Congress scraps plans for new jets

| August 11, 2009

Facing massive opposition on their healthcare plan, I suppose Congress doesn’t feel it can take too many more hits on their other irresponsible spending plans. According to Fox News, they’ve scrapped plans to force the Pentagon to buy four more jets to ferry them around in luxury;

“If the Department of Defense does not want these aircraft, they will be eliminated from the bill,” said Rep. John Murtha, a Pennsylvania Democrat who chairs the panel that approved the additional spending.

A spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she supported the decision, which was expected to face resistance in the Senate.

So that’s one less aircraft that’ll land at the John Murtha International Airport to No-where, I suppose.

Murtha denies that the money was added to give lawmakers a nicer ride when traveling with the military, as lawmakers often do to visit troops overseas or for security reasons. In a statement released Monday, Murtha said that the planes are primarily used by executive branch officials.

Yuh-huh – that’s why the Pentagon was being forced to buy eight after they said they only needed four.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John Murtha, Military issues, Usual Suspects

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