Bronze Star
No brass bands

This is about a Vietnam vet. Let’s call him Tom. Great choice, that, since his name IS Tom. Tom was an Ohio boy. Drafted in the mid ’60s, he wound up in an infantry unit as the RTO – the radio guy, to those who aren’t sure. Not a great job in combat – enemy […]
Hamm Sentenced to 11 Years for Stolen Valor and Fraud

We wrote about Derek Hamm in the following two blogs Texas Man Indicted on Stolen Valor Derek Hamm – The Rest of the Story As a quick reminder, Hamm claimed that he had been awarded a Purple Heart, a Silver Star and a Bronze Star. He scammed a lot of people. Well, they finally got […]
Greg Ouimette – Another Purple Heart and Bronze Star Fake

ACTIONS CONDUCTED BY MILITARY PHONIESThe servicemen that were wounded in the 1983 Grenada invasion is well-documented and Ouimette’s name is not listed. Gregory Paul Ouimette’s military records were ordered through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. We filed with the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) to account for his service claims. . . . […]
How Stolen Valor Was Discovered

There has been quite a bit of news coverage about Sarah Cavanaugh being charged with Stolen Valer for her alleged scheme to defraud people out of money posing as a wounded Marine. We wrote about her here: This article, however, takes a different slant and focuses on how observant people questioned her story and […]
Fake Woman Combat Vet

Apparently, a charity felt duped and lied to about a woman claiming to be a Marine combat veteran. Then again, it comes down to a matter of who said what to whom. Veterans donated to a woman who said she was a Marine combat veteran dying of cancer. It was a lie A prominent veterans […]
I ran the Kabul evacuation’s airspace and all I got was an AF Comm Medal

Some of the Airmen who ran the hectic airspace into, out of, and above Biden’s colossally botched Afghanistan pullout last summer recently received awards. The captain who ran the operation, and apparently worked hand-in-hand with the Taliban, received a Bronze Star (an in-theater Meritorious Service Medal) while the two senior airmen (E-4) received Air Force […]
Bradley White – Phony Ranger, Fake Purple Hearts

The folks at MilitaryPhony send us their work on this Bradley James White fella. While lives in Corona, California. At the time of this writing, September 2021, White is 35 years old. For some odd reason, he also has the name “Ender Geraldson Lothbrok” associated with him. White spent some time in jail. The Riverside […]
Skip Archer – Fake Vietnam POW

The folks at MilitaryPhony send us their work on Howard “Skip” Archer. “Skip” – as he prefers to be called – comes to us from Centerville, Pennsylvania but also shows current addresses in Flemington, Missouri as well as Ashtabula, Ohio. Archer is 72 y/o at the time of this writing – Aug 2021. Archer has […]
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