Daily FGS

| June 26, 2024

Remington Model 51

Indianapolis resident shoots cousin during home invasion

by: Russ McQuaid
INDIANAPOLIS — It was at 4 a.m., two hours before Sunday’s dawn, when Darrell Gibbs was awakened by the sound of six to eight gunshots that were fired out of the back of his house, which is located in the 800 block of Denison Street on the southwest side of Indianapolis.

”I was in bed asleep, and then I hear the gunfire,” Gibbs said. “And my son taps on the door and tells me what’s happening, and I get dressed and come out back.”

Three armed and masked men had been trying to kick in Gibbs’ back door.

”A busted door jamb where they kept trying to kick it in,” said Gibbs as he surveyed the damage. “It held long enough to hold ‘em back. But I got bullet holes to the windows and the door window and to the door itself and the wall inside.”

Gibbs said his son told him that he traded gunfire with a man in the backyard.

“I see the intruder laying here on the ground, and he wanted me to make a call for him, and ‘You know me, you know me,’” Gibbs said of what the wounded man told him. “You don’t come knocking in somebody’s back door … and he lost his gun on this side of the ground over by the fire pit, and he was laying there in the weeds there.”

Gibbs’ son eventually identified the intruder as a family member. When FOX59 and CBS4 asked Gibbs if he could explain which of his family members was the alleged intruder, he said, “It was little Matt, my nephew’s son.”

Gibbs said 24-year-old Matthew Kinniard II told him he couldn’t feel his legs after the shooting. Gibbs claimed Kinniard also asked him to call his relatives.

”I used my phone to call 911 to get somebody out here, the ambulance for him and stuff, and I even made a call to his grandmother with my phone and lift up the speaker so he could talk and his girlfriend,” said Gibbs. “If I seen him walking down the street, I couldn’t have told you who he was. That’s how often I been around him.

”I don’t really wish the worst on anybody, but I have no sympathy for anybody doing that. You don’t do that to family. It shouldn’t even be heard of, you know.”

When FOX59 and CBS4 asked Gibbs if there was anything in his house worth stealing, he said, “No, I work hard enough just to pay the bills.”

”Somebody has probably told him lies, and he thought he could hit a lick here, and it didn’t pan out for him,” Gibbs added.

Gibbs said two men ran away through a neighbor’s yard and jumped in a car parked near a neighborhood church after the shooting stopped. Gibbs added that his son was questioned and released by police.

As of this article’s publication, Kinnaird, who had been shot previously in 2020, remained hospitalized.

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Fox 59

Mr. Gibbs’ son had the very good sense to not speak with media. Unlike Mr. Gibbs. Thanks, Gun Bunny.

Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty.
Thomas Jefferson

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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The scene of a crime is neither the time nor place for giving testimony.

Crimes against family are very common, just ask any drug addict what they would do to get their dope, albeit, maybe not kill for it


Killing for money for drugs is the number one underlying motive for murder in the United States.


“Crimes against family…” Our very own fm2176 has testified to that on several occasions. “It’s a family affair…” Sly was unavailable for comment.

There’s a storm coming…Prepare

For someone that might should have the rep as the most famous firearms designer of the times (according to some) Mr. Pedersen sure took a lot of inspiration from HMS JMB (HBHN) Jus’ sayin’ (RTWT, linky)

Possible escort duty again today…which would lead to a possible visit to another favorite cafe in the Little Big Town. The sacrifices I make… :sigh:

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Yeah….The sacrifices that you make…..to your belt and waistline.

Southern Fried Yard Bird, smashed taters/gravy, butter peas, Lacy Johnny Cakes, and The House Wine…Teamonade. I was belting it down by the forkful and didn’t waste any time doing it. Now…where’s my nap?


We had a kid in our town who beat his grandfather to death with a crowbar for a few hundred bucks after the grandpa cut him off. They give zero fucks about anything or anyone when they are jonesing.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Can’t live with ’em………..
Can’t live with ’em.


Meanwhile, with the Humanitarian Pier re-installed… Gunfire, lawlessness and seizure by thugs is preventing aid distribution in Gaza:

Hey, back on track for the sequel:


Reminds of me of back when they gave money to the Bosnians. If they made three blocks without getting robbed they were lucky.