Afghanistan withdrawal had Donald Trump been in the White House…

| July 3, 2024

Wesley Hunt, Texas Representative, was in the same room as Donald Trump, the leader of the Taliban, and others were at. According to Hunt, Donald Trump told the leader of the Taliban that the withdrawal was going to be conditions based. When asked what those conditions were, the response was one, that if they harmed a hair on a single American, that he was going to kill the Taliban leader. The translator leaned back in his chair apparently not wanting to tell the leader what Trump said. Trump insisted that the translator provide a word for word translation. That message was accompanied by Trump’s handing the Taliban leader a satellite photo of the leader’s house. Donald Trump walked out right after that.

From RedState:

Former President Donald Trump was many things as commander-in-chief, but when it came to foreign policy, he wasn’t the guy you mess around with. According to Texas Republican Congressman Wesley Hunt, the Taliban learned that during a face-to-face meeting with the former President.

Hunt appeared on The Sage Steele Show alongside Byron Donalds, where he told a story about the time Trump met with Taliban leaders while planning the withdrawal of American troops out of Afghanistan.

During the meeting, Trump told the Taliban leaders he wanted to leave Afghanistan, but wanted it to be a “conditions-based withdrawal.”

What were the conditions?

Just one, according to Hunt.

Hunt said they had one translator in the room, and Trump made his condition very clear for the translator.

“If you harm a hair on a single American, I’m going to kill you,” said Trump.

The translator reportedly looked at Trump with wide eyes and leaned back in his seat according to Hunt, however Trump insisted the translator repeat his warning to the Taliban leaders verbatim, which he did.

As he did, Hunt says Trump reached into his pocket and took out a satellite image of the Taliban leader’s home and handed it to him before simply getting up and walking out of the room.

Additional reading, including video segment:

Morse, B. (2024, July 02). Wow: Texas Rep. Wesley Hunt tells insane story of Trump threatening Taliban leaders to their faces. RedState. Link.

Category: Donald Trump, Taliban, Terror War

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Hack Stone

Joe Biden would have handed him a copy of Hunter’s resume.


And a bill for 10%

Just An Old Dog

“For the Big Guy”


Hell yeah!


Ball less pedojoe murdered 13 Americans.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

At a minimum. Has there been any word on the Americans that were left behind at the withdrawal?

“Jack my problem, Jack. I’ve got a.. you know, the thing to rig this November, my diaper’s full and I don’t work for you.”

— Dictator Biden


Not my problem*

9000 according to the congressional report. After Trump is president again they will start covering their stories and ask when is someone going to do something about it?

Remember you heard it here first.


It will be blamed on Trump.


“…(s)elections have consequences…”

And here we are. “We must fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here.” Guess what…we WILL have to fight them “over here”…no matter what happens come November.



Hope y’all got ammo, gold and canned food.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

No gold. Tsk

Hey, .22LR could be currency for a spell…


If it all goes to shit, your wealth will be measured by the food in your pantry and the bullets for your gun(s).


Part of me believes it’ll happen prior to the elections so as to give the problem that is to blame for the ensuing nonsense that will occur.

The other half of me believes it’ll happen after so it can be Trumps fault (like COVID, remember??)

Don’t think for a minute that our enemies don’t know which party has their best interest at heart. They absolutely use that information to benefit their causes.


Not to worry…when “Big Mike” is (s)elected everything will be all warm and fuzzy.


That seems to be the ringer! Doesn’t it??


Hopefully this works


Unless we follow the lead of our NATO “allies” and preemptively surrender.


Strange story, wonder what happened? Heart attack or suicide?


Strangs indeed. Retired, but maybe contractor? Why else would he be on base? And on the weekend? Plus only 2 years older than me. That’s more scary than strange.


Uh oh. Found this in his bio: “Mullen was the Marine aide to President Bill Clinton from 1999 to 2001. He then attended the School of Advanced Warfighting in 2001.”. Musta had some dirt on something, maybe.

AW1 Rod

Arkancide! Back off, Mullen, or I’ll kill yourself!


If he reloaded, I’d be suspicious.


Retired personnel can live on base now. They imply it was a simple unattended. Could be.

Hack Stone

One article Hack read said the building he was found in was an MCCES (Comm School) building. You wouldn’t catch Hack dead there, he is already a 3X offender, 2841, 2861 and 2823.


Couldn’t find what goes on at Building 1651 except—-


Suicided behind the ear, two shots?

A Proud Infidel®™

And then found wrapped up in a rug in some park?


You know he got there by himself don’t ya?


Investigated by NCIS? Lol. Stand by for some entertaining fiction.


Some how Trump is the only President this century not to start another war…

The strategy of appeasement never works. Reagan turned up the wick on the Cold War and the Soviets blinked and then faded out to Bolivia. Barry O, the Muslim sympathizer, continued his policy of stuffing Iran with as much cash as possible has continued in his 3rd term.

Forest Bondurant

He must’ve learned a little something from his former SECDEF (Mattis) who once told a group of Iraqi tribal elders:

“I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: if you f*ck with me, I’ll kill you all.”


“Speak softly and carry a big stick”.


Has always worked better than Free Sh*t.


Especially this stick:


A very simple demand. VERY simple.

Getting up and walking out before anyone could respond was the cherry on the sundae. Perfection.


Would love to have seen the talibans facial expressions and body languages when he dropped the picture and informed him he would kill him. Mic drop as he walked out.

Priceless indeed.

Hack Stone

The Art of The Deal, Volume II. You can kill them with kindness, but it is much quicker with overwhelming firepower.




Your 1st sentence is
“Wesley Hunt, Texas Representative,
was in the same room
as Donald Trump, the leader of the Taliban, and others were at.”

In the same room?
How so?
Wesley Hunt was not elected to Congress until January 2023.
And he was long out of the US Army
as a Captain and helicopter pilot by 2017.

Does anyone know what Hunt was doing between 2017 and 2020?

The same “story” is told here, in the Washington Examiner.

But there is ZERO mention of Hunt being there,
being in DC, or being in the room.
It’s just a “story” he tells.


That certainly makes things interesting.


Well, there you go.

Overnight, the above goes from +2 to -2.
And -5 below on the actual video of the podcast “story”.

And how many readers, commenters, and/or minus clickers have turned up the proof, or the source?


I could have suggested that no change or correction has been made, because thebesig is taking the holiday off,
but here he is this morning, to post up the Holiday Open Thread.

The latest example of some sad sad shit that goes on here.


I really WANT this to be true, however… I have no proof of anything other than it’s an awesome story.



Until then,
thebesig should really pony up that proof
(just like the proof asked of
Phony Silver Stars, Phony Purple Hearts, and Congressmen wearing a CIB in the halls of Congress),
and REMOVE the words “was in the same room“.




Good luck with that.

You yourself put up the false words.
Trump didn’t do it (this time).
Hunt didn’t do it at all.
Neither did the various media outlets that ran with the Hunt story.
Just you.

As for people skills, yours suck.

Almost 2 years of watching you occasionally put up fake news that’s out there, your own false statements, or worse, your ill advised conspiracy theories.

Worse, when anyone
(at least 5 of us have done this)
call you out, with facts, proof, or
contradictory stories,
you turn into a nutjob,
with your own counter attack on these website commenters and readers, with your sentence parsing
(Part 1, Part 2, 3a, 3b, and more),
as if you hold any ground on accuracy or credibility.

It’s like watching Sen. Dick Blumenthal from Connecticut, or Bernath, Brown, or Foley and Jowers, or more recently, CIB pin Congressman Troy Nehls (and his still unexplained 2 Bronze Star claims)…..
except now it’s coming from a small few (you) at a website that is meant to stand up for the opposite:
Truth, facts, actual proof and evidence,
and exposing those who lie, fool, and con others.

Anyone still insisting on the down thumbs and the red minus counts,
for pointing out the obvious
(besides thebesig sticking 2 on each),
shame on you.

You thumbs down clickers
(once again)
let your personal politics get in your way.

Not my problem, just once again pointing out the obvious.

You’d make great phony defenders,
when it’s your own buddy or family member who turns out to be a newly exposed Phony Navy SEAL, Fake Iraq Veteran, or another ice rink accolades Phony Beirut Survivor.


I’ll end as I began this longy.
Good luck with that.


“I’ve edited your posts in the past for failing to demonstrate tact.”

Interesting. Do the other administrators here know you “edit” comments? That certainly doesn’t do much good for the credibility of this site or, by association, the other administrators.


Your argument is not with me and I will not participate.


Proof? You don need no steenkin’ proof!

Hack Stone

Fake but accurate? If Joe Biden call talk to world leaders decades after they died, why can’t this guy be sitting in on a conversation that he would have no reason to attend?


Hack Stone,
There is NO source.
Just a story teller, a Congressman on a podcast,
and worse, a Congressman who wasn’t around at that time.

IF the source is Trump, or Pompeo,
or someone who was told, by Trump, or Pompeo,

None of this here.

Just thebesig making a big OOPS,
by not READING the story (stories),
nor doing the most basic deployment of the Fu of Google.


Not unlike the stories we have been fed about the bad orange man for 7,8 or 9 years. The time does seem to run on.

And also, just because there was no mention of Hunt being there, are we to trust the media, the same f###ing media who has told us up to last Thursday that Biden was, and still is, sharp as a tack (but only between 10a and 4p). Some of, but not all of, the media are still in the bag for Biden, while others realize there’s not enough people to buy the shit they’re peddling and have begun to be more “truthful”.


Not even 10-4.
Afternoon naps are part of the White House daily schedule.

That’s fairly normal for a typical retired 80 year old.
But not for a(ny) POTUS.

you should know better,
than to try to divert,
as this whole Hunt / Trump / Taliban story
has nada to do with the awful President,
and the awful election coming.


Wasnt trying to divert anything. Just pointing out that on occasion the media has been known to change their stories., mislead or omit facts. See below

If/when Biden steps down, if before the election, will they have an election to see who will take his place, or will they just select someone because there’s no time for formalities. Will the democrats protect ” the democracy” they speak passionately about?

And you’re correct. I feel it’s going to be an awful election. But nobody stepped up on the Democrats side, and ceded to Biden to be their choice. We live in interesting times.

comment image


The “Fourth Estate” has become The “Fifth Column”.

comment image?w=535&ssl=1


In fairness the Taliban didn’t kill anyone at the airport. They let others do it for them. They may have thought the deal still applied and followed suit.