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In major settlement, N.J. agrees to pay $52.9M to families over COVID deaths in state’s hard-hit veterans homes

| December 25, 2021 | 18 Comments
In major settlement, N.J. agrees to pay $52.9M to families over COVID deaths in state’s hard-hit veterans homes

Poetrooper sends in this bit of good news just in time for Christmas. American Military News reports; The state of New Jersey, which was accused of gross negligence and incompetence over its handling of the COVID outbreak in the state-run veterans homes, has agreed to pay nearly $53 million to the families of 119 residents […]

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Not Guilty!

| November 19, 2021 | 193 Comments
Not Guilty!

Kyle Rittenhouse On all counts. All charges dismissed with prejudice. “Peaceful Demonstrations” in 5, 4, 3…

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Another of Jimmy Carter’s greatest hits being replayed by Biden

| November 11, 2021 | 26 Comments
Another of Jimmy Carter’s greatest hits being replayed by Biden

Another Democrat president, another Middle East US Embassy, another group of fundamentalist Muslims, and another group of embassy staff taken hostage. Biden told the world “America is back.” I didn’t really think he meant “back in time”, yet here we are with record inflation, soaring gas prices, and now an embassy under siege. It’s the […]

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William Shatner sets new record as oldest man in space

| October 13, 2021 | 73 Comments
William Shatner sets new record as oldest man in space

William Shatner has just completed his trip to space aboard Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin. The suborbital flight did not render the 90 year old actor, most famous for playing Captain James Tiberius Kirk on Star Trek, speechless. Quite the contrary. He waxed eloquent for quite some time on the beauty of the experience. CBS News […]

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General Ray Odierno, former CSA, dies aged 67

| October 9, 2021 | 16 Comments
General Ray Odierno, former CSA, dies aged 67

Word came in that General Ray Odierno passed away yesterday from cancer at age 67. Odierno served as the 38th Chief of Staff of the United States Army from 2011 to 2015. He succeeded General Dempsey (when he was elevated to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs) and was in turn succeeded by General Milley. At […]

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US nuke sub hit “an object” on 2 Oct while submerged in the Indo-Pacific region

| October 7, 2021 | 38 Comments
US nuke sub hit “an object” on 2 Oct while submerged in the Indo-Pacific region

ChipNASA sends in word that USS Connecticut (SSN 22) hit something last weekend while submerged in the “Indo-Pacific Region” (i.e. the area of the world China is constantly claiming is theirs). The Navy released a press release just today in regards to the incident, its first disclosure. The very brief message says, in full; he Seawolf-class fast-attack […]

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Marine Lt Col who went viral speaking against Biden’s Afghan pullout arrested

| September 28, 2021 | 213 Comments
Marine Lt Col who went viral speaking against Biden’s Afghan pullout arrested

According to Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller’s father, he’s been arrested and is in the brig in pre-trial confinement. He’s facing an Article 32 hearing (the first step in a court martial) over public comments he made against the Biden Administration’s methods during the Afghan pullout last month. Scheller was relieved of his command hours after […]

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Active shooter at the Pentagon, police officer reported killed

| August 3, 2021 | 40 Comments
Active shooter at the Pentagon, police officer reported killed

This is a breaking story. This morning there was an active shooter at the transit platform in front of the Pentagon. CNN is reporting that a Pentagon Force Protection Agency police officer has succumbed to injuries. The Pentagon itself was locked down for about two hours, a restriction which has now been lifted and the […]

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