The Return of the Olbermann

| November 8, 2010

According to a bunch of places, Keith Olbermann is returning to whatever network he’s been on. I’m sure hundreds of conservative bloggers are ecstatic that they once again have fodder to keep their blogs alive another few months. Yeah, in the world of no consequences, Olbermann is suspended indefinitely which translates into “forever, unless your replacement brings in fewer viewers than even you”. So Olbermann misses two broadcasts…his wounded ego. I guess Phil Griffin really does work for Olbermann.

Now, whatever network has a contract with Olbermann can get down to the business of firing his stupid ass for actual reasons. Like keeping Jon Soltz (VoteVets executive director) and Paul Reickhof (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America’s executive director) in Olbermann’s studio broom closet…rent free!

Or maybe they can fire him because his viewership is lower than Rachel Maddow’s. How he can pull in less than one viewer is beyond my understanding of math and biology, but he does.

So, welcome back to the airways, Keith, however briefly the return might be.

Category: Media

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He does provide some excellent material. But how long can they keep this guy around when bowling draws more viewership then he does. TV is about making money and I can’t see how Olby is doing that for his boss.

Michael in MI

TV is about making money and I can’t see how Olby is doing that for his boss.

True, but MSNBC is about indoctrinating and brainwashing people, and if they make money in the process, that’s just a bonus. They must feel that OlberdouCHE is one of their best at the former, even if he doesn’t contribute to the latter.