Greg Ouimette – Another Purple Heart and Bronze Star Fake
In Ouimette’s LinkedIn profile, there are claims of being a combat veteran of Operation Urgent Fury – the U.S. Invasion of Grenada in 1983 – and his receiving a Purple Heart and Bronze Star for that operation. The profile also claims that he completed Ranger training and was a Staff Sergeant (E-6) in the Army.
There’s also a claim of attending and graduating from the United States Military Police School in Fort McLellan [sic] Alabama but we are uncertain if this was a military or civilian pursuit and qualification.
. . . . .
The servicemen that were wounded in the 1983 Grenada invasion is well-documented and Ouimette’s name is not listed.
Gregory Paul Ouimette’s military records were ordered through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. We filed with the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) to account for his service claims.. . . . .
We searched the DoD Manpower Data Center database and found no active duty service listing for Gregory Paul Ouimette. This database was searched for any active duty to the present day. It did not show any other service dates, but sometimes the database is unreliable for recall to active duty from reserve status. However, this result appears to be consistent with Ouimette’s NPRC FOIA response, since it stated that all of his service was “RESERVE TIME ONLY.”
. . . . .
As Jonn Lilyea would often say – “the NPRC remembers things differently.” Ouimette was discharged from the Army Reserve as a Private 2nd Class (E-2) vs. the SSG (E-6) claimed, no Ranger school listed for military training, no record that Ouimette served in combat, let alone serving in Grenada. He would have had to serve in combat to be a recipient of the Purple Heart. There was also a claim of a Bronze Star from Grenada, which his records did not support.
Greg, do me a favor. If you come across that blowhard Blain that was with you in the jungles of Columbia, tell him we all know he lied about being in the Viet of Nam and he was never a SEAL. Just like you were not in Grenada and never a Ranger.
Category: Army Poser, Bronze Star, Grenada, Purple Heart, Ranger, Stolen Valor, Urgent Fury
Follow the trail…
to a company with NO address.
(The CEO can be trailed to several others.)
Plenty of coworkers / company leaders
who likely believe GreggyPO is some kind of war hero.
Comus Sustainable Pozzolan Products
Wow, looks like something that would give APL or some Woman-owned outfit that sells outdated Red Hat Software to the Federal Government a run for their money!
A Proud Infidel@*%^!,
This looks like a call for a visit to a quarry,
just off US15 in northern Maryland,
not far from Gettysburg, PA
(… where coincidentally
Phony Purple Heart Phony Bronze Star Thomas Cole
took a bunch of Pendleton, Indiana Boy Scouts on a battlefield tour).
Deploying the Fu of Google, over to the Fu of Maps,
for a satellite map view of the quarry location in Maryland.
Nothing to see with Street View.
No rainbows or pots of gold visible.
Not even a stray leprechaun.,-77.3266744,3150m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x89c9c91412466f67:0x3018a48b54b7baec!8m2!3d39.5494232!4d-77.3146362!16s%2Fg%2F1tfh_kj7?entry=ttu
Speaking of Phony Bronze Star
Phony Purple Hearts Thomas Cole….
Thomas Cole – Phony Urgent Fury Commando
IAS | October 29, 2021
There’s a NEW SHERIFF in Madison County, Indiana.
Who wants to send a “CRIME TIP” to the Sheriff’s Office,
stating that Cole was outed and exposed as a phony in 2021,
Pendleton Police Chief Marc Farrer did NOTHING
but protect his buddy Cole,
and worse,
Chief Farrer claimed to vouch for Cole,
supposedly seeing and verifying a Cole PH certificate?
(Although Farrer never served, and wouldn’t know a legit cert from a fake?)
Considering the phonying around Boy Scouts
(Troop 232 children and adults at Council events),
the trip to Gettysburg with the Boy Scouts,
the fraud Purple Heart ARBRN license plate on his truck,
and now in 2023,
Cole flaunting his new Bronze Star / Heroism ball cap
in adult uniform at Scouting events…..
The new Sheriff will have plenty to work with.
Madison County Sheriff John Beeman
may choose to take Thomas Cole’s Stolen Valor seriously.
I am sure that some federal investigators with cadaver dogs could locate Elaine Ricci somewhere in that quarry.
Oh, jeez, just love the manic “climate change” stroke-off these people do on their website. It’s a hole. You dig inert rock out of the ground. Whoop-dee-do. The Romans even made concrete before anyone discovered “carbon-emitting” coal and oil.
Pus-nuts no-load bedwetting POS, a likely candidate for employment at APL!
I imagine he has already cleared HR at APL.
Six years in the Reserves and he rockets up to Private Second Class.
A stopped-showing-up dude they can’t get off the books until he don’t re-up and adios mofo? Looks like it.
That or they didn’t see him as even worth the effort until someone up higher said they HAD TO jettison him.
Quite certain his pocket rocket went up a bit higher,
aborted, and went into limp descent.
I can already hear the up and down sounds from a slide whistle.
Similar to his fellow Marylander, Fake Marine Chipp,
who put in 9 years with the Army Reserves,
zero active duty,
and end up the same E-2 PV2 Private 2nd class.
Only to later prance around as a Marine E-7 GySgt,
with 2 Purple Hearts, a V stuck on another medal,
and a Gulf War Liberation of Kuwait.
We won’t see those medals or most of that uniform anymore.
Up in flames.
On video.
Private “Chipp” Reid – Bassackwards Phony Marine
IAS | April 28, 2021
I’m pretty sure that the 351st Ammo Co was aware that they had a “dud” in their midst, That “dud” was PV2 Greg Ouimette.
Another Private Second Class, PV2, just like PV2 Travis King!
Lesson learned.
What a way to start the weekend…
I bet he was the one that found the girl in the shower at the Medical School instead of Stitch Jones.
Not quite. He was friends with one of the high and tights who tried heckling Stitch at Roy Jennings’ place.
Well, he wasn’t Swede– that guy got out of the brig, got his ass kicked and was afraid of jumping out of CH-46s… well, maybe he was.
Stitch Jones, the Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah!
Hippie? There ain’t been no hippies around here fir centuries, man. You been freeze dried or doing hard time?
He does have that “I just pumped the neighbor’s cat” look on his face though
^^^^^Thumbs up to all the homies…
I know that movie is full of inaccuracies, but I still love it so. I can see I’m not the only one.
My favorite Stich Jones line: “Carry your sorry ass back to that faggot-ass first platoon of yours…don’t go mad, just go away”
Sergeant Webster: Major Powers and I are building an e-lite company of fighting men. Highway: The only thing you could build, Webster… is a good case of hemorrhoids
…you been told…
Isn’t this him?
“Poor Mary Playing Benefit Jam Nine”
“When they arent at work or taking their children to sports practice, members of the Frederick-based cover band Poor Mary are on stage getting crowds moving to classic rock tunes.”
“The band formed about three years ago, after guitarist Greg Ouimette met drummer Ted Graves, a contractor who was remodeling his kitchen.”
“Poor Mary covers classic rock bands such as the Beatles, Tom Petty, the Eagles and Badfinger, aiming to bring audiences back to another point in time when they first heard a song.:
“Were looking to connect with people, Ouimette said.”
“The six friends agree that the best part of playing in a band is simply having a good time.”
Vicarious PTS of D from playing “Fortunate Son” too much– gimme muh Purple Heart and Silver Thingy!
Phony Greg further triggered by hearing (then playing) The Trashmen.
Everybody knows that the bird is the word.
Ft McClellan MP School granted an Associate’s degree that made you a genuine cop before Army schools (like War College) even granted an accredited degree of any kind?! If I send in enough S&H Green Stamps can I get one too?
I think they only accept Blue Chip stamps.
Dang it!
OK I’m gonna cut and paste to save anyone going to MP. I looked at this and this is what I have to say: (Rant 1) OK let’s just do some simple math here. This guy is 58 years old. I’m 60. The invasion of Grenada was the last week of October just before Halloween, 1983. That just happens to jive with when I Enlisted. His record show that he started his military service in January 1982. Assuming he left immediately and went to basic training, he wouldn’t have gotten out of basic until maybe April it was eight weeks long. Then you process out and go to AIT. The length of AIT training varies depending on the MOS and can last anywhere from four weeks to nearly a year. My Air Force technical training was about 10 weeks, very short. For the sake of argument, let’s say his was 12 weeks. That puts him at August timeframe 1982 to get out of AIT and Basic. So at that point, you leave to go to your first duty station with zero experience, and you got a whole host of O.J. T ahead of you. As a unit training manager in the Air Force, I wouldn’t even begin to get anybody up to their first skill level in their AFSC or the army your MOS, in probably 12 to 18 months. So that’s gonna put you right at the invasion of Grenada. There’s no way that they’re going to send a beginner OJT in any MOS with maybe 18 months time in service, maybe 12 months time in grade, into combat. I was also a unit deployment manager so I know if what I speak. The Air Force skill levels are 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 levels. Your basic and your technical training school and then some of your very first on the job training you MIGHT make your three skill level, which means semiskilled in the first year or two of your training. MAYBE. That being said, by regulation, you cannot deploy a three skill level off duty station,… Read more »
You do not have the rank nor the job skill level to be deployed in a mobility (outside of the United States, and certainly not into a combat theater ) position. Period. Full stop. End of statement. Absolutely impossible.
This guy is in my AO and I wouldn’t mind jumping into his business with both feet, if necessary.
Have a great weekend. I’ll try to hit the WoT FIRST if I am able and if not, see ya around the campus.
I konw I have an AoI to drop but there was still much discussion so I thin kI have to backtrack and see the status on that.
Toodles bitches.
You may fire when ready, Gridley.
USAF Retired…
I’ll take that hit. You’re talking about aircrew and I’m generalizing about *most* AFSCs, so yeah there are bound to be exceptions. 😉 👍
For the most part, you have a SHITTON of AFSC CDCs and CBTs and shit to have to do to get signed off on before you make 3 and then at 5s you’re generally going to get tasked. NOW, I quit being UTM in 2007 so there’s bound to be exceptions and changes to this but you get what I was saying, kinda generally, 3 levels and Amn, A1Cs and SrA are still working a LOT on getting their shit signed off and spun up to be qualified in their tasking.
I’m surprised the shitbag didn’t claim earning the NDSM with “V” device.
Everyone knows there’s not a ‘V’ authorized on the NDSM. A Death Head, now..
WOW, shades of the SS death head and now the Mil. got a Heads start by being a head of my reading about it in Navy Times. I imagine this was authorized by the big guy sitting in the Reichstag, Errrrrrrrrrrr I mean DC WH.
Greg Ouimette, phony Purple Heart recipient, phony Bronze Star recipient, does not have either the Army Service Ribbon or the National Defense Service Medal. He must feel like that student who, after submitting his exam confident that he passed it by one question, all of a sudden remembers getting a couple of questions wrong and how stupid his reasoning was for his incorrect responses.
The Army Service Ribbon was initially awarded in 1981. There were two main ways that this ribbon could be earned. One, successful completion of initial entry training (Basic/AIT, MOS awarded) or two, four months of honorable active service (MOS awarded based on previous experience).
The absence of the Army Service Ribbon shows a possibility that Greg Ouimette may not have completed a part, or all, of his Basic/AIT requirement.
But what he does have is employment at All-Points Logistics.
Google is forever
Looks like Ouimette needs to be made into an omelette.
Scramble his eggs.
oh stop
Can’t stop since sometimes I get egged on with the puns.
Well yolk’s on you then
Yer brains are scrambled!
Eggsactly but sunny side up in nice weather
Phil Monkress likes his medium hard.
I was under the impression that to get someones Mil. record under FOIA, you now have to have the person that you wanted info on has to give her/his permision.
jeff LPH 3 63-66,
That’s the very definition of a FOIA “public records” request.
The redacted public portion of DD-214, medals certificates,
and other forms the public is ENTITLED to see,
but needs to ask to see.
Any American can request this information on any other American.
And, it’s FREE O’ CHARGE.
But you need to ask for it the right way, with a form.
And, at normal bottom priority, since COVID, it’s now SLOOOOOW,
which benefits the phonies further.
Thanks for the heads up on my question MarineDad61
You essentially granted that permission when you signed on the dotted line at the recruiter’s office and MEPS.
I imagine he is assigned to the All-Points Logistics Special Shitbags Unit.
Phil Monkress cannot let this type of talent go to waste.
Very special… he’ll get his own hockey helmet.
Wow another high speed low drag PV2 qualifying as the deadly marksman…
Leave some women for the rest of us will ya?
This case could have strong Sock Puppet potential…
Riddle me this, Batman: How does one serve six years in the Reserves and never attend basic or serve a single day on active duty?
Have oui mette?
It’s HIDE THE BOLOGNA time, with Phony Greg.
Compare to the top of this article.
This is his EDITED Linked In, effective today, July 22, 2023.
Phony Greg is STILL claiming “Staff Sergeant”,
so there is MORE to do.
Clean it up, Greg.
And while you’re at it,
why don’t you come here,
and pony up your apologies.
Another rare name phony learns the hard way,
whether it’s the Fu of Google,
or the Phuck of Duck Duck Go.
Today’s Duck Duck Go results on Phony Greg’s rare name.
#1 – MP
#3 – VG (this article)
#4 – Linked In (everyone will see the change)
The fickle finger of fate,
when those with rare names try to fool everyone.
Are we learning something new today, Greg?
By the way..
Does anyone out there have photos or video, or a news story,
of Phony Greg playing the combat hero with big medals game?
Often, these “guest speaker” events end up with videos put out there,
not only on the Tube of You,
but also the Tock of Tick,
or the other usual places where snips of vid can show up.
Any Old Gold will do.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever having served on Active Duty.
Greg Ouimette looks like a regular at The Blue Oyster.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever having served overseas in the US Army.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever being awarded the Purple Heart.
Greg Ouimette looks like he’d fit right in at APL.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever being awarded the Silver Star.
Greg Ouimette is rumored to buy his Bud Light at Target.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of having ever being awarded the Bronze Star.
Greg Ouimette is so dense that light bends around him.
Greg Ouimette looks like ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag.
Greg Ouimette has all the charm and charisma of a burning Orphanage.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever being trained at Fort McClellan AL.
Greg Ouimette looks like he blows winos behind bus stops for spare change alongside Phildo.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever being part of Operation Urgent Fury.
Greg Ouimette has less active duty time than John Giduck.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of having attended or graduating from the US Army MP School in Fort McClellan AL.
Greg Ouimette is less respectable than roadkill.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever even graduating US Army Basic Combat training.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever attaining any US Army rank other than PV2, Private E2.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever attending the US Army Ranger School.
Greg Ouimette couldn’t even get laid in a Women’s Prison with $100 and an ounce of coke.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of attending US Army Infantry AIT on Fort Benning GA.
Greg Ouimette is in serious need of a turbo-enema to remove his head from his ass.
Greg Ouimette needs to realize that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER, especially with a batch of Google® Hits™ like this.
How Copy,
API I copy
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever having served on Active Duty.
Greg Ouimette looks like a regular at The Blue Oyster.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever having served overseas in the US Army.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever being awarded the Purple Heart.
Greg Ouimette looks like he’d fit right in at APL.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever being awarded the Silver Star.
Greg Ouimette is rumored to buy his Bud Light at Target.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of having ever being awarded the Bronze Star.
Greg Ouimette is so dense that light bends around him.
Greg Ouimette looks like ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag.
Greg Ouimette has all the charm and charisma of a burning Orphanage.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever being trained at Fort McClellan AL.
Greg Ouimette looks like he blows winos behind bus stops for spare change alongside Phildo.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever being part of Operation Urgent Fury.
Greg Ouimette has less active duty time than John Giduck.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of having attended or graduating from the US Army MP School in Fort McClellan AL.
Greg Ouimette is less respectable than roadkill.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever even graduating US Army Basic Combat training.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever attaining any US Army rank other than PV2, Private E2.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of ever attending the US Army Ranger School.
Greg Ouimette couldn’t even get laid in a Women’s Prison with $100 and an ounce of coke.
Greg Ouimette has NO Official Record of attending US Army Infantry AIT on Fort Benning GA.
Greg Ouimette is in serious need of a turbo-enema to remove his head from his ass.
Greg Ouimette needs to realize that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER, especially with a batch of Google® Hits™ like this.
How Copy,
Three (3) days since this embellishing POS showed up and I have to be the FIRST (ht2 RGR 4-78) to call for a deployment of the Vaunted TAH As(s)teroid of Insults? DaHell!??!!? Guess that what I get for leaving y’all unsupervised. OK, I can excuse folks not checking the DA Form 6 to see whose day it is to be “that guy”, but, hells bells, this dippy is screaming to be recognized as the worthless POS he is, standing in the blood and on the bodies of Warriors. *spits*
Can I get a SECOND and an AYE?
I’ll be the FIRST to SECOND!
[…] This Ain’t Hell: […]
“Pin fake medals upon my chest,
Tell my Mama I done my best.”
“Bury me in the leaning rest.”
I was on active duty during Grenada (Urgent Fury) Disclaimer: I did not/have not been either as a soldier or tourist to Grenada. To me it seems like 75-80% of the Dudes who served during that time claimed to have went. If that many went I think the island ( in the words of that great statesman Hank Johnson would say) would sink.
Naw, Hank said the subject island would capsize.
Ur Mom writes on Gregory Ouimette’s post:
“Imagine setting up an entire site to dox and harass people when you guys probably haven’t seen combat outside of your marriage.”
Last day of commenting here.
Any updates on Phony Purple Heart Phony Bronze Star Greg?
Either here, or on the comments at MP?
Good news …..
Deploying the Fu of Google reveals….
The Fu of Google is no longer Greg’s friend.
#3 – MP
#5 – VG