Usual Suspects
Put your money where your mouth is, Soltz
For some reason, yesterday Jon Soltz at VetsVoice decided he’d give thanks to the troops on Thanksgiving by complaining that some of them are doing too many deployments to our War Against Terror. While I agree, I think it’s a bit disingenuous of an Army Reserve captain still on duty to type an angry missive […]
Webb and Wasfi “our message of justice”
Poor Carl Webb is complaining about being persecuted by the IVAW board because they won’t let him spread his “message of justice” – that message being that insurgents should be encouraged to kill American troops. Of course, Iraqi Dahlia Wasfi, you know, one of those Iraqis who live in the safety of the US but […]
Where’s Carl Webb today?
Carl Webb continues to make news among our friends in the IVAW refugee camps across the country. Take for example this picture of Webb (on your right) horning in on a picture with members of Movement for a Democratic Society (a concept with which Webb is unfamiliar since he’s a self-avowed Marxist/Leninist/Trotskyite). That’s Eldridge Cleaver’s […]
What the IVAW thinks of personal opinions
Last night, an IVAW member posted this on the “Members Speak” portion of their website; This morning it’s been removed from the IVAW website and the member is being considered for expulsion because the IVAW Board of Directors couldn’t summon the testicular fortitude to boot Carl Webb and it’s just easier to persecute members who […]
In IVAW news today
The word is that Carl Webb has been asked to leave IVAW. I can’t verify that, but his profile is gone; Here’s why he’s disappeared for the time being; In other news, something happened at Darnall Hospital at Fort Hood the other day involving some IVAW members. Apparently, one member was thought to be suicidal […]
Matthis the combat vet
Someone sent me an article from a CUNY LaGuardia newletter in which Matthis Chiroux does his best Ward Reilly impersonation, trying to sound like a combat veteran for the hairy-legged hippie chicks at college; Matthis Chiroux, a veteran at LaGuardia, and the last speaker, had the most powerful message of the event. According to Chiroux, […]
Carl Webb in his own words
Casey Porter, a former IVAW member who was harassed out of the organization by extremists of IVAW, namely Carl Webb and Doug Zachary, conducted a telephone interview with Webb about his support for terrorists and insurgents fighting against American troops in the Middle East; Porter explains his reasoning for making this video on Facebook; YES […]
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