Left’s latest lie: Pelosi lost her job because she’s so effective
Can there be any wonder that no one reads the newspaper anymore when you run across unadulterated crap like Eugene Robinson’s “Nancy Pelosi, undone by her own success” or Andrea Stone’s “Experts Rank Pelosi Among Greatest House Speakers“?
Robinson speaks;
Pelosi did what was right for the country, and what’s right isn’t always what’s popular.
Yeah? So why did she try to pull funding for the Defense department and the war no less than five times? That was what was popular in 2007 and 2008.
Can I mention that for half of the years that Pelosi was Speaker, the Congress passed no budget? Isn’t passing a budget the main job of Congress? So obviously, she got fired for being incompetent.
Stone writes;
Few Republicans would give Pelosi even a passing grade. She has been caricatured as a monster, has been excoriated by right-wing bloggers as the mother of all federal deficits and has become the bete noire of conservative talk radio. Most would, and have, called her the worst speaker in history.
Well, so would the American people, apparently, because they fired her. that was accident of fate on Tuesday…it was America’s voice.
Yeah, as long as newspapers continue to hire incompetent boobs as columnists, consumers will vote against them with their wallets.
Thanks to ROS for half of those links.
Category: Media
And in my “trolling” of those rose colored glass wearing fools…
“the election wasn’t as big a deal for the dems” or “don’t compare what they do to Che, Marx, Stalin..” Or this gem: “America has stepped backwards and this Age of enlightenment is going to ruin people.” (To which I had to reply that the real Age of Enlightenment was about people rising above their own immaturity and trying to become better people for the world as a whole and that it had nothing to do with elections, fair taxation or limited gov’t!)
All I can think of to say is that Liberalism as it is defined today is a disease!
I’ll give Pelosi props for the way she wrangled/threatened/arm-twisted legislation into passing. She, and her right-hand maiden, Dianne DeGette, figured out ways to cajole congress into passing deathly legislation when it looked certain it was ‘dead’.
The only real ‘terrorist’ in Congress…San Fran Nan Pelosi..
Of course the left is still in love with Bella Pelosi. Why wouldn’t they be? In their little corner of dementia, she presided over the most ethical, corrupt free House in history. No need to look at the locking of doors to keep out the republicans during the stimulus planning. No need to look at her turning out the lights on debate about oil drilling. No need to look at the threats, back room deals, and downright nastiness she brought forth to keep those in her party in line for votes. Grandma botox is going to have to give up her taxpayer funded, Air Force maintained personal transportation back and forth from San Fran to DC twice a week. Sucks to be her.
I will be glad to see her gone. I think she’s dangerous.
Pelosi did what was right for the country, and what’s right isn’t always what’s popular.
She took over an economy in JAN 2007 which had around a 5-6% unemployment rate, record highs on WallStreet (great for everyone’s retirement accounts), great job growth and a deficit which the GOP had been decreasing for 3 years.
Over the next 3 years, she doubled the unemployment rate, WallStreet tanked, job growth reversed and she grew the deficit from $247.7 Billion in 2006 to a record $438 Billion in 2008 to $1.4 Trillion in 2009 to ~$1.5 Trillion in 2010.
Yeah, that was definitely “what was right for the country”.