RSSJohn Murtha

Murtha floats

| April 15, 2010 | 12 Comments
Murtha floats

Ponsdorf and 1stCavRVN11B have been sending me articles on the Navy’s proposed plan to name a ship after the ample, rotting carcass of John P. Murtha. It seems impossible, doesn’t it? But nonetheless it’s true. So many good troops have lost their lives in service to this country in the last few years who actually […]

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Think they’d do this to Murtha or Kennedy

| March 2, 2010 | 24 Comments
Think they’d do this to Murtha or Kennedy

An ABC news crew tried to corner Jim Bunning on his decision to block a bill which included extending unemployment benefits; Bunning later explained; “I support extending unemployment benefits, cobra benefits, flood insurance, highway bill fix, doc fix, small business loans, distant network television for satellite viewers. If we can’t find $10 billion to pay […]

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Shawn Bryan on Murtha

| February 12, 2010 | 2 Comments
Shawn Bryan on Murtha

Some of you may remember when Uncle Jimbo led an excursion into Murtha country during the last election in an attempt to boot Murtha. You may also remember Shawn Bryan who was brutalized in the press for calling John Murtha “a fat bastard” on the stage of a rally for Murtha’s opponent Bill Russell. Shawn […]

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No hope for Murtha district

| February 9, 2010 | 10 Comments
No hope for Murtha district

Yes, John Murtha is finally gone, but I wouldn’t hold out much hope for putting a conservative in his seat. Currently, I live in the viewing area of one Johnstown, PA television station. They ran a loooonnnngggg bio of Murtha last night, and it failed to mention even once, the investigations into his suspect dealings, […]

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Murtha dead

| February 8, 2010 | 40 Comments
Murtha dead

Fox announces John Murtha is dead at 77 years old. Links to be added as available. Wikipedia marks death. Fox reports Murtha’s death. Blast from the past; John Murtha, Hero of the War Protesters; Gruff, jowly John Murtha wouldn’t seem to be a Code Pink kinda guy, what with his appetite for pork and his […]

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Congress scraps plans for new jets

| August 11, 2009 | 0 Comments
Congress scraps plans for new jets

Facing massive opposition on their healthcare plan, I suppose Congress doesn’t feel it can take too many more hits on their other irresponsible spending plans. According to Fox News, they’ve scrapped plans to force the Pentagon to buy four more jets to ferry them around in luxury; “If the Department of Defense does not want […]

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Feds one step closer to Murtha

| July 21, 2009 | 3 Comments
Feds one step closer to Murtha

Washington Times‘ Ben Conery reports this morning that federal prosecutors have secured a conviction of another criminal with ties to John Murtha; A federal investigation into defense contractors, including some with links to Rep. John P. Murtha, Pennsylvania Democrat, appears to be gathering steam – and valuable help. Mark O’Hair, a Defense Department program manager, […]

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The airport to No Where

| April 20, 2009 | 0 Comments
The airport to No Where

1stCavRVN11b sends us this article about the John Murtha-Johnstown-Cambria County Airport from the Washington Post; Inside the terminal on a recent weekday, four passengers lined up to board a flight, outnumbered by seven security staff members and supervisors, all suited up in gloves and uniforms to screen six pieces of luggage. For three hours that […]

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