Political shorts

HUNTER: First up. Hunter’s stripper ex-girlfriend (or is it ex-stripper girlfriend? I lose track) has filed to change her baby’s name to Biden. The mother of Hunter Biden’s 4-year-old daughter requested in court to change the last name of her child so she can “benefit from carrying the Biden family name.” Lunden Roberts, a former […]
Team Biden sues Arizona and ‘dumbs down’ citizenship test

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey did not want to wait for Team Biden to address illegal alien related border challenges. The state of Arizona took matters into its own hand, the governor approved the construction of a border barrier made of shipping containers. This new border barrier succeeded in getting Team Biden to take action on […]
Maricopa County election judge provides firsthand account of fraud

Michele Swinick served as one of the Maricopa Country election judges. She claimed that the tabulators worked perfectly the night before Election Day. However, the day of the election, the tabulators had problems reading ballots. The “defective ballots” were slated for “Door 3”. According to Michele Swinick, this was part of a well planned operation […]
To Republicans, it’s “election integrity”; to Democrats, it’s “voter suppression.”

One of the claims made by Democrat fundraising emails is that Republicans have considered “voter suppression” laws. If these laws are passed, then Democrats “would not win” for a long time, perhaps never, and “Democracy” would further erode. These so called “voter suppression” laws are actually election integrity laws, designed to level the playing field […]
Election week update – Dems funding conservative candidates

The Democrat Party is dragging out an old tactic: support opposition third party candidates to draw votes from Republicans. In Kansas, an organization called the American Center is putting tens of thousands of dollars ($92,000 according to the same article – Ed.) behind independent gubernatorial nominee Dennis Pyle, who, in a recent poll, was at […]
Updated gun-grabbers’ tactics

The gun-banners are trying to do an end run around the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA). Back in the ’90s and early oughts, high-priced lawsuits were filed against gun manufacturing companies in an effort to make them spend so much money defending from frivolous law suits that they would go broke even […]
RFK’s grandson reveals “secret” Ukraine fighting

Conor Kennedy, the grandson of Bobby, says on Instagram he secretly went to Ukraine and fought there before coming home. “Going in, I had no prior military experience and wasn’t a great shot, but I could carry heavy things and learned fast,” he wrote. “I was also willing to die there. So they soon agreed […]
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