“Governor Moonbeam” Strikes Again
This time, he’s fighting “climate change”.
How, you ask? He’s just pushed through a new law allowing regulation of short-lived “dangerous pollutants”. In the “Granola State” of California, a whole slew of such emissions are now subject to regulation.
Those “dangerous pollutants” now regulated by California now include methane emissions – from dairy farms. Under a newly-passed CA law, those dairy farm methane emissions must be reduced by 40% over the next 17 years.
I’m dead serious. CA is now legally regulating cattle farts.
Elsie the Cow had no comment, other than to burp. No word on whether or not that subjects her owner to a fine.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Global Warming, YGBSM!!
Stupid knows no bounds
Maybe his plan has something to do with jamming his head up Elsie’s ass instead of his own…
What about the poor dumb bastard that works for the California EPA that has to gather the samples?
It would be even more beneficial to limit the gaseous emissions of politicians. I know Sacramento doesn’t emit as much toxic gas as Washington, but we have to start somewhere (like the joke about 100 dead lawyers) and CA. is known for setting trends.
“You may say I’m a dreamer…”
Governor Moonbat, I mean Moonbeam is more worthless than a pile of dead lawyers and politicians. Hey Governor Moonbat, I FART IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION, regulate THAT, shit-for-brains!! I wonder what impact all of that new regulation will have on diary and meat prices, but since when have liberals ever cared for people whenever they’ve fucked things all the way past FUBAR?
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
I can see $10 for a gallon of milk and many farmers moving to other states.
I’m surprised anyone wants to do business in Kalifruitnia anymore. I see that as well as their calling the Dairy Farmers “greedy” BTW, your Sister smokes corn silk and your Brother drives a pickle wagon.
It’s already started. The dairy farmers are being wooed by other states such as Kansas and Texas.
California is the nation’s largest milk producer ant over 36 million pounds. Milk is going to go up everywhere. The bright side is that Calif taxpayers are going to raped in taxes to pay for the welfare takers so they can buy milk. You know they ain’t gonna give up their smokes, drink or weed to feed their meal tickets do you.
Just the thought of that will get one labeled a “racist” at light speed.
Or “Deplorable”.
“…..more worthless than a pile of dead lawyers and politicians”. Funny how he keeps getting elected.
Well, the guy spending OPM (other people’s money) to give away free stuff is always popular – until the OPM runs out and the bill comes due. Then he’s seen for the irresponsible demagogue he always was.
Failure to realize that is a sad comment on the state of California’s electorate. It’s a primary reason that many have “voted with their feet” recently.
Industry (and jobs) will begin to follow if this form of idiocy continues. Mark my words.
And when it does, the “gravy train” comes to a screeching halt.
Simple enough..just quit feeding the cattle refried beans and popcorn for starters.
This isn’t funny. A slippery slope if there ever was one. Next thing you know they’ll be trying to outlaw broccoli because it causes excessive flatulence.
Mark my words…
So do dry beans.
Next they’ll want to ban refried beans and onions from Taco Trucks!
Cows don’t fart much. Their methane emissions are primarily from belching as they process foliage in their three stomachs. So how the hell they are going to stop cows from emitting methane? Stupidest, dumbest, ignorant legislation I have ever seen. Dairy farmers will be moving to other States, just watch.
Side story: I got to do radiation emergency response training at the Nevada Test Site. One of the response scenarios was how to respond to protect dairy farm products. The farm we went to had a plot of land on which they spread some radioactive material and then let cows eat the grass. One of the cows had a portal installed to one of its stomachs. We got to reach into the portal and pull out partially digested grass. You may say, Oh Gross!, but thought it to be Too Cool! Ex-corpsmen are weird that way
Did you ask the cow’s forgiveness before you stuck your cold, dead hand into her tummy?
Ex-Ph2: I see you’ve had experience with corpsmen, or maybe it was corpsemen.
Two years during college, working for large animal vet because I thought I might want to be a vet. Being chased by a very angry sow who had just farrowed and wanted to kill and eat her piglets changed my mind very quickly.
I actually have a little experience with this myself! The portal you mention is a cannula – incannulated cattle are used in research. More often steers than cows or bulls, because steers are easier to work with (and cheaper/lower value). The downside of steers is that, no longer producing testosterone, they will continue to put on weight to a ridiculous degree, and this causes them to have a maximum longevity before they get too heavy and their joints wear out. Their weight also causes problems with the cannulae popping out when they shift at angles or rub up against things, etc.
You’re absolutely correct that the belching releases more methane than the farts (or the ah, elimination of solid wastes, for that matter). One of the real ironies is that California is so hugely into grass-fed beef and dairy and are often pushing a hefty anti-grain diet for cattle as being ‘higher in methane emission in the long run’. This is technically correct in the ‘per diem’ measurement sense, but is absolutely incorrect in other ways; cattle raised for beef or dairy come to production weight (and milk production status) quicker with a diet including grain than on grass alone, and grass-fed beef can take up to 3-4 years longer to come to slaughter weight over a TMR (total mixed ration) which includes grains.
The emissions caused by grain production do need to be taken into consideration also – but there’s a mistaken belief in the public mind (one of oh so many) that cattle ‘raised on grain’ are receiving an all-grain diet. They aren’t; too much grain kills cattle dead. They love it the way addicts love crack and the end result is a nasty rumen imbalance which causes bloat and lactic acidosis and is hard to save cattle from. A very expensive mistake for a farmer to make!
TL;DR: California is all too frequently making dumb, populist but scientifically unsound decisions and legislating said stupidity.
There y’go again, Farmgirl. Using reason and hard science.
Haven’t you lerned yet that them elected ossifers know better’n you on everything?
(and I’m guessing that Farmbaby is still reluctant to join the festivities – you may need to quit reading TAH aloud… you’re scarin’em.)
I’ll say that they’re definitely plenty ossified, especially between the ears!
Baby is indeed still reluctant but continues to be healthy and, according to the doctor, happy. We have however filed his EAS/ETS so that he will be separating from his current station before the weekend is out.
I’m lucky to get out of the office without stabbing someone in the face, truth be told. But for now, all is well, I’m just a cranky farmgirl.
Farmgirl: thanks for confirming what I thought I remembered. Had some experience (radiation machines & radioactives)dealing with U of Nebraska’s animal research programs. You are answering a lot of questions I put to the researchers/ranchers/farmers. Thanks. Most whom I dealt with had college degrees and this city boy had fun picking their brains. PS: didn’t want to use the word cannula as most commenters here are Army – too big a word for them.
Ha, quite welcome. I can’t call myself an expert, but it is one of the subjects I particularly enjoyed when getting my degree. Happy to take a shot at answering questions as long as ‘sorry, I don’t know’ is acceptable.
That baby is waiting until after Mercury goes direct, which is the first day of Autumn this year, also the Autumnal Equinox. Some time in the next 7 calendar days.
Just give him a good name.
When teething time comes around, frozen waffles are great because they have those built-in drool cups.
We have two first names picked out, waiting to see which one suits him better when we meet him. Our running joke has been that he’s determined to be a Libra and is running out the clock on Virgo – though depending on what time (if it goes to induction on Friday) he actually comes out, he could still go either way. He’ll be on the cusp, anyway!
We also have a bunch of cats who are probably not going to be thrilled with the noisy newcomer, but at least they’ll be able to move out of his way for the first few months…
When we had our first, our girl cats hovered over him like an honor guard.
Any time the boys got too close they would get smacked and told to stay away from the baby.
Don’t mess with mama cats.
I have an orphaned cat I took in, orphaned because the people who had her threw her out of their house and moved away. Good mouser. Their loss, my gain. But she has the voice of a Siamese – loud, howling, warbling, muttering, mumbling – and will probably quiet down when I have her spayed. I named her Miss Punkin Squawkypants.
Good names are important. Nothing wrong with Howling Mad Farmbaby!
And good luck to you, Mommy!
A cow only has one stomach. A cow is a “ruminant”. It has four chambers it processes food through. Rumen, Reticululum, Omasum, Abomasum. They are mistaken for stomach’s. I looked all of that up on Google just to prove I could. Governor Moonbeam needs one of those portals installed in his head…….
Don’t believe everything you find through Google.
Rumen is a noodle.
Reticululum is an anus.
Omasum is a retarded oppossum.
Abomasum is the name of the president’s uncle. Yes, there are Japanese in his family tree too.
They were going to install a cannula in Moonbeam’s head, but when they took an x-ray of it, they determined it was solid bone all the way through, so a cannula wouldn’t provide a window to his world; it would just show that he’s a blockhead. Another surgery avoided.
“Only two things in creation are infinite: stupidity and the universe – and I’m not sure about the universe.”
The Chief Californicator has struck again.
Just “learning” from “history”, if dinosaurs didn’t fart, they’d “still” be running shit today:
I’ve been saying that same thing for years. Ate themselves out of house and home and gassed themselves into extinction. T.Rex didn’t just die off. S/He starved to death.
And with those short arms,,, couldn’t even masturbate. So they may have been ready to go tits-up
Or got tired of dragging around all that, uh, “buildup.”
you saying that beer and kimchi killed Dino?
Next up, to reduce earthquakes, he will sign legislation demanding that gravity be reduced in California by 40% over the next 17 years.
How do people think Democrats are smart?
Since all the Democrats went to Harvard or Yale, they must know more than we mere plebeians.
Don’t believe it? Just ask the Democrat masters.
Don’t a bunch of them get edgemukated at Berserkely as well?
But anyone who works for the state government will be exempt from the tax they impose for mere peasants who will still be required to pay for the fact California has gravity because it must be their fault.
Democrats are trying to kill agriculture in this state, and as liberals generally do, they fail to recognize how vital California’s ag sector is to its economy. Drive up I-5 or Highway-99 and look at the signs the farmers have put up. Moonbeam and his ilk are NOT popular in the Central Valley. For that matter, they’re about as popular there as they are in the Sierras, the desert, and southern counties not named Los Angeles.
I’ve been to California many times and always thought it was beautiful country, but never could stomach the people in LA, SF and SD. Same thing in Washington (state) the country is great but the weirdos in Seattle and Tacoma make it suck. It would be nice if you all could get rid of them and make the left cost part of America again. Maybe we could give them Venezuela, Cuba and Vietnam since those are shining examples of what they feel is the best way to live.
If you get to where you’ve had enough, come to Alabama. I’ll put you up. I have almost 200 acres in the woods and live in the back of it. Closest neighbor is .5 a mile away and the next is another .5 mile from there. You’ll love it!?
Much appreciated, but I refuse to let the bastards run me out. Besides, San Diego is not especially liberal, particularly in East County (I live in Duncan Hunter’s district). Plus, the number of San Diegans eager to tell the Larsist moonbats up the coast to get fucked grows by the day.
Thanks all the same, though! Maybe some day we’ll come by to visit.
To celebrate Governor Lackwit Gasbag’s idiocy, here is a very good recipe for anyone who likes good food.
Smoked Sausage w/Barbecue Beans
Two 2-lb smoke sausage links
Chopped onion
Your favorite BBQ sauce
Four 14-oz cans of beans – mix the types, I use red kidney beans and Great Northerns.
Use a slow cooker.
Rinse the beans before adding them to the pot. Add the chopped onion and stir. Add the BBQ sauce to the mix.
Put the sausage links on the top. No need to cover them with beans, they’ll cook just fine.
Put the lid on the cooker/crock pot, turn it on to ‘Low’ setting and let it stew for about 6 hours.
To got with this:
Chop another onion for garnish
Make a pan of cornbread, or two. Make sure the butter is nice and soft.
Fix a plate of fresh vegs like cucumber, zucchini, green onions, radishes, bell pepper strips – whatever!
Dessert: WHATEVER!!!
Chill your favorite beverages, sit down and enjoy your dinner.
When you’re finished, feeling fat and happy, figure out which direction is Governor Lackwit Gasbag’s house and fart in his general directon.
Fart proudly!! – Ben Franklin
“NOTICE: The above recipe and meal has been deemed unlawful by the California Air Resources Board due to its alleged effect on Earth’s climate.”
That’s deemed unlawful now too, lady. (smile)
If you paid for my health care, my housing, my food, my utilities, and spotted me some cash for a few others things, I MIGHT move to California. But I think I would have to change my citizenship to Mexican first and sneak over the border. I’m not sure about that last part.
You’d get all that stuff if you snuck across the border though anyway. You would have to say “I’m Mexican!” to get it. Part of the deal.
What the fuck?
I considered using the “WTF?” tag on the article too. But I thought “YGBSM!” just fit better. (smile)
None of that! The friction builds heat and adds to global warming.
Bernath moved out (run out) of California that accounts for a lot of flatulence.
To all the dairy farmers in California, come to Wisconsin where our state motto is:
“Come smell our dairyair”
Heck, we’ll even let you cut the cheese!
“You know, when Noah wanted to build his ark, most of the people laughed at him?” — Governor Moonbeam
That’s truly amazing. Brown’s Bible must be a unique version. In no other version is there such an account. In fact, in all of the other versions, Noah tells no one except a select few, as instructed, and keeps that flood business to himself. Doing otherwise would have ruined the goal of the calamity. But in Brown’s version, not only does Noah fail to keep a secret but those he tells and those they, in turn, tell laugh at him! I guess this means that Moonbeam is as good a Biblical scholar as he is a climatologist.
Roger that.
Maybe Brown was confused by the film, Evan Almighty….Brown might have mistaken that for an accurate biblical account.
He’s a fucking stank ass hippie jerkoff after all, even us semi-literate heathens know that was a comedy and not a documentary.
Just another item in a long list of items about which he and members of his party know nothing.
Probably thinking of the old Bill Cosby routine, or maybe Flip Wilson’s bit.
How long, can you tread water?
Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Hmm, it will be entertaining to see how this affects the pricing of milk, cheese, butter, ice cream, yogurts, whey, etc… after this piece of shit legislation goes into effect.
I’m sure that the cost of welfare SNAP benefits won’t at all be affected by the rising costs of protein staples associated with milk products through the WIC aspect of benefits either.
Fucking morons.
No problem, VoV.
The liberal cognoscenti have ruled it shall be so. And we all know that the law of supply and demand unfailingly bends in response to their pronouncements from on high!
Apparently my liberal to normal human decoder ring failed me today…thank you for the correction, I’ll adjust my decoder ring for future legislation of this nature…
Well, since it’s a state thingy, not a federal thingy, and most states have their own dairy herds, including YOUR state, VOV. I doubt it will have much effect on cheese, butter, or milk. Mine either comes from Wisconsin or Iowa or from downstate herds, most of which are part of FDA ag co-op groups.
Governor Lackwit’s silly stuff only affect California cows. I guess they won’t be happy cows much longer.
It’ll definitely have a massive effect within California, but may well prove a benefit to neighboring states. Most states have their own herds and their own dairy collectives, with milk being tankered to in-state processing locations where milk is turned into … whatever it’s needed to be turned into, after being extensively tested for various possible contaminants.
So if California basically prices themselves out of the market…
I’m beginning to think liberalism is a form of mental illness
^^^ Truth ^^^
Oh, you just figured that out? Man, I’ve been saying that for years!
Like public education – at least in some areas – is government-sanctioned institutionalized child abuse.
Like Michael Savage said, LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER and liberals perpetually prove that to be true.
Its another way to tax “something” so they can figure out how to stop being bankrupt every year as a state.
“Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets.” – Ronald Reagan
And if they were smart enough to realize that, California wouldn’t be such an expensive state to live in due to taxes, registration fees for vehicles, property tax, cities that have “local” tax on top of the 9% state tax, “tax” on gasoline or anything the state deems evil (unless you’re a contributor or are part of the teacher’s union), or if you have a job and actually pay income taxes. If you don’t have a job, or come to the state from South of the border, everyone else in the state pays for all your needs.
Fact. California has more people ON subsistence than are working. (a couple years ago it was 47% working to 52% getting govt assistance)
Gonna have to pay for that high speed train to nowhere somehow.
Just building a run-of-the-mill say 40-50 mph railroad Right of Way from scratch these days will cost at least $1 million a mile and California’s Flying Unicorn Express is supposed to be high speed like France’s TGV or the Japanese Shikhansen. That along with all the environmental crap these days and granola-heads suing because they think the three-toed farting cockroach’s habitat is suddenly threatened, I wonder how soon it will all go bust?
That daffy Jerry. What will he think of next? Here’s a link to a story originally run in Forbes that seems to paint a more accurate picture of Brown’s policies than you would get from the more typical fawning environmental sources:
Personally, I think the bovine methane issue is because the Governor doesn’t want to risk getting cow poop on his Birkenstocks when he boards that high-speed choo choo from Merced to Madera. Maybe they’ll let him ring the bell.
I thought the high-speed died?
Well they desperately need money for the $65 billion and always increasing in price bullet train they want to build.
Maybe I am paranoid, but I suspect this is part of a long term agenda to force everyone into vegetarianism and eventually regulate “human” emissions. This fits too well into a few extreme environmental agendas and of course the animal lives matter folks. The ultimate goal for some is to limit human populations. Course the politicians and the folks pushing this will exempt themselves so they can rule over the rest of us.
Oh, there are DEFINITELY people using this kind of ‘information’ for that purpose. Check out the ALC – Animal Liberation Collective – and their over-the-top movie of the week selections sometime.
You mean the screeching candyasses who scream “Meat is Murder” and shit like that? Yeah, meat is murder, tasty, tasty murder. I think I’ll enjoy a nice piece of murder grilled medium over some hot hardwood coals with a baked potato on the side.
I wish that were all they did. No, the liberationists believe that animal agriculture (and pets, etc) are a form of enslavement and usually invoke comparisons to the Holocaust and to pre-Civil War slavery of certain minority groups.
They do things like protest shipments of dairy cows to other countries as part of a ‘cup of milk per child a day’ initiative fighting childhood malnutrition, and they also break into farms to set animals free, etc.
They keep their brains where they sit, is what I’m sayin’.
I suspect the report a week or two back from some lady whose snakes had all “escaped” was a similar situation. Some brainless moron(s) thinking Bambi is a true and accurate picture of life in the wild.
Retards in leotards.
The people who do that do not understand the Great Apes. We are all opportunistic omnivores. We have shearing teeth in front, including the wolf teeth, and grinding teeth in back, and we have those for a reason: the grinding teeth in primitive hominids were located in jaws that were at least 10 times as strong as what we have now.
Nuts and fruits don’t require nearly the force required for cracking bones to get the marrow out of it.
Strict vegetarianism is not a healthy diet, no matter what those retarded idiots think. And for that matter, they forget that arable land in great quantities is required, along with more than adequate water resources, in order to produce enough edible vegetation to support 7 billion people on a veggie diet.
In fact, they know nothing about food crop production because they are ignorant of its real requirements.
Basically, they’re full of shit.
Governor Lackwit Gasbag would contribute a huge lot to reducing air pollution if he just stuffed beans up his nose and sewed his mouth and anal orifice shut.
And my family wonders why I have exactly ZERO intention of ever moving back.
With my luck, my next PCS will be sending me back there.
Took orders from the US Army to force me to go back. I left the first day I could.
If it wasn’t for the fine weather here near the beach in Ventura/Santa Barbara Counties a lot of people would have left this place long ago.
I guess Wisconsin will be the “Big Wheel” in cheese again.
With the zeal of a religious crusader, they know they can perfect Man, if they simply sieze the needed power and so command Man to be perfected. Any failure is the fault of the imperfect subject, lacking in understanding and or zeal, not the wize and noble leaders who comand the efforts.
These are the ame folks that raise taxes on cigarretts and soda pop, expecting it to discourage consumption, which they want, and at the same time tax wages, investment, and all sorts of productivity, expecting the burdened ones to change nothing and continue to yield forth an unlimited and unwavering bounty of revenue, because they simply will it so.
Arrogance and ignorance, wrapped up in a casing of unshakable confidence in doubt-free “I am smarter than you”.
Listen to some of them talk about “reducing earth’s population” to a “sustainable” 1 billion, or even half that. They are actually talking about -extinguishing- 5 to 6 BILLION people. They speak of this as if it was cutting back on how much one waters a lawn.
-That- is truly monstrous. Those folks are the next SS Einsatsgrupen, the next Red Guard, waiting for their Furher or Soviet to summon them to action.
While I agree that they seem to have less brain wattage than a AAA battery, if they want to reduce the Earth’s population, they should be the first to volunteer. It’s for the good of the planet, you know.
And yet, they won’t pick up after themselves. I’ve never seen so much trash, ever.
California leads in dairy cow populaton for the last 3 years, ahead of Wisconsin. This is just for the top 10, not the entire 50-state statistics.
Or you can open the USDA’s ‘per state and region’ spreadsheet and get exact numbers of dairy cows in this link, instead.
There is plenty of good farmland in the Midwest where Governor Lackwit Gasbag’s unwanted dairy cows could go. Not everything in these parts is put into corn and soybeans. If the birdbrain doesn’t want cows in his kingdom, maybe it could be walled off. I’m sure he thinks all of his food comes from the store. I’ve known people like that. They got freaked out when I told them eggs come out of a chicken’s butt and butter comes from cows.