Webb and Wasfi “our message of justice”

| November 25, 2009

Poor Carl Webb is complaining about being persecuted by the IVAW board because they won’t let him spread his “message of justice” – that message being that insurgents should be encouraged to kill American troops. Of course, Iraqi Dahlia Wasfi, you know, one of those Iraqis who live in the safety of the US but thinks she’s an activist for the Iraqi people agrees with Webb.


This is what passes for martyrdom in the US leftist mind;


I love that super-smart Wasfi stoops to quoting Doctor Phil. Wasfi was born in New York City, but spent part of her early childhood in Iraq – but her family moved back to the US. I wonder why?

It seems to me that if she’s so damned worried about the “US Occupation” of Iraq, she’d want to fight against it instead of sitting in relative splendor here in the US. And she should take motor-mouth Webb with her. Then Webb can actually fight against US troops instead of just sitting on someone else’s couch and encouraging Iraqis to fight – flapping his unemployable gums.

A pair of ignorant hypocrites.

Oh, by the way, remember the guy who wrote on the IVAW website that “IVAW Supports Killing American troops“? Geoff Millard threatened to have him tossed out of the organization but Jose Velasquez settled on just giving him a letter of reprimand. I don’t see his name on the website anymore.

Didn’t someone on this forum threaten to resign if the guy was punished?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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Army Sergeant

I believe my exact words were that if he was thrown out and Webb stayed. It’s not like an IVAW letter of reprimand is the same thing as a military letter of reprimand, if in fact that’s what happened, but i haven’t heard anything about that.


So, Carl, you’re willing to “pick up a weapon and take the fight to the streets”, but you are too much of a pussy to do the same when your country asks you to and you violate the oath you took and the obligation you signed up for? Why do I think you were just trying to “flare your feathers” for the young lass with your macho talk, hmmm?

While I don’t think anyone has anything to worry about, as far as you and weapons are concerned, I am starting to find you mildly amusing in your little antics for recognition, or to maybe hook up with the young lass.


who the hell has moved to the left as a result of Carl’s dislike of US service members?

Not to mention that the Carl led discussion about the legitimacy of resistatnce is not beneficial to it.


“Didn’t someone on this forum threaten to resign if the guy was punished?”

Why yes, Jonn, yes they did. I wonder who that could have been???

A Heros Friend

OldTrooper…You are refering to the Executive Director of Apologies and Excuses for the IVAW aren’t you?


Hmmmmm, could be.

amazing stuff here

Selena, stop covering for your “ugly baby”. Leave the fuckin organization.

What will this organization have to do for you to leave it?

If Webb or Chiroux killed a troop would you leave it or would you make up another excuse?

Dahlia Wasfi

I want to say thank you to the gentlemen at “This ain’t hell But you can see it from here,” ‘cause there ain’t no such thing as bad press. If you’re pissed at me for what you posted above, wait until you see this: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article24043.htm
Regardless of our different perspectives, wouldn’t we all get relief from the occupations ending?


Dahlia, I don’t think you are the subject of the discussion. You are more of a sidebar in the whole thing. I’m certainly not pissed at you. In fact, i haven’t even thought about you up to this point.

The focus of our ire is the pure attention whore and known coward Carl Webb. He talks a good game, however, as I state above, he’s just that; all talk. As he asked you “unless you think I could get more attention by quitting?” That’s the first clue that it’s all about attention being showered upon him (sorry Carl, I know how you don’t like showers). The second is when he talks about “picking up a weapon and taking the fight to the streets”. Read what I say to this above.

Maybe you are a little taken in by the natural charm and charisma (I just threw up a little in my mouth) of Webb, but we see him for what he is; a worthless freeeloader that, like MC, is always looking for someone else to support him.

B Woodman

Yes, I can see that Carl is winning the hearts and minds – of one – himself.

Poseur narcissist.

A Word To The Wise

People who are interested in amusing coincidences might note the similarity in timing between Dahlia Wasfi’s romantic breakup with an IVAW board member and her sudden “strong idealogical stance” and resignation from the advisory board.


Yeah, of which I got it in the neck while deployed. lol Just in case people are wondering, she got broke up with Camillo Mejia.


Sorry, the above comment was posted by me, Casey J Porter, from another computer.

Carl Webb

This bad press is really bad. I’m getting more hits on Google search and more comments on my YouTube video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slgwZ2AvwTs which is called Army deserter in Knoxville, TX.

Carl Webb

You’re right OldTrooper. I’m willing to “pick up a weapon and take the fight to the streets” for the RIGHT cause but I will not fight for this EVIL system(US imperialism). And what’s wrong with pussy? You don’t like pussy?

Army Sergeant


If you really cared about the occupations ending, you’d stop trying to destroy IVAW just because the Board didn’t treat you as importantly as you thought you should be treated.

See, that’s the funny thing. Carl Webb and Dahlia Wasfi complain of racism an awful lot, but they /like/ racism. They /want/ racism. They just want racism where Iraqis reign dominant. Carl continually complains that Dahlia was driven off the advisory board-not because she was a good advisory board member (which she wasn’t). But because she was Iraqi. It’s okay to have racism, as long as it’s Iraqi-promoting racism. But to demand that everyone stand by their own merits no matter what their race is? That’s racism in their eyes. Color blindness, to Carl and his buddies, is racism.

Yet another reason why I can’t take them seriously.

Casey J Porter

Carl, you’d pick up a weapon against no one. If you were so bold, you would have deployed and committed the sabotage you advocate. You would have agreed to a location, time and place for a fight, and not on private property so as soon as I show up, you can call the cops. Besides, your YouTube hits are pathetically low. You’ve only got 2,990 views on a video that’s been up for three years. TAH has only gotten you 40 hits. Ever other source that got you hits was back in 2088 or random searches. Looser.

Dahlia, your critiques and conclusions on my work are absurd and without merit. Which is fine, I understand stupid people will see my films. You know, if my family were being attacked I would fight with them. I wouldn’t be sitting in safety on the other side of the World doing lectures that to date, have not made a single dent in stopping the war. Dahlia, your a chickensh*it who is using this war to pump yourself up and give yourself a false sense of self-worth. Sad thing is, you are using your family to do it. That’s low, real low.

Carl Webb

Selena claims Dahlia Wasfi was not a good advisory board member. Can you tell us why?

Carl Webb

I’m not talking about This Ain’t Hell. I’m talking about your YES video on YouTube. I probably wouldn’t have any hits at all this week had it not been for the extra exposure you’ve given me. Thanks.

Casey J Porter

lol “extra exposure”. Yeah, you are a superstar now Webb! What a looser you must be to get pumped up over such low numbers.


And it is also the name of a rug store near Jons House as I recall. I don’t ever remember seeing a “Ni%%er House of Rugs” or anything like that, so the validity of your statement is seriously in question.

A Heros Friend

TSO…There was also a cartoon in the late 60’s and early 70’s with two boys who do the “adventure” thing with the white boys father…the other boy was a Indian or Pak whose name was “Haji” and they had a little ugly dog that always got into trouble…maybe someone out there remembers the shows name…

amazing stuff here

Jonny Quest

Carl Webb

Well JuniorAG when you look it up the definition says “haji : 1: Arabic word for someone who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca; 2: used by the American military for an Iraqi, anyone of arab decent, or even of a brownish skin tone, be they afghanis, or even bangladeshis; 3: the word many soldiers use derogatorily for the enemy.”


But I guess you know more than an Arab American doctor. But what about an Iraqi war veteran. As part of his Winter Soldier testimony my friend Hart said “I mean myself, I never really considered myself a racist person but everything was haji this, haji that, haji smokes, haji burger, haji house, haji clothes, haji rag. Haji’s the same as honky. It’s the same thing, I catch myself.” But I guess you won’t trust him either since he’s not a friend of Casey’s.”


Racism and War: the Dehumanization of the Enemy


Keep trying Karl, you’ll eventually get the hang of trying to string a coherent thought or two together.
But, if you’re going to try, at least try to have a little comprehension of what you’re reading, and trying to pass on.
“3. The word MANY soldiers” being the operative here. It doesn’t say all, nor does it define many. And, what of it, it’s, by definition, the word used “derogatorily” for the ENEMY, moron. No more racist than the word “infidel”.

Army Sergeant


Name one productive thing Dahlia Wasfi ever did for IVAW. Speaking somewhere doesn’t count. Dahlia Wasfi wanted us to kick off board members because they were still active in the military and were willing to deploy if ordered. She was nothing but a liability, and I’m frankly glad she’s gone.

Dahlia Wasfi claimed Casey’s work was racist because he didn’t censor the anti-war soldiers (not even IVAW members) he filmed. Yet she also claims IVAW is racist when it does stop members from saying actually hateful things. I think she just likes calling racism. It’s an easy smear. It’s like calling someone a pedophile, it’s really hard to disprove.

Also, Casey himself has never used the word haji, and I don’t even remember it appearing in any of his work. I remember someone saying something about “these poor bastards”, but that’s it.


I’m guessing Carl really gets his rocks off over our posts about him. I picture him in someone’s disgusting bathroom with wetnaps, stolen hand lotion and print outs of our posts, roughing up the suspect like he was a racist LA cop.

Dude, you really are going to die alone and broke, and that seemingly doesn’t bother you. You know, you could always just get a job and try to act responsibly instead of being a shithead who tries to sneak into other folks’ pictures.

Casey J Porter

Carl, you need to go back a watch ALL of my films. I never say the word “Haji”. There was one film, which is no longer available online from my first deployment were a Soldier says Haji.

When interviewing Soldiers for the films from my 2nd deployment, I told them they could say anything they wanted to but not use the word Haji. Which they were all fine with. I never blasted Dahlia until recently. I too did not know who she was or why she left IVAW until months afterwards. Once I found out, and still in Iraq, I reached out to her because she had a very personal connection because of her family. I was in no way obligated to do so. We talked online and despite my best efforts, she was completely closed minded and very disrespectful. I asked her to please stop communicating with me.

She says my film “The Story of Two Dogs” ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayaz8Ei5X1M ) dehumanizes the Iraq people because I state in the film that our Battalion level command had to get the Iraqi Army to kill our dogs because they knew we wouldn’t. That’s it. Every single person who has seen that film places blame on our “leadership”. She is, and probably you, are the only ones that take it as a slap to Iraqis. When people from all over the world see it as a cruel measure enacted by our chain of command.

She says my films from the 2nd deployment glorify war because I show the shops and scams to get Soldiers to spend their money. Everyone else got the point, except her. Proves that you can have a PhD and be a complete moron.

Also, me and Hart are very good friends and had a drink together the last time I was in Austin. Do your homework, dumbass.


“But I guess you know more than an Arab American doctor.”
I give two monkey shits about his opinion. In Germany, we referred to the Germans as “Herms” short for Herman the German and they called us Amis, short for Amerikanner. Slang names are human nature.

“Racism and War: the Dehumanization of the Enemy”
WTF do you know about war, Mr. never been deployed? The enemy dehumanized himself by his conduct. Ever hear about the soccer stadium in Kabul? The brave taliban used to shoot tied up women in the head there.


JuniorAG, one might also ask Karl what he knows of racism, but mostly I get a headache from his run-on posts, so I won’t. I bet he’s just a grin to listen to when he tries to talk, if his posts here are any indication.
But then, I doubt he says much more than “hey, got a couch”? or, “how about a bicycle”?