Wednesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| September 18, 2024 | 21 Comments

I had to see it, now you do too

Fredo is starting to see the light


They’ll keep their rhetoric going until their assassins are successful

I hope this dope doesn’t teach history

I just don’t know why people call her a hate-filled bitch

They’re ruining timeless humor. “What’s long, hard, and full of seamen?” needs to be gendered

Trump will play up his victim status after…*checks notes*…a second assassination attempt

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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Prior Service (Ret)

Lucky I haven’t eaten breakfast yet. I’d hate to blow chunks all over this nice floor.


So little, poor, underprivileged Willie and Juan are victims after they carjack and kill Aunt Bea and Opie because they are <check notes> underprivileged.

Trump, who has had two assassination attempts is NOT a victim because <checks notes> Orange Man Bad.

Victim – One who is identified as such to fulfill the political and/or social justice agenda. Got it. Just making sure I understand the word.


Yes, ma’am, you are correct on the lingo!


Well hell,, now I get it!!!!

Hey Commissar, do you get it???? You can only be a victim,,,if you’re on the left!!!!

Argue away,,,,”Brother of The Silk”,,,,( I have my doubts,, IYKYK!!

AT1 ret

meme says it all


The police slavery patrol still confuses me. Philadelphia has the oldest police department in the country and slavery was outlawed there in 1780, 2 years before the establishment of the country. They also never caught a slave.

In fact, practically all police departments were established when and where slavery wasn’t legal.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Once again, falsehoods being taught as history.


The Commies always lie. It is a fundamental principle of The Party Line, ironically a creation of the Russian Communist Party. Its objective is to agitate the passions of the gullible know-nothings in their audience. This teacher is one of their useful idiots.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Those two Ugly Bints are getting closer and closer to the makeup as shown in The Hunger Games Capital City.

As Ripley said, “Take off, nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure”
(actually, I don’t, but..) I have to wonder what their love/sex/work life is like?

You won’t want to watch their sex life. I doubt it looks like lipstick lesbian porn on pornhub.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

That gender neutral sub comes closer to the series of jokes about 100 sailors going out, 50 couples coming back. And now add, half of them are pregnant.

Trannies and real girls fighting over guys and stuff will be awesome! /sarc

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The DildoCrat LibTurd Marxist rhetoric about PDJT’s assassination attempts will continue UNTIL the ones urging on “Orange Man Bad”, “threat to our democracy bureaucracy”, are themselves under assassination attack.


Indoctrinating kids that our founding fathers were “racist” develops a generation that could easily be convinced to topple the statues of the founding fathers. That sign on the door is practically a Marxist argument. Toppling statues is one of the things that is done on the way to having a totalitarian Marxist government.


And as Democrats use “democracy”:
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No more damn insurrectionists statues, no more Uncle Ben’s Rice, No more pancake syrup, no more cutie Native Girls on butter, Chris Columbus is down, Teddy’s been removed, and the Heads of Mt Rushmore is next. Soon as free speech and ebil black gunz is gone, we’ll have true democracy!

Phuque ’em! Prepare

This time…We ride together…

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

No more brother-on-brother wars


I always thought all inanimate objects were gender neutral. In the English language, anyway. Seems they don’t have genitals or XX or XY chromosomes.


All of which are irrelevant to gender now – do try to keep up.


Especially where left/libtardery is involved:
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Does this mean all its crewpersons are going to be non-binary? Will their mandatory pronouns be tatooed on their forheads, so no one is triggered? Where are the safe spaces on a submarine? Are there fan rooms for non-binary sex? Will there be a doctor on the crew to provide gender affirming care? Can emergency lopadickoffamies be performed while submerged? So many questions for those of us with inquiring minds.