Blogger Bob Owens passes

| May 9, 2017

Bob Owens was known as Confederate Yankee when we started blogging. He was very supportive of the work we did here. Lately, he retooled his internet presence with a new Second Amendment blog “Bearing Arms“. He linked to much of our work in regard to the second amendment and military issues. We have collaborated many times.

Today we learn that Bob has passed at the age of 46.

According to BNO News;

Blogger Bob Owens, the founder and editor of the pro-gun news website “Bearing Arms,” has been found dead in North Carolina in an apparent suicide, local officials say. He was 46 years old.

The incident happened at about 10:54 a.m. on Monday when officers received a report of a gunshot victim near a stop sign at the intersection of Sequoia Ridge Drive and Judd Parkway in Fuquay-Varina. A firearm was found near the man, who was later identified as Owens.

Just minutes before Owens’ body was found, at 10:51 a.m., a brief note was posted on his Facebook account. “In the end, it turns out that I’m not strong. I’m a coward, and a selfish son of a bitch. I’m sorry,” the message said.

Category: Bloggers

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Combat Historian

I used to periodically check out Owen’s old blog “Confederate Yankee”; I’m very sorry to hear of his passing…

charles w



I am not sure why, but that sounds like a “hit” to me?


Suicide is always the worst permanent solution to a temporary problem…
All you do is take your pain, multiply it times about a million and leave the mess to your family, friends and colleagues…
My heart and prayers go out to your family, friends and colleagues.
I hope you find the peace you are searching for…

The Other Whitey

Very true. Unfortunately sometimes you get into a place where you can’t see that. I was there myself once. It was like being surrounded by mirrors, and what you saw in them was what you were most ashamed of and hated more than anything in the world. Couldn’t see a thing past those mirrors, either. Someone in that position desperately needs help.


Been there too, TOW.

If it had not been for the support of my family and the parents of my Scouts, I’m not sure I would have made it through.

I will repeat: Everybody needs a battle buddy.


I read about this yesterday. A quote from blogger “Weird Dave” over at Ace of Spades that probably says it best,

“One final note. Suicide is a tragedy that has lasing repercussions far beyond the event itself. I watched the suicide of a nephew devastate one branch of my family a decade ago, it has touched this community before, and statistics say that it likely will again some day. If anyone reading this finds themselves in a place where suicide seems like a logical and rational option, please, just reach out. Reach out to a friend of family member. Post here, Morons are a wonderful group of people, and there are members of this community who won’t think twice about flying across the country if that’s what it takes. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to people you know, even virtual people, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 800-273-8255. I won’t pretend that I know what crippling depression is like, I have been very fortunate in that respect, but there are people who do, and they want to help you. Please. Just….reach out. There will be someone there to grab your outstretched hand, I promise.”


Suicide is NOT AN ESCAPE! These bodies are NOT our to destroy,they belong to Jesus! A nurse that tried to commit suicide was brought back and told to tell what she saw, suicides are destined to live the unbearable life over and over and over….not an escape, just an eternity of repeats! SAD!


“There will be someone there to grab your outstretched hand, I promise.”

^^^What HMCS (FMF) said. 911 is seconds away. I believe it takes a stronger person to ask for help than it does to take the alternate route. JMO. Be strong, call 911.


“I will repeat: Everybody needs a battle buddy.”

Roger that. I’ve been on both sides of the issue. I can say w/o hesitation or embarrassment that a VA social worker saved my life several years back. I spilled my guts and told the intake person I needed help, right now, not tomorrow. I got it and I’m here today as a testament to reaching out when one needs to do so.

I’m certain each of you is equally pleased that I am here. Bwhaaaaaa

Punch Line: Reach out when you need help so you, too, can be here tomorrow. Be back here tomorrow so I can once again annoy you. I’m glad you got to read my post. LOL LOL LOL


This is very said, no matter whom it happens to.
It is NOT the answer to your problems, whatever they are.
It is not painless.
It does a lot of damage to people who were left behind.


“It does a lot of damage to people who were left behind.”

That’s the key part, right there.



Suicide may well be relatively painless – for the suicide. But it transfers their pain, greatly amplified, to those closest to them.

Wilted Willy

I hope you find your peace good sir, I loved your work. May God bless you and your loved ones.

Silentium Est Aureum

RIP, sir.


Hot Air has a big write up on him.


Very sad.


I hope you find the peace you apparently did not find here Mr. Owens. God be with your family.


What an ass.


There are a few who have protested the happy dance of their more psychotic brethren, but it was a very small number.

I’ve tried to explain to people on the left why Hillary lost, one reason being the unthinking hostility towards anyone who disagrees with them. Alas, most of ’em don’t listen…