Matthis the combat vet

| November 20, 2009

Someone sent me an article from a CUNY LaGuardia newletter in which Matthis Chiroux does his best Ward Reilly impersonation, trying to sound like a combat veteran for the hairy-legged hippie chicks at college;

Matthis Chiroux, a veteran at LaGuardia, and the last speaker, had the most powerful message of the event. According to Chiroux, out of all the nations in the world, the greatest threat to peace is not Iraq, Russia, or Iran, it’s the US. “USA has been involved in 80 wars since it became a colony,” said Chiroux in astonishment. As a veteran, Chiroux has firsthand knowledge about the gruesome nature of war. He once believed that what he was doing was right. However, his perspective changed when he saw innocent civilians slaughtered for a war they wanted no part of. He saw himself as a “tool for murder,” and refused to continue taking part in the war.He left the army as soon as he got the chance. Now, he speaks against the government in hopes that the US will cease “its’ dictatorial policies under the guise of ‘peace’” and leave other countries alone to live in peace.

Chiroux had “firsthand knowledge about the gruesome nature of war”…well, he had second or third or fourth hand knowledge of war. He saw innocent civilians slaughtered – well he was in a movie theater at the time , but he sat right up front and he was closer to the slaughter than anyone else in the theater that day.

In order to “continue” taking part in a war, you have to have taken part in it in the first place, Matthis. the only thing that he gets right in his little speech to moon-eyed community college chicks is that he’s a tool.

I ran across this photo of Chiroux – I think it’s from last year before he was discharged;


Notice he’s wearing an IVAW patch for a combat patch. Anything to perpetuate the image of combat veteran. Just like Ward Reilly.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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Old Tanker

Jeez, how long was he waiting fo r a discharge to grow his hair out that long? What the hell is that cord? Do Army journalists get to wear some kind of cord? Now I’m jealous…..NOT!


He’s wearing a German Schutzenschnur medal. Serve in USAEUR or meet up with a deployed Bundeswehr unit, fire their weapons and qualify & you can get one.


Here’s a picture of him on Memorial Day 2008.
This was the first time we met up with Chiroux although we’ve seen him plenty since.

NYC Veteran

The picture is from the Oct. 15, 2008 IVAW march on the final presidential debate at Hofstra University well over a year after he was discharged. Matthis was in charge and trying to duplicate the IVAW march on the Conventions. It was a disaster.

Old Tanker


Thanks for the link. That looks like alot of fun to try. In my time in the Army I landed in Europe twice…..literally, just landed there for about 4 hours or so. I was supposed to be transfered to Gelnhausen but it never happened.


As someone who actually was in combat or at least outside the wire on missions virtually every day, I never did see those civilians being slaughtered… unless of course we happened to come upon a bombing or sectarian murder conducted by those poor defensless Iraqis and their foreign friends… Guys like this make my blood boil.


NYC Veteran, thanks for jogging my memory.
I do have a picture of Chiroux from Hofstra, but the angle of the shot and the beret he was wearing didn’t allow me to ID him at the time.
You might be able to ID a couple other IVAW pukes in that pic.
We were there:


Speaking to community college hippie chicks? I would suggest that he might be trolling for a new sugar momma, but I doubt anyone in that crowd would qualify. Pitiful.


If he was still a member of the US military at the time of that photograph, he should be facing more serious charges, since he disgraced his uniform first by wearing it, then by desecrating it and wearing it improperly. The IVAW patch, the anti-war button, the lack of regulation grooming standards (he wasn’t spec ops, so modified grooming standards don’t apply), etc.

Fucking worthless POS.

Code Monkey

At first glance, I thought that picture was of a girl…


[…] he noted three members of Iraq Veterans Against the War who all claim to have PTSD. Well, we have Matthis Chiroux who claims he’s a victim of PTSD although he’s never heard a shot fired in anger, […]