Murtha dead

| February 8, 2010

Fox announces John Murtha is dead at 77 years old. Links to be added as available.

Wikipedia marks death.

Fox reports Murtha’s death.

Blast from the past;

John Murtha, Hero of the War Protesters;

Gruff, jowly John Murtha wouldn’t seem to be a Code Pink kinda guy, what with his appetite for pork and his pro-gun, antiabortion Marine hero bona fides.

But there the congressman was, in a Rayburn House Office Building hallway, gallantly protecting some war protesters from the group who had been tossed out of a hearing room and threatened with arrest.

“He said ‘I know these people,’ he gave me his hand and said we wouldn’t be arrested,” said Medea Benjamin, a San Francisco human rights activist who was doing her earnest best Tuesday to end the war when her lobbying methods provoked the displeasure of the U.S. Capitol Police. Code Pink ladies on one side; uniforms on the other. In the middle, the impressive bulk of 74-year-old Murtha. He called the sergeant at arms and didn’t leave until he was assured the women would be released, Benjamin said.

Code Pink Praises Murtha, Picketed Military Hospital

Code Pink’s co-founder, Gael Murphy, and its coordinator for the Washington, D.C., area, Allison Yorra, met with Murtha earlier this month “to thank him for his courageous stand on Iraq.

“We presented him with our pink badge of courage and pink flowers sent by CODEPINK members nationwide,” a statement on the group’s website indicates. “Rep Murtha was very appreciative of these gestures as he has been receiving many responses to his public denouncement of the war.”

Photographs on the Code Pink website show Murtha holding the pink flowers and standing arm-in-arm with Murphy and Yorra. There is no mention of the meeting with Code Pink or the award presented to Murtha on his congressional website.

John Murtha press conference;

Now, two days after I made my statement, on November 19th, we had an incident in Haditha in Anbar province, where a Marine was killed with an IED. Time magazine reported it, and it’s kind of a puzzling report, because they’re investigating it right now. Let me tell you what the consequences of this have been.

It’s much worse than reported in Time magazine. There was no fire fight. There was no IED that killed these innocent people. Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood. And that’s what the report is going to tell.

John Murtha in an interview with Chris Matthews;

MATTHEWS: Mr. Murtha, let me ask you about this accusation that you have come out with today, that U.S. service people fighting in Iraq killed civilians in cold blood. What evidence do you have on that now?

MURTHA: Well, “Time Magazine” …

MATTHEWS: Was this melee? I mean, was this a case of — when you say cold blood, Congressman, a lot of people think you’re basically saying you have got some civilians sitting in a room or out in a field and they’re executed just on purpose…

MURTHA: That’s exactly what happened.

John Murtha in an interview with Wolf Blitzer;

BLITZER: There’s an investigation of what happened at Haditha. …you’ve suggested this week that there in effect was a massacre. …

MURTHA: Well there was. There’s no question about it…

BLITZER: The Marines say they’re still investigating. They don’t know what happened yet. The pentagon says the same thing. How do you know what happened?

MURTHA: Wolf, you read the “Time” magazine articles. There are pictures, there are photos. You don’t have to talk to the military about the proof.

Article from Washington Post referring to the arrest of four Marines;

Attention to the case increased earlier this year when Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) alleged after briefings from military officials that the Marines had killed civilians “in cold blood.”

Category: Breaking News, John Murtha

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Old Tanker

Counldn’t happen to a nicer *cough* guy……

Toothless Dawg

I know you’re not supposed to talk bad about a dead dude … so I won’t say much but ‘The first round is on me’!!!


This guy was just an opportunist dickhead. I guess the Marines he called murders will never get thier apology. I wonder how many people don’t have to worry about a knife being shoved into their backs by this guy. He won’t be missed by me.


I erased what I was going to say, but rest something something.


As George Bush said at the passing of Yasser Arafat – May God have mercy on his soul.

AW1 Tim

Yeah…. The country has lost Kennedy and now Murtha. Karma.


I’m saddened some.

He goes off to face judgment elsewhere. I, and many others, have been trying to get him judged here – for years.

Two down and 500+ left to go.


hmm, I had the chance to dance/re-up over Sadamn’s Son’s graves. Plus, other private activities….like mourn….mourn away all that water we had to drink.

Maybe I will have to visit Mr. Murtha… Unless he does the Arlington thing.

Ohh well, May God have Mercy, but not too much.

I am sure God is a Ranger And a Marine.


I don’t know if God is a Ranger or a Marine, but I have it on good authority that he trusts the United States Marine Corps to guard his streets. Good enought for God, good enough for me, but apparently not for Murtha who called them murderers. I wonder how they will look upon one of the few honorably discharged ex-marines? I doubt they will ask him to walk a post.

Marine 83

Just watch, the POS is going to want an Arlington burial. A pox upon his benighted soul.

Yat Yas

Mom always said if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything. So, no comment on the ex-marine passing away.


May he rest in peace. His family is in my prayers as it is with all who have served our country.

Dave Thul

May God have mercy on his soul, because sure as shit the Marines standing guard at the Pearly Gates will have no mercy for him.


How bout them Saints….and I ain’t talking about Murtha!

Been a good two days so far.


This is my mourning statement for Murtha……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Got it? Good.


I feel no joy at his death, but figure he’s having a brisk discussion about the meaning of the words “Semper Fi” with the likes of Chesty Puller right now.

Prayers to his family

ltcol tim

may he burn in hell

Blue Cyclone

Tonight I will raise a glass to those Marines that he so unjustly accused. Never saw a man so pervert the meaning of “Semper Fi”.

Operator Dan

I got some thoughts on this guy, but I don’t know how appropriate it is to share them right now.


I waited all day to finally get to read what you had to say about this, Jonn. You said it perfectly. Brilliantly done.

Yat- yas…ex-marine says it all.


Say what you will about the man but he earned his right to express his opinion, and it takes a true patriot to say what you believe especially when it is not popular. If you’ve earned it, would you have the guts to stand up and say what you believe like he did in his position?


Well, bncm, the Marines he trashed and called murderers earned their due, also, and didn’t need him jumping to conclusions on something he knew nothing about. Plus, aligning himself with a group of bitties that disrespected troops that earned more in one fucking day than that group of miscreants earned in their lifetime, shows that whatever he earned, he pissed away.

CWO George Samek US Army Ret.

May he lie forever unmourned!! May his eyeballs grow hair and his teeth blue fungus… May the plot remain bare, and the worms have indigestion


ironic that the Marines he sought to have convicted are the same Marines that will carry him to his final resting place…let Code Pink and carry his body thru the streets while they wail and smack their heads blaming Bush and looking to their new messiah for hope

CWO George Samek US Army Ret.

Jack will never make it past the Marine at Hevens Gate,so down he slides to join Teddy as assistant Life Guard in Hells Septic Tank. Chesty Puller,joined by 58,473 of my Vietnam Brothers & Sister will stand at attention as Mary Joe flushes the John on Jack & Teddy.
May that cute USMC Bull Dog piss on Jacks Grave.

B Woodman

Can one both burn AND rot in Hell at the same time?
I guess John Murtha, ex-Marine, is going to find out.
Does the undertaker profession have asbestos underwear?

“I came, not to praise Caesar, but to bury him.”


“If you’ve earned it, would you have the guts to stand up and say what you believe like he did in his position?”

I’ve earned the right to call murtha a political opportunist and all around fuckstik. He didn’t swing againt Iraq until the casualty numbers went up like all the other lefty types. He was a disgrace and I am glad the bastard is dead.


so if you disagree with a veterans politics it’s ok to not only disrespect them in life but in death too?
it is valid to comment on his decisions and platform but he was a vet and the first Vietnam combat vet in congress. it seems less than respectful to comment on rotting in hell and certainly not something many of you would tolerate from the left.


So he gets a pass then for all the crap he did eh? So thats how it works? Respect is earned and is can be lost, both things murtha did, he earned some and lost it all.

Marooned in Marin

The only thing I’m sorry about is that those Marines who were slandered by him never will get the apology that is way overdue to them. But now he’ll have to square that debt with his maker.


Come on, Finrod, you know the drill by now. The lefties can say and do anything, and we can’t comment. They do, however, comment on everything, and we can’t say anything, we just have to accept their spoutings as the gospel. See how Jen managed to throw in that disagreeing with Murtha’s politics was disrespecting him? Actually, he earned his disrespect by his actions, he just compounded his dishonor with his words.

Dave Thul

All of Murtha’s scandals and political corruption were just that-political.

But pronouncing the guilt of the Haditha Marines in the media fits my definition of giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Of course, I’m probably biased, having been stationed at Al Asad at the time, and doing convoy runs near Haditha.

Wyatt Earp

Mama said if you can’tsay something nice, don’t say anything at all. That said, here’s what I want to say about the ex-Marine:


Jen, see my post above. I don’t care if you are The most decorated combat Veteran on the planet, when you do the things he did and say the things he said, it takes every bit of any vaor that he earned and flushes it down the shitter. Disagreeing with his politics isn’t the issue; stabbing your fellow Marines in the back and cozying up to a group that disrespects all troops that earned their own valor is what is at issue.

If you haven’t figured that out, then you need to dip into the clue bag.


And now, it’s reported that his large intestine was “damaged” during the gall bladder surgery. Watch the lefties come out with the conspiracy theories. I’m sure that, in the end, it’ll be Bush’s fault.

Toothless Dawg


Its a matter of honor, of which libtards have no knowledge

ltc tim

“If you’ve earned it, would you have the guts to stand up and say what you believe like he did in his position?”

Being valorous in combat does not grant you carte blanche for the rest of your life. It does not absolve you of living your life in a forthright and honest manner. There are no free passes. If anything, the experience of war crystalizes the need to stand for what is right, not self interest.

Murtha gained a position of public trust which he used to enrich himself, his family, and his cronies. Being a congressman was about wealth and power, not service to the nation. He was corrupt in every sens of the word.

When young Marines were at war he slandered them of horrific war crimes and used his position to smear their good names. As a combat veteran… he more than any of his peers knew the terror and confusion of war. When his fellow Marines needed him, he turned his back on them and destroyed them as surely as running away in combat. What about their lives, their families? Soldiers fight trusting their elected representatives to serve the nation’s interests as well. Their trust was obviously misplaced.

Throwing your combat record down as a marker to justify a political gamesmanship truly reveals how you view your service and the service of others. I’ve always heard there were no ex-marines. Murtha was the exception.

His moral cowardice was sickening.

Paul Couturier

May that God-Damn, gutless, hate-filled anti-military extremist rot in hell for all eternity!!!!

Unless, of course, he sincerely repented of his sins/crimes right before he dropped dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ltc tim, very well said.. especially:
Being valorous in combat does not grant you carte blanche for the rest of your life. It does not absolve you of living your life in a forthright and honest manner.

re Jen. Calling someone a murderer is not a political view, unless you are doing it for political reasons, and that makes you disgusting.


Well, I noticed today when I walked walked over to another building for lunch, the flag was at half staff. On a military installation. So protocol is followed, regardless.