The State of the Blog; 2017

| January 1, 2018

According to our web traffic counter, we had more than two million unique visitors last year. Their number one destination was our Stolen Valor page.

The most popular valor thief, was Tracy Marrow aka Ice-T, the next most popular was the perennial favorite, the late, great, “Soup Sandwich” Nick Androsky.

Following Soup is Travis Wade with Dan Rather hot on his heels.

We added 242 valor thieves to our pages this year between us and our partners, so the problem doesn’t seem to be going away, which means we aren’t going away either.

Category: Bloggers

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Wilted Willy

I’m sorry you have a reason to do this blog, but I am so glad you do! You have done more good for humanity than any other site! Keep up the great work Jonn! We need you more than ever!!


But, but, didn’t the DRG said your hit counts were in the toilet and TAH would fold?

Thanks for what you do. My first site of the day with coffee.

Hack Stone

Ironic that The DRG is now drinking from the jailhouse toilet.


I have been pissed at the phonies ever since I left AD after Nam. I dared not open my mouth for decades. Seemed nobody cared.
Then I found some people that did.

Thank you Jonn.


Good work, Jonn. And all the Stolen Valor elves.

It was a pretty good year.


2 MILLION hits?

That’s some serious bandwidth there.




Jonn, you need to find a way to monetize this. You got some serious traffic and it will likely only increase.


No, Damnit, just NO!!

Only someone who has no sense of honor would even think of turning TAH into a money making enterprise.

Yeah, that’s the ticket. Line your pockets off the backs of veterans.

Next time, Yef, at least think about what you’re getting ready to say before saying it.


Oh, let Yef rattle on. What else has he got?

Green Thumb


The “Soup” is hanging strong.

Great job, Jonn et al.

Now, lets get this tournament up and running by March!


I enjoy your blog John. Thank you all that actually served honorably. Happy 2018 everyone. ( US Army 1977-1989)

Combat Historian

Keep up the great work, Jonn…


Impressive numbers, Jonn! Thanks for all that you do.


242! Coming up on one a day… Sad.


Good results, but for a sad reason.

I’ll take the good side of it. Have a GOOD 2018!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Where did 2017 go. Well it’s 2018 now and I am wishing everyone out there a safe and healthy time in the new 2018.

A Proud Infidel®™

I feel like “WHA?- 2017 is over ALREADY?” while looking forward to what 2018 brings, how many posers and embellishers have threatened and/or lawered up saying they’ll shoot TAH down so far? Screw ’em, keep up the great work Jonn, TAH RULES!!!!

Bill M

Thanks Jonn for the update. Wow, 7 million hits and 2 million visitors.

Happy New Year everyone.


Great job Jonn! Thank you and all the TAH staff for keeping it on the air five by five.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Congratulations, Jonn!


First, a question to Jonn:

We all beat the hell out of our F5 keys trying to be “FIRST” each week on the WOT. My question is, who was the very “FIRST” person the make a comment here on TAH or the WOT??

Very nicely done, Jonn.

As someone earlier had said, “good results, but for a sad reason”.

I detest every stolen valor person that has been busted or will soon be. But because of the TAH blog & all of Jonn’s work, there has been a “Dam-Dam” put on those who cross that stolen valor line.

I thoroughly appreciate the comradely here that is unlike most any blog. If it wasn’t for this site, we would have never “met” each other (including a number of those whom have actually met in person).

TAH is usually my morning go-to site as soon as I get some fresh java in my hand. (Yeah, I have actually done a “spit-take” a time or two on my screen & monitor because of some of the comments). 😉

To all here at TAHBYCSIFH……..

Have a safe and Happy New Year!!


The very first comment that I can tell came from this post


The first comment on the first Weekend Open Thread (at least it’s the first WOT in the Open Thread category)


Jonn & Skyjumper:

Was AW1Ed the very first person to be FIRST on WOT? (April 2015)

Thank you, Jonn, for creating TAH as well as being dedicated.

Happy New Year to All.


Sure, blame the Navy guy. *grin*


Woot!! 7 million hits, 2 million visits!!! Way to go, Jonn.
Happy New Year, everyone.




2 million unique visits in 2017? I don’t know much about that stuff, but it sure sounds like a LOT.
May 2018 find you smoking finest kind ceegars with your son, as much as your situation allows.

Wow … where did the year go?

Reverend Pointy Head

I thank you all for being you and to keep it up at your chosen speed.
This place is always therapeutic for me and not to treat the PTSD from that time the A1 sauce ran out but because you’re the best group of Veterans I’ve ever had the pleasure to read and interact with.
Happy New Year to you all and to the ones running this site: I can’t thank you enough for the monumental job you do for us. Thank you.



Great stats!

I just sent you an all important PSA that you may what to post!

Richard Weed


Bravo Zulu, Jonn! Another banner year goes by.


Seven million hits and yet only 52 have made the F5 circle jerk beat it like a rented mule contest hall of WOT fame !!!
Numerous have made the wall of shame insult award though, they shall remain nameless and consigned to the sewage pit of history for stealing the valor of the true heroes that fought and died for the real thing called valor…
Still wondering how in the hell I got out of the US Army with a Honorable Discharge after all the shit I pulled…
Thank God for guardian Angels…
Thunderstixx US Army Alaska, 1974-76…


It appears that people are listening to your tales of Stolen Valor.

7 million people educated is an impressive feat.

As the old Southern idiom goes: “Ya done good.”