What’s different now about DADT?

| November 9, 2010

I think it’s funny that the New York Times and dicksmith are pulling their hair out because Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell might not get passed this year. First, the NYT;

Prospects for Congress to authorize repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy face new uncertainties as time runs out for the Senate to act and strong objections remain among Republicans and the most senior ranks of the military.

Do you know what I just realized? DADT was still in force as a policy last year and the year before…and the year before. So what’s the rush? Dicksmith says;

Let’s be realistic. Repeal of DADT has to be accomplished before the end of the year. Otherwise, there will not be enough vertebrates in Congress, once the new session takes over, to get the repeal through. If we don’t want our force weakened and unit cohesion inhibited for another undetermined amount of time before a new Congress with testicular fortitude is elected, the harmful policy has got to go in this Congress.

I think testicular fortitude is probably the wrong simile to use in a DADT discussion. Well, unless, ya know, it’s the most important aspect of the discussion to dicksmith. But at least he’s honest about what he thinks of us “invertebrates”.

I don’t think waiting on DADT to be repealed is having much effect on our forces. Not as much as dicksmith would like us to think. There are a whole lot of dead terrorists who would take exception with dicksmith’s contention.

Besides, the gay crowd put their hopes in the Obama rhetoric for the last two years and nothing has happened, what has changed that makes them think anything will change in the next couple of weeks?

Category: Congress sucks, Media

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“Force weakened”??? Our force is over 1million and we discharge about 730 per year for Homosexuality. More are discharged for Overweight, for Alcohol drug abuse than sitting on cock in the latrine

“Cohesion”?? Like Bradley Manning fights with his boytoy, gets pissed and downloard Classified info in a hissy fit? didnt realize “Tantrums” was an Army Value


So now they’re trying to say that openly homosexual soldiers will ENHANCE unit cohesion and force strength? Ha! That’s too funny.

I’m glad it will probably fade from the political landscape, at least for the time being. I am thinking about going back into the military, this time as an officer.

I’m not saying that DADT will be a condition of my service. I’ll go back in regardless, but I really don’t want to see a more PC military than the one that I left seven years ago. DADT is a policy that has served the military well, and I’m completely opposed to its repeal. The military is not a laboratory for social experiments.


“Testicular Fortitude”? Well, you can’t expect anything better from some one with “dicksmith” as his persona.
This is just Comedy Central writ large.


The LGBT Army certainly finds this sickening, particularly since the Log Cabin Republicans have now done more to rescind DADT than their annointed one. (Will we see their ranks swell?)

But with the US Army continuing to turn away more quality recruits than the Gay Pride Parade can muster, I don’t think National Defense is threatened by refusing to admit LT Choi and PFC Manning or any of their buddies that salivate over group shower facilities.

CPL Klinger would be appalled.