Bradley White – Phony Ranger, Fake Purple Hearts
The folks at MilitaryPhony send us their work on this Bradley James White fella. While lives in Corona, California. At the time of this writing, September 2021, White is 35 years old.
For some odd reason, he also has the name “Ender Geraldson Lothbrok” associated with him. White spent some time in jail. The Riverside Probation Department featured White as having recently graduated from the Veterans Court Program and shared his success story.
In the video, White claimed to be a Ranger with the 2nd Ranger Battalion and served two deployments to Afghanistan and two deployments to Iraq. The video also shows a Purple Heart medal with the implication being that it belongs to White.These claims are reinforced and expanded upon when he allegedly submitted court documents that included a DD-214 claiming 75th Ranger Regiment, a Bronze Star with “V” and two Purple Hearts. This DD-214 also annotated service in Afghanistan and Iraq. Military Phony obtained these documents via a third party so cannot speak to their authenticity, but we are told they are part of the court’s record.
There are a few things that stand out with this DD-214, but for now, we will point out that it says that White was awarded the GWOT Service Medal and not the GWOT Expeditionary Medal – which he would have been awarded if deployed.
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Military Phony contacted the US Army Human Resource Command for White’s records.
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We [Military Phony] were told that the following declaration was submitted on behalf of Bradley White by his attorney in a court proceeding.
The court documents are provided at the below link to the PDF:
We [Military Phony] were told that the documents were supposedly sent by the opposing attorney to Army legal for verification and this was their response:. . . . .
To allow for better comparison, we [Military Phony] placed the DD-214 that we received directly from HRC alongside the DD-214 that was supposedly used in a court proceeding.Note that the signature is exactly the same in block 22. Not meaning just the same individual, but the EXACT same signature. Notice how it crosses over words in the printed document at the same place.
Also, notice that the dates are relatively the same other than the prior service block – 1 year, 8 months, and 22 days were added – perhaps to make the enlistment round out to exactly four years?
. . . . .
To allow for better comparison, we [Military Phony] placed the assignments sheet that we received directly from HRC beside the assignments sheet that was supposedly used in a court proceeding.. . . . .
White’s military records show just about 23 months of a discrepancy between the official version from HRC and the one supposedly submitted in court.
White was discharged as a PFC (E-3) vs. the CPL (E-4) claimed.
His records do not support the claims that White served in Afghanistan or Iraq.
White was awarded a Global War on Terrorism Service Medal but not a GWOT Expeditionary Medal. He would have been awarded the latter if he deployed. White’s records show no award of the Purple Heart – not the two (2) that were claimed. There is no Bronze Star award in White’s official military records.RANGERThere is nothing in White’s records to indicate that he was an Army Ranger.
If White altered a DD-214 and submitted it to the court as leverage, he could be in some hot water, in addition to a violation of Stolen Valor.
. . . . .
If these documents were actually submitted to the court, it shows that Bradley put some serious time into them – but failed to do the proper research needed to pass them off completely as real. Many aspire, but few can be admin clerks.
Category: Afghanistan, Army Poser, Bronze Star, PTSD, Purple Heart, Ranger, Stolen Valor, Valor Vultures
[…] This Ain’t Hell: […]
Douché! He shoots, he scores!
After watching the video… he definitely got dorked in his squeak hole while he was locked up.
The National Defense Service Medal.
Never frozen…never faked.
And should be enough for anyone.
And for those of us who have two, the benefits are manifest and legion!🤣
The Stranger,
free coffee after midnight at Love’s truck stops.
Oh no,
the drunk with a manbun behind me in line got free coffee, too.
Well, yeah. 🙁
I pinned my two, count ’em, two NDSM’s to my DD-214 woobie and sleep peacefully under it each night.
People entering the service these days weren’t even alive when the current NDSM period opened up.
Thank you so much for the reminder that I’m Old. That was almost as pleasant as the first time I got a new PVT in my platoon and his birthday was AFTER my BASD.
Hey, just a thought, but since the wars in Iraq and now Afghanistan are “over”, is the NDSM qualification period going to end?
No, the war on White Rage continues.
It’s the biggest threat facing the nation. Not those terrorists we gave a bunch of weapons to.
It will be a new medal with a raised fist device for each additional award.
Hey gals/guys, easy on the NDSM which I have beside the AFEM (Dom rep) and never claimed any extras. Another dasterdly day for the NDSM.
It s/b the top row all by itself.
Everything else is window dressing.
I don’t care what the paperwork says. He’s got the tats, so he’s totally legit. It’s not like you can ink like that anywhere, right?
Craptastic ink to sell the lie.
He will have to cover it or move to another AO and continue the lie.
In the words of Sons of Anarchy:
“Fire or knife?”
He’s a Venn chart where Self-Inflicted Wounds Hurt the Most meets Stupidity Should be Painful..
He may not have earned two Purple Hearts, but when his new cellmates throw him his welcome aboard party, he is going to have two purple ass cheeks.
This. This right here. THIS is the reason I come to this page for comments like these. Gold Hack, this is GOLD!
Jay (and Hack Stone),
Calling Kenny…..
The purple bunghole medal with “V” device for taking it up the squeak hole without Vaseline.
A true Two-Hole Ranger.
He uses I Can’t Believe It’s Not KY Jelly. When you are a guest of the state, you have to stretch those prison commissary account dollars. He better stock up on Ramen Helper while he is at it.
Prison commissary account dollars ain’t the only thing that’ll get stretched.
Many say that only assholes get straightened out in prison.
Goes in as a tight end…. comes out as a wide receiver.
“…you have to stretch those prison commissary account dollars.”
Heh heh, he said stretch.
So he will go from a ground pounder to pounded grounder.
He’ll be the Purple-Butt Pillow Biter!
But will he use the official David Hogg certainteed bite-proof scream-muffling pillow?
Separation code —-JKQ—– sounds good, he mussed have missed that in photo shop.
O-69, we have a BINGO.
JKQ Misconduct (Serious Offense)
And of course,
Misconduct (Serious Offense) on active duty
parlays itself into
Misconduct (Serious Offenses (plural)) in civilian life,
with additional crime(s),
fraudulent use of the VA,
and a penchant for fake and phony forms…. IN COURT.
“This memorandum is illegitimate”
by an Army Paralegal NCO
and a LTC Commander… says it all.
It will be interesting to see how the
Riverside County Probation Department
responds to the September surprise
about their prize (dilated) pupil.
He missed movement
With his regiment to Germany
They left Ft Lewis in early 2007
For Vilsick Germany
They reflagged from 2 ACR TO 2 SCR
they are now known as 2 CR
it’s my old CAV regiment
July 2006 2 CR reflagged to 4SBCT/ 2ID in Fort Lewis.
From 4SBCT 25th ID
the last of the regiment
Left Lewis in February 07
you are definitely right about July 06
I know a lot of people involved with
The chow hall incident
I’d get a chuckle to see a separation code JKV – Unsanitary Habits on a phony’s paperwork. Seriously, how dirty would you have to be to get bounced?
Bedwetting has its own code also, worth looking.
Enuresis: JMC or HMC, depending on branch of service.
Unfortunately, Hack Stone had to deal with quite a few Marines, junior enlisted and SNCO who were hygienically challenged. Makes you wonder if they don’t know how to wash their ass after 3 months at MCRD, what were they like before they enlisted? Had one guy at ELMACO 1st Maintenance Battalion in the early 1990’s who earned the name Pigpen. His roommates were entitled to Hazardous Duty Pay.
This level of incompetence seems to be a pattern of behavior.
Anyone email the judge yet?
Probation officer?
The Riverside County Probation Department
should be arriving for work in about 20 minutes.
Plenty of comments (visible to everyone)
on the RCPD Book of the Fake,
not only on the June 2020 post (linked above in article),
but also on their featured Pinned Post
(NOW HIRING – 22 hrs ago).
Should be interesting to watch today.
Potential for fireworks.
Calling my friend of thirty five years who works in probation in Riverside, CA.
Friend, tell your buddy in Cali that there is another lying, embellishing POS that is still maintaining his minus 6 ft AGL down in FL.
It’s probably the only time he held a steady altitude for more than 30 seconds.
Steady as she goes, Dan!
Steady as she goes!
Update – POOF.
The June 25, 2020 FakeBook post (linked in this article)
with the Bradley James White video (and new comments) is gone.
New comments on the Pinned Post
on the JoinRCP Book of the Fake remain (link above).
Kudos to MP & VG/TAH
for saving RCP’s Bradley White video,
and forever preserving White’s 59 seconds of fame.
It’s like trying to delete a Tweet that everyone already grabbed. *sigh*
Thanks, MD61!
I’ll catch up on the fireworks later, me and a drill press are having an argument.
You’re good.
I have a gut feeling… that Bradley James White
will soon be having a long argument
with the wrong end of a toilet auger.
My money’s on the drill press.
Watch your back, the table saw is kinda shady too.
My daughter and son in law have 2 cats and 2 dogs, so I want to get them the following sign:
Jokes on you, I came up victorious! XY vice for the win.
Got the whole AR put together too!
However, the test fire hasn’t been done but will be conducted remotely.
I’m not giving MidwayUSA more money for a go/no-go headspace gauge set. (maybe)
The judges name is Mark Johnson. He has a podcast.
The name if the probation office is Jon Morris and email is
He is receiving services from Jerry L Pettis Memorial VA Medical Center for PTSD
For what, butthurt?
Must have the PTS of D from all that rain and lack of sunshine at Ft. Lewis. Looks like the VA docs confused low vitamin D with PTSD.
I just logged on and saw that also. Also on the Enlisted Record Brief, Section III Service Data his Reenlistment Eligibility Code is 9X which is “Other; prohibitions not otherwise identified”
Stick a fork in him… he’s done!
The DD-214 is one of the better fakes I’ve seen. But he made some serious boo boos…
Pay grade of E-4 does not comport with MOS.
11B2 signifies E-5.
Total foreign service = 0 years, 0 months, 0 days yet remarks say served in “numerous” imminent danger pay areas
Lists each campaign in which he served and their specific “boots on and off ground” dates. Would not mention “numerous” nonsense
States 4 yrs, 0 MOS as service time yet block c. lists total time as just over 2 years.
Purple heart would be listed as (2ND AWARD) instead of “with cluster.” We can thank “Under Siege” for this one.
Name of Army course is “Combat Lifesaver Course.”
Separation code JKQ is for misconduct; Separation Authority code is correct. RE code would be RE-3 for a JKQ Sep code.
Narrative reason for separation does not comport with JKQ and Separation Authority paragraph
Name edited to protect PII.
Section V- Fluent in
No English?
I never saw language ratings on a record as Y or N. At one point in my career it was 0 (no skill) to 5 (fluent) with ‘+” to provide shades of proficiency. Later is was “Elementary”, “Limited”, “Proficient” and “Fluent”, all based on your read/listen/speak test scores.
This ass never saw a DLAB or a DLAT.
Army made me take the DLAB in basic. I think I’d been in the Army all of 18 hours, still disoriented, tired as hell, you know the drill. Looked at that test and had my first true Army WTF moment. I think I fell asleep twice.
Attended jump school (507th) did not graduate.
Noted that too.
How does one screw up *that* badly?
If I had to venture a guess, booze underage and/or talking back to cadre.
It ain’t the easiest course but it might be the easiest to not get kicked out of. (Ymmv)
All he has to do is not fall out of the runs twice and jump out of the plane on a static line (like cargo) five times. He couldn’t manage that?
Day (1) P.T around the ground phase track removed a lot folks on the first lap when I went thru, not many drops for injury’s.
In my five months of schools at the Benning School for Wayward Boys, jump school was the easiest course I attended. E-2’s with 85 IQ’s passed with flying colors.
I was “To dumb to quit”, “To lucky to fail”. 🙂
I am willing to bet he enlisted with an option 40, got spooked the first week of BAC and quit, went “needs of the Army” to Ft. Lewis and 2 ACR.
Maybe that is what his Purple Hearts were for…he got injured falling out of the tower and could not graduate.
The timelines in his “Fake” stuff also does not add up. While he would have automatically been promoted to SPC graduating Ranger School…which I also did not see the award of Ranger Tab on his awards and decorations…he would have been promoted to SGT 90 days later as his points were now maxed from Ranger School! 2006 was not a time of limited promotions, where you had to go to Primary Leadership Development Course before promotion. I remember having to put paperwork in to prevent people from automatically getting promoted (regardless of board score). He also has no NCO Professional Development Ribbon, or Good Conduct Medals!
Nice how you can complete airborne school and have a combat jump indicated on your DD214, but your DD214 not show you as authorized to wear jump wings.
Also, I’m a BSM recipient, my DD214 says “BRONZE STAR MEDAL” (I don’t have a “V” device). I thought the BSM was distinguished from bronze service stars by including the word “MEDAL.”
Well, he’s a wannabe.
Intelligence not required. He served and still managed not to know better about what sh*t should look like. (Either that or he had a waiver for Airborne School to do the combat jump, but somehow I doubt it.)
Ret. Army Col.,
Our not so dearly departed Les Brown
played that dirty Bronze Star game (as seen here),
conning family, friends, and a legion of
Elko POW*MIA Awareness Ass members and fans.
It’s all here.
Worse, Les Brown would point his smelly finger at
“Ordered to active duty in Support of DS/DS”
and spout “See, this proves I was there.”
Cremated and (dis)honored in 2021 as a “Retired Master Sgt.”
[Les Brown’s DD-214
Steve Balm | July 23, 2019]
Note to all fakers out there.
The DD-214 LOOKS pretty simple and you would assume easy to fake.
There are codes, terms, wording and fonts not even grizzled 30 S1 Veterans understand. And they slowly change over the years…and you better know what changed and when.
And even simple stuff is even easy to spot a faker.
Bottom line. You will get caught if the DD-214 gets examined by pros or semi pros or even an E3 who actually served and did some stuff.
And you had better research the DD-215 as well to back up the phony changes
you make to your DD-214.
Just another turd that needs flushed.
Frankie Cee! Where you been? Bradly White better hope Frankie don’t put optics on his ass.
Miss your extra cool and patented one-liners!
Maybe “Ender Geraldson Lothbrok” sounds far cooler, when you’re trying to drop panties in a local coffee house there in Corona. Or maybe old Brad wants to become a poet and this is his “Nom de Plume”. As a matter of fact I’m in a poetic mood so here goes:
Bradley White
He ain’t right
He’s kinda fat
He’s a rat
Did not serve in 2nd Bat.
Ender? Is he an Orson Scott Card fan? In the immortal words of HONORARY MARINE, Bugs Bunny: “What a Maroon!”
His ASVAB test came back negative for GT.
I heard they make a cream for that now.
I have done nothing here!
Ohhhhh, Mr Ender, would you like to play a Game?
Perfect PT test score on the fake ERB? Call the judge!
On the one shown to the Court, his MOS is listed as “11B20” with the rank of E4 while E4 and below have a 10, E5 is listed with 20, E6 30,…. Another glitch in his facade.
Ass muffin.
I wonder when he “went” to Ranger School.
If memory serves, his Victor status would have maxed him out to 799 on the points count.
Obviously command has to put your name forward, but E-5 would have been around the corner, particular at four years service.
Green Thumb you are correct on the lack of Victor status, which seeing as he does not have Parachutist Badge or Ranger Tab awarded makes his 11B20 status questionable as well…also no NCO PD Ribbon!
However, back then we did not have to put his name forward…we actually had to put names forward to prevent promotion!! No E-4/O-4 left behind.
I can even remember when my buddy was a Golf.
He did RS first and then had to go back to Jump School.
He was one one of the last ones, if I recall Circa 2001 or so.
He was “in the blast radius” of a rocket propelled grenade……
I don’t know if I’ve EVER heard a real purple heart recipient technically state that they were “in the blast radius” of the boom that injured them. That would kind of fall in the NO SHIT department.
But I really hate this guy for claiming the fake buddy death by his side in combat. That is some low life BS deserving a dental rearrangement appointment.
In 2019, this turd in Iowa milked the system
for veteran business benefits
with “lone survivor” BS
to sell his BBQ sauce.
MP and VG/TAH nailed him good.
(But the agencies in Iowa turned on the horseblinders,
and blocked the deleted the truth. Ugh.)
Banned from VFW posts after this story broke.
Gerald Donnell Young
Young G’s BBQ Sauce
[Gerald Young – Phony Lone Survivor
| August 16, 2019]
Actually, he was in the blast radius of his roommate discharging an Atomic Burrito after a night of drinking. That’s something you don’t recover from quickly.
That or someone lit a match right after cutting an MRE Bean Burrito fart!
That is more likely to cause the dreaded PTS of D than that shootout at Macho Grande. I’ll never forget the horror I experienced there. I got six purple hearts hearts in that shootout, in the shitter. Of course, it was my own fault for eating that Atomic Burrito with extra hot sauce at the Macho Grande taco truck.
I’ll never get over Macho Grande.
I wonder what the blast radius will be for presenting falsified documents to the court?
One jail and later prison cell. I wonder how many cups of ramen noodles a week he’ll have to pay for protection?
Ya gotta wonder how hard his “lawer” is trying to cover his ass at this point.
I’m not a member of the bar, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, and knowingly presenting falsified documentation or evidence to the court is usually a fast track to disbarrment, IIRC.
He bamboozeled his attorney with fake awards. He has others working with him, just don’t know who.
Holy Cow!
Certificate (from Ret. Army Captain)
Challenge Coin (from Ret. Col. Judge Johnson).
The circle of dupe is large on this one.
And they all spent some scratch congratulating themselves.
Stolen Valor collateral damage here.
If they don’t know by Labor Day,
perhaps (at least) 2 of them need phone calls on Tuesday.
*HOOTY-HOOTY-HOO!* Man, I nearly pissed myself laughing at that!!!
Has The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) spun up Lori Benton yet?
The “Blast Radius” keeps getting wider and wider.
Got to be obvious that the lying, embellishing, and possibly abusive POS Bradley James White has been a lying embellishing possibly abusive POS for a long time. From the video “…get my honor back…” Bitch please, you NEVER had any Honor. Just like you never were a Ranger, Never were in Asstan, Never in Iraq, Never got Purple Hearts (bet there’s a purple taint somewhere tho) Never got a Bronze Star. You are checking of most of the boxes for being a phony, moto sickle, fake bling, trash stamps, watching the buddy die ect…so there is that.
Standing on the bodies and in the blood of real Warriors PLUS seems to be practicing some domestic abuse? Hopefully when you become a prison bride, you’ll be on the “receiving end” of wife beating.
Can’t believe that I am the FIRST to make a Motion for a deployment of the TAH As(s)teroid of Insults for the POS Bradley James White, embellishing Valor Thief and domestic abuser.
Can I get a SECOND and an AYE?
This failed human being, embarrassment to the Infantry, non-Airborne qualified, ill-disciplined BCD SoB who didn’t see the elephant when he promised his country and his Brothers to get himself some HAS EARNED the AoI.
Lay the gunz!!
You can make the request but remember that ChipNASA is on a deploy thingy for his (current) employer, and your request may have to wait.
I am here but a day or so behind, which is to say “delayed”, which is NOT what old Bradley James White’s BUTT is about to get done to it,
I’m working about about to have a meeting but,
I’ll be back today with the A of The I for Bradley James White.
Fire mission, lying sack of sh*t in the open…..
Aye! Aye yi yi!
Well, I have a break in the madness, so here’s the AoI. I’m glad to see all the gang is here. Well Brad, you certainly earned this. CHOKE ON IT FUCKER!! I hope you end up BACK in prison, losing your freedom and your sphincter… The As(s)teroid of Insults®™ (aka, “This Ain’t Hell” Thesaurus) FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! THREE PASS AIRCRAFT BOMB RUN!!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! Bradley (Yeah you and Manning share the same James (Jerkoff) White (DAT’S RACIST!), FRAUD!! FAKE!!!, HEY DICKLESS (SUPER Dickless) WONDER, (“Yes, it’s true this man has no dick!” …**HT to Ghostbusters**) We all hope you read this and come back here and try to defend your actions, but, you won’t because, YOU’RE A STRAIGHT UP COWARD, , vile, flaming piece of skunk shit, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, HOLY Baby Ape Shit Breath, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker, You flaccid piece of tofu, broke taint cocksucker, Simply a fart in life waiting to be fabreezed away, YOU’RE the reason Joe Biden tried to throw himself down the stairs of Air Force One, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, DILLY DILLY!!, Anal ring dome probably left over from bobbing for apples in the porta potty, When he wants to put on some mood music, he has Alexa play Dueling Banjos, Watching this particular dipshit fling his shit story, is almost like watching a pack of dipshits try to fuck a door knob some days, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, Fucking one cell spermatozoon with a tiny flagella, gaping giant ass walking fungus shit nugget, Bag of seasoned dog shit, Cambodian cunt sauce, he deserves to have his private parts gnawed by angry badgers, Anyone who ever loved you was wrong, bucket of ass chum, Poopy Headed ball working asshole,… Read more »
the gaping cloaca from which your mother excreted you, should be added to the EPA’s Superfund site, and because it’s highly unlikely it will ever be again, habitable for humanity, should probably be sealed up for all eternity, much like the Agbogbloshie Dumpsite in Accra, Ghana, with Chernobyl coming in a close second, tittyfuck cum spatter (Shamelessly stolen and credited, Terminal Lance … and from the Book of Face comments, if I could, I’d shove you back into your mother’s pussy so the doctor can FINISH the abortion, Peter-Puffer, I bet the knobs of all the cocks you’ve ever sucked are shinier than the arse end of a bald eagle in a nose dive!, ncid floor buffer wax spreader, both of your Grandmothers should have had an abortion, just in case, Harebrained duckfucker, I’ve seen bigger wieners on a cocktail plate!, You look like something I’d draw with my left hand, untreated, festering pus pocket, You’re a grey sprinkle on a rainbow cupcake, you twink, You are more disappointing than an unsalted pretzel, It’s impossible to underestimate you, Don’t be ashamed of who you are. That’s your parents’ job, oh wait, you *SHOULD* be ashamed too, because, the more the merrier, You are the human version of period cramps, If you’re going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty, You are like a cloud. When you disappear, it’s a beautiful day, you thought you’d be nice the other day and you lent a girl an umbrella, so, that makes the total of girls you’ve made wet this year -1, if you were a trophy at the end of my race, I’d walk backwards, you try to present yourself as a knight in shining armor but really, you’re a loser in tinfoil, if you were ever a teacher, your students would never wear a seatbelt while driving to school, because they’d want to die before ever having to take one of your classes, you’re what Olive Garden is to real Italians, He has the facial expression of a washed-out panhandler you see at finer Bus Stations everywhere, he… Read more »
, feral abacus, leg humper, You look like you were conceived through anal, meadow muffin, ax wound drippings, you’re such a loser, when you spank your little wee-wee, your hand falls asleep, horse squeeze Ball Cheese, you were born after your Dad cream-pied her asshole then finger fucked her vagina, your “heroic “ career is less believable than UFOs, Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, pre-pubescent, hairless ballsack here has all the charm and charisma of a burning port-a-shitter, you are the poster child for ED, when I want to terrorize my children, I tell YOU are under their bed, when I saw this sperm receptacle, soggy biscuit eater, my eyes rolled so hard I saw my own brain stem, I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid, Stupid, so stupid it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid, you emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid, nothing in our universe can really be this stupid, Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid, Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know, His mother made it be known that he had a Do Not Resuscitate declaration when she would take him for a haircut, Schlumpadinka, wazzock, Tampon Tunnel, used toilet paper-sniffing Turbo knob vacuum of a meat gazer, terminal crotch infection, asshat, roach turd-munching shit-for-brains, a black hole would spit you out, the founding fathers said all men are created equal….except for you, you make scientists contemplate the possibility that there’s a negative IQ number, if you an 2 other guys ran a race together, you’d come in fourth, dick pickle, gòrach pìos de cac, It looks like he smeared Gorilla Glue on his… Read more »
DID NOT attend the US Army Airborne School, WAS NOT awarded the Army Achievement Medal, could find himself in hot water as a (felon?) criminal already charged with Possessing a Firearm, Burglary, Forgery, and finally Grand Theft, Jesus Christ himself would take one look at you and shake his head ruefully, hopefully you’re about to get fed a steady diet of the old prison pork sword, you are worse than the Devil’s Hemorrhoids, TOTALLY a retarded, soul patch ball dusting, burn pit of worthlessness, you know the old saying “don’t throw the baby out with the bath water?” You would be the exception, he can go fuck a hill of dildos, you’re so fugly, you could make the Sun go down and not want to come up again, you make people that know you, want ass cancer, you make Hillary Clinton’s vagina look attractive, should be blowing everyone in cell block D and taking it up the ass, simultaneously from everyone in cell block C, This guy is a piece of lint on stinky goat nuts, You fucking LAND WALRUS, shit snorting stain on Hillary Clinton’s yeast infected kootchie covers, you’re lucky we don’t dress you up in drag, drop your ass off somewhere in the Middle East and let an entire battalion of ISIS soldiers and supporters butt rape you until you’re turned inside out, This guy has spunk. And by spunk, I mean he likes to ingest copious, and I mean immense, monumental and breathtaking, amounts of Baby Batter, Ball Barf, Trouser Gravy, Man Chowder, High Fructose Porn Syrup, Daddy Sauce, Choad Nectar, Throat Yogurt, Penis Colada, Nut Butter, and Weiner Sauce, remember that story in the news a while back about a guy that was arrested for fucking his girlfriend’s dog that had been dead for a few days, in front of a daycare center? Yeah, you’re worse than that guy, I hope that soon you get to meet Jesus, and by that, not die, but that would be nice, BUT and I mean “BUTT”, you get vigorously and repeatedly ventilated by a guy named Jesus in… Read more »
I don’t think that Brad White is going to garner any additional public media attention as the Foley and Jowers case and subsequent Posts, and therefore, we are probably not in danger of having to edit the HoI.
(Remembering and referencing “Sarge” for the Alphabet Assault and requesting the Staff Summary Sheet of Shame)
————- ————
Oh and one time Blake Morgan said: “ I swear I was hearing “O Beautiful for spacious skies… For amber waves of grain” playing as I was reading this…. “
So without further ado, here is a link to the New York Orchestra performing America the Beautiful, at Carnegie Hall, for your listening pleasure, if you want a musical accompaniment to the The As(s)teroid of Insults®™
Patton Quote added to the end …
On George S. Patton: (Multiple sources but… )
“He could, when necessary, open up with both barrels and let forth such blue-flamed phrases that they seemed almost eloquent in their delivery. When asked by his nephew about his profanity, Patton remarked, “When I want my men to remember something important, to really make it stick, I give it to them double dirty. It may not sound nice to some bunch of little old ladies at an afternoon tea party, but it helps my soldiers to remember. You can’t run an army without profanity; and it has to be eloquent profanity. An Army without profanity couldn’t fight its way out of a piss-soaked paper bag.” “
Speaking of using words, of late, I’ve been reminded of someone who gave us this classic piece, something many of us grew up with and is, in my opinion, worthy of consideration, having assembled this diatribe, I give to you this…The Man and His Work.
And the Gun Bunny’s Amen Pew said AMEN! (and A Women)
You’re LATE!!!, but we won’t demand that you give an accounting for yourself, ’cause it will be the same ol blah blah blah work kids gun range blah blah blah…Mean while…
ALL HAIL the TAH As(s)teroid of Insults and the Keeper thereof ChipNASA…
ALL HAIL!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank Ye,
I was just trying to play catch up with being a Rocket Scientist, pesky *real* job, :D.
Taking another long weekend so I’ll be on, but on mobile so probably not posting as much.
The Beach Callith, Beayotches (AS TO someone used to say Purple Slurp “Cometh”)
Anyway, tardy, but never late. I was Late the first time I showed up at TAH (Same thing they say in AA meetings 😀 )
I like this. I thought of adding this to the AoI but it’s not my place to comment on my own posting. That’s your job.
THANKS MON!! You *know* I’m a lover of the Tube of You.
Lemme math. This ‘dude’ has the nuts to be part of the roughly 12% of the Army that wears the Blue Cord —no easy task, imho— in a population where only a few percent serve and feels the necessity to embellish?
Bradley James White of Corona California, would you care to explain yourself?
Bradley James White of Corona California, did you alter your DD214?
Bradley James White of Corona California, did you attend and pass RIP?
Bradley James White of Corona California, did you pass Basic Airborne Course?
Bradley James White of Corona California did you deploy, engage, and destroy, the enemies of the United States of America in close combat?
Bradley James White of Corona California until further evidence, like a super duper sekret DD214, you are a liar.
Bradley White……….any relation to Bradley Manning? They both seem two of a kind.
(Curly Howard) – What’s that monkey got that I ain’t got?
(Moe Howard) – A longer tail.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I bring you….
Bradley James White’s Inn of the Finked.
Bounced back and forth between Washington and California.
Plenty of former employers here,
who would certainly like to know about today’s story,
and compare it to memories of the tall tales they were told.
Wow. Interesting NEW comments here….
at a former employer listed on White’s Inn of the Finked.
(Redacted copy & paste)
[EL] Good morning.
This former employee lists you on his LinkedIn (2016-2017),
and you certainly deserve to know the truth
about his military service (link to VG).
[EN] EL I know all about him and he isn’t allowed in my shop any more.
I tried to help him because he was a veteran and it cost me big time.
[EL] EN – Thank you for the reply.
Sorry to hear about your experience with this guy.
If you see the article,
he was outed because he pushed a FAKE DD-214 in COURT.
[EL] EN – … and the probation department
made him a poster boy for their work.
(end paste)
I wonder if someone forged an award for an NDSM, would anybody care?
If a tree falls in the forest with nobody around, does it make a noise?
God knows I got enough REAL awards over my 20 years (nothing super cool)….why would I fake having even more? Those shits are EXPENSIVE!
I was with 2nd SCR in Germany in 2007-2008 now 2nd CR
during the Regiments time at Lewis it was the 2nd ACR
he missed movement with them to Germany
Because he was a SHITBAG !!!!!
What a fucking loser
A few people on a 2nd CR site are already
Talking about this DUMB ASS
I figured it’d be a moment before the 2nd SCR/ACR were on top of this pile.
Thick as thieves is the cult of the 2nd!
(said out of love, worked with those dudes out of Liberty in ’07 with 2 SBCT, 25th ID. Hard af Warriors)
Comments all morning and not ONE suggestion of Forgin’ Frank Visconi teaching Bradley White how to ride the Phony Pony.
What discipline!
Forgin’ Frank Visconi.
Old school poser.
These new dudes just do not know how to do it anymore.
When Forgin’ Frank Visconi dies they’ll stuff him and put him in a museum – they just don’t make men like him anymore.
Give this turd 30 years, he’ll get there.
Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Bronze Star with a “V” Device.
Bradley James White of Corona California waltzes around like a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer from Brucie’s Bath House (entrance in the rear).
Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Purple Heart.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like a pillow-biting Pickle polisher.
Bradley James White of Corona California separated from the US Army as a PFC/E3 according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like THAT creepy guy one would see prowling around in a rusty windowless van.
Bradley James White of Corona California only served two years in the US Army according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California must have been born on a highway because that’s where most accidents happen.
Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served with the 2nd battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Bradley James White of Corona California is SO ugly that his Momma got a ticket for littering every time she dropped him off at school.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like someone who would rape roadkill.
Bradley James White of Corona California submitted a possibly fake DD214 to the Riverside County Justice System.
Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served in Afghanistan and Iraq which conflicts with Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California gives my middle finger a boner.
Bradley James White of Corona California DID NOT attend the US Army Airborne School according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California WAS NOT awarded the Army Achievement Medal according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California may soon have some ‘splainin’ to do with the Court System where he lives.
Bradley James White of Corona California can now wallow in Google® Fame™ while Bradley James White of Corona California realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
How Copy,
Oh no.
The JunXion Cafe.
US1 in Chadds Ford, PA.
The meeting place for the meeting / confrontation
with actual Vietnam Veteran school custodian “Mr. Bob” Walker,
whose shadow box with the Navy Cross and Silver Star
and a faked up Marine uniform
got him a bunch of unwanted attention last fall (Nov/Dec 2020).
[“Mr. Bob” – Vietnam Vet, Navy Cross, Silver Star & Purple Heart
Steve Balm | November 25, 2020]
D’s Cantina copies 5x:
Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Bronze Star with a “V” Device.
Bradley James White of Corona California waltzes around like a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer from Brucie’s Bath House (entrance in the rear).
Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Purple Heart.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like a pillow-biting Pickle polisher.
Bradley James White of Corona California separated from the US Army as a PFC/E3 according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like THAT creepy guy one would see prowling around in a rusty windowless van.
Bradley James White of Corona California only served two years in the US Army according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California must have been born on a highway because that’s where most accidents happen.
Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served with the 2nd battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Bradley James White of Corona California is SO ugly that his Momma got a ticket for littering every time she dropped him off at school.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like someone who would rape roadkill.
Bradley James White of Corona California submitted a possibly fake DD214 to the Riverside County Justice System.
Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served in Afghanistan and Iraq which conflicts with Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California gives my middle finger a boner.
Bradley James White of Corona California DID NOT attend the US Army Airborne School according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California WAS NOT awarded the Army Achievement Medal according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California may soon have some ‘splainin’ to do with the Court System where he lives.
Bradley James White of Corona California can now wallow in Google® Fame™ while Bradley James White of Corona California realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
How Copy,
I second
Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Bronze Star with a “V” Device.
Bradley James White of Corona California waltzes around like a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer from Brucie’s Bath House (entrance in the rear).
Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Purple Heart.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like a pillow-biting Pickle polisher.
Bradley James White of Corona California separated from the US Army as a PFC/E3 according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like THAT creepy guy one would see prowling around in a rusty windowless van.
Bradley James White of Corona California only served two years in the US Army according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California must have been born on a highway because that’s where most accidents happen.
Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served with the 2nd battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Bradley James White of Corona California is SO ugly that his Momma got a ticket for littering every time she dropped him off at school.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like someone who would rape roadkill.
Bradley James White of Corona California submitted a possibly fake DD214 to the Riverside County Justice System.
Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served in Afghanistan and Iraq which conflicts with Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California gives my middle finger a boner.
Bradley James White of Corona California DID NOT attend the US Army Airborne School according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California WAS NOT awarded the Army Achievement Medal according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California may soon have some ‘splainin’ to do with the Court System where he lives.
Bradley James White of Corona California can now wallow in Google® Fame™ while Bradley James White of Corona California realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Loud and Clear
Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Bronze Star with a “V” Device.
Bradley James White of Corona California waltzes around like a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer from Brucie’s Bath House (entrance in the rear).
Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Purple Heart.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like a pillow-biting Pickle polisher.
Bradley James White of Corona California separated from the US Army as a PFC/E3 according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like THAT creepy guy one would see prowling around in a rusty windowless van.
Bradley James White of Corona California only served two years in the US Army according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California must have been born on a highway because that’s where most accidents happen.
Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served with the 2nd battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Bradley James White of Corona California is SO ugly that his Momma got a ticket for littering every time she dropped him off at school.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like someone who would rape roadkill.
Bradley James White of Corona California submitted a possibly fake DD214 to the Riverside County Justice System.
Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served in Afghanistan and Iraq which conflicts with Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California gives my middle finger a boner.
Bradley James White of Corona California DID NOT attend the US Army Airborne School according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California WAS NOT awarded the Army Achievement Medal according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California may soon have some ‘splainin’ to do with the Court System where he lives.
Bradley James White of Corona California can now wallow in Google® Fame™ while Bradley James White of Corona California realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
How Copy,
Correct, Google® Hits™ delivered nicely.
Where’s the dog?
I guess the VA is handing them out now
He said he was happy to get “his” life back. I am pretty sure what he meant was he was pretty happy to steal someone else’s life. And he would have got away with it too if not for you meddling kids.
Ender Geraldson Lothbrok…sounds like this POSer is a fantasy Viking and needs to stop smoking the rock while playing video games in mommy & daddy’s basement.
Found the below criminal arrests:
Riverside PD 6/15/2018
Person Convicted of Felony Owning / Purchasing / Receiving / Possessing Firearm
Riverside SD – Robert Presley Detention Center C SD 6/14/2018
Revocation Of Probation
Person Convicted of Felony Owning / Purchasing / Receiving / Possessing Firearm
Riverside SD – Robert Presley Detention Center C SD 10/18/2017
Unauthorized Use Of Personal Identifying Information with Previous Conviction.
Riverside SD – Banning Smith Correctional Facility SD 10/6/2017
Grand Theft
Unlawful Use of Willfully Obtained Personal Identifying Information
Riverside SD – Robert Presley Detention Center C SD 8/23/2017
Grand Theft
Unlawful Use of Willfully Obtained Personal Identifying Information
Corona PD 8/23/2017
Grand Theft
Unlawful Use of Willfully Obtained Personal Identifying Information
San Bernardino County SD 6/16/2017
Check Washington State. You will find he was sitting in jail for beating his wife about the same time he was being discharged from the army. He didn’t leave the army voluntarily.
So, he is not only a stolen valor thief, but he is also a convicted identity thief. Surprise, surprise, surprise!!
One can only fool SOME of the people SOME of the time, I bet Bubba, Thor, Julio and “Tiny Tyrone” are looking forward to shower time with him!
Have you checked to see if he is working at All-Points Logistics?
Phildo cannot let this level of experience and talent go.
Bradley White’s Special Feces callsign was “Rump Rider”…
Another Stolen Valor prison bitch…
ZULU 9: *SQUELCH* Rump Rider, Rump Rider, This is Zulu 9. Come in. OVER.
ROUGH RIDER: *SQUELCH* Zulu 9, This is Rump Rider. OVER.
ZULU 9: *SQUELCH* Rump Rider, what is your position? OVER.
ROUGH RIDER: *SQUELCH* Bottom. Submission. How copy? OVER.
ZULU 9: *SQUELCH* Lima Charlie. Transmit BDA. OVER.
ROUGH RIDER: *SQUELCH* Taking incoming. Rounds loaded. Wait —
ZULU 9: *SQUELCH* Oscar Mike. Do you request fire mission? OVER.
ROUGH RIDER: *SQUELCH* Taking incoming. Rounds loaded. Wait —
ZULU 9: *SQUELCH* Request evac? OVER.
ROUGH RIDER: *SQUELCH* Hot load. Hot load. OVER and OUT.
New comment this morning on the
Riverside County Probation Department page on the Book of the Fake….
RCPD – Can we get a public statement or update(s)
on the developments concerning your former client Bradley White,
who is now receiving some national attention?
Thank you.
(end paste)
Here is a link for the Reaching New Heights that helped and was linked in the Probation post. It has links to the Veterans court.
Here is a link for the Reaching New Heights that helped and was linked in the Probation post. It has links to the Veterans court.
Oh my. Did everyone see this?
According his bio page,
Judge Mark Johnson…..
As an Iraq War Veteran and retired Colonel of the United States Army,
Author M.E. (Mark) Johnson understands our military.
He is a recipient of the bronze star medal
for his service in Baghdad from 2003-2004.
Mark writes of the trauma suffered by our combat veterans.
(end paste)
Retired Army COL
Iraq Veteran
Bronze Star
Perhaps retired Col. Johnson (now Judge)
will (now) take a good look at Bradley White AGAIN.
But he needs to have the facts
(that his county courts, and apparently the VA, have failed to verify).
There IS a contact page here.
Is anyone here up to the task of patience and proper terminology and articulation of
informing the Honorable Judge Johnson????
Just wanna say again and yeah, it’s a bucket of Google® Hits™:
Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Bronze Star with a “V” Device.
Bradley James White of Corona California waltzes around like a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer from Brucie’s Bath House (entrance in the rear).
Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Purple Heart.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like a pillow-biting Pickle polisher.
Bradley James White of Corona California separated from the US Army as a PFC/E3 according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like THAT creepy guy one would see prowling around in a rusty windowless van.
Bradley James White of Corona California only served two years in the US Army according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California must have been born on a highway because that’s where most accidents happen.
Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served with the 2nd battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Bradley James White of Corona California is SO ugly that his Momma got a ticket for littering every time she dropped him off at school.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like someone who would rape roadkill.
Bradley James White of Corona California submitted a possibly fake DD214 to the Riverside County Justice System.
Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served in Afghanistan and Iraq which conflicts with Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California gives my middle finger a boner.
Bradley James White of Corona California DID NOT attend the US Army Airborne School according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California WAS NOT awarded the Army Achievement Medal according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California may soon have some ‘splainin’ to do with the Court System where he lives.
Bradley James White of Corona California can now wallow in Google® Fame™ while Bradley James White of Corona California realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
How Copy,
Copy your last.
Received LIMA-CHARLIE !!
What I was looking forward to was a copy and paste like this which makes Google hits which will steer any search on him toward this thread: Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Bronze Star with a “V” Device. Bradley James White of Corona California waltzes around like a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer from Brucie’s Bath House (entrance in the rear). Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Purple Heart. Bradley James White of Corona California looks like a pillow-biting Pickle polisher. Bradley James White of Corona California separated from the US Army as a PFC/E3 according to Official Records found. Bradley James White of Corona California looks like THAT creepy guy one would see prowling around in a rusty windowless van. Bradley James White of Corona California only served two years in the US Army according to Official Records found. Bradley James White of Corona California must have been born on a highway because that’s where most accidents happen. Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served with the 2nd battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment. Bradley James White of Corona California is SO ugly that his Momma got a ticket for littering every time she dropped him off at school. Bradley James White of Corona California looks like someone who would rape roadkill. Bradley James White of Corona California submitted a possibly fake DD214 to the Riverside County Justice System. Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served in Afghanistan and Iraq which conflicts with Official Records found. Bradley James White of Corona California gives my middle finger a boner. Bradley James White of Corona California DID NOT attend the US Army Airborne School according to Official Records found. Bradley James White of Corona California WAS NOT awarded the Army Achievement Medal according to Official Records found. Bradley James White of Corona California may soon have some ‘splainin’ to do with the Court System where he lives. Bradley James White of Corona California can now wallow in Google® Fame™ while Bradley James White… Read more »
You mean like this?
Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Bronze Star with a “V” Device.
Bradley James White of Corona California waltzes around like a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer from Brucie’s Bath House (entrance in the rear).
Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Purple Heart.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like a pillow-biting Pickle polisher.
Bradley James White of Corona California separated from the US Army as a PFC/E3 according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like THAT creepy guy one would see prowling around in a rusty windowless van.
Bradley James White of Corona California only served two years in the US Army according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California must have been born on a highway because that’s where most accidents happen.
Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served with the 2nd battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Bradley James White of Corona California is SO ugly that his Momma got a ticket for littering every time she dropped him off at school.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like someone who would rape roadkill.
Bradley James White of Corona California submitted a possibly fake DD214 to the Riverside County Justice System.
Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served in Afghanistan and Iraq which conflicts with Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California gives my middle finger a boner.
Bradley James White of Corona California DID NOT attend the US Army Airborne School according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California WAS NOT awarded the Army Achievement Medal according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California may soon have some ‘splainin’ to do with the Court System where he lives.
Bradley James White of Corona California can now wallow in Google® Fame™ while Bradley James White of Corona California realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Roger, I copy:
Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Bronze Star with a “V” Device.
Bradley James White of Corona California waltzes around like a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer from Brucie’s Bath House (entrance in the rear).
Bradley James White of Corona California CLAIMS to have been awarded the Purple Heart.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like a pillow-biting Pickle polisher.
Bradley James White of Corona California separated from the US Army as a PFC/E3 according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like THAT creepy guy one would see prowling around in a rusty windowless van.
Bradley James White of Corona California only served two years in the US Army according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California must have been born on a highway because that’s where most accidents happen.
Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served with the 2nd battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Bradley James White of Corona California is SO ugly that his Momma got a ticket for littering every time she dropped him off at school.
Bradley James White of Corona California looks like someone who would rape roadkill.
Bradley James White of Corona California submitted a possibly fake DD214 to the Riverside County Justice System.
Bradley James White of Corona California claims to have served in Afghanistan and Iraq which conflicts with Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California gives my middle finger a boner.
Bradley James White of Corona California DID NOT attend the US Army Airborne School according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California WAS NOT awarded the Army Achievement Medal according to Official Records found.
Bradley James White of Corona California may soon have some ‘splainin’ to do with the Court System where he lives.
Bradley James White of Corona California can now wallow in Google® Fame™ while Bradley James White of Corona California realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
He likes to do memes
bradleywhite305 is used A LOT for various sites
Those memes are just as funny as Caddyshack II, And Caddyshack II ain’t funny. The judge should sentence him to an extra five years to protect the public from his memes.
Let the Google® bots have their fun.
How copy everyone?
Bradley James White has the mental state of a stoned watermelon.
Bradley James White’s parents change the subject when he is brought up.
If Bradley James White was drowning, I would not lift my foot off his head.
Bradley James White is dumber than the gum on my shoe from 4th grade.
Bradley James White has less brain cells than dog shit left on a dying lawn.
Bradley James White is the kind of guy to wave goodbye with two hands.
Bradley James White’s life is about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
Bradley James White has the intelligence of a sexually violated jar of mayonnaise that has been left in the sun for a month.
Bradley James White looks like the bad guy in a Lifetime Network movie.
With a little makeup, Bradley James White could look like the My Little Pony version of the Joker.
Bradley James White looks like a dog that barks when you knock on the door but runs away when you come in.
Bradley James White needs to carry around a potted plant to help replace all the oxygen he’s wasted.
Read you 5X5:
How copy everyone?
Bradley James White has the mental state of a stoned watermelon.
Bradley James White’s parents change the subject when he is brought up.
If Bradley James White was drowning, I would not lift my foot off his head.
Bradley James White is dumber than the gum on my shoe from 4th grade.
Bradley James White has less brain cells than dog shit left on a dying lawn.
Bradley James White is the kind of guy to wave goodbye with two hands.
Bradley James White’s life is about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
Bradley James White has the intelligence of a sexually violated jar of mayonnaise that has been left in the sun for a month.
Bradley James White looks like the bad guy in a Lifetime Network movie.
With a little makeup, Bradley James White could look like the My Little Pony version of the Joker.
Bradley James White looks like a dog that barks when you knock on the door but runs away when you come in.
Bradley James White needs to carry around a potted plant to help replace all the oxygen he’s wasted.
Let the Google® bots have their fun.
How copy everyone?
Bradley James White has the mental state of a stoned watermelon.
Bradley James White’s parents change the subject when he is brought up.
If Bradley James White was drowning, I would not lift my foot off his head.
Bradley James White is dumber than the gum on my shoe from 4th grade.
Bradley James White has less brain cells than dog shit left on a dying lawn.
Bradley James White is the kind of guy to wave goodbye with two hands.
Bradley James White’s life is about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
Bradley James White has the intelligence of a sexually violated jar of mayonnaise that has been left in the sun for a month.
Bradley James White looks like the bad guy in a Lifetime Network movie.
With a little makeup, Bradley James White could look like the My Little Pony version of the Joker.
Bradley James White looks like a dog that barks when you knock on the door but runs away when you come in.
Bradley James White needs to carry around a potted plant to help replace all the oxygen he’s wasted.
Today should be the day we see or hear something
from the Riverside County Probation Department.
Has anyone here emailed or PMed them directly,
or called them last week?
Will anyone here be calling or emailing RCPD today?
Thanks for your comment. It caused me to take a look at that PDF of the documents that were apparently submitted to the court. In my humble opinion, they are very clever forgeries. But the most glaring error is the reference to the “NW Division” of the 75th Ranger Regiment. There is no such entity; nor is there a Colonel commanding it. There is only one Colonel slot in the Regiment, that of the Regimental Commander. I am a member of the 75th RR Assn. I have received its publication, “Patrolling,” for over fifteen years. It contains reports and updates on every unit in the regiment since Merrill’s Marauders. I have never seen a reference to the 2nd Bn/75th Inf include the title or abbreviation for a North West Division. There are no “divisions” in the 75th Ranger Regiment. It consists of a HQ and HHC, the Special Troops Battalion, the 75th MI Battalion, and the three Ranger battalions.
I should also add that there is a Col. David L. Chase in the active duty Army. And he was stationed at Ft. Lewis in 2019. But he never signed the forged letter because he never could have been an O-5 or O-6 in the 75th RR or any of its component units because he is a Military Police branch officer and he has almost exclusively served in MP units. All the field grade officers in 75th are infantry. Chase commanded an MP Brigade at Lewis on the date on the bogus letter.
Perhaps our “hero” had some contact with the MP’s at Lewis-McCord.
He has convictions for identity theft, it would not surprise me that he had “harvested” DD214’s and other records to use in his deceit.
If he did could that be an additional charge?
Let’s go one step further. What if he is selling fake DD214’s to others?
The Feds could charge him with forging DD-214’s if they were used to obtain benefits by anyone, including himself. But the VA likely won’t bother preferring charges. Exhibit A–Wilted Willie’s brother.
You don’t know the NW Division?
Man, where have you been?
The NW Division contains the likes of Duke, Gung-Ho, Snake Eyes, Scarlet, Rip Cord, Roadblock, Wild Bill, etc. And of course Bradley White (BW) – Code Name: Butt Wipe. Obviously Al-Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban and others are threats. But the public has gotten so siloed in GWOT that they forgot about Cobra and Spectre. Actually, that might be why we do not hear about the NW Division that much as they are engaged in a shadow war that we cannot see.
Only a man with the badassness of BW here could qualify for the NW Division. I tried back in the day to no avail. But, hey, at least I tried. Right?
BW could also stand for Ball Worker.
Actually, I think it would be a better fit.
Dude also looks like some of hose turds on American Idol. Strums his guitar, whips up some tears and stares at the camera as he recalls the harrowing times of the famed NW Division and the “friends” he lost and how the music helps with the PTSD to makes him whole again all the while trying to score points with some clueless chicks.
I emailed the judge this weekend. Have yet to hear from him.
I bet you don’t get a response. The judge won’t want to admit he was bamboozled by this faker/fraudster.
Public crickets from the Riverside County Probation Department
on their public Book of the Fake.
Answering questions about hiring, but
ignoring questions about Phony Purple Hearts golden boy Bradley White.
I can only hope that the lack of communication is the Probation Dept. getting their ducks in a row in preparation (H) for putting this fellow back in jail.
Not holding my breath.
Maybe they will surprise us.
RGR 4-78,
That’s the hope.
If there is anything happening with emails and phone calls,
that we can be made aware of,
that would be encouraging.
Slap the clown hard enough and he will queef.
She may have been his attorney for the Veterans Court, but it does not appear she was the lawyer that wrote to the 2nd Ranger battalion and enclosed the phony letter. That person claimed to be a “partner” in a law firm. She has a sole proprietor law firm, thus no partners. She specializes in Family Law and Immigration Law.
Oops, this applies to Faith Nouri, the attorney who is linked to The One’s comment above.
3 weeks later, and it’s pretty clear,
from the new posts on their Book of the Fake,
and the lack of replies to previous comments.
The Riverside County Probation Department
is really all about celebrating THEMSELVES.
This may be Riverside, California,
but as for Phony Double Purple Heart Bradley James White,
it sure smells like Elko, Nevada.
All they need now is the leathery patchy vests.
Oh, and a larger pot of chili at their July feed.
(Feed Photo) >>
Not 1, but 2 local war veterans
with the same name as the RCPD Chief Probation Officer,
who gets a Happy Birthday post on the Book of the Fake,
but says nothing publicly about the RCPD deleted video
of their lying fake war veteran
Phony Double Purple Heart Bradley James White.
Neither of “The Two Ronnies”
in my area
would put up with White’s bullshit.
I am surprised The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) has not spun up Lori Benton on this issue.
Fuckboy Bradley James White has to much talent for Phildo to let go to waste.
I have been very frustrated over the years by civilian employees at various places which might provide benefits or honors to veterans. Too many of them either cannot or will not grasp the concept that faking military service, and their organization rewarding false claims, diminishes the worth of anything they might wish to give real vets.
Many times they actually say, “What difference does it make as long as we get to honor real veterans, too?” They refuse to see that every honor or dollar they give to a phony deprives a real vet from receiving it.
It’s aggravating.
Especially when people I (we) know say
“so what’s the big deal?”
Worse, various elements within the VA
seem to have this same mentality.
And so, the scamming for 100% and freebies continues…
… while deserving veterans get less,
and often endure long(er) waits.
And dickhead White is the poster boy.
Propped up by Riverside County Probation Dept.
This guy’s forged ERB is fascinating! As a current HR clerk, I keep finding new things the longer I look!
– He changed his High School grad date from 2004 to 2003 for some reason.
– He gave himself a DLAB score of 101. That’s cute.
– The country code he used for Iraq in the deployments section is wrong. Iraq is “IZ”
– Anyone notice the moron has a GED?
– ASIs for Airborne and Air Assault are wrong. Since these inputs are not possible (they don’t exist on the drop down menu in EMILPO), it’s clearly forged.
– Gave himself 39 credit hours of correspondence for some reason.
– Has a BSMV but no other BSM or ARCOM/JSCM, meaning his end of tour award for that deployment where he got a BSMV could only have been an AAM.
– Someone already mentioned it, but I love how he gave himself a 300 PT score.
– Took two years to go from PV2-PFC, but only six months to go to CPL? LOL, okay.
– Moron left his flag code in there from a disciplinary action on the forged copy.
– Didn’t know the UIC for USACOC, so he put “USASOC” ROFL fucking idiot
– He DID know lots of UICs for units he never served in, which is an indicator that he used someone else’s ERB to create his.
– Spelled “indoctrination” wrong in schools. So close. Most of the school names are the wrong vernacular for the ERB regardless.
Congressman Mark Takano for the 41st district in Riverside County, speaks at the Veterans Court for the graduation ceremony and sits on the Veteran’s Affars House Committee
Good find. He should be notified.
Anyone local to that area or involved in veterans affairs
that can step up and contact / inform Congressman Takano?