“Thoroughly vetting” refugees? Hardly.

From an internal DHS memo concerning issues with processing applications for refugee status: “Refugee fraud is easy to commit, yet not easy to investigate,” the undated memo says. The memo said there are clear instances where “bad actors … have exploited this program,” gaining a foothold in the U.S. through bogus refugee claims. Gee – […]
“Governor Moonbeam” Strikes Again

This time, he’s fighting “climate change”. How, you ask? He’s just pushed through a new law allowing regulation of short-lived “dangerous pollutants”. In the “Granola State” of California, a whole slew of such emissions are now subject to regulation. Those “dangerous pollutants” now regulated by California now include methane emissions – from dairy farms. Under […]
More Clintoon “Private” Email Surfaces

Remember those roughly 30,000 work-related emails on Clintoon’s unsecured private email server? You know, the ones that were turned over to State for review by Clintoon’s lawyers in 2014? The batch of emails turned over by Clintoon’s lawyers was supposed to consist of “all of them” – right? Well, it turns out that 2014 bunch […]
Automation Isn’t ALWAYS Such A Good Thing

If you have dogs and you have an IRobot Roomba, maybe you should re-think scheduling your Roomba to vacuum the house when you’re not around or are fast asleep. Why? Let’s just say that sometimes Roomba and dogs don’t coexist terribly well. (Yes, the choice of category for this article was intentional. [smile])
Yer Slightly Late Midweek Funny: “Love That Car!”

Some time back, a commenter here at TAH posted a rather, um, “interesting” video of a guy who “really liked” one particular automobile. If you’re curious, that video can be viewed here – though I’d suggest doing so where you won’t have to explain it to anyone who happens to see what you’re watching. That […]
Yer Midweek Funny: Do NOT Try This At Home

Here’s a stunt you do NOT want to attempt yourself. Man encases genitals in plaster, gets stuck Why not, you ask? I mean, what’s wrong with making a cast of your . . . self for posterity? Well, it’s like this. Plaster generates additional heat as it cures. The dumb ass individual doing […]
You Ain’t Gonna Believe This Sh . . . .

Looking for something to watch tomorrow night? Well, if you can’t find anything else you could tune in to Fox at 8PM. There you’ll be able to watch a man make a jump from an aircraft. From 25,000 feet. With no parachute, no reserve – and no wingsuit. He’s going to attempt to land in […]
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