Trouble in Tuberville ?

| July 28, 2023


Tommy Tuberville has been making some headlines because he has been holding up the promotions of many military General Grade Officers.  He believes there are too many high ranking military members on active duty.

The United States Marine Corps is currently without a Commandant.

Senator Tuberville also objects to the military paying for abortions for those who must travel outside of the state they are currently stationed because it is not longer offered in that state.

The horror of it all.

Now, the Shills for Democratic Demagoguery are acting out.  It’s all so predictable.

I have been forwarded numerous claims that Senator Tuberville has made about his fathers military service.  The moment I see shills like Glenn Kessler doing so called “Fact Checking” about things they are ignorant of,  I know the truth lies in the opposite direction.  I can count on his ilk to inadvertently point me down the correct path.

“My father, Charles Tuberville, made the D-Day landing at Normandy as a tank commander with the 101st infantry. He served with honor during World War II, earning five Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart.”

— Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), in a tweet posted with a Fox News interview, June 6

“He lied about his age at 16, joined the Army.”

— Tuberville, in the Fox interview

“He was a tank commander with the 101st Infantry and landed at Normandy Beach on D-Day and drove a tank through the streets of Paris when the U.S. forces liberated the city.”

— Tuberville, on the archived website of the Tommy Tuberville Foundation

For nearly a decade, Tuberville has described the World War II exploits of his father, Charles R. Tuberville Jr., in a relatively consistent way — that he was a tank commander, that he earned five Bronze Stars, that he participated in the D-Day landing and that he lied about his age to join the army. News organizations have tended to accept Tuberville’s version and either reprint or broadcast it.

Please read Shill Kessler’s “Fact Checking” HERE at the WP.  There are plenty of others out there publishing their own renditions on the matter.  I doubt most people really care if there have been some embellishments by a son concerning his fathers military service some 75 years ago.

What bothers me is Tuberville has an entire staff of well paid and Free Labor  staffers who could easily  get a copy of this fathers service records.  Here is a guy who has spent decades in the public eye as a Football Coach and he lacks the ability to comprehend he should not be making statements about his fathers service that can not be backed up by his service records.

Even a caustic crusader of all things conservative like Kessler should check their so called facts a bit more.

Most of the Army personnel records from World War II were destroyed in a 1973 fire, making confirmation difficult.

As we have published many times, those records have been mostly restored from other sources… making confirmation of service rather routine.  Kessler links to the information but just didn’t take the time to read what it said I guess.  From our post HERE:

The damage to archived military records held by NPRC was extensive.  Between 16 and 18 million military personnel records for separated military personnel are believed to have been destroyed.  Roughly 6.5 million other OPMFs were damaged – either by the fire directly, or by the huge quantities of water used to extinguish the fire – but were later recovered.

A variety of means were used to preserve and restore damaged records.  Critical records – an index of the facility’s holdings on magnetic tape, and 100,000+ reels of microfilm containing USAF and US Army morning reports from 1912-1959 –  were removed during the fire.  Though some degradation of this film had occurred in storage, approximately 95% of it was useable.  By lucky coincidence, it also happened to correspond to the area that was most affected by the fire.  Alternate sources – including claims records on-file with the VA, individual state records, Selective Service Records, pay records, and military medical records – were used to reconstruct records of service that had been destroyed in the fire to the maximum degree practicable.

Not all records affected by the fire were destroyed; many were damaged but either completely or partially recovered.  Damaged records were not discarded, but were dried and placed in special storage.  Recovery efforts continue today.

Kessler seems to be in the business of using smear tactics to get anyone conservative some “Negative Press” through his copy and paste “Fact Checking”.  Tuberville just makes it easy for his critics.

I believe several things to be true in this case.  There are too many General Grade Officers in the military.  Of this I have no doubt.  The Marines will be just fine with an “acting” Commandant.   Quoting the “Pentagon” on the matter is like asking my wife if she has a shortage of shoes because she can’t buy new ones for a while.  Additionally, Senators have too many people on their staff and their budget is bloated.

I propose a mandatory 33% reduction in force of pay grades O-6 and up.  I would also encourage Tuberville to sponsor a bill that makes a mandatory 33% reduction in staff and budget for all members of Congress law.

Shills like Glenn Kessler are part of the problem and most Americans have grown weary of their repugnant twist on things.  Some fact checking on Kessler is full of treasures like this one:

Since Biden’s “crisis” at the border has long since resolved itself (sarc) I presume Kessler has little to do but “fact check” other issues he knows little about and offer more fortune telling.  Or as he called it, “analysis”.  I doubt he would have taken the time to Fact Check  Senator Tuberville about anything if the Senators standing on abortion was different.

The Senator’s father, Charles Tuberville, was a hero.  He was wounded in combat and served his country with distinction.  I humbly thank him for his service… which is more than I can do for either one of the other two aforementioned clowns.

Category: Big Army, Big Pentagon, Defense cuts, Democrats

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USMC Steve

Given the damage done by the last commandant, an acting one will be just fine. There is no reason to assume that any officer picked to take that job by this regime will not be as fucked up as a football bat. And we thought that the Winger would be the most screwed up commandant we ever had.


Reason 417B that im glad I retired 6 years ago.


Unfortunately that photo of the 101st ABN tank driving through
the streets of Paris with the seaweed from the Normandy
landing still hanging from it was lost in the fire.
What was that saying about the first thing lost in war?


I’m in complete shock.

The left wing media attempted to verify service claims of a dead guy. Might be the first time that ever happened.

I wonder if politics were involved?

Yes the Army is top heavy. It’s by design. It’s a lot harder to grow a Sergeant Major or a Colonel than it is a private. If the military needed to expand suddenly then having senior leadership that is already trained and experienced is more valuable than a bunch of lower ranking soldiers who can be trained in 6-12 months.


If I remember correctly, Jonn once said that we currently have more Generals than we did in WWII and more Admirals than we have ships.


The US Navy has 160 Admirals and 485 vessels. Of course a number of admirals have nothing to do with boats or planes and they are mostly necessary too.

1100 US Army Generals served during WWII with less than 50 of them KIA or WIA. Currently we have just under 231 (due to Tuberville). So nearly five times as many during WWII. During WWII the US Military was arranged very differently than it is today. Than were many more Colonels than we have today.


Scale is obviously important here. There were more than 11m in the Army at the end of WWII. That puts your 1,100 GO figure at about .01% of the force.

231 GOs today out of ~966,000 is .02% of manpower. We have twice as many generals in the Army per capita than we did in WWII. USAF has .03% wearing stars today.


We did just fine growing the needed seniors for WW2. Many of the pre-war ones were relieved for cause, or otherwise failed spectacularly.

The current flag surplus is featherbedding, not planning.


Most of the flags these days are about like the ones Lincoln had in 1861 – garbage.


The problem is that you don’t know who sucks and who doesn’t until they command in the field. Without a war they are like untested prototype parts.


Agreed, leaders are born from the ranks. I’m one of the few “Dirty NCO-Types” who’ve bothered reading Once an Eagle, not just once but 2-3 times. While history has produced a number of Sam Damons, it’s produced many more Courtney Massengales, men (and women in more recent history) who’ve risen through the ranks through ticket punching, networking, and taking advantage of opportunities.

Disclaimer: I only know a couple of currently serving GOs, but in my mind, probably 75% of O7s and above are doing jobs that more junior officers could easily excel at, coincidentally jobs that those more junior officers used to fill prior to the influx of the “we need a General or Admiral here” mentality.

Senior officers know that stars are the key to continued service, and a virtual guarantee of a multi-6-figure post-retirement salary to cushion that small retirement pension and whatever disability payment they get after 30+ years of selfless service to our nation. Many of the retired Colonels I know easily make 6-figures as advisors, experts, board members, or other relatively low-energy/high-knowledge positions with defense contractors.

Politicians, and the civilian donors who support them (many of whom are contractors or who otherwise benefit from military spending), know that creating more flag positions is beneficial to them more so than it is to the military. I’ve stated similarly before: the military will run even if a lowly Brigadier General is filling the shoes of a 4-Star. NCOs do it all the time, why not increase the number of E7-E9 positions?


I was shocked at how many officers, in the mid eighties, were unfamiliar with Sun Tzu’s “Art of War”.

It was only mandatory reading at all levels of Soviet military and intelligence training. And it is not like China is unfamiliar with it.


To be fair though, who won the Cold War?

We don’t need to stinking books. 😉

Green Thumb

Tubby went undefeated in 2004.


“I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Woman”…Bill Clinton

“Your Boys Are Not Going To Be Sent Into Any Foreign Wars”…FDR in 1940

“If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Keep Your Doctor. If You Like Your Health Care Plan, You Can Keep Your Health Care Plan”…Obama

“First of all, I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their business, period,” Biden said in August 2019. “There wasn’t any hint of scandal at all when we were there. It was the same kind of strict, strict rules. That’s why I never talk with my son or my brother or anyone else, even distant family about their business interest, period”…. Joe Biden

“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” a frustrated Biden told Fox News reporter Peter Doocy a month later.”….Joe Biden

“I don’t discuss business with my son,” Biden said again the next month in October 2019.”

“My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China,” Biden declared during the October 2020 debate against then-President Trump.”…Joe Biden




“My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China,” Biden declared during the October 2020 debate against then-President Trump.”…Joe Biden

“Hunter Biden Contradicts Dad’s Claim Nobody In Family ‘Made Money From China'”

“Hunter Biden admitted to a federal judge Wednesday that he received over $600,000 from a Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-backed company, contradicting President Biden’s insistence that nobody from his family “made money from China.”

“Hunter’s apparent confirmation in the courtroom that he made more than a half million dollars from a Chinese company directly contradicts President Biden’s previous denials.”


And what did that whole string have to do with Tuberville?


Maybe ninja was giving examples of others who have made shit up?

Just spitballing here, making a casual observation.

At least that’s I see/read.



You nailed it….😉😎

Thank You! 👍👌👏


Hi, David!

Please see my response to Odie.

Odie nailed it…😉😎

Thank You for asking!

Keep Up The Great Work!


And the low info voters won’t bother to check his claims while accepting his statements as gospel truth.


I never spoke with Hunter Biden about business dealing either.


Has this guy ever said anything that isn’t a lie? He lies about the manner in which his wife and daughter died. He lies about how many grandchildren he has. He lies about his academic credentials. Hunter is the smartest man he knows.


It’s a kind of Munchausen syndrome. From wiki:

The name “Munchausen syndrome” derives from Baron Munchausen, a literary character loosely based on the German nobleman Hieronymus Karl Friedrich, Freiherr von Münchhausen (1720–1797). The historical baron became a well-known storyteller in the late 18th century for entertaining dinner guests with tales about his adventures during the Russo-Turkish War. In 1785, German-born writer and con artist Rudolf Erich Raspe anonymously published a book in which a heavily fictionalized version of “Baron Munchausen” tells many fantastic and impossible stories about himself. Raspe’s Munchausen became a sensation, establishing a literary exemplar of a bombastic liar or exaggerator.[18][19]
In 1951, Richard Asher was the first to describe a pattern of self-harm, wherein individuals fabricated histories, signs, and symptoms of illness. Remembering Baron Munchausen, Asher named this condition Munchausen’s Syndrome in his article in The Lancet in February 1951,[20] quoted in his obituary in the British Medical Journal:

Here is described a common syndrome which most doctors have seen, but about which little has been written. Like the famous Baron von Munchausen, the persons affected have always travelled widely; and their stories, like those attributed to him, are both dramatic and untruthful. Accordingly the syndrome is respectfully dedicated to the Baron, and named after him.

— British Medical Journal, R.A.J. Asher, M.D., F.R.C.P.

biden ford theater.jpg

The Senator’s father, Charles Tuberville, was a hero. He was wounded in combat and served his country with distinction. I humbly thank him for his service… which is more than I can do for either one of the other two aforementioned clowns.” Testify!

“Shills like Glenn Kessler are part of the problem and most Americans have grown weary of their repugnant twist on things. Some fact checking on Kessler is full of treasures like this one:” Preach it, Brother Dave! Wonder what Kessler’s Daddy did in the War? Maybe Kessler’s Daddy shoulda pulled out…or aborted him? Jus’ sayin’. Odd how all of the people that are for abortion weren’t aborted. Hmmmm

Oh…and BTW…for all of the True Believers (ninja) out there…ROLL TIDE ROLL!




21976 (1).jpeg




You spelled “Roll Tide” wrong!


Proggies wildly lashing out when their agenda is threatened? Say it ain’t so.


If the troops suffer so should the brass.


I contacted Senator Tuberville’s office via his website and identified myself as a veteran who strongly supports his action here.

I think you folks at TAH should too.


It’s a given that every person who actually attempts to contact a politician’s office represents many more who feel similarly. Always worth while to try! For either side of a question.


True, but good luck getting any acknowledgement.

Daisy Cutter

Years ago, I emailed Senator Arlen Specter’s office about an issue I felt strongly about. Let’s call it issue X.

To my surprise and delight, I immediately got a response signed by the Senator that referenced issue X and he went on to say that issues raised by his constituents are taken very seriously. Please provide more detail for your (my) contact information should the need arise to discuss further.

I was so excited I matched the enthusiasm by sending a reply within a few seconds with more contact info.

Then… I got the exact same reply. My vision of Senator Specter sitting at his computer collapsed in an instant, realizing he had an automated mailer that pulled info from the letter and plugged it into a “issue x” field. *sigh*

Reminded me of Bozo the punchy clown I had as a kid – no matter how hard you would punch it, it would bounce right back at ya!

( Not to equate Sen Specter as Bozo, but meaning the idea of the toy bouncing back to you right away. At least I got the auto-reply, but never any followup beyond that. I’m thinking someone in his office convinced him to get into the 21st century and do auto-replies, but the effort stopped there as being good enough for the folks. )

punchy clown.jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by Daisy Cutter

Frustrated by the unboppable, very young 11b-to-be goes to kitchen. Gets up on chair and retrieves biggest knife. Defeats gasbag clown permanently.

Mom wasn’t amused.


I have more respect for Bozo than I did for Arlen, that double-dealing cocksucker. I hope he’s roasting in hell.

Daisy Cutter

OUCH! Someone is down voting this entire thread.

USMC Steve

Probably our resident marxist from Berzerkely.


I phoned his office and told him I come from a family of vets and I have five grandkids who are approaching military age. I will advise them all to avoid the military as long as the Obama- influenced officers push the woke nonsense- CRT, DEI, Racial quotas, Trannies, etc. I saw how this crap worked in employment and academia. BTW, my kids are all minorities, and I expect them to compete equally. I asked the senator to hang tough.


The Marines might not have a confirmed Commandant, but rest assured they are still being run well (at least as well as possible under our current “leadership” vacuum) by another 4-Star General. Funny, I’ve looked it up a few times, and until the 1930s or so, the Commandant was a 2-Star. I don’t think the Marines had a full-blown General until nearly the end of WWII, and they sure as hell haven’t grown since that time. If it takes a bona fide Commandant to run things, maybe the CNO should just resume responsibility.

What “we”, The People of the United States, need are more yes [insert men/women/Transpeople of Color here] to don the ranks formerly worn by men like Eisenhower, Grant, Patton, Puller, and other historically great leaders. Hell, let’s bring back General of the Army so we can have the first trans 5-Star, and while we’re at it, make Milley equivalent to Pershing and Washington as General of the Armies, since he’s so close to China and Ukraine.

It’s happy time here, I’m in a mood and wanting to do two things today: Jack and Shit…😁


You are so right.

We should go back to the days when the Marines didn’t have ANY 3 or 4 star generals. Which is why the commandant was a 2 star. Let’s go back to the Navy running the Marines like they are supposed too.

Do I get a second?


Surely you can’t be serious (insert Leslie Nielsen quote here). I was never a Marine, so I’m admittedly biased and might not “get it”, but outside of having an equal rank to advocate for Marines, I don’t get the point of a 4-Star Commandant either. If you fall under a “Big Boy” branch (let’s face it, there’s three in DOD), you should be subordinate to the service chief of your applicable branch. Let’s look at recent history…Space Force’s website reflects that they already have two 4-Star Generals, and at least two 3-Stars and two 2-Stars in their senior leadership. For what? They are a subordinate command to the Air Force, which itself has too many GOs, much like the Marines are technically subordinate to the Navy and its many FOs.

The Marines are The Few and the Proud. If they require a senate confirmed 4-Star with equal say to the CNO, CSA, and CSAF, not to mention the much newer position of CSO (which falls under the CSAF), why not just incorporate them into the Army? We (Army) are the land-based force to be reckoned with, while the Marines are a truly expeditionary “tip of the spear” force whose strength lies in their relationship to the Navy, permitting them to put Marines on the ground nearly anywhere in the world in minimal time. Big Army has a kinda similar, but not as sexy sounding capability, in our Airborne and other Light Infantry assets, with the 18th Airborne Corps being nearly half the strength of the Marine Corps.

Even as a retired SFC who enjoyed every bit of my base pay and BAH, I kind of envied those young Marine SSgts who went through a similar centralized promotion board to serve in the same duty position I did as Platoon Sergeant. The Marines seem to usually be a paygrade lower per duty position than a Soldier, making them either highly skilled, underpaid, or (most likely) both. The Commandant should emulate his men and be, at most, a Lieutenant General priding himself on getting the job done at a lower rank.

Last edited 1 year ago by fm2176

What a coincidence.
A certain ex-Pennsylvania candidate
is NOW saying on podcasts (in 2023)
that his TWO grandfathers were BOTH heroic.

Claims –
1 lost a leg on D-Day.
1 was boots on ground on Iwo Jima during the worst.

Great if true.
But odds of only 1 of the 2 being true are small, for any of us.
Odds of 2? Both involved in historic(ally remembered) battles?

Hearing his claims… It’s like watching the Battle of Mayberry.
(public – visible to everyone)
The Andy Griffith Show – season 6 Episode 29
The Battle of Mayberry

Battle of Mayberry.jpg

Sounds legit. Was his name Cotton Hill?

Sadly, while most of my family members of that era participated in WWII they had relatively unimportant jobs and committed no great acts of heroism, much like my own military service. One Uncle did allegedly shoot down a 109 with a quad 50, but I have doubts as the 109 tended to stay out of range of ground fire.

One worked his way up from private through various battlefield promotions and commissions to Major during WWII, but those types of stories are not very uncommon, especially if the private already had an education. I wish I could have gotten more stories out of him, but he didn’t talk about the war much.


1963 – Commander McBragg cartoons.
1966 – The Battle of Mayberry.

Many knew,
well before the internet,
before groups of veterans created lists of phonies,
and years before the St. Louis NPRC records fire in 1973.

Once these images made national news, it all got worse,
enough so to almost choke the VA hospitals out of existence.
Unsurprisingly, VFWs and Legions grew. And grew.

I wouldn’t be surprised if anyone’s WWII grandfather stories
first surfaced in the mid 70s, after Summer 1973.

Then, like now,
any veteran should have been able to pull out some names,
someone they fought with (not a drinking buddy fellow phony),
someone who commanded their unit(s),
and perhaps a small bit of legit paperwork.

This is where military phonies, old and new,
including the current ex-Pennsylvania guy, fail miserably.

1973 NPRC St Louis records_fire.jpg
Forest Bondurant

The WaPo does a “fact check” on everybody else but Biden.


I’m not holding anything against a man who believed what his father told him. I’ve never felt the need to verify my dad’s military service. As for generals, well, they are over rated. I never understood why a Brigade Commander, who actually commanded combat troops was a colonel. But the ADC was a brigadier. Seems like colonels all around would work. Gets worse at higher commands.