Put your money where your mouth is, Soltz

| November 27, 2009

For some reason, yesterday Jon Soltz at VetsVoice decided he’d give thanks to the troops on Thanksgiving by complaining that some of them are doing too many deployments to our War Against Terror.

While I agree, I think it’s a bit disingenuous of an Army Reserve captain still on duty to type an angry missive about the over-extension of our forces when he’s only done ONE three month tour of Iraq way back in 2003 followed by a grueling 13 month tour of Fort Dix, NJ teaching other motor pool queens and DA Form 2404 filers how to adapt their skills to a sandy motor pool.

It seems to me that if Soltz is so worried about the number of deployments some of his “peers” are making, he’d throw himself into the mix and volunteer to take some pressure off of them. I mean, he’s got six years of “dwell time”.

Me? I volunteered for the Retiree Mobilization back in 2006 when the Army called my Army Reserve niece, a mother of two pre-schoolers, wife of a OIF Marine veteran, to deploy. I figured if they needed her, they’d need me. I just haven’t been fortunate enough to be accepted yet.

Step up, Soltz. Be a man for once.

Category: Usual Suspects

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Wow, way to step up there.


Yeah, I’m holding my breath on SOltz deploying.

I’m sure Pogueadishu could use another paper pusher.


Soltz is just trying to pick out the motor pool he wants to serve in. You know, depth of the bunkers, proximity of said bunker to his word processor, availability of the latte machine.


Well, I went to my local recruiter, back when the shiite was hitting the fan (03-04), but unfortunately, they weren’t taking old soldiers back then. By the time they did drop the age requirement, I had had a run in with a 3/4 ton Chevy 4×4 and the added permanent hardware (10″ steel plate and 8 screws) left me without a chance to get back in. So, when I hear stuff like this, it really pisses me off. Because as Jonn can attest; youth and talent are no match for age and treachery and I wanted to get back in to take the place of some young kid that should be getting hickies instead of mortar fire. I would go back tomorrow if they would let me. Of course, they might not like my old school un-pc view of things.


It’s a good thing that groups like IAVA, IVAW, and VoteVets exist. If they didn’t you would have nothing to constantly attack and therefore nothing to write about. I only served one year in Iraq, but I still think that troops shouldn’t be on their fourth deployment there. I guess I have no room to talk though, since I only served one tour. How many months did you spend in Iraq, Lilyea?


I couldn’t agree more. Jon Soltz needs to punch his ticket in Afghanistan. He surely supports Obama’s (only because he’s a Democrat president)decision to send in 30,000 more troops. If it were Bush doing this Soltz would be all over Olberman boo fkn hooing. Soltz be a soldier for our military for once and step up and join the effort. So far you’ve only been a soldier for the Democrats. The sad thing is that the Democrats don’t respect you, nor do your coworkers, nor do most vets from both sides of the debate.


I couldn’t agree more. Jon Soltz needs to punch his ticket in Afghanistan. He surely supports Obama’s (only because he’s a Democrat president)decision to send in 30,000 more troops. If it were Bush doing this Soltz would be all over Olberman boo fkn hooing. Soltz be a soldier for our military for once and step up and join the effort. So far Soltz has only been a soldier for the Democrats. The sad thing is that the Democrats don’t respect him, nor do his coworkers, nor do most vets from both sides of the debate.

How is that Jon Soltz can remain on active reserve status (as a Captain) drilling every single month and never receive deployment orders back to the OIF/OEF theater since September 2003?

Why is it that Jon Soltz has been given a pass to sit out of both wars and remain in the military?

I served for a long time and know plenty of people still serving. They’ve all been called upon over and over again to redeploy along with everyone else in the military — except Jon Soltz.

How does he avoid it?

The nerve of this guy to act as if he’s the authority on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with a 3 month motor pool deployment under his belt that ended over 6 years ago.


“How many months did you spend in Iraq, Lilyea?”

Is that the criteria now? You can only talk about a place if you have been there? I find that curious reasoning from someone who seems to like the “Iraq Veterans” against the war. Please explain it to me.


TSO, I was using his own criteria. He is the one who pointed out that Jon Soltz only spent three months deployed.

FTA: ” he’s only done ONE three month tour of Iraq way back in 2003 followed by a grueling 13 month tour of Fort Dix, NJ “


He brough that up because Soltz is in the army, and was complaining about repeated deployments, when his was 3 months. What part of that do you not comprehend as being pertinent to the discussion?

When one complains about being sent to Iraq too many times, one would think you had been there more than once, no?


JustSomeVet please stop mentioning the IAVA in the same sentence as Vets Vote and “ivaw”.


justplainjason … I agree with you 100%