, not one of Harris’s nonsense was fact checked. A person could write a paper detailing the falsehoods that Kamala spread during the debate.

As for “IQ”, I’ve been debating against the left for 21 years. If you want to see low IQ, just look at the arguments advanced by the leftists that I’ve argued against. I get the impression that these individuals are just two points above being able to photosynthesize. While you’re sitting here, behind a computer, attacking and criticizing Donald Trump, only one of you guys ended up as a billionaire.

Your statement about illegal aliens eating cats and dogs, this is not a false statement, nor was it “debunked” by city officials. I will believe the testimony of people who actually live there, people have complained that illegal aliens have been taking wildlife, or have been kidnapping pets. It speaks volumes that you are willing to take that one account, and extrapolate that to apply to all of the statements about Haitians and wildlife/pets. the only thing that those city officials proved was the potential for corruption occurring, they may be the beneficiaries. This is another complaint from those living in that area.

No, Donald Trump was not “fact” checked because he “lies.” he was factual. He was “fact” checked by an extremely biased moderation team who had an agenda, and who threw impartiality out the window. They violated journalistic integrity and effectively took part in engaging in deception.


Well he was wrong about the cat eating Haitians, although he may have believed it at the time. He also lied when he claimed that practically everybody in the country wanted abortion to be moved back to the States. Such all encompassing statements are certain to be wrong. He also claimed that 21 million people came into the country illegally, which isn’t true and It can’t be proved either way, anyhow. I would have just said it’s a fukton and left it at that.


I heard rumor a guy that works at the wastewater
treatment facilty saw Hatians fishing for Hornpout in
the settelement pond. Can’t prove it one way or the other
but I betcha I can get it fact checked both ways.

Last edited 3 days ago by 26Limabeans

More like 40-60 million, based on impact and population trends.

But don’t let that get in the way.

There are almost no ducks or geese left in areas previously highly populated. There are very few feral or free range cats. Aliens?

Imagine you are a newcomer. Your family is hungry. Things that register as “livestock” are left out for the taking. Are you saying the immigrants are stupid and or evil?

Long ago, I attended a college with a “botanical garden”. An alumni stocked it with peacocks. Which breed like rabbits. When a bunch of newcomers arrived, the birds, which had overrun the place, promptly disappeared. A buddy found the remains of several, roasted in a trailside fire pit worthy if a former guerilla of, purely coincidentally, the same nation of the newcomer batch. Right down to the thatched cover.

But racist to say the newcomers ate the critters, right?

Or did the long-time-resident folks in Ohio suddenly decide goose and various other bushmeat was good eating? Coyotes? Martians?


I saw a pic of Alf, an alien, with a kitten in a hoagie bun. So, it must be true.


Alf was really disappointed to find that tomato is the main ingredient of “katsoup”.


It is not true. Everyone knows cat belongs on a brioche bun. Anything else is uncivilized.


Stuffed with Southern Cornbread Dressing and baked in a cast iron Dutch Oven for the win. Sides of greens (collard or turnip), black eyed peas, sweet taters (can be baked together in Dutch Oven), poke salad, slab of shoo fly pie, and a Mason Jar of The House Wine…Sweet Iced Tea.


Just tried some peach applesauce. I highly recommend.


Anything made with peaches is…just peachy!


Do you have any Grey Poupon?


At Udon many years ago. Mamason use to put cooked meat in my rice. It didn’t taste like chicken, pork or beef. She always said it was monkey meat. I thought it was rat meat. Maybe it was cat meat! Didn’t taste bad when it was grilled.


No, he was not wrong about Haitians eating cats. He based that statement on multiple statements made by people living in that area. There are also accounts, by the locals, of Haitians driving around in vans, and jumping out and grabbing cats.

As I mentioned on another thread, Haitians do eat cats. Not all of them, but it is a popular meal item in Haiti. If anybody thinks that they would ditch that habit once they leave Haiti for the United States, I have a bridge in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that I have up for sale.

I’ve lived in, deployed to, and vacationed in 3rd world countries before. This does not come as a surprise to me. Way too many people, in the United States, do not understand the true nature, habits, culture, etc., of these individuals coming in from impoverished countries or from elsewhere. Guaranteed, if they were to go to these countries, and live there, they would experience culture shock. That culture shock has, to some degree, hit some communities across the country.

I’ve read the entire transcript of their debate. Nowhere does Donald Trump say, in that debate, “Practically everybody wanted abortion moved back to the states.” What he did say, on the campaign trail, was that the issue was moved back to the states.

Also, he did not claim that 21 million people came into the country illegally, he stated it as an opinion. He said that he believed the 21 million came in illegally, and that perhaps there may be more. Had he stated that as a claim, he would not have stated that he believed that was the case. There is a difference between someone claiming something, and someone providing an opinion. Perfect examples of claims being made involve the phonies featured on this website. They did not state their embellished/phony claims “as an opinion.” They made a statement, easily proven wrong, as if it were “fact.”


I never quoted Trump, you added the quotations. What Trump said was “every legal scholar, every Democrat, every Republican, liberal, conservative; they all wanted [abortion] brought back to the states”. So yeah that is practically everyone. And it is also untrue.

There is no proof that Haitian immigrants are eating cats. Even if people are grabbing cats off the street that doesn’t mean they are going in a stew pot. Tales tend to get taller with the telling. The New York Post did a rare reversal on it the other day. I find them more trustworthy than most newspapers these days. I would also question how popular it is because no restaurant in Haiti serves cat.

He believes that 21 million because it is based upon what he said right before that when he said “Millions and millions of people are pouring into our country monthly.” That was presented as fact and is not true, provable or even probable. There has never been a month where millions of immigrants, legal or not, have entered the country in the history of the country.


What you said: “He also lied when he claimed that practically everybody in the country wanted abortion to be moved back to the States.” – 5JC What I said in response: “Nowhere does Donald Trump say, in that debate, ‘Practically everybody wanted abortion moved back to the states.'” – thebesig You erroneously claimed that Donald Trump said one thing, quoted above, a part of my response countered that claim. You are also incorrect, saying that every legal scholar, every Democrat, every liberal, conservative, etc., is not saying “practically everyone”. Again, you said practically everybody in the country when Donald Trump clearly stated legal scholar. These are two different data sets. There is also proof that Haitians are eating cats. Do you not have an X account? Do you not have a TikTok account? people are posting video evidence that Haitians eat cats, both platforms, and others, are getting inundated with people giving testimony, and actual video, of Haitians and others from other impoverished countries, eating cats, dogs, etc. Here’s an example, cats on the grill: 🚨 NEW: Illegal migrants caught skinning, grilling and EATING cats just minutes from Springfield This video was obtained by @realchrisrufo, who has verified it. The mainstream media LIED ONCE AGAIN, and of course, Trump was right. MASS DEPORTATIONS NOW — Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) September 14, 2024 There are a f* ton of testimonies, and video evidence, proving that Haitians do indeed eat cat. There’s no “if” they’re grabbing cats from the streets, they’re doing it, and for the reasons many have argued, both in the affected areas and on the internet… For consumption. I’m sorry, but the New York Post, as with other media outlets, are behind the power curve. Neither the New York Post, Daily Beast, nor any other publication prove otherwise. They could discount the one post about a cat hanging from a tree, but they can’t discount massive complaints from Springfield and from other areas in the country where wildlife and stray animals are disappearing. You’re also assigning a false correlation between Haitian restaurants and the Haitian countryside. No cats being… Read more »


He specifically said “every Democrat, every Republican” not just legal scholars. He has repeatedly claimed that “everyone” wanted it, possibly hundreds of times, this isn’t a small thing that he keeps repeating. I could put up 40 or 50 links where he has said that but that will break the site. I know why you don’t understand but we’ll talk about that in a second.

If you are going to refer to Tik-Tok as evidence of anything other than how stupid people are and will believe practically anything, I’m not with you. Not just because of all the fake AI videos and the crazy things that they put on there that people accept as fact, but really I would expect better.

Also I never said that people didn’t eat cats I said I questioned the popularity of it because they don’t have any restaurants that serve it. You said it was popular, without any proof. Instead of twisting my words around and trying to say something that I didn’t say, I was hoping you would show some proof but you didn’t. Besides which that video was allegedly of Africans not Haitians, so again it’s not proof at all. Truly I am disappointed.

Here is a link to the debate transcript where he says that millions and millions of people are pouring into the country MONTHLY. It is exactly what I quoted. He thinks it is millions and millions because he thinks it is a “a lot higher” than 21 million. The Only way that would be possible is if it actually were millions and millions. In context it’s the only thing that makes sense.

I understand that you have a borderline NPD, you have really made that clear over time even in this very thread and that’s ok. But it won’t change reality or what was said, Even you can understand that?


Response to 5JC, September 14, 2024, Part 1A 5JC: He specifically said “every Democrat, every Republican” not just legal scholars. What Donald Trump said: “Every legal scholar, every Democrat, every Republican, liberal, conservative, they all wanted this issue to be brought back to the states where the people could vote.” — Donald Trump Donald started by saying “every legal scholar”, this is key. This is who Donald Trump is talking about. Which legal scholars? Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, etc. These clarified, identified, the “legal scholar”. He was NOT talking about everybody in the country, but about the legal scholars. Nowhere, in that statement, did he include people outside of the legal scholars. This is in keeping with his statements on social media. Reading comprehension, it’s a drug. 5JC: He has repeatedly claimed that “everyone” wanted it, possibly hundreds of times, this isn’t a small thing that he keeps repeating. From your link: “My view is now that we have abortion where everyone wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislation, or perhaps both.” — Donald Trump Now, read that statement carefully and slowly. Keywords: “abortion where everyone wanted it from a legal standpoint”. THAT is where the “everyone wanted” came from. He’s talking about the fact that the states that want abortion have abortion, countering the argument that he is against “reproductive rights”. 5JC: I could put up 40 or 50 links where he has said that but that will break the site. It does not matter how many links you throw up. If you are not going to understand what you are reading, choosing instead to see what you want to see in the statement and not what the statement is actually communicating, not even a thousand links would help you out. 5JC: I know why you don’t understand but we’ll talk about that in a second. Don’t mistake my disagreeing with your colossally incorrect argument as my “not understanding”. This is a clear indication that you’re the one that is suffering from NPD, not me. 5JC: If you are going to refer… Read more »


Response to 5JC, September 14, 2024, Part 2A 5JC: Instead of twisting my words around and trying to say something that I didn’t say, [SELF PROJECTION] I did not twist your words around. I addressed exactly what you argued. Go back and reread our interaction. When I respond to you, I look at what you are saying while generating my reply on another browser or on Microsoft Word. There was no “twisting” on my end. I addressed exactly what you are arguing. You’re trying to save face in response to being proven wrong. 5JC: I was hoping you would show some proof but you didn’t. First, until you provide proof to support your arguments, you have no leg to stand on demanding that I show proof. I’ve even used your links against you. Second, I’m not obligated to do anything beyond what you do. I provided you with more than sufficient information to prove you wrong. Which leads to my third point. Third, I normally don’t ask people to provide me with proof for their argument. I look for that proof myself. Usually, when I do this, I’m able to use their own proof against them. Fourth, unless you advance a valid argument, you have no leg to stand on demanding proof. Advance an argument, and don’t demand from the opposition what you don’t do from your end. The above four pointers are among the strategies I’ve used in arguing with people online for the past 21 years. I hold my opposition to the same standard. 5JC: Besides which that video was allegedly of Africans not Haitians, so again it’s not proof at all. As I told MarineDad61, the undercurrent of my argument is that people from Third World countries, specifically the impoverished ones, eat cats. Both you and MD61 refuse to believe that this is going on. All I needed to do was to show a single video of foreigners roasting cats, to prove my point. On top of that, I’m going by statements made by the people who actually live in Springfield regarding what is going on there.… Read more »


Response to 5JC, September 14, 2024, Part 3A 5JC: I understand that you have a borderline NPD, [SELF PROJECTION] From the Mayo Clinic: “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.” — Mayo Clinic Nope, I do not have a high sense of my own importance. My arguing the facts, and refusing to back down, is not “proof” that I have this issue. My taking sadistic pleasure with destroying your arguments is not my displaying narcissistic personality disorder. Again, I’ve been doing this as a hobby for 21 years. I don’t have a need to seek attention or admiration either. Standing my ground and perpetually providing counter rebuttals does not constitute any of these traits. Lacking the ability to understand or care about other’s feelings? Refusing to let people like you have your way in arguments like this is not a demonstration of a lack of care of how others feel. Reality? I consider status and admiration as rather trivial. I don’t care for it. I’m also not an attention seeker. I have a Scripture and meditation based philosophical outlook on life. Both point to being a minimalist when it comes to either status or admiration. Even if you look at my interactions on this thread, I don’t jump in and engage in debate unless the people I address justified it… Like attacking me or starting an argument with me. Other than that, I have not posted in the comments section that much. Run this assumption by those who actually know me and you’ll get laughed at. 5JC: you have really made that clear over time even in this very thread and that’s ok. [SELF PROJECTION] Nope, I did not demonstrate NPD on this thread, or elsewhere. However, you’ve demonstrated anger issues, ego issues, and control issues. You’ve done exactly what narcissists typically do, accuse other people of… Read more »


Actually you are the definition of an NPD. It’s unfortunate because people with the disorder don’t understand that they have it. They believe they are always right and win every argument. They believe their logic is always flawless because when faced with a reality that is opposed to theirs they can’t accept it because it would mean that they would have to be wrong, which is impossible for them to accept. They can never be made to understand that.

What they fail to grasp is that no one is always right. This is a concept which is impossible for them to accept but everyone else understands. So when talking with someone with an NPD it is Ike talking to a post. They see their logic as flawless even when it is deeply flawed and will continue arguing until they drop dead from exhaustion. Due to deeply held ego issues they can never afford to lose because it would break them.

What they don’t understand is because they refuse to accept reality the argument then becomes pointless to the other person who comes to the realization of the type of person they are dealing with and simply stops. This allows the person with the NPD to claim “victory”. It is a sad situation but people seldom feel sorry for people with NPDs because they often see it as them bringing it on themselves, and they are blissfully unaware of it anyway, In truth they have no control over their actions and can never be made to understand.

When two people with NPDs, say you and commissar, encounter each other then the fun really starts. They constantly have to antagonize each other. Since neither is in control of their behavior they simply talk around each other leaving reality far behind.

So yes, only people with NPDs, or some other mental illness, believe themselves to always be right in any context tied to their ego and believe that they never lose an argument. That is who you claim to be and therefore who you are.


Response to 5JC, September 15, 2024, Part 1A 5JC: Actually you are the definition of an NPD. This is a spectacularly incorrect statement. The definition that you provide does not fit me, I will demonstrate that with the balance of my counter rebuttal. Additionally, the definition that you assign to it is not supported by what the websites, or professional organizations, say. The trend of their definitions assigns three main categories to NPD: grandiosity, lack of empathy, and need for admiration. The wordings may vary, but they fall along these three. What the professionals say about NPD contradicts what NPD is. Neither this, nor your botched attempts below, describe me. 5JC: It’s unfortunate because people with the disorder don’t understand that they have it. [SELF PROJECTION] Not applicable in my case, as I know precisely what I’m doing. If your marksmanship were anything like what you assumed about my situation, I’d hate to be the person standing behind you as you aim for the target in front of you. You’re THAT far off. 5JC: They believe they are always right and win every argument. [SELF PROJECTION] WRONG! As I’ve stated here and elsewhere, I don’t engage in debate unless two conditions are simultaneously met: 1. I have extensive knowledge on the topic gained either from firsthand experience and/or extensive/exhaustive reading/study on the topic… 2. Those who argue with me have little to no knowledge of the topic. Both conditions have been met here. You win an argument based on advancing a fact based, reasoned, logical argument. This is something that I’ve done against you, and against others, in the 21 years I’ve argued against people like you online. 5JC: They believe their logic is always flawless See above requirements for my engaging in debate. I will argue topics I have extensive knowledge of compared to the relative lack of it by the opposition. When these conditions are met, there’s no question on whose logic is sound, and whose logic is not sound. 5JC: because when faced with a reality that is opposed to theirs they can’t accept it because it… Read more »


Response to 5JC, September 15, 2024, Part 2A 5JC: What they don’t understand is because they refuse to accept reality [SELF PROJECTION] Again, you failed to prove your argument to be “true”. You didn’t present reality, but a bunch of mental judo, a bunch of “whataboutisms” as a substitute for accepting the fact that you did not know what you were arguing. You were also forcing reality to fit your fantasy-based outlook. Your assumption, that your fantasy-based argument is “reality”, demonstrates your narcissism. You’re demanding that I accept your nonsense simply because you assume it to be “true”. 5JC: the argument then becomes pointless to the other person who comes to the realization of the type of person they are dealing with and simply stops. You and I have argued before. You’ve also seen me argue on this website before. I mean, after seeing how I do things, don’t you think that maybe, just maybe, if you argue with me one more time, you will get the same or similar outcome? Does the saying about doing the same thing and expecting different results come to mind? You should have come to that realization after our first argument, and then decided to not even argue with me afterwards. Even if you don’t remember arguing against me before, you’ve had to see me argue against other people here, and refrain from doing something you know would’ve led to a predictable outcome. The fact that you argued with me this time is testament to the fact that you’re narcissistic and you are the very person you accuse me of being. Second, the real reason why most people didn’t continue to hammer you, like what I’m doing here, is that they’ve decided that they have other activities that needed their attention. Like me, they wanted to keep hammering you but decided that their other matters could not be put aside. They didn’t have the tools that I have, such as speech to text, that allowed them to keep hammering you while tending to their activities. When they stopped responding to you, you mistook that… Read more »


Response to 5JC, September 15, 2024, Part 3A 5JC: and can never be made to understand. You failed to provide a valid argument in response to me. What you’re doing is demanding that I abandon my fact based, reasoned, logical argument in favor of your baseless “mental judo” opinion. 5JC: When two people with NPDs, say you and commissar, encounter each other then the fun really starts. I’ve argued against both you and commissar, both you guys revealed your apparent psychological profiles to me. Guess what? You guys are very much like each other. Arguing with you is very similar to arguing against commissar. Heck, it’s like arguing against Blobfish and against the other phonies and embellishers who tried to argue against us in the last decade. You guys have very similar apparent psychological profiles, with your demonstrations of anger issues, control issues, and ego issues. In fact, reading your last response to me was just like reading Blobfish’s mangina log (Blobfish’s blog), as well as the mangina blog hosted by that guy who crashed his airplane a couple of times. Not surprising given the extent of narcissism that you, Blobfish, commissar, and others demonstrated. 5JC: They constantly have to antagonize each other. [SELF PROJECTION] There’s a difference between what commissar and I do when it comes to a debate. Commissar, LC, and MD61 have, as part of their objectives, bringing the viewpoint of this blog’s commenting community in a direction… Their perception of what is “the center”. When they antagonize their opposition, it’s for similar reasons to why you try to antagonize your opposition… It stems from ego, control, and anger issues. As I’ve mentioned before, there is a purpose behind every word, sentence, paragraph, image, etc., that I use in my rebuttals… It’s to get the opposition to behave in a certain way. It has worked like a charm with you, with LC, MD61, Blobfish, as well as with the others I have argued against in the past 21 years. 5JC: Since neither is in control of their behavior they simply talk around each other leaving reality far… Read more »


Well, whether there are 21 million illegals that have entered the country depends on what timeframe and what categories you include. For example, there are millions who are got-aways, plus those completely undetected and uncounted. Then we have millions of visa overstays. To that you can add the Haitians, Cubans, Venezuelans, and others that the Biden regime has flown into the country in Temporary Proctected Status. Add all those up and the number easily exceeds 21 million. What difference does it make if the total is 15, 18, or 20 million. It sure as hell isn’t that 11 million figure the propagandists have been feeding us for the past twenty years.


Like I said, a fukton.


Even Ruth Bader Ginsburg thought Roe V. Wade was a poor decision and judicial overreach. I’m thoroughly amused by people that are angry because the repeal of Roe V. Wade “put abortion in the hands of the government”. Newsflash… it was already in the hands of the federal government. Repeal has given women a far greater voice in the matter at a far more accessible level.


Where’s the laughing or HaHa emoji when you need one?
Ok, here’s a suitable substitute.

HaHa to thebesig,
not only for his fallacies above,
but standing by his Springfield bullshit for 4 days
(that as of today, is now TRIPLE DEBUNKED).


MarineDad61: Where’s the laughing or HaHa emoji when you need one? Ok, here’s a suitable substitute.
HaHa to thebesig,


MarineDad61: not only for his fallacies above,

Not fallacies, but fact based, reasoned, logical arguments. You’ve yet to prove me “wrong”, ( 😆 😆 😆 ), in response.

MarineDad61: but standing by his Springfield bullshit for 4 days

I will stand by the facts, which is what I’ve been arguing for these past few days. Neither you, nor the propagandists that you keep referencing to support your nonsense, have proven “wrong” the fact that Haitians, and other illegal aliens, are eating cats, dogs, and wildlife.

MarineDad61: (that as of today, is now TRIPLE DEBUNKED).

WRONG! My argument has NOT been debunked, double, triple, or otherwise. See above video. If you bothered to do your research, rather than allowing yourself to be lulled into a stupor, you’d find out that I wasn’t debunked.

I mean, really, do you not see what is happening with your search results? Every news organization, or nearly everyone, zeroing in on that one woman’s claim, while ignoring the countless of legitimate claims supporting my argument?

The fact that you still can’t figure out exactly why you keep getting down-voted is astounding.


Then you better check your X sources,
and of course the many comments,
995 at Sortor AND
4200 at the original source, Rufo on X.

“African migrants in Dayton”,
is not Haitians in Springfield.

Worse, your 2nd source Sortor,
took the above from Rufo,
and turned it into “illegal migrants”.

BTW, source Rufo points out,
this BBQ video you now trot out (from Sortor),
was from Summer 2023

You are triple debunked already,
and now you are seeking out something new,
that ALSO does not pinpoint to
anything in Springfield, nor
anything to do with Haitians anywhere in Ohio.

Original source link…


MarineDad61: thebesig, Then you better check your X sources, and of course the many comments, 995 at Sortor AND 4200 at the original source, Rufo on X. It doesn’t matter. My main argument, on this thread and on the other one, is that illegal aliens from Haiti, as well as from impoverished nations, have among them people who will eat park wildlife, as well as cats and dogs. The people living in that area have stated that the Haitians have been doing this. I will take their accounts over yours, and over your propagandist news sites, any time of the day. MarineDad61: “African migrants in Dayton”, is not Haitians in Springfield. Again, it doesn’t change the fact that my argument is valid. The bulk of my argument, both on this thread and on the other one, is that people from impoverished nations include, in their diets, park wildlife and domesticated animals. There are countless of testimonies, from within Springfield and elsewhere, of Haitians eating Park wildlife and stray animals. As I mentioned on the other threads, Haitians are not the only ones doing this, this is done by people who came from impoverished nations. They’ve become proficient at catching and processing community wildlife, stray pets, homed pets, into their diets. That is not going to change once they move to the United States. All I need, to prove my statement, is to cough up one video of illegal aliens roasting cats. the crux of your argument is that no animals, domesticated, are being eaten in Springfield and, by extension, elsewhere. Springfield, OH, residents have reported the decimation of the geese and duck populations, related to the arrival of the Haitians. Connect the dots. Again, I will take their words over that of your propagandist media sources. MarineDad61: Worse, your 2nd source Sortor, took the above from Rufo, and turned it into “illegal migrants”. It would still be correct. The Africans, illegal aliens from the Caribbean, as well as from Latin America and from impoverished nations in Asia, include cats and dogs in their diet. They are from similar backgrounds when… Read more »


Oh no, she’s back and spouting more CNN talking points than Camel-a. The Dems LOVE late term abortions. If only your mother was Democrat back in the day. Spending too much, money, letting criminals out of jail, and killing babies be they early, late what ever are the 3 things Democrats do the best!!!

BTW, many non-western cultures that the Democrats let invade our country eat many animals we consider pets. Its not just Haitians, but many Asian cultures too. Those “debunked claims” sound like others: Russia-gate, Hunters laptop, Wuhan Lab, Camel-a didn’t donate bail to release criminals…The list goes on and on and on…


“Bunker beef” is a thing…

A friend of mine got seriously grossed out when he found my copy of “The Special Forces Cookbook” in my kitchen collection of books and recipies. I did, finally, remove the page on how to prepare “long pig”.

Admittedly, those folks ain’t Betty Crocker.



The Vietnamese in the central highlands were fine with disposing of an unwanted litter of puppies by eating them.

Hack Stone

You must have missed that interview with WTOP when then Virginia Governor Ralph Northam spoke of how they would treat a baby after birth that was being considered for abortion.


Fundamentally, the Left for the most part still believe some people are property, non-people.

They never see the likely consequences of their opponents saying “You know what? You successfully persuaded me.”


There was once another political party that believed that some people were non-people. I recall its leader was called the “Fuhrer.”

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Welcone back my Conservative friend Commissar with your socialist Shtick act, I get a kick out of it and I love it. Enjoy your weekend


Bingo on the Springfield, Ohio bullshit,
that Musk, then Trump, then thebesig,
bought hooker, line, and stinker.

Worse, thebesig kept putting up his phony fight for over 3 days.
And now he’s pushing obvious fallacies about the debate itself.

BTW, Springfield dogs and cats is now TRIPLE DEBUNKED.
News stories out last night and today about the neighbor (Newton).


MarineDad61: Commissar, Bingo on the Springfield, Ohio bullshit, that Musk, then Trump, then thebesig, bought hooker, line, and stinker. This just means that both of you fell hook, line, and sinker. Again: 🚨 NEW: Illegal migrants caught skinning, grilling and EATING cats just minutes from Springfield This video was obtained by @realchrisrufo, who has verified it. The mainstream media LIED ONCE AGAIN, and of course, Trump was right. MASS DEPORTATIONS NOW — Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) September 14, 2024 MarineDad61: Worse, thebesig kept putting up his phony fight for over 3 days. Not phony fight, but arguing a fact based, reasoned, logical argument. First, you failed to provide a fact based, reasoned, argument, pointing to articles that zeroed in on one account while ignoring the countless accounts, and videos, proving me right. Second, you complain about the fact that I keep fighting this, while ignoring the fact that you keep giving me something to debunk. I’ve destroyed you in enough debates for you to know, by now, that I will keep hammering you until you stop arguing. Don’t complain about my putting up any kind of fight for any length of time if you’re going to contribute to that fight. MarineDad61: And now he’s pushing obvious fallacies about the debate itself. FALSE! I’m presenting facts about the debate, and about what was said regarding that debate. Go back and thoroughly read the post that I’m responding to, and the post that I’m rebutting. The facts related to the debate itself backs my argument… I mean, don’t you think that If I base my argument on the actual transcript of the debate that maybe, just maybe, I’m going to be presenting facts? We both know that you’re not about getting things right, but about getting your way. You have anger issues, control issues, and ego issues. When someone dares to fight back against you, you resort to doing what narcissists normally do… Engage in character assassination, and take their statements and actions out of context, just to satisfy your anger, ego, and control issues. MarineDad61: BTW, Springfield dogs and cats is… Read more »


Here ya go. He doesn’t speak on the pets being used for food, and he briefly talks about the ducks disappearing from local parks, but mostly how the Haitians are getting drivers licenses and how they get what appears to be preferential treatment when it comes to shelter.

Runs about 10 minutes.

Phuck all involved on the allowing of and the enabling that goes with it.


Like when kamala worked at Mcdonalds? You mean outrageous lies like that?

comment image


That’s just so wrong…



I see Commissar is back. Well here it is. Trump won the debate hands down. As it turns out it was Trump that was being truthful. Harris has been fact checked after the debate. And guess what, the bullshit meter on Harris is going batshit crazy… seems the voters are catching on to the shenanigans of the DNC and ABC. I thought that it was to opportune for Harris to speak as she did. She had to have been given some guidance as to how to proceed. Either through receiving questions that are going to be asked, or what the topics will be. Possibly given a que as to how to proceed like following the commentators path of questioning and corrective talk on Trump. And possibly through an ear piece, which sure looks like something that is available from a German Company.
When someone like Harris speaks and sounds coherent it is because she is reading a teleprompter or maybe has a bug in her ear. And Commissar please don’t eat my pets, or at least the ducks from the park in Ohio.


Folks, no need for trick earrings for clandestine assistance. Bluetooth in-ear hearing aids have been around at least a decade. I hooked up a TV bluetooth sound system for Pop’s VA provided bluetooth-capable hearing aids, at least ten years ago. Just had to wear a gadget the size of a matchbox with an antenna/necklace cord about the size of an ID tag chain. Plus a small sender brick at the TV.

Worked great. He could get his program in-ear as loud as he liked while the rest of us used the speakers on normal.

Easy-peasy to repurpose such for remote coaching. And a 2024 gadget set is likely smaller.

I tend to think she was coached, not puppeted. It is very hard to suppress certain facial expressions from someone yakking in your earpiece. But as a known court performer, she probably can suppress various reflexes.


I think you’re right about being able to suppress certain reflexes. She must be pretty good at that or Willie Brown has a short ding dong!


Check this out. Thumbs down click (to add red -1)
is DISABLED on comments by thebesig.

No wonder he has +2 or +3 on other comments in other places.

I can add a thumbs up +1 to any comment,
and (just tested)
I can add a thumbs down -1 to comments by anyone else.

But, I can NOT add a thumbs down -1 to a comment by thebesig.

IMHO – A sick way to stack the deck.


Here you go again, going full Karen mode over thumbs down. The thumbs up that I have elsewhere is independent of the thumbs up/down that I have elsewhere. I have no ability to disable thumbs down. However, if you add a thumbs down to a comment that has a single thumbs up, then the net result is going to be zero. Also, your image shows that you already gave me a thumbs down. If you try to vote twice, and give me a second thumbs down, it’s not going to work. Try it, try giving me a thumbs down where you have the red down-vote, and then look to the upper right hand corner. You should get a statement that you already voted.


Dude, it took 30 seconds to verify your statement as wrong.

One opinion per …. person.


For humor,
on this oh so delicate subject,
as to whether Donald Trump lies,
not only at the recent debate (yes, he lied a few times),
but also about many things over many years.

Yes, we all know Kamala Harris is pinched,
she lies in her event appearances (since her US Senate campaign),
she lied at the debate,
and her current TV ads are full of the same lies.

Well, it was either Jake and Elwood Blues, in the Bluesmobile,
or George Costanza and Jerry Seinfeld, at Monk’s Restaurant.


This is not directed at you or the thebesig, nor the argument over who is correct or not, but what very few people are talking about is small towns being overrun by who the hell knows. This week’s flavor( no pun intended), is Haitians and there eating habits. Divide and Conquer.


Exactly what I’ve said, and have been saying for awhile. When this whole “cat thing” popped up the other day I pointed out “Why can 20K invaders be allowed into a city of 60K without some type of nefarious plan going on?” And a statement that “…coming to your town soon…Prepare”. I also posted a linky on the Switchboard Organization that mirrors yours. And how many times have I said “We are the carbon they want to reduce!”?

People better wake up to what is going on and…really REALLY…Prepare. I’m sure that you see the same BS lying ads from Kum-Hella that I see flooding the channels on TeeVee. These threads today talking about “are we better off” and “not good for Trump” are harbingers of what’s coming. The people that are “voting” for more of the same are the parasites that are sucking up the Treasure that We, The People are having confiscated from our paychecks, 401Ks, and savings. NO ONE is better off than they were 4 years ago and the news that is “not good for Trump” is even worse news for us.



Our Magic Soil® will convert this disproportionate casting of low IQ illiterates that’re habituated to chaos in to model citizens quoting Socrates while sculpting marble busts of this nation’s forefathers.

I’m really glad we’re paying for it!

The Clinton Foundation stole the money. COD the problem(s) to them.


I prefer to rely on our insidiously infective freedom creed. We have been converting the world’s rejects for over two hundred years.


comment image


Trump is the better SOB for USA. We are not nominating saints.


The Pope chimed in, telling Catholics that not voting is bad,
and to VOTE, to “choose the lesser evil”.

So there’s that.


One is better off consulting Taylor Swift, singer of “I chose poorly” songs.

All humans are sinners. The one exception was born about two millennia ago.


I posted this on an earlier thread, not sure which, but they will find a way to cheat. If they appeal the decision to a district court, you’ll know the attempted fix is afoot.


comment image


That day I’ll be testing mine from the bunker in MOPP level 69.


Ya may need a higher level MOPP…

comment image


Yellowstone, most of Idaho and much of northern Nevada looks relatively safe. Not much there, but there won’t be much left anywhere else, so there’s that.


Maine looks safe unless it gets used
for a “demonstration round”.
Instant baked potato.


With a >4/5 below grade basement with poured-in roof at ~7 inch, a ton of solid 4x8x16 concrete block and a table rated to hold 2 layers on’er, filtration system with activated charcoal, potassium iodide, food and water, etc…

I figure with no mo’ improvements we’re at PF 300+ and could endure “2 weeks to flatten the [decay] curve”.



Getting them off the ground, to target, and detonation.

Most of their other stuff has been catastrophicly neglected. What wasn’t barely works, and proportionally to simplicity.

Nukes are very high maintenance. The last thing Putin needs is an opportunity to display a high rate of misfires, misses, and fizzles.

Sure, some will work well enough. He may even know with some certainty which ones. The problem is, he can’t afford to be seen as having -any- duds. Because then all his opponents may feel lucky enough, or durable enough.

Worst case would be to get caught holding a busted flush when someone calls.


Yep I had seen it there, too. Thought it could use some more exposure. Some folks don’t check in till later in the night or miss a few days worth of threads. I’ve found that if I stick a linky on several different threads that are at least within the time zone of the subject, more folks see it.

I have zero (0) confidence in our current (s)election process. There has been a certain level of cheating since like, forever, but now-a-days, they’re not even trying to hide it.

Skivvy Stacker

How could she possibly do any better than a can of SPAM without the help of the media?