Skip Archer – Fake Vietnam POW
The folks at MilitaryPhony send us their work on Howard “Skip” Archer. “Skip” – as he prefers to be called – comes to us from Centerville, Pennsylvania but also shows current addresses in Flemington, Missouri as well as Ashtabula, Ohio. Archer is 72 y/o at the time of this writing – Aug 2021.
Archer has claimed to people around him that he was a POW in Vietnam. He also sports two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star, a Purple Heart and a POW medal with “V” device in the above photo – in addition to displaying the rank of USMC Captain (O-3). Also of note is the Vietnamese Service Medal. Not sure the “V” device pertains to the POW medal as all subsequent awards have a star. Also, in the following photo, he also has the rank of Captain on his USMC service cap.
Archer’s claims are reinforced by presenting a DD-214 with the “Vietnamese” [sic] Service Medal, Navy Cross, Good Conduct and Purple Heart. As with all documents supplied to us via a 3rd party, in this case a relative – we cannot attest to their authenticity.
Oddly enough – on this DD-214 there is no mention of the two Silver Stars or Bronze Star. Also odd is the alleged Admin Clerk’s misspelling of “Vietnam Service Medal” and the obvious darker typeface of the last four medals – almost as if those medals were an afterthought.
Howard “Skip” Archer’s military records were ordered through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. MilitaryPhony also checked the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) listing of POWs and did not find ‘Howard Roy Archer’ listed for Vietnam.
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Let’s just see what the NPRC has to say about all of this…
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Looking at the FOIA results – the NPRC summary sheet states that Archer’s records show he was in during the time of the Vietnam War, but did not travel overseas except to Hawaii. He got into some trouble with being AWOL/UA and spent some time in the Brig. This was probably why he was discharged as an E-1 Private. There are no awards for Navy Cross, two Silver Stars, a Purple Heart nor a POW medal. There is also no Vietnam Service Medal. If Archer has used these claims to leverage anything of value he could be in violation of Stolen Valor laws.
Altering a DD-214 – which appears likely here – is also problematic, especially if he used it for leverage.
Claiming to be a POW is probably the lowest point you can sink as an embellisher. To give him the benefit of the doubt people may have misunderstood – in light of Archer’s time in the brig, he was not a Prisoner OF War, but rather, a Prisoner DURING War.
His records do show that he was assigned as a “Police NCO” while on Barracks Duty. For those who are unfamiliar with that position… it has nothing to do with law enforcement. “Police Call” in the Corps means you roam around and pick up cigarette butts and trash around the buildings. “Police NCO” is usually some Goofy Bastard that makes sure we don’t run out of toilet paper and trash bags. The poor souls that get stuck with the position would never put it on their Resume.
But then, there’s no misunderstanding if ol’ Skippy is wearing the POW Medal… with a “V” device no less. Hey, if you’re going to fake it, at least get it right and put a star on there. Then again, how many POWs do you know of were awarded that medal twice.
Shame on another VFW Post for not outing this Goofy Bastard on their own, makes us wonder how many other frauds there are at that post. Wearing two Silver Stars and claiming to have been wounded in combat should have been more than enough for the local VFW to order his records. Making the false claim of being a POW is gabasstic nonsense.
Category: Bronze Star, Marine Corps, Marine Corps Poser, Navy Cross, Navy Cross, POW, Silver Star, Valor, Valor Vultures
Archer has single-handedly given a whole new meaning to the phrase “Damn Skippy!”
Qualified as a douchebag, at least.
I hope someone sucker punches this fucking creep.
That’s a lot of duty stations given the time that he was in. This is followed by being discharged as a private. It does not seem like he learned from his failures in the military and since he left.
Already seeing (3) plops of your new graphic
on Skip’s Book of the Fake.
There may be more…. and more to come.
Skip Archer’s bad week is about to get worse, a lot worse.
I want the world to know that this person is also a child molester. He molested me from the time I was 7 or 8 until I was 16. I was a prisoner of his war!!!! He physically and sexually abused me . he would do everything iminagible to me. I lived in terror of this man for more than 8 years.on top of the almost daily sexual abuse he would hold my head underwater in the bathtub until the bubbles stopped. He would make me stand on my head for hours and if I fell would hit me. He threw me off of a bridge once because I couldn’t swim. He would beat my legs and backside with a plastic bat so badly I was totally black and blue. He was going to take me to the lake and drown me the one time i told my mom on him. She was going to send me with him too. My aunt saved me that night. This man is evil . this is just a small bit of what he did to me. He ruined my childhood and ruined my life. He ended up getting arrested in 1986 when my mother finally left when I was 16.he ended up taking a plea bargain for one sexual assault on me as a teenager and went to jail for 6 months in chataqua county new York.he hasn’t even had to register as a sex offender. I’m sure he’s still molested others since me. This is just part of my story but this person I can’t even call a man has stolen more tgan valor he stole my life!!!! He is a monster.
Welp, not sure about everybody else, but if Melissa’s story is true, I’m ready to ruck up, shoulder my Old School Louisville Slugger and go find this mutherphuquer. We can have a come to Jesus moment when he, the lying embellishing POS tickle monster, Howard Roy “Skip” Archer is beaten with a baseball AND sexually abused by the business end of it. Wrapped in asbestos tied down with razor wire. That will prepare him for an eternity of enjoying the barbed co@k of Satan as his worthless soul burns in Hell. We’ll see how long we can hold his head down in a porta potty that been sitting and used in the infield of the racetrack all weekend. Who’s with me? Let’s go!
Of course, I’ll not speak for KoB here but I’m certain he means figuratively.
Kinda like this… 😉
Naw Chipster, I meant that literally. I absolutely despise child molesters. If I was in the prison system, I’d be that guy getting more time added on to my sentence for shanking those low life scum. I find this females tale credible in that the initial info on the lying, embellishing, alleged tickle monster Howard Roy Skip Archer was submitted by a “3rd party…a relative.”. THAT tells me people close to this POS is finally tired of his crap. Keep in mind that those laws and the prosecution of them was way yonder different 40-50 years ago. I, too, would be interested in seeing the court documents.
I have “rescued” and/or mentored children that were abused. I know their pain.
I know you were but I was being a good SNCO and covering your ass, as it were.
Trust me, I’d be your corner man right there with a squirt bottle, a towel, a spit bucket, some liniment and all that shit.
My Man! I know you were and I know you would be right there. When I read M____’s story (here and on MP Site) my blood pressure went sky high and this lap top almost imitated a frisbee. Guess it’s that Southern DNA (and proper home training on the way to treat females) sets me off; BIG TIME!
Guess the only thing you and I would ever scrap over would be OAM. And even that wouldn’t be much of a fight…after all…I am all of that and the bag of, well…you know! The Black Flag is raised and the knives are sharp.
It’s totally true and that’s only part of my story! I submitted more of my story on the other site.
Moderators: Please scrub PII from the post above.
OK I’ll be the first to address the elephant in the room.
Melissa, I’m so terribly sorry to hear this. At least this is a place you can comment and generally things like this are looked at in a non-judgmental way for a comment like this, although, I will say, this will bring some significant attention to this particular detail to ensure that your comment and anything further is valid ( just to ensure the integrity of the blog) and I’m hoping you get the assistance you deserve. Until we hear otherwise (as in confirmation, not judgement on you) I’ll refrain about commenting outside of the known details posted above, for the time being.
That being said, we’ve come to find out that stolen valor is just the beginning of uncovering some ugly truths about some folks that end up getting posted about here and on like sites. Again, I’ll refrain from using the standard moniker for this type of thing out of respect for you.
(sad face) 🙁
It’s truth 100% and I didn’t even tell it all on here. What he got charged for from me was in 1986 he did 6 months in chataqua county new York jail on a plea. The stuff frim when I was younger the statute of limitations had run out at that time. I’m speaking my truth!!! Finally.
Do you have any court paperwork or a case number?
Adding that to the list of evidence currently compiled would ensure it’s associated with his name forever and remove any doubt about the credibility of your accusations b
I found the records and his written statement. I’m shaking so bad right know. I found them#!! I will get them to you .
Disgusting. Active pedos make me sick.
Not accusing anyone of anything, but if anyone reading this has pedo inclinations, you need to get help. Therapy is available, but it’s like drying out an alcoholic. You have to want to change.
Our local (resigned in disgrace) State Senator
was just released from prison after 1 year and 1 day.
For uploading keeedo porn images from his cellphone,
as well as downloading, saving, and viewing many.
For 5 days in 2019, many local political types (Republicans) stood up for him publicly, with the “It’s a mistake”, “He’s a good man”, and “entrapment” defenses and excuses.
When the next news story broke, with the mugshot,
and the “lurid details” from county detectives,
all the political fans, friends, and defenders shut up,
most went away and deleted their support comments/tweets/blogs,
but some remain on the internet.
Sad how some will use their politics
(both sides do it.. and I’m GOP)
to blindly defend criminal behaviors, including pervs.
Good advice for anyone out there, xyzzy.
They need to (try to) fix themselves,
because getting in the news with an arrest, gross details, mugshot, and incarceration….
is forever.
I think the proven ,best,cure against recidivism for these perverts is the “medicinal” lead pellet.
Name edited to protect PII.
1. Rope.
2. Tree or gallows.
3. Pedophile.
Some assembly required.
Amen and amen…if a pedo has his “come to Jesus” after he acts, game over. He has to ask for help while he can claim that he never harmed a child. Celibate, non offending pedos who never harmed a child and are committed to staying that way get my support. Kid touchers get the woodchipper.
LMFAO !!!!
My uncle skip who spent a total of 3 plus years
I’m that place is rolling in his grave right now
I just want to add THIS lovely bucket of Google® Hits™:
Howard “Skip” Archer served BRIEFLY in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is the human embodiment of a $2 haircut.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER a POW in Vietnam.
Howard “Skip” Archer has all the charm and charisma of a burning port-a-shitter.
Howard “Skip” Archer was a Motor Vehicle Operator during his brief time in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer’s Birth Certificate is a letter of apology from a condom manufacturer.
Howard “Skip” Archer NEVER held the rank of Captain in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is a chunk fresh dog crap on the sidewalk of life.
Howard “Skip” Archer left the USMC as a PRIVATE, the pay grade of E1 according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Silver Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer was likely conceived in a back alley.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Bronze Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Purple Heart according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer is rumored to be a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer at Brucie’s Bath house (Entrance in the Rear).
Howard “Skip” Archer had a period of AWOL while in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer should have been a mattress stain in a rent-by-the-hour Motel.
Howard “Skip” Archer did LESS THAN 2 years in the USMC according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he couldn’t even fight his way through a wet blob of toilet paper.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Howard “Skip” Archer received an RE4, a code making one ineligible for reenlistment.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like the “creepy guy” in a run-down windowless van.
Howard “Skip” Archer should NEVER be left alone around Women or Children.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he’s less useful than tits on a pigeon.
Howard “Skip” Archer can now wallow in his newfound Internet fame as Howard “Skip” Archer realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Commo check
How Copy,
I copy:
Howard “Skip” Archer served BRIEFLY in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is the human embodiment of a $2 haircut.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER a POW in Vietnam.
Howard “Skip” Archer has all the charm and charisma of a burning port-a-shitter.
Howard “Skip” Archer was a Motor Vehicle Operator during his brief time in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer’s Birth Certificate is a letter of apology from a condom manufacturer.
Howard “Skip” Archer NEVER held the rank of Captain in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is a chunk fresh dog crap on the sidewalk of life.
Howard “Skip” Archer left the USMC as a PRIVATE, the pay grade of E1 according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Silver Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer was likely conceived in a back alley.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Bronze Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Purple Heart according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer is rumored to be a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer at Brucie’s Bath house (Entrance in the Rear).
Howard “Skip” Archer had a period of AWOL while in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer should have been a mattress stain in a rent-by-the-hour Motel.
Howard “Skip” Archer did LESS THAN 2 years in the USMC according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he couldn’t even fight his way through a wet blob of toilet paper.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Howard “Skip” Archer received an RE4, a code making one ineligible for reenlistment.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like the “creepy guy” in a run-down windowless van.
Howard “Skip” Archer should NEVER be left alone around Women or Children.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he’s less useful than tits on a pigeon.
Howard “Skip” Archer can now wallow in his newfound Internet fame as Howard “Skip” Archer realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Commo check
How Copy,
Please add:
Howard “Skip” Archer was NEVER a Marine Corps Aviator.
Howard “Skip” Archer served BRIEFLY in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is the human embodiment of a $2 haircut.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER a POW in Vietnam.
Howard “Skip” Archer has all the charm and charisma of a burning port-a-shitter.
Howard “Skip” Archer was a Motor Vehicle Operator during his brief time in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer’s Birth Certificate is a letter of apology from a condom manufacturer.
Howard “Skip” Archer NEVER held the rank of Captain in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is a chunk fresh dog crap on the sidewalk of life.
Howard “Skip” Archer left the USMC as a PRIVATE, the pay grade of E1 according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Silver Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer was likely conceived in a back alley.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Bronze Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Purple Heart according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer is rumored to be a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer at Brucie’s Bath house (Entrance in the Rear).
Howard “Skip” Archer had a period of AWOL while in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer should have been a mattress stain in a rent-by-the-hour Motel.
Howard “Skip” Archer did LESS THAN 2 years in the USMC according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he couldn’t even fight his way through a wet blob of toilet paper.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Howard “Skip” Archer received an RE4, a code making one ineligible for reenlistment.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like the “creepy guy” in a run-down windowless van.
Howard “Skip” Archer should NEVER be left alone around Women or Children.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he’s less useful than tits on a pigeon.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER a USMC Aviator.
Howard “Skip” Archer can now wallow in his newfound Internet fame as Howard “Skip” Archer realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Commo check
How Copy,
Hack Stone was not aware that the 5th Marine Division was a thing in the 1960’s. The 5th Marine Division was deactivated in 1946, reactivated in 1966 under 3rd Marine Division And 1st Marine Division, then deactivated again on 11/26/1969.
As to (see what Hack did there?) this particular guy, kudos to him for volunteering to fulfill the Brig Quota. Waiting on his family to come on here to see he was doing classified ops, and the brig deployment was a cover story.
No comment on the aviators wings? 🙂
The only thing this clown piloted was a floor buffer.
And he probably couldn’t even do that without setting a Fire Alarm off!
So this rancid turd likes to play “dress up” as a Marine Aviator, eh?
My dyin’ ass. Sure thing, “Skip”.
I’d like to hear what type/model/series of USMC aircraft he claims to have flown.
On the other hand, it is rather entertaining to see a phony Marine Aviator for a change. This species of poser has been quite rare…
Hope “Skip” shows up as a sockpuppet.
The Aviator Wings are a nice touch as not too many fake pilots. As always…why do they want to be POW’s…why?
I don’t think guys like this get exposed at their VFW because too many other guys are fakers too.
Lots of dudes sporting the Battle of Hoth Medal with Endor Clasp commemorative…
Dude, I got my Death Star Destruction Medal with 2 Stars:
Episode IV – A New Hope
Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
Episode VII – The Force Awakens
And yes, the Starkiller Base counts as a Death Star.
The defense of Hoth service ribbon is all I were.
Yup; pretty bold (a.k.a. STUPID) for this imbecile to try to pass himself off as a Marine Aviator.
The Marine Aviator community is relatively small over all eras. It doesn’t take much effort to find out if a guy is/was legit or not.
A rare dumbass indeed.
Well, it just so happens that there is a PERFECT opportunity for him to live out his dream of being a POW. Maybe one of those planes headed for the ‘Stan can drop him off in Kabul. Or perhaps drop him out over Bagram or Kandahar…and, yes, give him a chute. That way he can live to really be a POW.
Just another shitstain.
Hot damn, been all “a-quiver” waiting on this thread to show up, outing the lying, embellishing low life scummy POS Howard Roy “Skip” Archer. Let’s all do the Cupid thing and show this liar Howard Roy “Skip” Archer a bunch of TAH/VG love. Hit the bullseye, use his name and make him inherwebz famous. Let’s not “skip” a single insult and this chance to show the world what a lying, embellishing POS that Howard Roy “Skip” Archer is. “Claiming to be a POW is probably the lowest point you can sink as an embellisher”. Sinks even lower when you add the claim of the Purple Heart. Literally standing in the blood and on the bodies of true Warriors who suffered thru that. You lying, embellishing Bitch, Howard Roy “Skip” Archer. Ol’ Skip could of had all that if he had of actually gone to VN. “Skip” Archer you are truly despicable as a human being and should be a prisoner for stealing oxygen in addition to your lies. And I guess in your embellishing feeble mind, you can wear Marine Aviator Wings being an airplane is a type of vehicle and hey, you were a trained vehicle operator. I don’t think Howard Roy “Skip” Archer can operate much more than the steam machine as an apprentice towel fluffer at Brucie’s Bath House (enter thru the rear). Let’s “skip” right to point of all of this. I hereby officially request a deployment of the vaunted TAH Hemisphere of Insults (or whatever is the term that we are using now) on the lying embellishing POS Howard Roy “Skip” Archer. He appears to have made a career of being a lying embellishing POS, and is so deserving of a full blown, Time on Target, cleared hot hit. Can I get a SECOND and an AYE? ps…the good news (according to a post and conversation with MarineDad61 on evening past) the VFW Post has put the lying, embellishing POS Howard Roy “Skip” Archer a-packing. See Tuesday’s FGS for all of that, plus skippy boy’s latest criminal charges. ChipNASA, stand by for a FIRE MISSION,… Read more »
Howard Roy Archer (Sr.) criminal charge in PA detailed below,
as an accidental reply to a Mustang Major post.
Here is the link to PA Judicial (public criminal records).
Well my preliminary comment too was, when I saw this pop up on Book of Fakes (HA! Fact check this FAGGOTS!!!! Because I can say that about Mark Zuckerburg and his crew here and not on B of F, hardly) I knew it was going to be here shortly AND I wasn’t about to “Skip” this one. LOL AS TO HACK!!!
So we have a request and we have a ” DO IT, BAYBEE!!!” which is almost like in Christmas Story, wherein there was created a slight breach of etiquette by skipping the triple dare and going right for the throat, a triple-dog-dare without first posting a triple dare you. But I digress…
We have a request, a second so do we have an “AYE” vote?
Chip, the curator of the (New title) The As(s)teroid of Insults®™
Turn keys to “launch” in three…two…One…LAUNCH!”
Annnnnndddd there we have it. (**Holsters weapon pointed at the Thread.**) OK folks, given the resources here I believe this will be quick and painless for us but, (BUTT BUTT!!! IN SKIPPY’S BUTT!!! OPEN WIDE!!!) it’s about to become slightly uncomfortable for ole Skip here but, since he’s already been locked up, it’s safe to assume that he’s already been the pivot man, the Man In The Barrel, the GUEST of HONOR in the Cell. I hope I didn’t miss anything but at least, I got in the highlights… “MISSILE AWAY, MISSILE AWAY, MISSILE AWAY” The As(s)teroid of Insults®™ (aka, “This Ain’t Hell” Thesaurus) FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! THREE PASS AIRCRAFT BOMB RUN!!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! Howard (How WEIRD is this character?) “Skip” (HEY don’t confuse Skippy here with “CHIP”!!!) Archer (Fuckboi here *WISHES* he was 1/100th as cool as the cartoon character, Archer) , NOT a POW, PERIOD, NEVER, HEY DICKLESS (SUPER Dickless) WONDER, (“Yes, it’s true this man has no dick!” …**HT to Ghostbusters**) We all hope you read this and come back here and try to defend your actions, but, you won’t because, YOU’RE A STRAIGHT UP COWARD, , vile, flaming piece of skunk shit, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, HOLY Baby Ape Shit Breath, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker, You flaccid piece of tofu, broke taint cocksucker, Simply a fart in life waiting to be fabreezed away, YOU’RE the reason Joe Biden tried to throw himself down the stairs of Air Force One, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, DILLY DILLY!!, Anal ring dome probably left over from bobbing for apples in the porta potty, When he wants to put on some mood music, he has Alexa play Dueling Banjos, Watching this particular dipshit fling his shit story, is almost… Read more »
, overused prison fuckboy, tittyfuck cum spatter (Shamelessly stolen and credited, Terminal Lance … and from the Book of Face comments, if I could, I’d shove you back into your mother’s pussy so the doctor can FINISH the abortion, Peter-Puffer, I bet the knobs of all the cocks you’ve ever sucked are shinier than the arse end of a bald eagle in a nose dive!, ncid floor buffer wax spreader, both of your Grandmothers should have had an abortion, just in case, Harebrained duckfucker, I’ve seen bigger wieners on a cocktail plate!, You look like something I’d draw with my left hand, untreated, festering pus pocket, You’re a grey sprinkle on a rainbow cupcake, you twink, You are more disappointing than an unsalted pretzel, It’s impossible to underestimate you, Don’t be ashamed of who you are. That’s your parents’ job, oh wait, you *SHOULD* be ashamed too, because, the more the merrier, You are the human version of period cramps, If you’re going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty, You are like a cloud. When you disappear, it’s a beautiful day, you thought you’d be nice the other day and you lent a girl an umbrella, so, that makes the total of girls you’ve made wet this year -1, if you were a trophy at the end of my race, I’d walk backwards, you try to present yourself as a knight in shining armor but really, you’re a loser in tinfoil, if you were ever a teacher, your students would never wear a seatbelt while driving to school, because they’d want to die before ever having to take one of your classes, you’re what Olive Garden is to real Italians, He has the facial expression of a washed-out panhandler you see at finer Bus Stations everywhere, he looks like Hunter Biden’s stunt double. If he was on Prison Bachelor, he would offer his cellmate his brown rose, you have a chronically, domestically abused, tiny pee pee, this valor poacher thinks he’s so hot and such an intellect, that he gets a semi chub (all that he… Read more »
your “heroic “ career is less believable than UFOs, Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, you are the poster child for ED, when I want to terrorize my children, I tell YOU are under their bed, when I saw this sperm receptacle, soggy biscuit eater, my eyes rolled so hard I saw my own brain stem, I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid, Stupid, so stupid it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid, you emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid, nothing in our universe can really be this stupid, Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid, Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know, His mother made it be known that he had a Do Not Resuscitate declaration when she would take him for a haircut, Schlumpadinka, wazzock, Tampon Tunnel, used toilet paper-sniffing Turbo knob vacuum of a meat gazer, terminal crotch infection, asshat, roach turd-munching shit-for-brains, a black hole would spit you out, the founding fathers said all men are created equal….except for you, you make scientists contemplate the possibility that there’s a negative IQ number, if you an 2 other guys ran a race together, you’d come in fourth, dick pickle, gòrach pìos de cac, It looks like he smeared Gorilla Glue on his lip and chin and went down on Whoopi Goldberg’s cootchie, You make PTSD/TBI look like a state fair, a 3 ring circus and Disneyland all rolled into one, likes to gargle with a mouthful of unborn crib midgets, He can shit and fall in it as far as I am concerned(This one is for the Ladies and Medical Staff) this prancing fairy is about… Read more »
AND has been charged in civilian courts with similar violations (public records), so, Jesus Christ himself would take one look at you and shake his head ruefully, hopefully you’re about to get fed a steady diet of the old prison pork sword, you are worse than the Devil’s Hemorrhoids, TOTALLY a retarded, soul patch ball dusting, burn pit of worthlessness, you know the old saying “don’t throw the baby out with the bath water?” You would be the exception, he can go fuck a hill of dildos, you’re so fugly, you could make the Sun go down and not want to come up again, you make people that know you, want ass cancer, you make Hillary Clinton’s vagina look attractive, should be blowing everyone in cell block D and taking it up the ass, simultaneously from everyone in cell block C, This guy is a piece of lint on stinky goat nuts, You fucking LAND WALRUS, shit snorting stain on Hillary Clinton’s yeast infected kootchie covers, you’re lucky we don’t dress you up in drag, drop your ass off somewhere in the Middle East and let an entire battalion of ISIS soldiers and supporters butt rape you until you’re turned inside out, This guy has spunk. And by spunk, I mean he likes to ingest copious, and I mean immense, monumental and breathtaking, amounts of Baby Batter, Ball Barf, Trouser Gravy, Man Chowder, High Fructose Porn Syrup, Daddy Sauce, Choad Nectar, Throat Yogurt, Penis Colada, Nut Butter, and Weiner Sauce, remember that story in the news a while back about a guy that was arrested for fucking his girlfriend’s dog that had been dead for a few days, in front of a daycare center? Yeah, you’re worse than that guy, I hope that soon you get to meet Jesus, and by that, not die, but that would be nice, BUT and I mean “BUTT”, you get vigorously and repeatedly ventilated by a guy named Jesus in jail, you make child rape and crib death seem funny, you are such a fuckgasim, you’d leave Don Rickles speechless, you could make Goodwill,… Read more »
I don’t think that Skippy here is going to garner any additional public media attention as the Foley and Jowers case and subsequent Posts, and therefore, we are probably not in danger of having to edit the HoI.
(Remembering and referencing “Sarge” for the Alphabet Assault and requesting the Staff Summary Sheet of Shame)
————- ————
Oh and one time Blake Morgan said: “ I swear I was hearing “O Beautiful for spacious skies… For amber waves of grain” playing as I was reading this…. “
So without further ado, here is a link to the New York Orchestra performing America the Beautiful, at Carnegie Hall, for your listening pleasure, if you want a musical accompaniment to the The As(s)teroid of Insults®™
Again, there’s a typo or glitch in the video link. I’ve edited my copy again (twice) and here it is proper (posts and checks it again)
OK TAH doesn’t like that link style to embed….SO, trying this lastly…
OK then this….
Patton Quote added to the end …
On George S. Patton: (Multiple sources but… )
“He could, when necessary, open up with both barrels and let forth such blue-flamed phrases that they seemed almost eloquent in their delivery. When asked by his nephew about his profanity, Patton remarked, “When I want my men to remember something important, to really make it stick, I give it to them double dirty. It may not sound nice to some bunch of little old ladies at an afternoon tea party, but it helps my soldiers to remember. You can’t run an army without profanity; and it has to be eloquent profanity. An Army without profanity couldn’t fight its way out of a piss-soaked paper bag.” “
Speaking of using words, of late, I’ve been reminded of someone who gave us this classic piece, something many of us grew up with and is, in my opinion, worthy of consideration, having assembled this diatribe, I give to you this…The Man and His Work.
And finally this….
Have a good weekend.
Just 1 more to push it over 600.
1k would be nice,
but in good time.
Amen on the Patton quote…
And as the entire Assembly of miscreanted d’weeds and the Adorable Deplorables chorused AMEN!…KoB wept.
ALL HAIL THE TAH As(s)teroid of Insults and the Keeper thereof, ChipNASA…ALL HAIL!
You do know, of course, that I read every word, every time this Deployment is made? Every.single.word! Every time!
You have to fucker.
There may be prizes embedded therein.
As in, my fucked up mind may have thought up something even more sick and amusing since the LAST time it was posted and you’ll want to read it, in it’s entirety, JUST in case you missed something….OH, and because the AoI is a living document, I would be in noting:
I am but the lowly curator of the AoI. It belongs to us all, and in that vein, many of you have contributed to this, not just once but many times (you know who you are, you disturbed pencil chewers!) and therefore, to remind all of you, you are responsible for this, this is YOU….and as a reminder,
You are *always* invited to contribute your silliness to the AoI, and I will make every attempt to include it (sometimes edited but usually only to not repeat or duplicate insults already included, NOT because or concerns about offense)…
AND as always, a sincere THANK YOU to the staff and Admins of TAH who so kindly allow us to post this and give us this space to be just as gross, abominable, foul, distasteful, sleazy, obnoxious and vulgar as is expected of this group, veterans of some such life as is ours, but, as always, family.
Thank You.
BTW< I saw this after I started posting the AoI, but it was seen.
“AYE!!!” indeed. 😉
POW/W (V) is that a first for everybody?
Do I hear NDSM w/ “V”… ASR w/ “V”?
The scary part is he has a M-14 qual to go with it.
Well, look what that did for Pvt. Pyle.
I’m putting a V on my Humanitarian Service Medal.
Howard “Skip” Archer served BRIEFLY in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is the human embodiment of a $2 haircut.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER a POW in Vietnam.
Howard “Skip” Archer has all the charm and charisma of a burning port-a-shitter.
Howard “Skip” Archer was a Motor Vehicle Operator during his brief time in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer’s Birth Certificate is a letter of apology from a condom manufacturer.
Howard “Skip” Archer NEVER held the rank of Captain in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is a chunk fresh dog crap on the sidewalk of life.
Howard “Skip” Archer left the USMC as a PRIVATE, the pay grade of E1 according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Silver Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer was likely conceived in a back alley.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Bronze Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Purple Heart according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer is rumored to be a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer at Brucie’s Bath house (Entrance in the Rear).
Howard “Skip” Archer had a period of AWOL while in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer should have been a mattress stain in a rent-by-the-hour Motel.
Howard “Skip” Archer did LESS THAN 2 years in the USMC according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he couldn’t even fight his way through a wet blob of toilet paper.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Howard “Skip” Archer received an RE4, a code making one ineligible for reenlistment.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like the “creepy guy” in a run-down windowless van.
Howard “Skip” Archer should NEVER be left alone around Women or Children.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he’s less useful than tits on a pigeon.
Howard “Skip” Archer can now wallow in his newfound Internet fame as Howard “Skip” Archer realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Commo check
How Copy,
But Skip Archer does work for All-Points Logistics.
I wonder if there ever was someone that was a POW two times?
Bobby Garwood but the second time was US custody for desertion.
I may need to re-read “Kiss the boys goodbye” but as I recall
that was the way it happened…..according to Bobby.
The Marshall Cavendish Encyclopedia of WWII tells of a British Soldier who was a POW in WWI and WWII.
As far as I’m aware there were three (3) American’s held as POWs twice.
Thanks for the link.
There’s at least three others.
Major General John Giraudo – USAAF/USAF. Flew B-17 and B-24 in WWII, taken prisoner by Germany, flew F-86s in Korea (downing at least two MiGs) before being shot down (next to wingman John Glenn) and was captured by the Communists, he then flew 100 missions over Vietnam.
Lieutenant Colonel Charles Harrison – USMC – As a PFC in WWII taken prisoner by the Japanese at Wake Island. Survived 45 months confinement (including forced labor in a mine and a hell ship ride). As a SSgt in Korea he survived Chosin to be taken prisoner a couple months later (alongside CWO McCool in penguinman’s article). Would get commissioned and serve in Vietnam before retiring.
Major General Frank Baldwin – Union Army – Was twice taken prisoner by the Confederates. While both stays were short, Baldwin earned two Medals of Honor during his career.
“Major General John Giraudo”
Talk about getting back on the horse that throws you…
Note to Skip Archer: Doing time in the brig doesn’t confer the POW medal.
Add this…
There IS a criminal history in PA, recent, which may explain
Skip skipping out of PA.
It would be nice to know where Skip Archer lied on official forms or documents.
Perhaps here is a clue.
The SAME criminal charge (M3 18 § 4904 §§ B Statement Under Penalty)
is given to anyone in PA for
LYING on a gun permit application form.
Mustang Major,
Prisoner of Wartime?
Captured (from AWOL) and imprisoned by his own forces, the Americans?
BPDW- Brig Prisoner During Wartime
Well, his records show there is no disputing that he was indeed a prisoner during the Viet of the Nam War.
Too bad he didn’t make it to LBJ though.
Who knew that one could get a combat “V” device on the POW medal. Maybe this douche-canoe has imagined some exciting G.I. Joe firefight with the NVA when he was captured.
Or, it could be just an embellishment of his capture by the Navy Shore Patrol (SP’s) when he arrested during his AWOL times. He has imagined that a tussle with the SP’s was valorous combat.
What we need for these POSers is a special medal for Prisoner During War for all the brig and stockade rats that claim they were POW’s. It should be a brown ribbon with yellow borders and a fecal device in honor of Les “Brownstain” Brown.
Evaded capture by Courtesy Patrol at Songtan or Olangapo…
Could the “V” indicate the loss of his virginity as a brig prisoner?
“Give to me, Bubba!” he said.
He’s almost (but not quite) worse than that self-aggrandizing mumblegums who tried to spook a teenager and claimed hisself to be a “vet” when he was in the brig more than out of it. Remember him? Pounding a drum a honking in a kid’s face?
Yeah, well, nail this one to the wall, willya?
Howard “Skip” Archer served BRIEFLY in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is the human embodiment of a $2 haircut.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER a POW in Vietnam.
Howard “Skip” Archer has all the charm and charisma of a burning port-a-shitter.
Howard “Skip” Archer was a Motor Vehicle Operator during his brief time in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer’s Birth Certificate is a letter of apology from a condom manufacturer.
Howard “Skip” Archer NEVER held the rank of Captain in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is a chunk fresh dog crap on the sidewalk of life.
Howard “Skip” Archer left the USMC as a PRIVATE, the pay grade of E1 according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Silver Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer was likely conceived in a back alley.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Bronze Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Purple Heart according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer is rumored to be a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer at Brucie’s Bath house (Entrance in the Rear).
Howard “Skip” Archer had a period of AWOL while in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer should have been a mattress stain in a rent-by-the-hour Motel.
Howard “Skip” Archer did LESS THAN 2 years in the USMC according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he couldn’t even fight his way through a wet blob of toilet paper.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Howard “Skip” Archer received an RE4, a code making one ineligible for reenlistment.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like the “creepy guy” in a run-down windowless van.
Howard “Skip” Archer should NEVER be left alone around Women or Children.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he’s less useful than tits on a pigeon.
Howard “Skip” Archer can now wallow in his newfound Internet fame as Howard “Skip” Archer realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Commo check
How Copy,
I should have had more coffee first.
Far more important than this turd’s lowly fake claims…..
Asking for Lars and LC.
And has he switched to Geico?
Green Thumb,
I’m sure “The Captain” is sticking with “The General”.
You know, 5 stars, and that bushy out of reg ‘stache.
He got shot down in Linebacker II and (briefly) spent time at the camp Rambo escaped from in ’71, right?
That is my understanding.
I also heard that he has been working undercover for All-Points Logistics ever since.
Not Rambo.
It was Col. Braddock (Chuck Norris).
But, of course…
What a clown.
And I have a feeling this clowns been clowning a long time.
He also kinda looks like he knows he got caught in the picture.
I mean, that camera is right in his face.
I would tell a motherfucker to back the fuck up.
No bling-slathered vest? He’s not really trying.
Many thanks are given for blurring out the faces of the dogs. They are innocent victims in all of this.
There’s always a motorcycle with these poser assclowns.
— SIGH —
So, a private became a captain at the VFW. I just joined, I was a major, does this mean I can finally pin on that 3rd star….. bwahahahaha
Another bucket of Google® Hits™ for that asswipe:
Howard “Skip” Archer served BRIEFLY in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is the human embodiment of a $2 haircut.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER a POW in Vietnam.
Howard “Skip” Archer has all the charm and charisma of a burning port-a-shitter.
Howard “Skip” Archer was a Motor Vehicle Operator during his brief time in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer’s Birth Certificate is a letter of apology from a condom manufacturer.
Howard “Skip” Archer NEVER held the rank of Captain in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is a chunk fresh dog crap on the sidewalk of life.
Howard “Skip” Archer left the USMC as a PRIVATE, the pay grade of E1 according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Silver Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer was likely conceived in a back alley.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Bronze Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Purple Heart according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer is rumored to be a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer at Brucie’s Bath house (Entrance in the Rear).
Howard “Skip” Archer had a period of AWOL while in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer should have been a mattress stain in a rent-by-the-hour Motel.
Howard “Skip” Archer did LESS THAN 2 years in the USMC according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he couldn’t even fight his way through a wet blob of toilet paper.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Howard “Skip” Archer received an RE4, a code making one ineligible for reenlistment.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like the “creepy guy” in a run-down windowless van.
Howard “Skip” Archer should NEVER be left alone around Women or Children.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he’s less useful than tits on a pigeon.
Howard “Skip” Archer can now wallow in his newfound Internet fame as Howard “Skip” Archer realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Commo check
How Copy,
Can anyone tell what this douche rocket is wearing on his epaulets?
after searching for a while I found these:
He’ll have to change that pretty soon, -beans. Can’t wear white after Labor Day, ya know.
At least he earned an NDSM. Even being sent to the brig they couldn’t take that away from him.
He shot Marksman and got an NDSM. He couldn’t have left Parris Island without them.
Police NCO = Permanent Latrine Orderly?
Those cigarette butts ain’t going to police themselves.
NOR will those dandelions pick themselves from the sidewalk cracks or the daisies from the PT Field…
He got classified so good, and cleaned the latrine and all. He was awarded a fine watch, which he then returned, but was re-gifted anyway.
Skip “Assclown” Archer must have thought that the “alterations” on his DD214 were real click back in the day. He didn’t remember to change the pitch on the IBM Selectric when he made them so it would look like the original type.
Must have given lessons to Gunga Dan on forging documents to fool your friends and the public.
Fucking brigrat cocksucker…
HMCS(FMF) ret,
Howard Archer Sr. likely tried that,
but after punching a few holes in his fingers
trying to change the IBM Selectric ball element (font),
Skip sucked his fingers, swore a lot,
wiped up the blood from his new battle injury,
and continued on, defeated by the IBM Selectric.
I hear the singing voice of Julie Andrews…
The hills are alive… with the sound of FakeBook.
Plenty of comments already…
and many posts and photos are wide open for more.
Note the many Vietnam Veteran graphic posts…
Another “Vietnam Times” veteran.
Dave Hardin,
Held as a POW Prisoner of Wartime,
captured (from AWOL) and imprisoned by the Americans, the US Marines.
Archer was NOT whipped daily with bamboo.
Except in his imagination.
He was likely a patron of the Bondage Room in Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in the Rear) after he flunked lunch at being one of their Towel Fluffers, what a damned waste of flesh and oxygen!
He may gotten “towel snapped.”
I’m told some pay extra for that.
Make me pink!
It’s not torture if you pay for it.
[…] This Ain’t Hell: […]
“Grandpa, what did you do during the Viet Nam war?”
“Well, I licked the back of sweaty nutsacks in the Brig, honey”
“That sounds disgusting grandpa”
“It was my finest hour, sweetie”
Here’s to Archer, who got the nickname “Skip” because he “skipped” the Viet Nam War by hanging out in the Brig with his closest friends.
I’ll make the jump of speculation here
(hopefully false) that “Skip” Howard Roy Archer Sr.:
1 – Decided in Hawaii that he is NOT shipping off to Vietnam.
2 – “Skip” skipped, and went AWOL.
3 – Got found, and got sent to the brig.
4 – Got discharged as an E-1, Reenlistment Code RE-4.
5 – Smiled on the boat and bus rides home.
6 – Spent the next 25 years happy he never went to Vietnam.
7 – In the 1990s, when being a Vietnam Veteran became popular again, decided to change his tune.
8 – Spent 10-30 years since as a Phony Vietnam Veteran
9 – Faked his way into a VFW Post.
10 – Got questioned, and then removed, by the same VFW Post,
that originally (and poorly) reviewed his VFW membership application.
11 – Kept it up on FakeBook for years,
with the Captain VFW photo,
and the many Vietnam Veteran posts and graphics
(until August 2021).
NOTE – Anyone else notice Reenlistment Code RE-4

on the FAKE DD-214,
which contradicts the poorly altered DISCHARGE / HONORABLE entries?
You are most likely onto something.
Kitty (Forman, That 70’s Show) says it best.
What does the RE-4 denote? (For those of us that never enlisted or re-enlisted)
Think someone else ( MarineDad61 @ 11:12 am )
But I’ll post it again for anyone else..
“RE-4: Individuals separated from last period of service with a nonwaiverable disqualification (refer to AR 601-280). Ineligible for enlistment except as provided for in paragraphs 2-7c and 2-7d. (See waiverable moral and administrative disqualification.) **Disqualification is nonwaivable.**”
Thanks, I hadn’t scrolled down far enough in the comments.
RE-4 means that they will call Daniel Bernath back on active duty, even though he is still dead. If they have to dip deep enough to consider someone like this asswipe with an RE-4, it’s game over, man. Brush up on your Chinese and Arabic.
Clearly mentally ill.
Or just a giant PoS.
Mental PoS?
Isn’t it amazing how many of our POSers who actually wore the uniform ended their service getting the boot as E-1’s, just like this asswipe.
Just like P.J. O’Rourke’s classic sarcasm “The Vietnam Combat Veterans Simulator Kit” from National Lampoon in ’78: “How’d you get out of it? Bad back? Tell ’em you were queer? … Well, someday it’ll be popular and, guess what, you didn’t go! … “
Got the nickname “Skip”, probably because his poor ol’ cornhole is about 2 inches wider and 4 inches higher than when he went into the brig….resulting in his limp.
He got the name Skip from prancing around the exercise yard in the brig.
Did anyone but me notice that in the second page of his alleged records (the one where the “alleged Admin Clerk’s misspelling of “Vietnamese Service Medal” and the obvious darker typeface of the last four medals – almost as if those medals were an afterthought,” are two blocks where “Discharge” is followed by a much darker and different font reading “Honorable”
Also block 3O “Character of Service” has “CONDITIONS” and “HONORABLE” in a different font than “Medically,” with “Medically” not even being on the same plane or line as “HONORABLE.”
Also “HONORABLE” is in all caps, unlike “Medically,” and the outlining block line under “Medically” is missing, as if someone used WiteOut on it.
Finally, the font used on most of the form has letters that are “clean.” By that I mean that the loop in the “e,” “a” and “o’s” are crisp and open. The typing with the medals, “Honorable” and “Medically” have the loops filled in with schmutz. Clearly these were not added typed at the same time and were added at a later date than the surrounding document.
While there may not be enough evidence to convict him of Stolen Valor (as the OP correctly points out,) altering an official, government document is a crime irrespective of Stolen Valor.
More, Reenlistment code RE-4
[RE-4: Individuals separated from last period of service with a nonwaiverable disqualification (refer to AR 601-280).
Ineligible for enlistment except as provided for in paragraphs 2-7c and 2-7d.
(See waiverable moral and administrative disqualification.)
Disqualification is nonwaivable.]
This is the VFW (National) flaw revealed.
Delegating VFW membership approval to the local Post level,
where all posts SHOULD catch a FAKE DD-214,
but many don’t… or won’t.
Unfortunately, in many cases about Legions and VFWs, (as was explained to me directly and I politely declined) it’s all about Dues Baby!!!
As in (sorry not, AS TO!), “We don’t care about your “real” status, just say you’re eligible and pay us your dues and we’ll maybe glance or look the other way and BOOM!! you’re IN!!!
Yeah, no. GTFOOHWTS.
Exactly. Furthermore, I can drink in the privacy and comfort of my home…as I set here looking at Dad’s shadowbox from WW2 and his awards and decorations which includes the Atlantic War Zone campaign medal for his service as a Merchant Mariner in the Battle of the Atlantic But the VFW says , nope (couldn’t join if he was still alive) not a “real” vet. But jackass’s like Skippy can join.
Is “schmutz” the same as “smegma?”
Yep, just like Ole “Skippy” here is the same as “Dick Cheese”, or “Toe Jam”, or “Yeast Infection”.
😀 😀 😀
Smegma is much worse than schmutz, which is German for dirt. If you want to see some real smegma up close and personal, you can come over and clean my horse’s sheath (for you non-horseperson’s that is where that horse penis retracts).
Cottage cheese is the best!
?? No comment about the Meritorious Service Medal on his right breast below name tag? He should have it on the rack between the Purple Heart and the POW Medal.
Also noticed no Campaign Star(s) on the Vietnamese(sic) Service Medal. Service 66-68 there were many campaigns in that period.
Funny how many Stolen Valor phonies can find the PX,
Army/Navy Military Surplus stores, and ribbon/medal websites,
but they can’t seem to find military ribbon charts on the interwebby,
especially in the age of the Fu of Google.
This ass clown was 3531 Motor T driver. If he wasn’t smart enough to learn how to fuck around and get through 4 years, especially in Hawaii. He deserved the brig.
Betcha, as one other commenter observed, he likely received orders for the Viet of the Nam, and went AWOL to avoid being shipped to Vietnam. Moreover, if this asswipe wanted to serve in Vietnam, I am sure the Corps would have been happy to accommodate him, since he was already halfway there, in Hawaii.
If aOc had a tickle uncle?
Just guessing on this but I suspect he got the “Captain” moniker while in the brig.
When he and another prisoner were riding each other the guards and other cellmates heard them screaming “Who’s the Captain of your ship? Say my name. Say it!”
Permission to come aboard?
Permission granted.
While he was dating his cellmates in the brig, was their safe word “Beans and motherfuckers”?
I’ll Just skip to the facts Skip, and Curses to you for putting a stain on the NDSM which I was awarded.
I’m replacing the three stars on my Good Cookie with V devices.
The Brotherhood is NOT amused. 🤬
Fake Vietnam POWs? We have them up here in the attic too…
You do nice work up there!
Howard “Skip” Archer served BRIEFLY in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is the human embodiment of a $2 haircut.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER a POW in Vietnam.
Howard “Skip” Archer has all the charm and charisma of a burning port-a-shitter.
Howard “Skip” Archer was a Motor Vehicle Operator during his brief time in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer’s Birth Certificate is a letter of apology from a condom manufacturer.
Howard “Skip” Archer NEVER held the rank of Captain in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is a chunk fresh dog crap on the sidewalk of life.
Howard “Skip” Archer left the USMC as a PRIVATE, the pay grade of E1 according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Silver Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer was likely conceived in a back alley.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Bronze Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Purple Heart according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer is rumored to be a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer at Brucie’s Bath house (Entrance in the Rear).
Howard “Skip” Archer had a period of AWOL while in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer should have been a mattress stain in a rent-by-the-hour Motel.
Howard “Skip” Archer did LESS THAN 2 years in the USMC according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he couldn’t even fight his way through a wet blob of toilet paper.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Howard “Skip” Archer received an RE4, a code making one ineligible for reenlistment.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like the “creepy guy” in a run-down windowless van.
Howard “Skip” Archer should NEVER be left alone around Women or Children.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he’s less useful than tits on a pigeon.
Howard “Skip” Archer can now wallow in his newfound Internet fame as Howard “Skip” Archer realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Commo check
How Copy,
Read you 5 x 5, but can’t speak for everyone else so I ask that you “Say Agan!”
*As I was taught early on when using a radio, never, ever say “REPEAT”. That leads to all kinds of problems, as our very own Bunny of the Gun can attest*
Roger REPEAT, more HE and Willy Pete on the way…Get small…Danger close!
COPY “is the human embodiment of a $2 haircut.”
Control + F ” has all the charm and charisma of a burning port-a-shitter” Not Found,
Gotta run…BE back in a bit
The last time I checked there were AT LEAST 50 parts of your AoI that were contributed by Yours Truly!
Don’t forget about the Navy Cross – on his DD-214. Higher than a Silver Star and just below the CMoH.
Yes, the Navy Cross. I am sure many of those have been awarded to E-1 privates. Especially to those that never left the US of A, and who got the boot after a stint in brig for AWOL.
He’ll be driving his family or friends down a road and say: “This road we’re on right now… I broke rocks to make the gravel it’s made up of.”
Busta rock during the day,
Busta nut at night.
Howard “Skip” Archer served BRIEFLY in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is the human embodiment of a $2 haircut.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER a POW in Vietnam.
Howard “Skip” Archer has all the charm and charisma of a burning port-a-shitter.
Howard “Skip” Archer was a Motor Vehicle Operator during his brief time in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer’s Birth Certificate is a letter of apology from a condom manufacturer.
Howard “Skip” Archer NEVER held the rank of Captain in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is a chunk fresh dog crap on the sidewalk of life.
Howard “Skip” Archer left the USMC as a PRIVATE, the pay grade of E1 according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Silver Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer was likely conceived in a back alley.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Bronze Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Purple Heart according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer is rumored to be a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer at Brucie’s Bath house (Entrance in the Rear).
Howard “Skip” Archer had a period of AWOL while in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer should have been a mattress stain in a rent-by-the-hour Motel.
Howard “Skip” Archer did LESS THAN 2 years in the USMC according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he couldn’t even fight his way through a wet blob of toilet paper.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Howard “Skip” Archer received an RE4, a code making one ineligible for reenlistment.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like the “creepy guy” in a run-down windowless van.
Howard “Skip” Archer should NEVER be left alone around Women or Children.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he’s less useful than tits on a pigeon.
Howard “Skip” Archer can now wallow in his newfound Internet fame as Howard “Skip” Archer realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Commo check
How Copy,
In Iraq that call that particular style beard “pussy mouth” because well, it looks like some well used beef steak. But why is he so red in the face? It can’t be because he is embarrassed about pretending to be Naval Aviator.
He’s red in the face because the last homeless guy he “entertained” behind the dumpster took a long time. He’s now savoring the deposit before swallowing and taking on the next one in line.
Facebook page is wide open
Can’t view all of it because I don’t book face but it does show that
he has 268 friends. Be nice if they would comment here.
Some new reply comments to old comments for Skip Archer
(“Thank you, sir”)
include “I regret to inform you…..”.
So, the bomb of truth gets dropped,
for some of his FakeBook friends to see,
since Skip Archer hasn’t posted on FakeBook in the last 30 days.
He may soon again be looking at his Book of the Fake.
Real soon.
Oh I am sure some of the comments will make their way to him.
Yet another highly decorated combat Marine,,,with no CAR. Why do they always leave the CAR off of their uniform photos??
I often wonder if they know what they are doing when they go to the PX and buy ribbons and medals.
Maybe it’s like eye candy and they pick out the coolest looking color combinations.
Skip, to his credit, has the order of precedence correct so that points to him knowingly wanting to deceive.
D’s Cantina copies 5x:
Howard “Skip” Archer served BRIEFLY in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is the human embodiment of a $2 haircut.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER a POW in Vietnam.
Howard “Skip” Archer has all the charm and charisma of a burning port-a-shitter.
Howard “Skip” Archer was a Motor Vehicle Operator during his brief time in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer’s Birth Certificate is a letter of apology from a condom manufacturer.
Howard “Skip” Archer NEVER held the rank of Captain in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer is a chunk fresh dog crap on the sidewalk of life.
Howard “Skip” Archer left the USMC as a PRIVATE, the pay grade of E1 according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Silver Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer was likely conceived in a back alley.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Bronze Star according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Purple Heart according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer is rumored to be a reject Apprentice Towel Fluffer at Brucie’s Bath house (Entrance in the Rear).
Howard “Skip” Archer had a period of AWOL while in the USMC.
Howard “Skip” Archer should have been a mattress stain in a rent-by-the-hour Motel.
Howard “Skip” Archer did LESS THAN 2 years in the USMC according to records found.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he couldn’t even fight his way through a wet blob of toilet paper.
Howard “Skip” Archer WAS NEVER awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Howard “Skip” Archer received an RE4, a code making one ineligible for reenlistment.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like the “creepy guy” in a run-down windowless van.
Howard “Skip” Archer should NEVER be left alone around Women or Children.
Howard “Skip” Archer looks like he’s less useful than tits on a pigeon.
Howard “Skip” Archer can now wallow in his newfound Internet fame as Howard “Skip” Archer realizes that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Commo check
How Copy,
HOWARD ROY “SKIP” ARCHER – Current address found as HYDETOWN, PA – Additional photos: – Additional Social Media: YouTube: MySpace: Hi5:–profile–html – Criminal/ Traffic: STATEMENT UNDER PENALTY Location PA Court Date 07/18/2019 Date of Offense 06/27/2018 Court Case Number CP-20-CR-0000424-2019 Court Case Description CRAWFORD Court Disposition GUILTY PLEA Court Offense STATEMENT UNDER PENALTY Court Fines – DUTY OF DRIVER IN EMERGENCY RESPONSE AREAS – PASS IN LANE NOT ADJACENT TO Location PA Court Date 04/12/2013 Date of Offense 04/05/2013 Court Case Number MJ-37301-TR-0000354-2013 Court Case Description MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT COURT Court Disposition GUILTY PLEA Court Offense DUTY OF DRIVER IN EMERGENCY RESPONSE AREAS – PASS IN LANE NOT ADJACENT TO A Court Statute 75.3327.A1 Court Fines – OPERATE VEHICLE ON HIGHWAY WITHOUT A VALID LICENSE – 1ST OFFENSE Location MO Date of Offense 02/26/2012 Court Case Number 1231-CR02933 Court Case Description 31ST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Court Disposition DISPOSITION NOT PROVIDED BY SOURCE Court Offense OPERATE VEHICLE ON HIGHWAY WITHOUT A VALID LICENSE – 1ST OFFENSE Court Fines – DWI – ALCOHOL Location MO Date of Offense 02/26/2012 Court Case Number 1231-CR02933 Court Case Description 31ST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Court Disposition DISPOSITION NOT PROVIDED BY SOURCE Court Offense DWI – ALCOHOL Court Fines – FAIL TO SIGNAL/GAVE IMPROPER SIGNAL WHEN STOPPING/TURNING LEFT OR RIGHT Location MO Date of Offense 02/26/2012 Court Case Number 1231-CR02933 Court Case Description 31ST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Court Disposition DISPOSITION NOT PROVIDED BY SOURCE Court Offense FAIL TO SIGNAL/GAVE IMPROPER SIGNAL WHEN STOPPING/TURNING LEFT OR RIGHT Court Fines – THEFT Location ASHTABULA COUNTY, OH Court Date 11/12/1999 Date of Offense 08/01/1999 Court Case Number 1999 CR B 00547 W Court Disposition UNAVAILABILITY OF ACCUSED Status:CLOSED Court Offense THEFT Court Statute 2913.02M_WE Court Fines – AGGRAVATED VEHICULAR ASSAULT Location ASHTABULA COUNTY, OH Court Date 07/24/1996 Court Case Number 1995 CR 00265 Court Disposition GUILTY OR NO CONTEST PLEA TO REDUCED Status:CLOSED Court Offense AGGRAVATED VEHICULAR ASSAULT Court Statute 2903.08_CP Court Fines – – Breakdown of military service: 1966 May-Jul Basic Training, MCRD Parris Island SC 1966 Jul-Aug Individual Combat Training, 1st ITR Camp Lejeune NC 1966 Aug-Sep Motor… Read more »
Compliments on the collection here.
So he’s been a turd not only in Hawaii,
but also Ohio, Missouri, and now Pennsylvania.
Turding in rural western New York wouldn’t surprise me, at all.
It appears that Skip Archer Sr. has locked down his MySpace.
Likely long ago, on a previous rodeo.
Hi5, my ass.
And yes, I now see posts about Skippy on 2 national VFW groups,
on the renowned Book of the Fake.
I see this…
Good News & Bad News about the latest Stolen Valor PHONY Vietnam Veteran / POW / Captain / Silver Stars / Purple Heart.
Good News – The same VFW Post that poorly reviewed a blatant
FAKE DD-214 and approved his membership later REMOVED him.
Bad News – Howard Archer Sr. continued wearing the PHONY Captain VFW cap, now the featured photo on Stolen Valor websites.
(end paste, post has link to this page)
And this…
Verifying VFW membership eligibility is 1 of the most important functions of a VFW Post. Verifying AUTHENTICITY of Form DD-214 and/or other presented documents, and then VFW ELIGIBILITY.
From personal experience, dropping these on a monthly post meeting for 3 signatures, 5 minutes before the meeting begins, doesn’t cut it.
(end paste — post includes 2 photos,
the VFW membership application form,
and a part of Skippy’s FAKE DD-214 (marked up in red boxes))
Skipping Skippy Skip Archer Jr. can continue to run,
but he can no longer hide.
Skipping Skippy Skip Archer Sr. can continue to run,
but he can no longer hide.
How ironic.
No place to hide… in Hydetown.
Skip Archer Sr. would have better luck
trying to hide in Bird-In-Hand, PA.
The revenge of the Book of the Fake.
Now I keep getting
“Friends Suggestions” & “People You May Know”,
forcing me over & over again
to look at the ugly mug of VFW capped Skip Archer Sr.