“Thoroughly vetting” refugees? Hardly.
From an internal DHS memo concerning issues with processing applications for refugee status:
“Refugee fraud is easy to commit, yet not easy to investigate,” the undated memo says.
The memo said there are clear instances where “bad actors … have exploited this program,” gaining a foothold in the U.S. through bogus refugee claims.
Gee – thanks, Captain Obvious. No one would ever have guessed that might be the case!
But that’s not even the “money quote”. That would be this one (emphasis added):
The U.S. has relaxed requirements for refugees to prove they are who they say they are, and at times may rely solely on testimony. That makes it easier for bogus applicants to conspire to get approved, according to the department memo, which was obtained by the House Judiciary and Oversight committees.
Yeah, you’re reading that correctly. Sometimes DHS simply takes people’s word for who they are and why they’re trying to get into the US if they’re claiming to be “refugees”.
The memo’s warnings were, of course, ignored by senior DHS officials – or perhaps never made it to them. One DHS senior official has claimed “never to have seen it”.
The Washington Times has a good article today discussing the subject. It’s IMO worth a read, even if it will p!ss you off.
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", DHS, WTF?, YGBSM!!
Yeah, like it’s a good idea to import hordes of people that only want to drag the rest of a society down once they’re there. B. Hussein 0bama & Company, endlessly dedicated to dragging the USA down into the dumps as fast and hard as they can.
Isn’t it amazing the liberal/communist/muslim/queer scum in this country will tell you how rotten it is in America, and how they want to change it…..but every asshole in the world is climbing the fence to get here…something doesn’t compute…call it the NWO or is it the old world order on drugs?
I don’t need to read it. One sentence is enough. They just do not give a flying fuck in space what really happens, as long as they get a paycheck.
Damn Mess and they know it
A day s coming when we get our NUTS kicked so bad
We finally wake up
I know you’re right and I’m afraid it going to be within the first 6 months of the next year.
By the gov’s relying on oral or written statements, the choice of the illegal alien is either to tell the truth and perhaps soon be deported or to lie and delay or altogether avoid deportation. Um. Ah. Decisions. Decisions.
Dunno. Part of the problem is that the refugees aren’t illegal aliens who have entered the country without permission, and/or ignored the normal immigration process. There’s also a distinction that needs to be made in terms of what’s a legitimate refugee. In the past, refugees were normally those who faced a clear and present risk of extinction. Cases of tribal genocide in Africa, for example.
More recently, such as in Syria, the definition has changed to include simply anyone caught in the zone of a civil war.
Some of this, at least it seems to me, also loops back into the neutrality of moderate Islam, and its lack of will to bring the more radical elements of the religion under control. Until something happens to change that, such as using leverage via the refugee process, nothing is going to change. Without putting too fine a point on it, we should welcome those willing to stand with us if they can demonstrate a willingness to fight those who would stand against us.
One of the lovelier aspects of Islam is not that they seem to give no shits about the civilized world, but that they are also perfectly willing to exploit and use their own poor in attempting to gain any possible advantage from them. Palestinian? Screw you, you stay where you are so we can publicize you. Syrian and just want to get by? Congratulations, you’re going to be used to shame the world into importing your terrorist fringe. Probably one of the reasons the mobs on the streets seem to embrace death – they’re already screwed no matter what. If there was any justice, they would rise up and depose their exploiters, instead of becoming lifelong cannon fodder. But as long as the imams are promising pie in the sky more than a 13th century Crusader advocate, they will be their religion’s patsies.
Shit like this along with the recent attacks on U.S. Soil AND we’re supposed to be sensitive to muzzies’ feelings as well? FUCK THAT to death up the ass sideways with a red hot poker iron, what happened on 9/11 and everything since has made me to FOREVER cease to give even one hundred thousandth of a moldy ratshit FUCK about how muzzies feel about anything, ALLAH PIG SHIT and forever fuck the incompetents and traitors that are letting them come here en masse.
^^^ This ^^^
Can’t improve perfect
I don’t like’em as much as you do!
Yeah, put me in Blaster’s group.
Well, don’t hold back, API!
There will be collateral damage with what MUST be done to take back our country from the muzzy hordes. It’s unfortunate but my country is worth their getting their feelings hurt or worse. I just no longer much care about them or the mindless liberal dolts who protect them.
When the government cannot be trusted to protect its citizens, will not follow the rule of law, and oppresses its citizens – then the citizens have a right to make government change.
I just pray it will be by peaceful means, but the Founding Fathers knew that sometimes it means force.
I much prefer Bush II to 0bama, but we have to lay the DHS cesspool at his feet. He owns it.
I think we already knew it wasn’t too hard to fool the upper echelon at DHS….not to mention how easy it is to get past ICE rules as well.
My favorite aspect of immigration policy is catching an illegal and then giving them a ticket to appear in court at a later date to determine their status and then letting them head off into the community with a promise to appear. What fucking idiot thought that policy might be effective?
I’m a heathen infidel, and the last thing I want to see in my beloved nation is a bunch of fundamentalist radical religionists from third world shitholes with ideas about changing the basic format of my nation. Fuck those guys, fuck their problems and keep them the fuck out….
Democrats and Republicans supporting this are insane.
Thank you. Just shared this with friends who won’t shut up about how tough refugee background investigations are.
As if I didn’t already know, but its good to have evidence.
“Refugee fraud is easy to commit, yet not easy to investigate,”. Bullshit, you start with the assumption that the male/female in front of you is, at the least, bending the truth. Then proceed from there.
Not sure I agree, UpNorth.
Say you do that – and your criteria for “OK” is “corroboration of the individual’s claim by N others”. If the individual in question plus N others agree to provide mutually-beneficial, but bogus, stories saying all in the group were victims of persecution and thus qualify as “refugees”, the problem becomes difficult.
Plus, in refugee situations it’s not generally feasible to check stories at the source.
I think the quote is accurate in general. And given the ridiculous criteria currently in use (take claims at face value), it’s a “no brainer” – which IMO also describes the individuals who approved the “take claims at face value” policy we’re apparently using.