
What You Lose with NBC News

| November 23, 2013 | 40 Comments
What You Lose with NBC News

As someone who wouldn’t watch NBC Nightly News even if held at gunpoint by a crazed Brian Williams fan (ditto for Today) I must rely on the reporting of Brent Bozell’s network watchdog website, which usually gets it right, for the truth of this statement: After going 72 hours without even mentioning ObamaCare on […]

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Contractor lied to CBS reporter about role in Benghazi

| November 8, 2013 | 25 Comments
Contractor lied to CBS reporter about role in Benghazi

We all saw the video in which Dylan Davies told CBS reporter Lara Logan about his daring-do at the consulate in Benghazi on September 11th, 2012. Well, it turns out that he told the FBI that he didn’t get to the consulate until the following morning according to the New York Times; The reporter, Lara […]

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Just because I’m curious.

| October 22, 2013 | 53 Comments
Just because I’m curious.

With all the news about the horror of the Affordable Care Act, AKA Obamacare being a complete dud, I’d like to hear from you.  How many of you have actually signed up?  If so what state, and how was the experience?  Right now we can only get anecdotal information so I want to hear actual […]

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What’s scarier than a vet?

| September 17, 2013 | 31 Comments
What’s scarier than a vet?

Why, a vet with an AR-15, of course. That’s why MSNBC ran this little video this morning, because the point is not to inform, but rather make shit up; See, they even added a grenade launcher, because it makes it even scarier. The problem is that it’s not likely that Alexis used an AR-type rifle […]

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Those crazy vets

| September 17, 2013 | 36 Comments
Those crazy vets

DrewM at Ace sent us this Tweet last night from a Washington Post headline The Post changed the headline after Drew captured it, but they’re back at it again this morning; One Navy official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that Alexis was discharged in January 2011 for “a pattern of misconduct” and that […]

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Another .762 caliber rifle found

| August 21, 2013 | 31 Comments
Another .762 caliber rifle found

You might remember last week that the Washington Times reported that one of the Fast & Furious weapons found at crime scenes in Mexico was a .762 caliber rifle. This week, it’s NBC that saw one of these rifles at the brief school shooting in Georgia yesterday; A photo of [Michael Brandon Hill, the shooter] […]

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MSNBC: Boston bombers weren’t jihadists

| August 19, 2013 | 27 Comments
MSNBC: Boston bombers weren’t jihadists

I don’t know if anyone besides right wing bloggers are watching MSNBC anymore, but this might be one of the reasons why; MSNBC news reader tells us that the Boston bombers weren’t jihadists at all, they were right wingers who were fans of professional conspiracy crank Alex Jones; I guess it makes MSNBC feel better […]

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Mike Warren; the phony POW, phony vet; aided in deception by the media

| August 1, 2013 | 176 Comments
Mike Warren; the phony POW, phony vet; aided in deception by the media

I get so tired of this shit sometimes. This is the tale of Mike Warren written by Jaine Treadwell of the Troy, Alabama Messenger. And quite tale it is. Mike Warren claims that he was a Vietnam veteran and a POW. When Jaine was told by Captain John “Mike” McGrath, a real and fairly famous […]

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