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Three From Ex

| October 28, 2019 | 13 Comments
Three From Ex

US Meets China Russia and Pakistan to Talk Peace in Afghanistan ISLAMABAD — Representatives of Russia, China, the United States and Pakistan have agreed that negotiation is the only road to peace in Afghanistan, including an early resumption of direct U.S. talks with the Taliban. The day-long talks in Moscow on Friday came ahead of […]

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Boomer’s Sunday

| October 6, 2019 | 36 Comments
Boomer’s Sunday

It’s time once again, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, for Boomer’s Sunday, where I cull through his weekly offering of ‘toons, and pick the best of many. twenty forty fifty so. Honorable Mention goes to my pal AW1 Scott These are from the right, but I am more than willing to post up differing points of view […]

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Trial date set for 5 men responsible for 9/11 attacks…

| August 31, 2019 | 15 Comments
Trial date set for 5 men responsible for 9/11 attacks…

Alleged al Qaeda kingpin Khalid Sheik Mohammed, in detention at Guantanamo, in a 2009 file image. (Photo courtesy Jarret Brachman via Miami Herald/TNS) …20 years later in 2021 Hmmmmm…..wonder if the new Sheriff in the White House and his Attorney General has anything to do with the sea-change on board GITMO. From the article: A […]

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Hi, Spy!

| August 15, 2019 | 14 Comments
Hi, Spy!

There is a joint agreement about spy plane flyovers that was in the news. They get to do it to us, but we also get to do it to them. From the WGN article:  CHICAGO — Just as Chicagoans were settling into dinner, and the White Sox were in the middle of a doubleheader […]

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US Upgrades Ukrainian Ports To Fit American Warships

| July 6, 2019 | 26 Comments
US Upgrades Ukrainian Ports To Fit American Warships

USS Carney, DDG 64, prepares to go underway in Odesa, Ukraine. Our own Poetrooper sent us an interesting link: seems the US is modifying Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea to better fit US and NATO ships. That these ports are near Russian controlled Crimea is sure to rankle the Russians, who deem the Black […]

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The Fourth Amendment…

| June 14, 2019 | 8 Comments
The Fourth Amendment…

…to the Constitution of the United States of America. Our own Veritas Omnia Vincit comes through once again. Truth be told I’m in the ‘Feast’ part of the ‘…or Famine’ work cycle and haven’t been able to do much more than the daily FGS. So anyway I blinked hard and thought I saw VOV’s next […]

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U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet Aids Tankers After ‘Torpedo Attack’

| June 13, 2019 | 51 Comments
U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet Aids Tankers After ‘Torpedo Attack’

Seems the Mad Mullahs of Iran are feeling free to cause a little havoc in what they consider “Their” pond. Last month four oil tankers anchored in the Gulf were damaged by what officials described as sabotage, and now this, claimed as a torpedo attack on two more tankers. Iran’s belligerence in the Gulf in […]

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Surprise! Iran Exposed for Faking U.S. Warship Surveillance Footage

| May 5, 2019 | 8 Comments
Surprise! Iran Exposed for Faking U.S. Warship Surveillance Footage

Rafael Figueroa Medina/U.S. Navy via Getty Well, well, seems our suspicions were well placed. Remember? Iran Guards Claim Drone Overflight of U.S. Carrier The whole thing was scraped together from other video clips, or at least the French think so. I have no reason to not believe them. The video was so choppy, and if […]

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