Illegal immigration being used to shift demographics in favor of Democrats

| June 25, 2024

As many who comment here suspect, the Democrats appear to be facilitating illegal immigration into the United States. Project Veritas successfully recorded an interview capturing State Department officials substantiating elements of the Great Replacement Theory. The video captures statements that criminals are coming in on a daily basis, that the majority of the good, hardworking Mexicans stay in Mexico and that traditional Americans are not leftists. However, those coming in from Latin America are leftists.

From Project Veritas:

Project Veritas: There’s got to be some things you’re like man I wish I could tell, tell the world about this?

State Department Consular Officer: Oh, there is a lot of things, mostly, mostly with immigration… I wish people knew we were letting in criminals daily.

Country Coordinator (Dan Fitzgerald): The big issue for the Hill for our region is migration… So, we poured a lot of money into Central America.

Project Veritas: Like how much?

Country Coordinator: 4 billion over four years. But now migrants are coming from elsewhere like Venezuela…

Woman at Texas Migrant Center: We are of Venezuelan nationality. We have a flight to New York.

Interviewer: You bought a flight with Spirit?

Woman: Yes.

Interviewer: For 40 dollars?

Woman: Yes… Then we got our CBP (Customs and Border Protection) one appointment. We entered through a port of entry.

Project Veritas: So, what is the end goal? Why are they allowing it?

State Department Consular Officer: The truth is they want to change the demographics of the United States.

The rest of the Project Veritas video:

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", 2024 Election, Democrats, Illegal Immigrants

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And every one gets a mail in ballot.


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Well that guy’s going to get fired, you aren’t supposed to say the quiet part out loud.


Driving: ID



Krazy Glue: ID, Porn: ID, Cold/Flu Med: ID, Energy Drink: ID, Hotel: ID…

Skivvy Stacker

Entering the country: “What’s an ID?”



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Last edited 3 months ago by KoB
Old tanker

There is a second side to that issue. Do you have enough ammunition? Are you on fire or drowning? No, then get more.


When jihadis attack like it’s Oct 7th, they won’t ask whether you got enough first.

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

And if you are right there when it happens, it will be too late to acquire more.


Ammo is cheap, life ain’t.

Skivvy Stacker

I always carry three reloads for my semi-auto, and my revolver.


Any more than 10 is hoarding and that is just mean.


My guys at the range when I was a Pandemic Newbie and bought that first Henry AR-7 at Bass Pro said, “Buy a safe with double what you think you will need (and can fit in my tiny house too) and I did just that. I have to be careful to put things in place just right because now the door wll not shut when things are not set just right. And I think I have room for one more….
I’m really debating between two things….lever action traditional….and lever action takedown. Maybe something in the 1800s models. Suggestions??


I’d go with a traditional lever action, unless you need a takedown model for hiking or bugout purposes. I have a Winchester ’94 in .45 Colt that’s handy–about the same length as an AR-15 carbine. I had a ’94 in .30-30 but a crackhead needed drugs more than I needed that gun. I’ve yet to shoot them, but my other lever guns include a Rossi Rio Bravo in .22 LR, original Winchester 1892 in .38-40, and Mossberg 464 SPX in .30-30.

The AR-7 is a great little gun. I bought mine in NOVA probably close to 20 years ago. As for safes, I’ve got to replace mine. The Cabela’s branded ones are made by Liberty, but our 50% employee discount applies, so I’m torn between a big one (64-gun) and a couple smaller (20-33-gun) ones, and just buying four or five 33-gun safes.


Maybe I just have odd guns but I find normal capacity of a safe to be about half of what’s advertised unless your long guns have no optics.


Traditional – Ruger/Marlin .44 Mag. is a great short-range rifle. Note recoil with .44 Mag loads is surprisingly stout – muzzle velocity is about a third higher, so muzzle energy is almost 70% higher. Recoil follows suit.
Henry makes the Long Ranger in .223, 6.5CM, and .308. Free floated barrel and you should expect less than 1″ 100 yard groups with ammo it likes. Supposedly the Supreme uses standard AR magazines, if you want a high capacity.
Classy – used Savage 1899s are fairly common, within the same price range, and are also found in .308 among other calibers.


I get to use my .444 Marlin lever action for
Moose hunting this fall.
Last time was a head shot, base of skull and it
did not exit. I think a .308 would be thru and thru.


I have a Greener Martini with a new 16″ heavy octagonal barrel that is an absolute tackdriver with cast 300gn handloads.

Dennis - not chevy

I have never found the perfect weapon. Years ago the Mrs asked me to teach how to handle firearms. I shopped for what I thought would be a perfect teaching tool. I bought her a Ithaca M49 – hammer exposed, lever action, rolling block, single shot .22 caliber rifle. I couldn’t think of a safer more perfect rifle to teach a newbie. The one thing she did learn was there’s no perfect weapon, she wanted something else.


There is no perfect weapon. There are perfect weapons for each occasion though, kind of like wine.


The Perfect Weapon is like the Perfect Guitar.
Like 5JC says – it depends upon the occasion. Or the application – what task is one attempting to accomplish and how does this item allow one to meet that goal within the boundaries of one’s skills.


Thanks everyone…I needed to be more specific…at this point I have a ton of .22LR and garden tools, 9mm and dirty laundry, 12 ga, ok paperweights, 45 ACP caulking, 5.56 and .223 interchangable slippers, I have a .357 .44 and .50 toaster but I really don’t want to pay for all the other expensive breads so I’m looking for a new bakery to make my .357 muffins that I can share with my other safe trolls.
SO a .357, because it’s already in stock, and not as expensive as the other equipment and readily available, and a garden hoe with a set of red dot circle reading glasses speticles is what I’m looking for. It’s that top picitinny bridge that I have to be particular in looking for, or at least a removable Iron compus to put the electric reading glasses mounted on.
Thank yaverymuchly (and yes I’m kinda tardedspecialz)


If you do get a 94 definitely get the pre-64. It really is worlds better. .30-30 is cheap and easy to find. It will beat up your shoulder after a while but the terminal effects are satisfying.


I think mine is post-64, but it still works. Not much blue left on it, though.


I really like my Winchester 30-30 for work inside 200 yards.
I put that limit on it because mine has iron sights.
I mention it because I’ve used it for 45 years or more, and can run it without thought of anything but “where’s the target?” The only failures to feed ever have been due to me using bulging cases or the wrong bullet in my handloads. (Yeah, stupid, but I done it.)
Possibly due to familiarity, I find it easy to manipulate even inside the GB Compound HQ. I can get back on target with a fresh round in the chamber quickly – possibly as fast as with an auto-loader counting the recoil recovery.



I’m being polite when I say fuck these people and those who are allowing it.


The load cars just keep coming through my area. Illegals running though my neighborhood twice last week after crashing. Threat level at D’s Cantina is elevated, MRS D is now carrying at home. Fuck Joe Biden.


Up till last year all of the (illegal and otherwise) immigrants around here were mostly conservative. Mostly hard-working Catholics, conservative on most social issues and government. They start working the day they get here. Some work two or three jobs.

So then they started shipping us Haitians. They do the same thing they did in Haiti. They basically sit around all day, either in front of a store or in front of whatever free housing they get. Sometimes they walk around in circles in groups of two to four males. The men spend a lot of the time getting high and beating their women. The women are mostly pregnant, although it is not uncommon for the man to kick the women in the stomach to try to cause her to lose the baby. We normally get two to three van loads a day.

A a couple of times they have tried to drop them off at schools, while the school was in session. Not sure why they would think they would be a good idea?


Some “social justice” molestation?


We don’t get the drop-offs. We get them fresh from crossing.

RGR 4-78

Free range illegals.


Is there a bag limit, or can you get a nuisance permit.


Cloward Piven. Been saying it for decades. Prove me wrong.

Hack Stone

The internet; It’s not just for porn, anymore.


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They have been touting the most recent transfer payments of giving lots of money to carefully selected people to pay for housing. Nearly half weren’t homeless a year later.

It’s a big success story apparently. And I had a always thought the 66% was just enough to pass.


The Contras weren’t


Phony news. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and none of the rest of the Democratically controlled media have reported on this. 73 election experts who are also CIA contractors confirmed there was nothing to see here, move along.


All over Arizona news. The guy is very dark and running for an Az state senate seat. The Dem politicos are down playing it but the sherif is up playing it. I think they just got caught . Fuck Katie Hobbs. She is a crooked bitch.


You may have missed 5JC’s sarcasm…

Forest Bondurant

“If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black hispanish!”

  • Joe Biden

I’m rethinking this one. It isn’t like ISIS is smuggling in hundreds of terrorists through networks and the federal government is losing track with them. Oh wait…