
Ty Cobb at TAH official burger bar

| July 9, 2018 | 74 Comments
Ty Cobb at TAH official burger bar

The media noticed that Trump lawyer, Ty Cobb was spotted rocking out at the TAH official burger bar Slash Run Saturday night; D.C. photographer Chris Stewart spotted the man, who became an Internet sensation because of his curly mustache, at Slash Run, which according to its website is a “rock n’ roll burger joint, bar […]

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Marketing and myths hurt recruiting efforts

| February 2, 2018 | 54 Comments
Marketing and myths hurt recruiting efforts

Stars & Stripes reports that the Department of Defense is worried about the “myths” and misconceptions that younger Americans have about military service which are hurting recruiting efforts. For example, 63 percent of youth ages 16 to 24 believe it is “likely” or “very likely” that a person leaving the military today has psychological or […]

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The State of the Blog; 2017

| January 1, 2018 | 35 Comments
The State of the Blog; 2017

According to our web traffic counter, we had more than two million unique visitors last year. Their number one destination was our Stolen Valor page. The most popular valor thief, was Tracy Marrow aka Ice-T, the next most popular was the perennial favorite, the late, great, “Soup Sandwich” Nick Androsky. Following Soup is Travis Wade […]

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Poetrooper’s duty status

| December 30, 2017 | 54 Comments
Poetrooper’s duty status

A number of people have asked where Poetrooper has been lately. He is actually fighting that bitch, throat cancer, these days. He sends this message last night; Initially I thought I was a goner with an untreatable tumor based on what my GP had told me, but that stupid bastard was totally wrong about everything. […]

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David Wright sentenced

| December 20, 2017 | 30 Comments
David Wright sentenced

According to Time, David Wright plotted with his uncle, Ussamah Rahim, to behead blogger Pamela Gellar for her campaign against jihadists and her “draw Mohammad” contest. His uncle abandoned plans to behead the blogger and instead decided to go after “those boys in blue”, a decision that cost him his life when he tried to […]

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TAH on the radio

| July 11, 2017 | 5 Comments
TAH on the radio

I’ve got an interview scheduled for this morning at about 0830 with the good folks at CBS Radio’s Connecting Vets. Listen in if you can.

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What goes around…

| May 24, 2017 | 11 Comments
What goes around…

I just watched Michelle Malkin on Hannity refer to the politically correct lefties as handmaidens of terror and the old memory cells worked for once. I said to my lovely better half, “Hey! I wrote a poem for her on that topic!” A quick Google search turned up this bit of doggerel that Malkin had […]

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Blogger Bob Owens passes

| May 9, 2017 | 21 Comments
Blogger Bob Owens passes

Bob Owens was known as Confederate Yankee when we started blogging. He was very supportive of the work we did here. Lately, he retooled his internet presence with a new Second Amendment blog “Bearing Arms“. He linked to much of our work in regard to the second amendment and military issues. We have collaborated many […]

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