Where’s Carl Webb today?
Carl Webb continues to make news among our friends in the IVAW refugee camps across the country. Take for example this picture of Webb (on your right) horning in on a picture with members of Movement for a Democratic Society (a concept with which Webb is unfamiliar since he’s a self-avowed Marxist/Leninist/Trotskyite). That’s Eldridge Cleaver’s ex-wife and former head of the Black Panther Party in the middle of all of those pale white oppressors.
Speaking of oppression, here’s a comment that Webb left on YouTube to a disabled female Desert Storm veteran;
Webb is real brave on the internet, though. When Casey Porter was in Austin a week or so ago (Carl’s home town), Webb kept a very low profile. I wonder why?
Maybe it’s because he’s a REAL coward.
Added: With folks dishing on Webb left and right it’s hard to keep up. I’m guessing by their body language, these girls aren’t impressed with the 44-year-old Marxist/Leninist/Trotskyite food service worker/activist who makes less than $30,000. Neither was the Census Bureau, apparently – he lost his shot at a job with them this week. Anyone got a couch or a bicycle he can borrow?
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects
What, is he TRYING to take over Michael Crook’s position as most reviled person on the Internet?
What’s the XL on the shirt stand for, Karl, Xtra Looney? Xtra Lefty? In the words of Bugs, What a Maroon…
The Colonel Sanders look-alike shitstain on the far left (ha…no pun intended), looks like he’s wearing a t-shirt says “Rising Up Again” with a raised fist and the button looks like a black panther…brotha looks a tad pale to be fightin’ The Man…I’m just sayin’, dawg.
Let’s see, we’ve got the POS on the left signifyin that he’s a bro, the one on HIS left showing solidarity with FMLN or maybe the MS13 gang?
BTW, it seems that the 4 “progressives” have turned their backs on Karl, even leaning away from him, as if to say, “who’s the douche horning into our pic”?
I have no idea who the guy on the right is and am not prepared to characterize him (unlike claymore & upnorth), but the shirt he is wearing is a reference to a Chicago-based organization of the late ’60s-early’70s called Rising Up Angry. It was made up of revolutionary white kids, mainly from hilljack families and some of them gangbangers, who became political. They did work with the Black Panthers and other forces like that after the Chicago police killed BPP leader Fred Hampton in his bed. This thumbnail will may earn them some fecal epithets from commenters here, but they were a pretty cool crew back in the day.
Ok, let me see if I get this straight: The Klingon war bride in the middle of this pic is the ex-wife of the founder of the Black Panthers, or she, herself is the former head of the Black Panthers??? Is it me, or does the lighting make her look a little pale to be anything with the Black Panthers?
This thumbnail will may earn them some fecal epithets from commenters here, but they were a pretty cool crew back in the day.
Yeah…I can see where hanging with the likes of the Panthers would be awesome. and by awesome, I mean like finding out you not only stepped in a steaming pile of “fecal epithets”, you tracked them from Chicago all the way into the White House.
“a Chicago-based organization of the late ’60s-early’70s called Rising Up Angry. It was made up of revolutionary white kids, mainly from hilljack families and some of them gangbangers, who became political…but they were a pretty cool crew back in the day.”
“cool crew?” What would’ve been their end state once the revolution was implemented?
Shucks… I didn’t know Webb was person of color?
I’ve been letting TAH do my research.
I can feel the diversity bullies closing in… But, but… I didn’t know.
I know, down deep in my heart, that a person of color can’t a shithead.
I know the lady very well that Carl said this too. She is really nice and as sweet as can be. She is not going to take crap for Carl, but to say that to a fellow Vet just pisses me off to no end.
I’m still down for that fight Carl. More now than ever.
But first, go get me an extra side of dipping sauce for my fishsticks, bitch.
Casey, you meanie. You’re gonna destroy his self-esteem if you keep it up. Never mind, someone who leaches a place to lay his head, and steals bicycles doesn’t have much self-esteem. As for “Jimmy Higgins”, and rising up angry, seems it was an organization of, get this, community organizers. RUA, the Black Panthers and Young Lords, let’s see, affiliated with the BP’s, a radical “liberation” group and a Chicago street gang? Yeah, “pretty cool crew”, all right. Sadly, now they work out of the White House.
By the way, how come people are leaning away from Karl in those pics? Bad breath, B.O.?
Just looking at the two photos, (I give thanks that I don’t know this sorry assed excuse for a person.), I can see that he has a terrible problem with his personal personna. The poses smack of a lifetime of rejection. In both photos he is intruding on the shot. None of them want him in the shot, just too scrued up on political correctness to tell him to F#$^ Off.
I think I scraped a Carl Webb out of my nastiest shorts once. Did that little turdball grow into this shithead?
“Never Forget Ft. Hood Texas 11/5/09!” When Islam attacked America again. Fully enabled by Political Correctness.
There is new and more info on the way. Get ready to get pissed off even more.
I just realized what the pictures of Carl look like.
Like he’s photoshopping himself into a real photo.
AS: Nicely done.
I dunno, and could care even less, but you may have a point.
But I suspect Jonn did the photo-shopping. A person of color would never stoop so low.
lol The pics are real. He does that in ever picture. He also has a history of creeping out women.
But one look says it all.
I wonder if Texas Fred lives anywhere near this douchbag? TF would put the smackdown on Carl tout sweet, no apologies.
I think my son calls what he’s doing “photo bombing”. Klingon war bride? I wasn’t sure it was a woman so your description is very accurate LOL.
Finrod, et al. I don’t think she looks like a Klingon war bride. Maybe TSO does, but that’s cause of his associations and WoW battles in between stretches of studying for the bar. Now her looking like The Cryptkeeper–THAT I can see.
Sorry, Sparky, I stand corrected, she doesn’t look like a Klingon, they are actually better looking than her. now that you mention it, I do see a little Cryptkeeper in the face.
Who is Michael Crook?
You and your fellow Vet went to war against innocent people. She expresses no concern for them and that just pisses me off to no end.
I’m still down for that fight Casey. More now than ever.
Stick those fishsticks up your ass, bitch.
Frankly Opinionate is *********
Selena. I know all Black people look alike to some folks but that’s not me in the link you posted.
The second photo was taken at the Austin Asian American Film Festival.
I guess you’re the “Austin” part?
Carl, Carl, Carl…I’m sensing some pent up hostility here, bro. Tell ya what, why don’t you take this TV tray of food and go sit with the rest of the kiddies in the back room while the adults have dinner at the “big people” table, m’kay?
And no blowing milk out your nose, either.
Obviously all black people don’t look alike. Man, I should have known Carl Webb would open with racist accusations!
I just thought it was the best example of creepy guys obviously photoshopping to look innocent and try to cheat people out of money. But Casey had a better explanation, pointing out that people could just be too polite to tell you to get out of their photo.
You talk alot of shit Carl I live in Texas not far from you if you feel froggy jump bitch.
Hey Brandon, I don’t think Carl will accommodate you unless there’s some sort of free shit at the end of that asskicking rainbow.
I love how Carl can never really construct a unique thought, and basically uses what I said. I’ll there over Christmas break, see you soon.
I agree with Claymore
Selena, when you posted the link to http://www.419eater.com/html/hall_of_shame.htm what was that for? I thought you implied that I was in one of the photos.
By the title I thought this post was going to be a kind of “Where’s Waldo” thing. Hell, Waldo would be easy to find if he kept shoving his ugly mugg into pictures like CW. I did however find a use for the pictures… pest control. The picutes show that everyone, including rats, try to avoid Carl.
Ah.. I can see the Kool Aid drinkin’ continuous! Delightful!
You think you know “everything” about a person based on positioning in a picture. Y’all are really something else. Ever heard of a space (bench, bleacher, etc.) being too small for the number of people being photographed? so the only option is to lean in? Oh, silly me, I’m sure that’s unthinkable for y’all, but only because you’d never do any last minute picture taking, never any spontaneous “HIs” to someone you know.
It’s amazing to find such a collective of comtemptuous attitudes.
I do not recall the last time I’ve ever witnessed so much animosity toward one person, engaging in excessive antagonistic rhetoric and/or threats.
There are people I know whose beliefs and/or activities I find irritating, extremely offensive, or anywhere in between. I do not allow any of them to bring me down to their level, resulting in blogging “nastygrams” day in/day out (as y’all do). Instead,
I engage in a process of trying to understand why they are, who they are (or why they do what it is they do), and then I simply refuse to engage. Makes life a heckuva lot more enjoyable.
Unfortunately, we not only choose to engage, you also choose to provoke.
Aw… Did our widdle comments hurt you feewings? Poor baby. I can see how superior you must feel to those of us who actually support the troops and hold shitbirds like Carl in contempt.
‘Course, the IVAW has booted Carl out now too. Just how FUBAR do you have to be to be rejected by the rejects?
Ray, Ray…
Don’t flatter yourself into believing your patronizing statements bother me., merely proof of juvenile behavior.
When it comes to what I wrote above, it is obvious you did not, or would not, take the time to tell the difference between: making observations, expressing hurt feelings, and/or making rhetorical statements.
Just like many of these conservative, right-wing, cult-minded politicos.. you would sooner hurl insults while you bury your head in the sand. You’re too busy running scared, instead of taking the time to have an open, logical, debate.
Do not presume to think you know anything about me. If you “think” I feel superior (to those who support troops), perhaps instead it is your way of striking out to hide that you might feel **inferior** to either those who do not support the troops or those who have no position whatsoever.
As for your question.. “Just how FUBAR do you have to be to be rejected by the rejects?” Well, who knows.. all the Kool-Aid drinking cronies are a collective poster-child for rejects, and Casey, Carl, and yes.. even YOU are still permitted to write on this blog..
So, guess, that proverbial point of no return has yet to be reached!
-Seeker of the Truth