
Why the ignorant and forgetful should just shut up

| November 16, 2010 | 9 Comments
Why the ignorant and forgetful should just shut up

I don’t know why I keep reading his column, but I clicked on Eugene Robinson’s verbal diarrhea this morning at the Washington Post entitled “Trimming a bloated defense budget” in which Robinson, unsurprisingly, takes the Administration’s position that the way to balance the budget is to freeze military pay and cut spending on weapons systems. […]

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The worst persons in the world

| November 12, 2010 | 8 Comments
The worst persons in the world

Jon Soltz tells Keith Olbermann why he won’t be living in Keith’s studio broom closet any longer. Soltz milks the sympathy of the four people in Olbermann’s audience and has a real hang-dog expression like he’s been sentenced to death instead of called to serve his country; Soltz claims in the video that he’s always […]

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Vets for hire

| November 11, 2010 | 5 Comments
Vets for hire

The good folks at the PBS station KCET in Los Angeles asked me to show you this video about some of the problems returning veterans are having finding and keeping their jobs. The resources and employers mentioned in the video are listed at the SoCal Connected web page related to this video. I’m glad to […]

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What’s different now about DADT?

| November 9, 2010 | 4 Comments
What’s different now about DADT?

I think it’s funny that the New York Times and dicksmith are pulling their hair out because Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell might not get passed this year. First, the NYT; Prospects for Congress to authorize repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy face new uncertainties as time runs out for the Senate to act […]

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The Return of the Olbermann

| November 8, 2010 | 2 Comments
The Return of the Olbermann

According to a bunch of places, Keith Olbermann is returning to whatever network he’s been on. I’m sure hundreds of conservative bloggers are ecstatic that they once again have fodder to keep their blogs alive another few months. Yeah, in the world of no consequences, Olbermann is suspended indefinitely which translates into “forever, unless your […]

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Olberman “suspended”

| November 5, 2010 | 22 Comments
Olberman “suspended”

ROS and Old Trooper both sent links to us about NBC suspending Olbermann indefinitely here and here. I think NBC has been looking for a reason to fire him for a while and he broke their rules right on time. NBC claims Olbie contributed to three Democrat candidates during the elections this Fall. Someone who […]

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Left’s latest lie: Pelosi lost her job because she’s so effective

| November 5, 2010 | 5 Comments
Left’s latest lie: Pelosi lost her job because she’s so effective

Can there be any wonder that no one reads the newspaper anymore when you run across unadulterated crap like Eugene Robinson’s “Nancy Pelosi, undone by her own success” or Andrea Stone’s “Experts Rank Pelosi Among Greatest House Speakers“? Robinson speaks; Pelosi did what was right for the country, and what’s right isn’t always what’s popular. […]

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WaPo: War against Taliban is unsuccessful

| October 27, 2010 | 10 Comments
WaPo: War against Taliban is unsuccessful

The Washington Post’s Greg Miller writes this morning that “U.S. military campaign to topple resilient Taliban hasn’t succeeded” of course this is based on a single, unnamed “Defense Department official’s assessment. The Obama administration’s plan to conduct a strategic review of the war in December has touched off maneuvering between U.S. military leaders seeking support […]

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