Assange Released

| June 25, 2024

Julian Assange

Wikileaks’ creator Julian Assange was wanted by US authorities on espionage charges for publication of hundreds of thousands of sensitive government documents supplied by former Army intelligence analyst Bradly Manning in 2010 and 2011.

He spent the last five years in an English high security prison after being forced to leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

Looks like he’s on his way back to Australia.

Julian Assange leaves jail on his way to enter plea deal with the U.S.

The WikiLeaks founder has been held in a British prison for the last five years and fought extradition to the U.S. He is expected to return to Australia.
By Michael Kosnar, Ryan J. Reilly and Patrick Smith

WASHINGTON — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was released from a British prison and on his way to a remote Pacific island on Tuesday where he will plead guilty to a conspiracy charge as part of a plea deal with the U.S. Justice Department, according to court documents.

The agreement will free Assange and end the yearslong legal battle over the publication of a trove of classified documents.

Assange was charged by criminal information — which typically signifies a plea deal — with conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information, the court documents said.

Wikileaks posted footage to X of Assange boarding a plane at Stanstead Airport near London at 5 p.m. (12 p.m. ET) on Monday.

A letter from Justice Department official Matthew McKenzie said Assange would appear in court in the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S.-controlled territory north of Guam, at 9 a.m. local time Wednesday (7 p.m. ET Tuesday) to plead guilty.

A plane believed to be carrying Assange landed early Tuesday in the Thai capital Bangkok to refuel.
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said that “the case has dragged on for too long, there is nothing to be gained by his continued incarceration and we want him brought home to Australia.”

NBC News

Assange has to step foot on US territory, cop a plea and walk. Now that’s some mighty fine legal tapdancing. In other news, there’s a US Federal Court in the Marianas.

Category: Aussies, Breaking News

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“Dead man walking?” Hero or zero? YMMV

He should probably get his personal affairs in order, you know…for…reasons. Odd that the person that gave him the info has been walking around, pardoned, for years.


Well he did publish all the John Podesta emails that possibly lost da Hilldabeast her election.

I wouldn’t be planning any excursions to Fort Marcy Park, or anything.


I heard he paid an extra $20k to keep from stepping on the US mainland.


I wonder if now that he’s free, he’ll finally disclose the leaker of Podesta/DNC emails. As you might recall, the Clintons/DNC/DNC controlled media told us it was “the boogeyman Russians” working for Trump which we all know was 100% bullshit. Was it some random hacker that guessed Podesta’s password was 123456789? Was it someone inside the DNC who’s conscience told them to expose the corruption? They anointed Hill-da-beast as they torpedoed Bernie. Even that bitch Wasserman-Schultz had to fall on the sword for all her shenanigans. I wonder I he just ‘fades off to Bolivia‘ or he continues in the public eye.


I don’t know. But I would really like to see the current emails flying around vis-a-vis what to do with button If he flunks this debate and fails to move in the polls.

A plot to remove the president from power, any other day might seem like treason.


I read this morning that his wife is now going to push for a pardon.


Hack Stone

Just make a donation to a prominent Democrat’s campaign fund, and the pardon will be granted.


I wouldn’t want to be part of the aircrew or passengers he’s sharing a flight with.


Boeing will be blamed.


Julian didn’t kill himself

I wonder how Snowball is liking Moscow these days?
That would be hilarious if he got conscripted to fight as Infantry in Ukraine 🤣🤣


Interesting. Very interesting, Comrade.

Retired Grunt

This will be unpopular but I do believe that the United States had no right to charge Julian Assange with anything. A foreign citizen who published information in a journalistic manner on foreign soil. The US SHOULD be called for some of its BS. Not individual citizens but the corrupt government. The United States truly has no right to ascert its jurisdiction upon any citizen of the world it chooses even if that citizen does offend US law. The United States already asserts the right to enforce its laws on any US citizen anywhere in the world for any act that is a violation of US law even if that act is not a violation of law where the US citizen committed the act. There are positive and negatives to this, i.e.. child sex tourism vs. simple narcotics usage which leaves plenty of room for abuse by the US government. The US government already takes far too many liberties with the rights of its own citizens here.

I Love this nation, the majority of its people and it’s constitution and would risk my life for the same. I do not like and can no longer trust its governing parties.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed half of the intrusions currently intruding into various portions of our civil liberties were unmasked by Assange’s revelations of Snowden’s information.

Much of what was revealed is not, and should never be considered to be, part of a free society that Jefferson defined as both a dangerous freedom and the tumult of liberty…

Secret courts ordering surveillance against US nationals solely on the word of sack of shit liars in the FBI’s political wing are hardly a feature of a free society, no knock warrants in the dead of night are a feature of a police state looking to assassinate individuals instead of having a case aired in open court, civil asset forfeiture prior to any conviction is also a violation of our rights and should not be considered the cost of existence in a supposedly free society.

The propaganda surrounding Snowden and Assange is overwhelmingly successful however as the general public believes both men have committed heinous acts of information release that border espionage crimes…anyone with half a brain knows what would have happened to Snowden had he tried to use the whistleblower channels in the United States Intelligence community’s chain of command…I see no way where he could have released that information in such an environment, and I remain suspicious had it not been released we would still not be aware of the extent of these intrusions.

Last edited 3 months ago by Veritas Omnia Vincit

That is the biggest difference between Snowden/Assange and Manning. The former are heroes for the information they made public and the (assumed) interest in making the public aware of government overreach; the latter is a vindictive man-child who wanted to get back at leadership he felt was mean to him.


Concur. Bradley Manning should have been hanged as a traitor, but Assange broke no vow nor should American law apply to him.

USMC Steve

I am with you on this one. He committed no crimes in US jurisdiction. He is not a US citizen.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

He’d be better off (and stay alive longer) if he were to escape to Russia and ask for political asylum.
Funny (but I’m not laughing) it used to be that Russians would escape to the West for asylum and freedom.
Now it’s Westerners that flee to Russia for asylum and freedom.


Looks like a young Vigo the Carpathian.

Someone get me the Ghostbusters…