The worst persons in the world

| November 12, 2010

Jon Soltz tells Keith Olbermann why he won’t be living in Keith’s studio broom closet any longer. Soltz milks the sympathy of the four people in Olbermann’s audience and has a real hang-dog expression like he’s been sentenced to death instead of called to serve his country;

Soltz claims in the video that he’s always separated his military service from his activism. When was that? If you go back over the countless videos in which Soltz appears, every other word out of his mouth mentions his four months in Iraq as a member of the military until recently, a picture of Soltz in a desert landscape and in a combat pogue uniform (no LBE, no helmet, only a weapon) appeared on VoteVets. How is that separating service with political activism?

Soltz continues that his four months in Iraq led him to oppose the war. HTF did that happen? Four months dispatching vehicles and supervising motor pool police call disillusioned him?

Soltz’ temporary replacement will be J. Ashwin Madia;

Interim Chairman of, J. Ashwin Madia, joined the U.S. Marine Corps and moved to Quantico, Virginia for 6 months of basic training, after Law School. He served in Iraq from September 2005 to March 2006. Madia was lead attorney in over one hundred trials, including thirteen jury trials. He is most proud of his work successfully defending a gay Marine from administrative discharge in 2005, when it was clear that commanders were using disparate standards in their treatment of this Marine compared to other Marines. Madia was a long-time Republican, who supported Bob Dole for President in 1996, and Senator John McCain in 2000, before running as a Democrat for Congress in Minnesota in 2008.

Yeah, I was a long-time Democrat until VoteVets came along and I switched parties, you doofuses. It’s as if they don’t even hear how stupid they sound when they say stupid shit like that.

I wish Jon Soltz luck and I hope he comes back safely. At least he’s not a complete pussy and avoiding the call. But I also hope he appreciates that he gets to reap the benefits of the surge which he so adamantly opposed.

The word is that IAVA’s Paul Reickhof is taking advantage of the new space in the MSNBC broom closet that he and Soltz shared over the last several years and buying a new beanbag chair.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Media

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Old Trooper

OMG, not Madia!!! Well, there goes the neighborhood. I remember watching his commercials, when he ran for congress. Notice he didn’t win, even though every other yard sign I saw on Penn Ave. in Bloomington had his name on it?

Dave Thul

Madia will fit right in at VoteVets. In 2008, Vets For Freedom endorsed his opponent, a civilian, over Madia because Madia wanted to run away from Iraq and Afghanistan.


So Solz is going back to Iraq after over 7 years since his 1st tour and he was still a reserve officer. It amazed me when returning to active duty from retirement in 2005, how many active duty, reservists and Guard had done only short deployments or no deployments yet. Like you said though, at least he isn’t trying to puss out of it even if much safer now.


Soltz: “The Military has suffered bad leadership before…”
(and with his tour, it is again.)

Dufflebag Theory: Put a LT in a dufflebag, throw it in the corner. Come back in 10 years and he’ll be a Major.

Anonymous Captain in Iraq: “I can’t wait to get promoted so I can be part of the problem.”


“Yeah, I was a long-time Democrat until VoteVets came along and I switched parties, you doofuses. It’s as if they don’t even hear how stupid they sound when they say stupid shit like that.

It’s Ok to admit you’ve been a conservative all along.
Otherwise, I seriously doubt you’d be operating this here lil blog of yours…In the manner of which you do. And? I’ll be honest.

I saw in on your face and in your eyes the morning when we met at Winter Crybaby II. I’d pretty well like to think I had a handle on everyone standing on that little piece of ground out front of the NLC, Jonn.

Meeting you and Doc Ford that first time was like I was back home with long lost, old friends. The next morning in front of the Washington Monument when you showed up, I knew exactly of someone else whom I am extremely proud to say I stood ground with.

Soltz is nothing but a punka$$ wannabe. You know it, I know it. So does everybody else. Keep up the excellent work, trooper. I salute you my friend!

Drive on.



So, is Soltz being sent to another motor pool? Or, will he get “delayed” in Kuwait?


Jebus–he better hope his troops don’t know his history. Nothing like a pissed-off First Sgt. to make a junior officer’s life a living hell.

A Veteran

Looking at the Votevets homepage, I had to laugh at the level of self-promotion. “Oooh, look at me – I’m going to war.” It looks like he made his announcement on Veterans Day of all days to announce it. Lets just make a fucking holiday for you Mr. Soltz to celebrate how special you are. He obviously doesn’t care about flying under the radar and must to want to let everyone know overseas that he’s coming. I’m sure his NCOs will be impressed.