You Ain’t Gonna Believe This Sh . . . .
Looking for something to watch tomorrow night? Well, if you can’t find anything else you could tune in to Fox at 8PM.
There you’ll be able to watch a man make a jump from an aircraft.
From 25,000 feet.
With no parachute, no reserve – and no wingsuit. He’s going to attempt to land in a net.
Yeah, he’s doing it in the Granola State. The location is an old movie “ranch” north of LA.
I hope the guy makes it. Even if he is a walking example of cojones muy grandes – y un cerebro muy pequeño.
So, they’ve legalized suicide in California now.
I think your curiosity is just to see if he goes “splat”….or “boing” lol
“Hold ma beer. Watch this shit.”
In before….
Okay, I got nothing.
Wonder if he’ll break Evel’s record for having the most broken bones in one body.
Best of luck, but no, I’m not going to watch it.
How about this;
If he hits the net he’s an idiot.
If he misses the net he’s a dead idiot.
That being said, I guess (IHMO) he’s a freaking idiot.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Steel mesh net?
That would put a strain on things.
mark the day on your colander
You win the internet today.
“Does it come to this, Baldrick, me slicing you into very thin strips and telling the Prince you walked over an extremely sharp cattle grid wearing an extremely heavy hat?”
Black Adder!
Peanut BUTTER! Jelly. Jelly.
(all I got)
you just can’t fix stupid
I read this yesterday, what an idiot, he has small kids and a wife…..unless this is his idea of escaping responsibility…high percentage chance it will be successful, and I don’t mean the jump….splat….maybe he should pick a different location, like setting his net up over a peat bog, a bit softer landing if he goes thru the net
“Logan, would you like to see Daddy jump from way up high in the sky without a parachute and maybe die? Would you like that, son?”
afterwards….”Dad, I want to see him do it again.”
Holy shit, Batman!
KE= 1/2 M X V^2
Physics is a merciless bitch.
True, but a falling human body peaks out at a terminal velocity around 118MPH (about 173.5 ft/sec) in the atmosphere. That’s survivable under the proper conditions – i.e., if the impact is into something that absorbs the KE and slows the jumper gradually enough to avoid excessive injury to internal organs. There have been a few documented instances in the past of people surviving ‘chuteless jumps and/or double failures; a properly-constructed net might allow that without injury.
That said, in testing at least one 200lb dummy went thru the net. So even if he hits the net there’s no guarantee things work out for him.
Cojones muy grandes, y un cerebro muy pequeño.
“That’s survivable under the proper conditions”
Yep, proper conditions…like using a freaking chute. Fukk survivable….that doesn’t mean you’re ever gunna be able to get a boner ever again. Think of the quim, man!
Believe it or not, three World War II aviators survived such a jump – and lived long lives afterwards. One died in his mid-50s; the other 2 lived into their mid-70s or later. All jumped from 18,000+ feet.
Two were seriously injured, but one walked away with nothing more than a sprained leg.
The three individuals were Nicholas Alkemade, RAF; Ivan Chisov, Soviet Air Forces; and Alan Magee, USAAF.
Here’s the link to Alkemade’s Wikipedia article. It in turn has links to articles concerning Chisov and Magee.
Alkemade and Magee jumped sans parachute intentionally; both of their parachutes had been disabled and they preferred to die by impact vice burn to death in their crippled aircraft. Chisov had a parachute, but delayed opening it initially due to fear of being shot by enemy aircraft while descending. He passed out due to hypoxia, and didn’t regain consciousness until after impact.
“lived long lives afterwards”
any boners? Any live to slip granny the high hard one again?!?
A pelvic fracture can easily leave ya impotent
I would presume so for at least one of them (Alkemade). He’s the one that suffered only a sprained leg, and I’m assuming he was “fully functional” previously.
Can’t say about the other two – they did have much more serious injuries, but I haven’t been able to find enough biographical info about either to determine if any had children postwar.
Sprained middle leg?!? Yikes!!
Thanks…I’m just joking around mostly
If memory serves me correctly, read somewhere that the Germans tried something like that in WWII, over enemy territory, aiming to land in deep snow. They quit trying that stunt when the enemy started painting big rocks white.
Slightly different but…
Guy with wingsuit jumps into a pile of boxes.
Yeah. He had a wingsuit but hell, that ain’t gonna make so much diff, is it?
Per Wikipedia, using a wingsuit can reduce vertical velocity to 25MPH (37 ft/sec). However, you pick up a substantial horizontal velocity by using one. The force at impact would be a combo of the two – but since much would be horizontal, you’d slide and/or roll. That would result in a much lessened shock on impact.
Still a dumbass stunt though. A bit more control than a straight up freefall but hell, not enough to make it worth the risk.
And where’s the payoff? He win a huge buckload in a bet or something?
But think of the time he’ll save by shit canning those pesky pre jump activities like JMPI. Maintain canopy control…. HE DOESN’T NEED NO STINKING CANOPY!! He’s going to maintain a delta from exiting the aircraft to the soft, gentle, cotton candy landing on that safety net. What could possibly go wrong? On a side note I wonder if it’s even possible for this guy to get life insurance.
Always liked F=MA
One cannot break the low altitude record. One can only tie it.
Oh, not watching.
Old Paratrooper Joke-
What is the emergency procedure if your main AND your reserve chute fail?
You hold your right hand up above your head as high as you possible can.
So when the Medics find where you hit……they’ll have something to grab hold of to pull you up out of the ground.
Q: HOW much time do you have to open your reserve chute if your main fails to open?
A: The rest of your life.
Splat. Out.
Never a more descriptive statement.
Is he jumping to protest Hillary?
Or in honor of Uncle Bernie?
Waiting for 2nd season of Narcos, so I guess I’ll catch up on The Americans, and Banshee. Yeah, I guess I’ll read up on how the brave fellow fared.
Banshee is the Heat! I’ve got the first 3 seasons on Blu-ray. Loaned them to my neighbor and he got hooked! Hell he has friends and family come over on weekends and binge watch.
This is a medic’s dream……..nothing to do.
But clean up? ugh…gonna need a garden hose to clean up the mess.
Or an extra-large Shop Vac.
He thought about the girl back home,
The one he’d left behind,
He thought about the medicos
And what he thought they’d find
Human unguided missile…
And how long will he have to enjoy the fall from 25,000 feet?
The rest of his life….
I’m thinking we need a betting pool on how high he’ll bounce.
Actually, that is one of the concerns of the stunt designers, that he may bounce back up out of the net and to the side where the fall to ground could kill him.
Hope he has good free fall skillz…
Please tell me the net isn’t from ACME company.
Well, if he’s a tan-belt Ninja like me, he’ll spread his arms wide and ‘combat slap’ to break his fall. That should work (in theory). Not trying m’self, though…
Well, if he misses he won’t have much time to regret his poor life choice…
Darwin’s rule.
It’s not the fall that kills you, it’s the sudden stop at the end.
We had a guy fall from the 50th floor of a building under construction into the middle of the road. I think his brains were 10′-15′ away.
We had a entire window washing rig fly off the top of another building -35 floors or so- with 2 or 3 guys in it. It was just a tangled mass of metal when I got there.
Thank God this shitshow won’t be in my IA. Lawn darts are always messy.
2/17 AC wins the interwebs today!
This guy obviously wants to make a splash in society.
And for the whole rest of HER life, his wife will know that his quest for fame was more important to him than his family.
If he doesn’t die, I hope she divorces his worthless ass and gets on with her life.
There’s another article that answers a question or two I had regarding how he expects to pinpoint his target. And I was wondering about the wind affects on him. Well, it turns out that wind is the big concern and 15 mph wind is the max acceptable. At what altitude? I have no idea but it looks to me that that’s his out. Here’s the link to the other article:
Wait a minute…this isn’t SHoRtBUssSlRrP41 is it? Some Mad Dog and he’s be up for it.
Don’t get our hopes up, sj.
Aww Gee, the guy hit the net safe & sound, and all. What a let down man.
Glad to see that it worked out for him – even if I still think he was a freaking idiot to try that kind of a stunt.