Feds one step closer to Murtha

| July 21, 2009

Washington Times‘ Ben Conery reports this morning that federal prosecutors have secured a conviction of another criminal with ties to John Murtha;

A federal investigation into defense contractors, including some with links to Rep. John P. Murtha, Pennsylvania Democrat, appears to be gathering steam – and valuable help.

Mark O’Hair, a Defense Department program manager, pleaded guilty Monday to making a false statement on a federal disclosure form. He acknowledged lying about business ties he had to companies that received money from a military contract he oversaw.

The plea agreement, reached in federal court in Florida, does not specify a penalty for O’Hair. But the plea deal does require O’Hair to cooperate with federal agents.

Since the boneheads in Murtha’s district won’t fire his monkey-ass, maybe the Feds can do it for us.

Category: Breaking News, John Murtha, Usual Suspects

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Burn, you POS, burn. You personify what’s wrong with the US Government today and why it’s bloated fat ass cannot be trusted.


While I hope that Murtha’s ass finally gets hammered to the floor; the realistic side of me says that he won’t be touched. He tap danced away from Abscam almost 30 years ago and they had his dumbass on tape. They have had other investigations that went nowhere and the sheep in his district keep sending the crooked SOB back every 2 years.


There’s a good candidate finally running against Murtha. You should take a look at him: http://www.timburnsforcongress.com. He’s not a politician – just a guy trying to do the right thing. He’s from Murtha’s hometown too, so that helps (the last two candidates running against him were outsiders). We need to support good candidates if we are to end the corruption!