Putin sends ‘peacekeepers’ into Ukraine

| February 21, 2022

Cracked brick wall painted with a Ukrainian flag on the left and a Russian flag on the right.

Looks like war’s back on the menu, boys!

After giving official recognition to the breakaway regions of Ukraine that Russia’s been supporting (and invaded back in 2014 with their little green men) earlier today, it looks like Putin is sending his forces in. Biden and Harris again appear to be completely useless, but that’s just my assessment.

Jeff LPH 3 sends in the the breaking news on the invasion minor incursion;

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered forces Monday to “maintain peace” in separatist regions of eastern Ukraine in a further escalation of tensions that followed the Kremlin’s recognition of the areas’ independence despite warnings of sanctions and international condemnation.

In response to his earlier move recognizing separatist republics of Luhansk and Donestk, a senior Biden administration official said that the White House is assessing those moves and will determine what additional actions, likely in the form of sanctions, it will take, in the coming hours.

“We will continue to consult with our allies and partners about both diplomatic solutions and the consequences we will impose on Russia, should it further invade Ukraine,” said a senior administration official during a Monday evening press call.

There are already more than 150,000 Russian troops surrounding Ukraine. The official pointed out that Russian troops have repeatedly entered the region since Russia invaded in 2014, during which time more than 14,000 people have been killed in fighting. But he declined to set a red line on what further incursions would prompt an additional U.S. response.

“Just in the last hour, we’ve seen Russia or troops to deploy into the DPR and LPR for so called peacekeeping functions,” said the senior administration official, who declined to confirm reports by the Russian Interfax news agency and social media posts showing additional Russian forces entering the Donbas.

A Ukraine military official told Military Times Monday night that a new wave of Russian troops had entered the Donbas in the wake of Putin’s order.

Foot stomping Biden’s stance on U.S. troops in Ukraine, the senior administration official said there will be no American forces there, even if U.S. citizens are included in any roundup of perceived enemies by Russian forces, as described in a letter to the United Nations.

No man left behind. Except all those people we left behind.

Category: Biden, Breaking News, Russia, Ukraine

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Democrats… (hey, gotta look tough for mid-term elections):


Plus…comment image


Johnny Dangerously is a VERY under rated movie.


You fargin iceholes need to see it.




Reminds me a lot of Omar Sharif, but it’s some guy named Richard Dimitri.


Welp, we called it. The Olympics are over so Putin moves his Troops into “breakaway” Provinces to help “keep the peace”. Next step is the ChiComs make a move on their “breakaway” Province. You know…cause so many people in Taiwan want to become part of The People’s Glorious Revolution.

The folks that want to get out of Ukraine, better get to beating feet. I’d have been done gone.


Yep! Putin better watch his ass…Literally! Prezzy Sniffy fixin’ to call up the 69th Phallic PIR from the Rainbow Rangers Division. Sh^t gonna get real.

RGR 4-78

Whimper Fi, Fairy On.

Last edited 2 years ago by RGR 4-78

A week or maybe two or so for us get stuff settled in Europe, then the Chicoms go hard and heavy on Taiwan…


The Infographics Show ain’t enthusiastic about it:


I nuke them in the 1st minute. Most military bases as well as Three Gorges Dam, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Dongguan go bye-bye in the first 30 minutes of the war. And just like that China is back in to the 18th Century.

Then I get mean.




Thru the gates of HELL!


Bite me ain’t doing shit


What would you have him do?

Beyond sanctions?

And reestablishing NATO commitment to the treaty so this does not happen to a NATO nation.

At least he isn’t taking Putin’s side like Trump did with Crimea. Trump literally regurgitated the exact same talking points as Putin and the Kremlin. Spouting Russian propaganda from the Oval Office, and during trips in Europe.

Hack Stone

Maybe President Trump wanted to “reset” relations, like Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


Obama was the POTUS when Russia annexed Crimea. Not Trump.


I know that. And Trump did everything I said he did when he assumed office.

A Proud Infidel®™

Under Trump we had other Nations’ respect as well as Energy Independence among many other things and Donald Trump didn’t shit his pants in front of other World Leaders like your hero Biden.


Were you not abjectly ignorant (or perhaps willfully ignorant) of history, you’d realize that Trump’s position was historically correct. Or perhaps you do realize that and are simply being mendacious in castigating Trump for taking that position.

The Crimea has only been part of the Ukraine since 1954. Prior to that time, the Crimean peninsula does not appear to have ever been part of the Ukraine.

In antiquity, Crimea was ruled by various Greek city states, Persia, and the Roman and Byzantine Empires. During the Medieval and early Modern eras, Crimea was ruled by the Byzantine Empire, Genoa, the Empire of Trebizond, the Principality of Theodoro, the Crimean Khanate, and the Ottoman Empire. Russia seized it in 1783 in the aftermath of the 1768-1774 war between the Russian and Ottoman Empires. It then became formally a part of Russia, remaining so until 1954, when Khrushchev by decree gifted the Crimean Oblast to the Ukraine.

Crimea is today also over 50% ethnically Russian.


Last edited 2 years ago by Hondo
A Proud Infidel®™️

You’re giving Major Moonbat enough historical facts to make his head explode while he shits his pants over Donald Trump yet again!


Regurgitating Russian talking points is not stating “facts” asshole.


And the old Commissar is back, spewing a ton of vitriol and zero facts.


But still true.


Look it up yourself, dipstick.

If you know how, that is. But be advised that doing so might cause you to question your own party dogma, AKA “talking points”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hondo
A Proud Infidel®™

So just tell us in your own words how THIS is Donald Trump’s fault, Major Moonbat, I’m waiting!


Thank you


Way to regurgitate Russian talking points.


But still true.


“…let Putin get away with it in Crimea”

And the alternative was…?


Wars started on Trump’s watch = 0.

Crimea was simply given to the Ukraine as a birthday gift out of the sheer hubris of communism and the politboro. Nobody asked them if they wanted to be a part of the Ukraine.


My point, Mason, is that based on history Russia has a more valid claim to the Crimea than does the Ukraine. That’s all.

Russia’s claim is at least arguable based on history. Ukraine’s claim rests on a by-decree gift of the land by a communist dictator (Khrushchev) to the land of his birth that many scholars believe even today was not valid under Soviet law of the period.

You wanna argue Crimean independence, I’d be in favor of that. Ditto self-determination for the Crimea. But the recent (2014) referendum appears to have opted for union with Russia, though many outside observers (many of whom have an agenda) reject it.

FWIW: Crimea has been trying for self-determination and/or independence from the Ukraine since shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union – since 1992, to be precise. It’s been the Ukrainian parliament that’s nixed the idea since then.

And, FWIW: if borders remain eternally inviolate, the US would still be a British possession. Both options have problems.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hondo

And, FWIW: Spanish would be the official language from Texas to California.

Russian in Alaska.

Or, one might even say, various Native American languages across the entire North American continent.


Manifesting “whiteness” by being effective and (Oh no!!) making mean tweets?

tom reynolds

Looks like we have a new troll visiting. Must be getting paid per down vote


Yes, but he lives in a parallel universe. In his world the sky is green.


Counselor, Lar’s parallel universe is so hopelessly barren that his sky is probably brown…


That’s because he has his head up his arse.

A Proud Infidel®™

You still can’t say a damn thing without shitting your pants over Danald trump!


 😍  :saluting: 


Not directly approving an invasion would be near the top of the list. By approving a limited incursion he gave Putin Crimea. I don’t see how he could not have been more on Putin’s side than Trump.

tom reynolds

Is he still getting 10% of Hunters Ukraine check?


This felt pretty inevitable.

All the diplomatic efforts were performative on both sides.


Performative? Ol’ Poe would say preordained: from the very moment our incompetent weakling of a president was elected, advertising to the world’s bad operators that they now had a replay of the Obama mess to exploit, but now with even greater misfeasance in the American government and, incredibly, even more of a buffoon in charge.

As Ronald Reagan said, “Weakness invites aggression.”

Someone else said, “Elections have consequences.”

Ol’ Poe would submit that the world is now experiencing the entirely predictable results of America’s 2020 fraudulent elections.

With more to come. Can you say Taiwan, Lars?


That was my thought. Is he going to just shrug off the invasion and subjugation of the free people of Taiwan as to, “Well, this felt pretty inevitable.”


Saying this felt inevitable does not mean I am ok with it, asshole.

It just means Putin had made the decision and there was diplomatic way to stop it .

Diplomatic efforts on Putin’s part were in bad faith…and therefore “performative”.

Diplomatic efforts on our part were already known to be doomed to fail, but they knew they had to make the effort in order to undermine Putin’s claims. Not to stop him, but to leave him fewer narratives to justify it.


Oh, I dunno. For starters, not leaving Afghanistan the way we did may have been a pretty good deterrent.


I’ll bite. How would staying in A’stan deter Russia?


Leaving with our tails between our legs and people literally falling off the planes, doesn’t exactly send a picture of strength to our geopolitical adversaries.

Green Thumb

No, it does not.

Green Thumb

We come as weak and clueless.


Frankly, staying in A’stan for 20 years makes us look weak and clueless. Finally getting out ASAP is the smartest thing we have done in A’stan in those 20 years.


So how would that deter Russia from whatever? For one thing, the Russians are smart enough to know the difference between a picture and reality.


Believe it or not, there are things in this world that the US doesn’t have the power or the right to permit or deny. You seem to think it is our right to rule the world.


How the hell did you construe that from my response to Lars?

Young Poe served his time as a world policeman and more than a half century later is still paying the price in lifelong, severe tinnitus/poor hearing, and multiple Agent Orange connected cancers, that the VA has only recently and reluctantly agreed some of which are service connected.

Also, I’ve made earlier comments on TAH that Ukraine is not America’s hill to die on. Our troops should be protecting our own damned borders.

Ol’ Poe is the very last guy you should be accusing of wanting to rule/police the world…


Attack a NATO or SEATO country or even an EU country and I’d wager some interest. Outside of that my GAF meter is running around 5%.


Well, I reread the comments and damned if I can see how how I construed that. I blame it on the infirmities of age, ’cause I used to be pretty smart. Honest.

Anyway, thanks for the correction and contribution to my ever-increasing stockpile of humiliation, and my apologies.


When you talk to ol’ Poe about the infirmities of age, you’re preachin’ to the choir, cousin.

No harm–no foul… 😜 


You spelled predictable wrong


Yeah, it was. But that is not the word I used. It did not been to be explicitly said since many of us had predicted this down to the exact date of the invasion.

RGR 4-78

WTF are you trying to say.
Major, if you would just take an extra minute to proofread, your screed would at least be decipherable.


No impulse control…

A Proud Infidel®™️

Your fellow moonbats in the media were screaming that Putin was going to invade during the Winter Olympic Games and that didn’t happen.


Leaked letter from US ambassador to UN warns of ‘human rights catastrophe’ in event of invasion

A bit leery of the story source but given to Russia’s recent ‘external covert’ actions, it would follow and easily be profiled to ‘known actions and responses.’


Just ask the Poles about the Katyn massacre:
comment image


Yup. One of Stalin and Beria’s prouder historical moments


An ironic fact regarding the Kaytn Massacre: those executed by the NKVD at Katyn were in general not executed using Soviet weapons. Rather, most were executed using the German Walther Model 2 (chambered in .25 ACP). Apparently the standard Soviet pistol – the Nagant M1895, chambered in 7.62x38mmR – had enough recoil that executioners found it painful to use during a long night’s work. (The standard military cartridge for the Nagant was close in power to the .32 H&R Magnum.) The Walther didn’t have that issue, and was also thought to be more reliable.

FWIW: the NKVD’s chief executioner, Vasily Blokhin, reportedly personally executed 7,000 individuals during a 28-day period during the Kaytn Massacre – or an average of 250 persons daily.


Last edited 2 years ago by Hondo

Just wondering how those executioners went about filing a disability claim for carpal tunnel syndrome or hearing loss. Who would contest it? Witnesses? Supporting documentation?

Yeah, I know–I’m a sick puppy.Still, can’t help thinking it would make a good Monty Python skit.

USMC Steve

Poland still categorically hates Russia. I wonder how they would react if Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and some of their other former vassal states attacked them when they went after Ukraine.


This is the only way to achieve true socialism! Bring everyone back to the bosom of the Soviet Socialist States!


The dry teat of Communism!


Sounds familiar…

Pray for peace.
Prepare for war.


Please remember that Biden “okayed” a limited incursion a few weeks back. Putin is going to annex parts of Donetsk and Luhansk and go no further with the agreement that Ukraine will not join NATO but still receive aid from the West. The sides will go back-and-forth all summer with “big talk & saber rattling”, and then Biden will try to declare he stopped the invasion that was never going to happen before the mid-term elections. Its nothing but bad news for his administration, and Heels up Harris was no help, so this is the only card he can play.

BlueCord Dad

My son, who has been out of the Army for 2yrs after doing 8 was ordered to report to Dobbins AFB. He’s to under go assessment to see if he’s gonna be called up from the IRR. As he’s in the midst of getting his Masters in Nursing at Emory, he’s not a happy camper. LGB…


if he did 8 years he has no reserve obligation left, unless they changed the law. Now, if he chose to be a member of a non-drilling USAR unit that’s a different storey.


True – but if he’s a commissioned officer, that’s also irrelevant. Reserve officers have to resign their commission or be discharged by the appropriate RC personnel command; otherwise they’re subject to recall until one or the other occurs.

Discharge is generally not automatic at the 8 year point, either. It usually happens due to 2x non-selection for promotion due to their file being non-competitive because of non-participation.

As I recall, a fair number of folks found this out the hard way during Desert Shield/Desert Storm.

Hack Stone

Don’t worry, all of those who voted for Joe Biden are heading down to their local Recruiting Offices as we sit here reading this thread. Just like all of the Trump Haters said that his voters should be sent off to fight the wars he was going to start.


If he is getting his NP he might be able to get waived for now. They would rather have an NP than an RN.


“…appear to be completely useless…”
Understatement of the year.

Name edited to protect PII.


The song remains the same.


Anyone interested, Luhansk, had belonged to Russia since 1500’s, 90% speak Russian, Voted to belong to Russia, when Ukraine first was granted independence, then the Ukrainian Parliament spoke up with a 90-10 vote saying, “Nah, you gotta stay in the Ukraine baby!” So Dohensk, is also Russian speaking 90%, Voted to be independent of Ukraine during independence, has pretty well been independent since Genghis Khan started kicking their asses. To call them “Tribal”, is an understatement. Just saying, Ukraine really doesn’t have a claim on either city. They were both sucked up into a Parliament that wanted territory. Now, they want out.


Wonder if the Ukrainiens think all that money paid to Hunter was well spent?


comment image


And just like that… Whoosh! and he was gone.

Is it me or did that Whoosh! noise Commissar made leaving sound like a toilet flush?

A Proud Infidel®™

MY hypothesis is he’s thoroughly brainwashed to the point where he truly thinks that regurgitating his propaganda here will suddenly make us swap over to thinking like he does, and as soon as he gets his ass kicked, he just mopes off until next time.


I am out, it was a mistake to come back, even briefly.

Many of you are still traitors that support Trump and the insurrectionists. Defend that traitors shitbag to the end.

I guess I should not be surprised people like Hondo are regurgitating Russian talking points as though the fact that Crimea was once part of Russia justifies Russian claims.

It is nonsense, it is Kremlin propaganda and does not justify annexation. Nor does it justify what Putin is doing now.

It is, however, the talking points both Trump and Tucker Carlson spout.



Well, that is the best of your recent
posts. You need to spend more time Dutch ruddering your Antifa buddies anyway.


Send your moms in next time!


Why plural? Does he have two moms? That would explain a lot.


Golf ball through a garden hose, you know…

A Proud Infidel®™️

Well alright then, you did a great job of making yourself everyone’s dart board!


Well, Lars, surely you’re familiar with that old saying about the definition of insanity being doing the same thing repetetively while each time expecting a different result.

If you think that just because you lay low for a while then come back here and start spouting your same silly Trump! Trump! Trump! bullshit, and we’re not going to respond the same way we always have, then ol’ Poe thinks you fit right into that definition and are overdue for an equipment check:

From the neck up…

A Proud Infidel®™️

Looks to me like he simply decided to run away after getting his ass kicked!


Nope. He’s a classic troll, engaging here just to stir up trouble.

That’s why Jonn banned him previously.

And yes, Commissar – Jonn did indeed ban you from this site prior to his death. He told me that himself the last time I saw him prior to his demise.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hondo

I also remember Jonn posting that he got tired of Lars’ emails about getting picked on over his posts.

A Proud Infidel®™

The more I contemplate the CRAP that Major Moonbat has posted here in the past, the more convinced I am that he’s brainwashed to the point where he genuinely thought that one day his brainless regurgitations would suddenly “awaken” us into thinking and believing the SHIT that he does.


He went for a “Parthian Shot” , and instead delivered a “parting shart”.


Touché, Mail… 😉 


Lars is a master of mental masturbation…




Lars has a congenital case of ass hurt…


You wanted that stooge in the White House, so you own the oncoming debacle.

Go back to your day job,
Impotent Rage.


Last I recall, he did not have a job cuz of his illness that caused him to drop out of the Berzerkely U.


Don’t be silly. In 2014 when Russia invaded it was Trump’s fault. Now that Russia is invading again in 2022 it is also Trump’s fault.


Ditto. A number of never-Trump RINO’s and Prog talking heads, including AllahPundit, are twisting themselves into pretzels arguing Putin’s Ukraine gambit is somehow Trump’s fault. It is significant to recall that Putin started moving his military chess pieces into position around Ukraine’s borders back in March 2021.


Knowing full well how easily elections can be stolen, but unsure whether they can be overturned in America, Putin gave it a year to make sure Trump wasn’t coming back any time soon.

But his генштаб (general staff) likely began dusting off their Планы работы в Украине (Ukraine operation plans) the morning after Election Day in November 2019.



Well that was fun….
For a minute…
The “Boner-tzar” had to go back to his flop house with his buddies…
Way to disappoint us (shocker) Bol-Stal-Len-otsky-oixist.

A Proud Infidel®™

Major Moonbat said that he was running away for good after the last time he got his ass kicked.


I guess I should not be surprised people like Hondo are regurgitating Russian talking points

Accurate facts from history aren’t “talking points”, you freaking brainwashed moron.

But you’d have to have more intelligence than a turnip to understand that point. Your intellect appears to be so feeble that you can’t grasp even that simple concept.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hondo
Forrest Bondurant

Let’s see…. Trump hasn’t been president for 1 year, 1 month and 3 days as of this post, and Commissar is still babbling about Trump “this” and Trump “that”. He’s as bad as the media, who only repeats what they’ve heard.

To add, January 6th was no “insurrection”, no matter how you try to spin it.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Amen to that, just how many instances of arson, looting or anything of the sort happened during the so-called “insurrection” versus the leftist moonbats going apeshit during the rioting in blue locales that ruined many peoples’ livelihoods?


The reason the Progdagandists keep screeching it was an “insurrection” is because they are planning to use that term to sue to block Republican Trump supporters from running for Congressional seats. They are pretending that everyone who attended or otherwise participated in the Jan. 6 rally is the legal equivalent of a CSA military officer in 1865.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I’m absolutely certain that every time Putin looks at Biden he sees another Neville Chamberlain.

Hack Stone

Russian newscasters are describing it it as a mostly peaceful invasion, so no need for anyone to get upset.


I’m a day late to the party of getting called a Putin lapdog. Damn.

Normally I don’t address Monsieur Fuckhead, so I will continue that SOP.

But these genocidal blue-haired, limp-wristed, pansies and their liberal arts degrees wanna start a war?

Guess what assholes, the conservative white Christian heterosexual male has had enough, it’s your turn. Equipment draw at 0430, Battle Field is that way =====>

Hillary is your General now.

F*ck You


Roh-Dog report to the battalion class room for sensitivity training.


“No man left behind. Except all those people we left behind.”

At this point the only people “left behind” are the ones who want to be “left behind”. Their choice, and I will lose no sleep over it.


The results of this poll from the liberal Associated Press/NORC will surprise no one here at TAH except perhaps for a few liberal trolls. Only 22% (largely Neocons, no doubt) of Republicans favor a major role in Ukraine for the US while 32% of Democrats do. Even fewer Independents (20%) believe in a major role for this country.

22% and 32% of Republicans and Independents, respectively, believe we should have no role while only 14% of Democrats want no role for us whatsoever.

As for a limited role, Republicans at 54% lead Democrats by 2% but it’s the Independents here who have the low position at 44%.

Let’s hope the poll-driven Biden administration heeds this lack of support for a major US role and keeps us out of this mess. The Dems, already badly underperforming with Independents, best pay attention or risk losing more of that demographic.

America’s role in the Russia and Ukraine situation – AP-NORC (apnorc.org)


Overlooked info from the White House Monday press briefing:

“But I want to take a step back here and point out something that may be lost on people who have not been paying attention to this conflict throughout most of the last eight years, which is that Russia has occupied these regions since 2014. It has been Russia’s position that there are not Russian forces present in this part of the Donbas.

“The reality, as we pointed out on a number of occasions over these past years, has been quite different. There have been Russian forces present in these areas throughout. And so we’re going to be looking very closely at what they do over the coming hours and days, and our response will be measured according, again, to their — to their actions.”

Background Press Call by Senior Administration Officials on Russia and Ukraine | The White House


Just read that Russian airborne troops are assaulting and securing Kiev airport.

“Russia’s airborne forces are attempting to take control of the airport in Kyiv to they can fly in forces to occupy the capitol city. An amphibious assault on the key port city of Mariupol is now underway. Ground forces now moving in from Belarus,Crimea & from Russia,” he (Sen.Marco Rubio)said in a follow-up tweet.

Here’s Biden’s response to Russia declaring war, attacking Ukraine | American Military News

Last edited 2 years ago by Poetrooper

God help the people of Ukraine…


They are openly begging Turkey to shut down the Black Sea. Turkey could do it, doubtful they want to get involved.


The ass kicking has begun.