RSSTerror War

Iran strikes targets in Syria, Iraq and Pakistan, Pakistan follows up by striking into Iran

| January 19, 2024 | 23 Comments
Iran strikes targets in Syria, Iraq and Pakistan, Pakistan follows up by striking into Iran

Iran conducted strikes against what it identified as terrorist targets. Iran said that the impacted terror groups threatened Iran’s interests. Iran recently suffered from a major terrorist attack. The Iranian response to this terror attack included a statement that Iran would strike back. The Iranians delivered on that statement by attacking what they identified as […]

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Houthi missile intended for the USS Laboon is shot down

| January 17, 2024 | 27 Comments
Houthi missile intended for the USS Laboon is shot down

The Houthis fired an antiship missile intended to hit the USS Laboon. Unfortunately for the Houthis and for their missile, a US fighter jet canceled their plans. The antiship missile was successfully shot down. However, the Houthis apparently had luck hitting a cargo ship associated with the United States. The Houthis appear to be defiant […]

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American Air Force team allegedly assisted Israel with targets

| January 16, 2024 | 12 Comments
American Air Force team allegedly assisted Israel with targets

The US was reported to have flown surveillance drones over Gaza as an effort to assist Israel with hostage recovery. However, a Freedom of Information Act request revealed the possibility that a US Air Force team also assisted the Israelis with targets. The deployment guidelines provided to Air Force intelligence teams caught Lawrence Cline’s attention. […]

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Jellyfish looking aerial object floating over military base in Iraq

| January 15, 2024 | 25 Comments
Jellyfish looking aerial object floating over military base in Iraq

An aerostat, a blimp like balloon hovering over a base in Iraq, captured video of what is described as an Unknown Aerial Phenomenon (UAP). The UAP looked like a giant jellyfish flying over the base. They tracked it until it traveled far enough to shrink and disappear from view as a result of distance. Did […]

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The US and UK strike Houthi targets in Yemen

| January 13, 2024 | 34 Comments
The US and UK strike Houthi targets in Yemen

In response to Houthi terrorist attacks against shipping and warships in the Red Sea, the US and the UK hit back. Targets were hit with precision weapons fired from the air and from the sea. The US and UK aimed at weakening the Houthi rebels’ ability to conduct their attacks against shipping. The Houthi rebel […]

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The US Military is in talks regarding escorting commercial ships in the Red Sea

| December 8, 2023 | 20 Comments
The US Military is in talks regarding escorting commercial ships in the Red Sea

Houthi militants have been leveraging missile and drone attacks against commercial shipping in the Red Sea. The Houthis claim that this is a part of an effort to fight against Israel. There already is a task force, the Combined Maritime Forces, consisting of ships from multiple nations. They’ve been involved with security in this area. […]

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Joe Biden’s $106 billion supplemental request to increase munitions production capacity

| November 1, 2023 | 59 Comments
Joe Biden’s $106 billion supplemental request to increase munitions production capacity

Team Biden wants to increase the munitions production capacity so that the U.S. could continue to supply both Ukraine and Israel. Both countries are burning through rounds at a rapid rate. If the US is to continue to keep up with the burn rate, capacity needs to be increased to increase production. Companies involved with […]

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American fighter jets strike Iran linked sites in Syria

| October 27, 2023 | 18 Comments
American fighter jets strike Iran linked sites in Syria

In retaliation for recent attacks aimed at US troops in Syria, a couple of U.S. F-16 fighter jets attacked Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps linked sites. These sites stored the type of ammunition used against US positions in Syria. The strike was proportional and was intended to only target those who have been attacking US troops. […]

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