What goes around…

| May 24, 2017

I just watched Michelle Malkin on Hannity refer to the politically correct lefties as handmaidens of terror and the old memory cells worked for once. I said to my lovely better half, “Hey! I wrote a poem for her on that topic!” A quick Google search turned up this bit of doggerel that Malkin had inspired from me more than a decade ago. Reading it through, I realized it is truer now, in light of the responses from the lefties to the London bombing, of our current politically correct, Democrat left, than it was when I wrote it, certainly not a good sign for our troubled times, nor the times to come.

Handmaidens of Terror

Michelle Malkin notes, I believe with some error,
The politically correct are handmaidens of terror.
But handmaiden may be a too—mild appellation
For the worms at the core of the threat to our nation,
Who are far more concerned with our socialist purity,
Than commonsense measures for our nation’s security.
They’ll insist we don’t need anti—terrorist powers,
‘Til terror bombs blow down their own ivory towers.

More than mere handmaids in true servile sense,
They’re concubines of correctness in Jihadist tents,
Plying socialist sweetmeats to death—dealing masters,
Naively abetting more future disasters.
Respect our dark brothers say these houris beguiling,
No need for your paranoid, racist profiling.
Forget swarthy males from the East caused our losses,
We must share their pain, understand their root causes.

These handmaids ignore their own reasoning powers,
Like no grannies flew planes into those twin towers;
Or why we’re not shown after a terror event,
Any mug shots of men of Caucasian descent.
They insist we ignore facts as plain as their faces,
Like Islamo—fascists tend to be certain races.
No, Michelle, dear, I fear that handmaiden’s in error,
Simply too mild a term for these true whores for terror.

Written in 2005 in response to a Michelle Malkin column.

Category: Bloggers

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Look it up, Joey. Look it up.


Mmmmmmmm. Sweetmeats. Garfield loves them.

Sonny's Mom


1. A sweet delicacy, prepared with sugar, honey, or the like, as preserves, candy, or, formerly, cakes or pastry.
2. Any sweet delicacy of the confectionery or candy kind, as candied fruit, sugar-covered nuts, sugarplums, bonbons, or balls or sticks of candy.


Aww, Poetrooper, you just made me giggle! I did not know that prescient vision was one of your talents.

Frankie Cee

RV, aka “Poetrooper” has quite the way with words. One might say that he is a
“Cunning Linguist”. I first read of him when I began doing some artwork for Bill Faith’s “Old War Dogs”.


Not prescient… more like “plus ca change, plus c’est le meme chose”


Good poetry there, Poetrooper!


Should be mandatory reading in English Lit classes across our country.

Mark Lauer

A true Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. I have no words. There are tears in my eyes.

Angry B

That is a very fine poem!