Carl Webb in his own words
Casey Porter, a former IVAW member who was harassed out of the organization by extremists of IVAW, namely Carl Webb and Doug Zachary, conducted a telephone interview with Webb about his support for terrorists and insurgents fighting against American troops in the Middle East;
Porter explains his reasoning for making this video on Facebook;
YES is my latest film dealing with the controversial wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
While this film does feature pictures from the war in Iraq, it is much more of a focus on a very vocal member of the Anti-War community, Carl Webb. Carl Webb has advocated violence against Soldiers and sabotage as means of “resistance”.I proposed an idea to people within the Anti-War crowd that you could catch a recruiter lying if you recording a conversation with them. While this was never acted upon they were very enthusiastic about the idea and said I should do it.
Well, I used the same methods and tactics when recording Carl Webb. I invite you to listen to him speak, make your own judgments. If you are as outraged as others have been over his words of hate, then there is a contact list of the organizations he belongs to at the end.
I am still against the wars, but people like Carl need to be put on blast for their tough-talk, and zero follow-through.
Carl is a member of Iraq Vets Against The War. The audio conversation was given to the Executive Director and the Board of IVAW prior to the release of this film. No action has been taken against Carl for his past, and present actions.
Yes, Carl Webb fully supports killing US troops and he’s not afraid to admit it when he posts on IVAW discussion forums;
The date of that posting is after the IVAW determined that they don’t want that kind of rhetoric to muddy up their charter – but Webb is still a member of IVAW.
In the next posting from the IVAW discussion forums, Webb says he’s trying to convince Evan Knappenberger to rejoin IVAW;
Knappenberger was the IVAW member who was booted briefly from the organization for threatening to bomb the Gathering of Eagles and Michelle Malkin – apparently Webb misses the violent nutjobs of IVAW.
For the last few months, I’ve been waiting for a reporter from the Stars and Stripes to publish an interview he did with me (and Army Sergeant) about the IVAW. I wrote him this morning to ask what the hold up is and he told me he’s having trouble getting active duty members to come forward. Is it any wonder when IVAW allows their radically violent members to taint the organization with their dangerous and seditious drivel?
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects
I wouldn’t say Carl or Doug were my primary reasons. It was IVAW’s reaction to guys like Carl, and a whole host of other things, that got me to leave. I know that resignation letter is here on my site, or can be viewed on my Facebook and MySpace blogs.
I encourage you to view the film all the way until the end, and use the contact info to voice how you feel to IVAW and VFP.
“The audio conversation was given to the Executive Director and the Board of IVAW prior to the release of this film. No action has been taken against Carl for his past, and present actions.”
That’s not really surprising since the organization clearly approves of Webb’s actions.
In an Email Response (Aug 12, 2009) from Geoff Millard, Board of Directors of IVAW:
“His (Webb) statements about sabotage and calls for others to kill American Soldiers are, while stupid, is not a direct violation of the IVAW’s COC (Code of Conduct).”
In an Email Response (Aug 12, 2009) from Adrienne Kinne, Co-Chair of Board of Directors of IVAW:
“Resolutions aside, actions speak louder than words, and I stand by our actions as an organization. “
“I don’t know about what Carl said exactly… but you do realize that in the history of GI resistance, soldier’s sabotaged equipment!!! They threw wrenches in engines to stop them from working and anything they could do to break transportation equipment. Please do a little research about the history of the GI resistance movement…”
Great Video!! Thanks for posting!
Well, Casey, as I have said before, we may not agree on things, however, I respect you as a person and Vet. I applaud your efforts to expose the hypocrisy within these groups, as hard as it is for you to do so, but you are better served with foregoing the fringe “Veterans” orgs, because they are more interested in ideology and politics than helping Vets. Sometimes helping Vets can get political, however, only to the point of watching out for our national security and making sure the Vets and active members in teh military are concerned.
Oh, I belong to no group. I left IVAW a while ago. But if I am going to call out the Army on something, and ignore the wrong on the other side of that fence, then what does that make me? Just as bad as the people I criticize.
Don’t worry, my next film, SEMA 2009, will have racing Corvette’s and lots of very hot models.
“Resolutions aside, actions speak louder than words, and I stand by our actions as an organization.”
Wow, I think the IVAW defenders will have a hard time explaining that away.
Although I doubt they will post on this thread…
IVAW has a Code of Conduct? Who would have known that? Thanks for bringing that out, ASH.
Selena, guess you’re too “conservative” for Webb?
“But you do realize that in the history of GI resistance, soldier’s sabotaged equipment!!!”. Some have carried it further, like throwing grenades into tents in Kuwait and firing into the tent, or opening fire into a crowd of soldiers and families as they prepared for deployment, Adrienne.
Carl advocates for actions he is not willing to himself, hence, he’s a coward.
I’m not saying he should fight U.S. forces, but don’t talk a big game and then not do anything. I love the part where I ask him if he would fight, and his tunes changes on a dime.
Awww, Carl Webb blocked me on Facebook. Boo Hoo.
That’s pretty racist of him to block you, Casey.
I know! you know I am part Native American. No joke. So that must be it, he hates Native American movie makers!
Okay…I think that we can all agree that Carl Webb is nothing more than afterbirth with lungs and a mouth…now that this is confirmed,I need to point out to Jonn that this post cannot be right …Army Sergeant assured me that IVAW doesn’t approve of this kind of stuff and she would NEVER lie to us about her sterling organization…If you don’t believe me,check out the blog TSO posted called “TSO to CNN;Thanks for the prejudice…” in which Army Sergeant on 6 Nov 09 in post #17 stated in her defense that “we just passed something saying people can’t advcate for this shit…” If this is true,why is this F**KTARD POS still a member Selena??? …Help me out girl…
So Army Sergeant is a conservative eh?? I’m sure that’ll be news to her!
hmmm… personally I don’t find the statements in the video all that damning. Yes, I’m a disgruntled former IVAW member(one of the few ACTUAL Iraq vets), yes I’ve been in direct combat, yes Webb should be castrated for past statements. But I can’t pretend that someone who believes they are defending their homeland is necessarily in the wrong. If someone invaded the USA would you not fight back, no matter what? Right or wrong would you not defend America? If we can do it why can’t anyone else?
No that does not mean I think we “deserve” to die. I remember reading Webb was ok with sabotage or some shit like that which yeah fck that douchebag, he should get a knee to nuts for dumbass statements like that and IVAW should have kicked his freeloading ass out a long time ago. All I’m saying is that I cannot fault and I don’t find it evil for an actual Iraqi to fight against a foreign occupation. I sure as hell would go into Red Dawn mode and fight anyone who tried to invade us. Wouldn’t you? And no this does not apply foreign fighters, because they’re not fighting for their homeland.
I agree that we would be defending ourselves too. But to advocate for sabotage and violence against Soldiers is till wrong.
If this Casey J Porter is not blocked by me on Facebook, who is the Casey Porter that left this comment:
Casey J Porter
The blocking has to do with international copyright and is out of my control. But yeah, it’s also on LiveLeak.
37 minutes ago
# News FeedLive Feed on Facebook
Casey Porter’s latest racist film about Iraqi self-defense titled “YES” This is Casey Porter’s latest film dealing with the controversial wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Casey says “While this film does feature pictures from the war in Iraq, it is much more of a focus on a very vocal member of the Anti-War community, Carl Webb.” The war is merely controversial and not glaringly WROMG to him! He critiques me for advocating violence against soldiers and sabotage as means of “resistance” while making no reference at all to the violent oppression of people the US military is attacking who he seems to think can get by without fighting back. His video has not one single image of an Iraqi or even mentions them. His racism has made them invisible. I invite you to listen to his question and make your own judgments. If you are as outraged as others have been over Casey’s total disregard for the lives of people he went to war against, then leave a comment on this racist Youtube video. Casey Porter is a former member of Iraq Vets Against The War. This audio conversation was given to the Executive Director and the Board of IVAW prior to the release of this film. He expected them to take some kind of action against Carl for advocating for the right of oppressed nations to fight for self-determination. Casey Porter’s latest racist film dealing Iraqi self-defence can be seen at where you would see comments from me but Casey has blocked me. Below is a comment from my friend Dahlia Wasfi who was appointed as a civilian adviser to Iraq Veterans Against War but was driven away by it’s tolerance of anti-Arab racism: “That may be the first video lynching I’ve seen; the only thing missing was a burning cross. Iraqis and Afghanis, the real victims in this story, are absent from this film, completely dehumanized. If you break into someone’s house, the owner has the right to self-defense; international law protects that right for nations. If foreign soldiers invaded us, would we have the right… Read more »
What a whiner. Act your age, Carl.
Officials: Major Hasan Sought ‘War Crimes’ Prosecution of U.S. Soldiers
Looks like US officials are playing the race card also?
Wow…Carl Webb on Carl Webb On Carl Webb….narssism at it’s best….Oppps! Look what you just made me do Jonn…thanks to your Blog I am now the Great White Satan,The Blue Eyed Devil,Hell Honkie,and all around Racist…Damn,just damn…now we gotta kill Whitey!!!!
On YouTube, the international copyright laws prevent the film being played in certain countries because of the music in the film. Dumbass.
As for the rest of your comments, wow, your an idiot.
Here is another “Winter Soldier” of IVAW … suing McDonalds … talk about boo hoo
…… talk to the people he served with … he walked off the plane with no problem
I’m not talking about YouTube idiot. I’m talking about you blocking me on Facebook.
Are you seriously whining about people not being your facebook friend?
I note also that you’ve blocked non-friends from commenting on your links as well after Casey and I started having some realistic words for you.
Carl, I want to know why you have to play the race card with everything? Did you go to the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton Academy on race baiting? If someone doesn’t agree with yo, they’re a racist. It’s as if you look for racism in everything. It’s old, tired, and worn out. Argue on the merits or stfu.
Really Carl, I do not know how to make this anymore clear, I did NOT block you on Facebook! Now go get me my fishsticks, bitch.
Did you get my link to my blog post? Click on my name to go to it.
Oh, I did. Thanks. Been really busy lately.
lmfao Casey. I don’t care who ya are, that’s funny right there. Although, by calling him a bitch, it may be considered “sexist” and we don’t want him to claim that on top of racism; do we?
I wonder why he took the video down.
Did the Stars and Stripes ever publish that interview you and Selena Coppa did about IVAW.
Watch it, Carl, the giant zombie recruiter puppet is right behind you!
Carl: Google S&S and my name and you’ll find the times I’ve been in. Will it make you grow the fuck up and go away now?
Are you planning to be as pathetic when you’re 60 as you are when you’re 40, or are you going to eventually get a job other than ‘oxygen waster’?
I googled “Selena Coppa” and “Jonn Lilyea” but didn’t see any articles. And what’s up with the insults?
I did the search AS suggested. 524 hits. Google S&S and Jonn and you get over 24,000 hits. Maybe you had a few too many hits on the bong, Carl? Mind you don’t spill the bongwater on the couch–after all, it’s not yours!
Well, if you google Carl’s name it comes up “worhtless piece of shit that leeches off others while not wanting to contribute to society for himself”.
You should change your name, Carl. to Hemi Roid, because you’re a pain in everyone’s ass.
OldTrooper is a piece of shit.