What’s scarier than a vet?

| September 17, 2013

Why, a vet with an AR-15, of course. That’s why MSNBC ran this little video this morning, because the point is not to inform, but rather make shit up;

See, they even added a grenade launcher, because it makes it even scarier. The problem is that it’s not likely that Alexis used an AR-type rifle during his shoot out with police. You can ask CNN, if you don’t believe me;

…law enforcement sources told CNN Tuesday that authorities have recovered three weapons from the scene of the mass shooting, including one — a shotgun — that investigators believe Alexis brought in to the compound. The other two weapons, which sources say were handguns, may have been taken from guards at the Navy complex.

The sources, who have detailed knowledge of the investigation, cautioned that initial information that an AR-15 was used in the shootings may have been incorrect. It is believed that Alexis had rented an AR-15, but returned it before Monday morning’s shootings.

But, that ruins the whole scarier scenario that’s supposed to play out on the cable news wherein they get to inflict more gun laws that will only serve to disarm law abiding citizens and do nothing to prevent things like what happened yesterday. And I thought shotguns were this administration’s firearm of choice, yet Alexis legally bought a shotgun and then used to get two handguns from guards, apparently. I can still hear Joe Bite Me repeating “Buy a shotgun” in my head.

Now tell me, right now, how either Dianne Feinstein’s or Joe Manchin’s bills would have prevented the shooting yesterday. Go ahead, Google it, I’ll wait. Done? Well, what’s the answer? No, Alexis would have been able to buy that shotgun or another one just as shotgunny. Which means that he still would have killed the guards from whom he stole the two handguns. Want to disarm security guards so no one can steal their guns? Of course not. But you want to take my guns for the same stupid reason.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Media

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Did he have a 203 on his shotgun?

Jonathan Lubecky

Here my question. If Vets withguns are so dangerous, why did he attack the shipyard and not VA Headquarters? If Vets are gonna snap its gonna be at the VA. I know my biggest danger is to myself, not others.


“Never let the facts get in the way of a *good* story”…some msm mantra…

Bill Linton

Thank God only 12 people get their news from PMSNBC

Don H

They also say he was honorably discharged, when in fact he received a general under honorable conditions discharge, so they’re doing really well on covering this story.

Combat Historian

The MSDNC graphic folks should have added a pump shotgun attached below the grenade launcher which is attached below the AR-15 for added extra scary effect, and a bayonet too…


The “narrative”, not the truth, is what matters to the left. The narrative represents some “higher truth” (the higher truth being that the left-wing agenda is what is best for all people always) and so something as trivial as the actual truth is of no consequence in advancing the narrative. Now, I ask you, how are we supposed to argue in good faith with people for whom truth is so inconsequential?


“Not likely that he used an AR type rifle.” Confirmed he did use an AR rifle. Your point falls short of trying to defend the platform used

Derek Smalls

I’m surprised MSNBC didn’t show an AT-4 or bazooka strapped around his back. Christ….how is this “news” channel still in existence???


Saw that this morning, scanning the news. Like, WTF? He had a 203? Holy… Wait a minute, what channel am I on? Oh, now I get it. Click.


@8 – The shooter used a shotgun, not an AR. Perhaps you should pay better attention.

I did not know that, as the article quoted says, you can rent weapons. Where do you do that? It would save me the cost of keeping one at home.


@5 – it is being widely reported that he was allowed an early out on an honorable instead of ETSing with a general. Basically it sounds like he was no sterling troop, but his transgressions were not so bad that a general was considered necessary. I suspect his chain of command made one of those ‘hell, maybe he’ll sort himself out and if we give him a general we’ll have to prove every last detail – screw it, see if he’ll take an honorable to get the hell out of our hair’ conversations.


What’s scarier than a vet? That’s easy: a journalist with a camera, a microphone, and an agenda.


oh, i saw this one, this is the damn few episode with the pig mayor thats really hitler, right? next we ban shotguns, then tridents, then wiffle ball bats. then we allow only FAIL slips. when you have a violent confrontation, simply present your fail slips and your confrontation will be delt with in a timely manner.


Want to know what’s scarier than a Veteran? A radical, criminal, Left news “news” organization who lies to their audience and reports that the shooter used an AR-15. Reclaim your dignity and brain…turn off MSNBC, and FOX News.


Gee, I learned something new from CNN – that the AR15 was a full auto that years later became a semi, and sometime around then the M16 materialized. Guess I should have learned from the CNN experts. /sarc off/

Herbert J Messkit

Heard Fox news muddle through his discharge characterization. I want to scream at them that a dishonorable discharge only follows a court martial and is a a federal felony conviction, and would have put him in the prohibited class.


I’m shocked MSNBC didn’t use Arnold with his M134 Minigun from T2 in the reconstruction


This is why I like to let the news ‘settle’ for a bit. Usually I say 24 hours, but it seems that’s no longer enough time. Of course ‘up to the second’ news makes sure that everybody’s made their mind up using hearsay or incomplete/bogus information.

B Woodman

But – but – as far as I can see, the shotgun was LEGAL to have in DC. After all, it had less then 10 rounds (or is that 15?) in the “clip”. Where’s David Gregory when you need him to clarify a point of law?


Some day, I hope to be in a spot where a very stupid reporter is on camera, rattling on about scary vets, so that I can mock her on camera while she’s yapping.

People photo-bomb others all the time. Even cats do it. A frog did it at a recent NASA rocket launch. I’m just waiting for my chance.

JarHead Pat

hahahah,wot da fcuk was that a 203 on his automatic assault rifle,and how many clip did he have on him hahahah is msnbc even a news organization? As a current holder of a top secret clearance,how in fuck did he get one with all that gun violence?Someone just let him get one cuz he be a angry black man.PTSD? because of 9-11 give me a fucking break,Iam fucking sick to death of everyone claiming PTSD.


What the hell did I just watch? I have a friend who is a liberal and an avid supporter and watcher of CNN, and as such he never misses an opportunity to trash Fox News, and even HE thinks that MSNBC is way off the deep end. Seriously though, a freakin 203? YGBFKM……

CI Roller Dude

Wow, if he’d had some 40 mm for the M203 that the idiots made up, he could have really done some harm. Next the media retards will have video with M2 50 cals.


@11 – Most shooting ranges (at least the ones around here) allow you to rent a firearm for a duration of time (however long you’re at the range) for practice/familiarization only. They vary in caliber and type (i.e. pistol, shotgun, rifle), but you can’t leave the range with them.


@25 – that has been my experience as well. The rentals are there for you to try out different types of guns before plunking down a large chunk of money on something you cannot return.

Of course, the newsies have no clue how that works (and no interest in finding out how). I am sure they envision an airport kiosk where you insert your credit card and then go select one of the scary black rifles to suit your homicidal needs for the day.

“Do you want the extra insurance? It means that if you go on a rampage you don’t have to bother with your own insurance, you can just walk away…” \sarc


@25, 26 – Thanks for that info. In that case, I might just go over to Schrank’s and get in some gunpoweder therapy instead of buying cigars.


I was going to put this on “Common Thread”, but I changed my mind and brought it here. The first sentence refers to the opening of “Common Thread”. ‘If a rational person took an unjaundiced look at the four recent shootings which have captured the media’s unblinking eye’ — I’m going to address that. If you don’t know what gaper’s block is, it’s when people stop at or near an accident, or even simply a cop doing a traffic stop, and slow down traffic behind them so that they can stare at whatever is going on. It’s some kind of bloodlust that is buried deep in these people, kind of like the way the scavengers hang around until the lions are done with the dead zebra. I have sat in traffic right behind people like this, who stop dead, stare at whatever is going on for up to five minutes, ignoring the honking horns and annoyed drivers behind them as well as the police directing traffic around an accident. The more gruesome it is, the more they stare. I’ve seen vultures with better manners on Animal Planet. The same kind of mentality seems to have invaded the news reporting business, and seems to be enhanced by several things: kids who are now adults who were told ‘never hit anyone’ by their parents; were never exposed to any kind of violence except in movies and TV shows and who will watch something terrible happen to someone else, but do nothing to stop it or to protect themselves from it; and the instant gratification of live streaming news. The best description I can come up with for them is ‘cows’. There is some kind of herd mentality there. It actually smacks of bovine stupidity. I knew someone who had this state of mind; she would stare at some terrible thing as if she were hypnotized, and then make a grossly inappropriate remark about it. She’d get half or less of the information about something, and get a third of THAT right, and that’s what she went with. If I corrected her, she… Read more »


1. This kinda shit is what’s likely to cause my GF and I to have our first fight. Every the media or some politician spouts off something wildly incorrect, and in fact something they know is wildly incorrect, she asks, “How can they say that? It’s just not true.”

I respond with, “They don’t care about the truth, just their agenda”.

She comes back with…”But they can’t say that, it’s not true. How can they say that?”

At this point, I just give up.

2. From what I’ve seen, there’s good reason to believe the guy showed up with no AR-15. Certainly a shotgun, and maybe a pistol.

Where’d the AR-15 come from? The cops who showed up to stop him. Now I’m going to have to plead ignorance on this, but do the cops have AR-15’s with 203 like attachments for CS grenades or something similar?


everything I see now is shotgun augmented by pistols taken from downed cops/guards.

PH2 – one thing the press and the politicians have in common is thriving on attention – and sensationalist pablum always attracts more attention than silly old dull facts. And it’s quicker.


@David – straight up!