Murtha floats

| April 15, 2010

Ponsdorf and 1stCavRVN11B have been sending me articles on the Navy’s proposed plan to name a ship after the ample, rotting carcass of John P. Murtha. It seems impossible, doesn’t it? But nonetheless it’s true. So many good troops have lost their lives in service to this country in the last few years who actually deserve the honor, it’s almost disrespectful and disgraceful to roll this fat turd to the front of the line.

The Washington Times editorial board writes, quoting our friend CDR Salamander;

“This dishonors every Marine who will serve aboard that ship,” a Navy officer told The Washington Times. “And it sends a poor message to the acquisition community that politicians can have ships named after them just for sending pork back to their districts.” Milblogger “CDR Salamander,” who served in the Navy for 21 years, told us this was “a naked political move” and “nothing about this man will be inspiring to the crew assigned to the ship.”

Of course, we expect nothing less from our newly politicized military which exists to fly the speaker of the house to campaign in her district.

The Times continues with some possible nicknames for the ship;

It’s doubtful that the ship naming will do much to honor Murtha. The brave Marines and sailors who serve aboard this vessel probably will refer to it only as LPD 26 or come up with a colorful nickname like “Porky Pig” or the “Fat Bastard” (the Marine favorite). Perhaps Murtha could still be useful in supplying the ship’s slogan: “Cold Blooded Killers.”

I kind of like “bloated rotting corpse” myself. I’m sure Murtha would agree.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John Murtha, Military issues

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Agreed. Or to paraphrase a favorite movie of min: Ruh, ruh … and that ain’t just frontier jibberish, folks.


And I thought they couldn’t get any more political or make a worse case than the USS Jimmy Carter.


Personally, I can’t wait to see the USS CINDY SHEEHAN. Why not? Hey, how about the USS BARNEY FRANK. Sure would SUCK to be on that ship.

Honor and Courage


If they want to honor the Navy call it the USS Michael P. Murphy after the Navy Seal MOH recipient.

I like the Fast Bastard as a nick name if they name it after Murtha.


Trying to find a silver lining, men could insist that the likeness of Dirtbag Murtha – may his soul burn in hell – be engraved in every urinal and every “fecal matter receptacle”.
And a favorite souvenir would be for anyone to have his photo taken pissing over the bow to be sent home as a postcard captioned ‘Pissing On Murtha’s Memory’
How about toilets custom sculptured to resemble the traitorous bastard’s open mouth?
It’s just too bad that filthy lying bastard didn’t crap out a lot sooner.

AW1 Tim

How ’bout naming the Navy Finance Center after Charlie Rangel? Or a Hospital Ship after Ted Kennedy?

I know! Name the Navy Diversity Center after Louis Farakhan!

The Admiral who approved this has to go, and if CNO supports this, then he needs to go too.


Remember… this is the same Navy that just a year ago awarded Murtha with a “Distinguished Public Service” award. It made me sick then… and even worse now.


Remember… this is the same Navy that just a year ago awarded Murtha with a “Distinguished Public Service” award. It made me sick then… and even worse now.

Old Tanker

If it’s named after Murtha they can call it the “Punchbowl Turd”….

SSG Medzyk

USS Shitcan came to mind.


I really don’t know how some Navy officer can think that this is a good idea. If it wasn’t so insulting it would be ironic.


“bloated rotting corpse”

…that does have a certain ring to it.