Weekend Open Thread
The first attempt on Donald Trump’s life could potentially be considered as one that “changed the course of history.” What could have happened if the attempt was successful? A civil war? Sectarian violence? Massive numbers of Americans joining their prepper friends? Luckily, the attempts failed. Although Trump faces danger going ahead, he is poised to reverse our decline and to propel us in the direction that the Founding Father’s originally intended. Enjoy your weekend!
Category: Open thread
Oh, wise and all knowing Magic 8-Ball, will Hack Stone experience the joy of retaining the highly coveted and rarely awarded title of First Commenter for the This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread, or will he be burdened by what has not been in a vast chicken wing foisted upon his loyal subjects by the Deplorable Garbage who want to pack The Supreme Burrito, revoke our Constitutional Right to party, and take us back to the days when gasoline was $2 a gallon? Magic 8-Ball says…
The smoke from your F5 key wafted over the North Wall just a second to late, Mr. Stone. Have a Ratty Cong for your Firstness.
Hack kept refreshing his company issued cellphone and it looked like the preceding article was titled “Milley’s Sex Change”.
I have no idea what the fuck you were talking about and of course I had to scroll back a couple of screams to the main menu and then looked down and goddamn if I am very fortunate, I was not eating or drinking anything because I would’ve spit it all over the living room floor
Hack has been holding off making that head call since 12:00 Eastern. Had to urinate in the coffee mug of the Vice President of the proud but humble woman owned business. He didn’t seem to notice.
I’m calling foul. Did anyone else’s monitor show a Red Hat Software test pattern as soon as the WOT dropped?
It’s your own damn fault for declining the Y3K supplement software.
And here I was fucking around playing Apex legends on Xbox cause I took the day off and completely forgot it was 3 o’clock.
Happy Fuckery Friday to all of you 🖕🤪
One of the ladies at view decided she ain’t like the others all the sudden.
Do tell..
She says she is friends with the new AG candidate. They were ready to string her up.
She’s dangerous because she’s competent? I thought they wanted Trump to pick qualified people.
Yeah, she will deport people in the country illegally using the laws and keep 12 year olds from transitioning after they watch a tik-tok video from China. It’s just crazy man.
Oh, wise and all knowing Magic 8-Ball, is Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) still a turd?
Magic 8-Ball says…
My toes are tired of me being kept on them waiting for the drop of the WOT! I am gonna need orthopedic shoes here pretty soon.
Anyway, rats of the cong to Hack Stone once again, and it’s trivia time. Enjoy, mes amis!
Why does Venus rotate in a direction opposite that of the other planets?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024
Thanksgiving is one week from today! (If you’re reading this on a Thursday, that is.)
May your celebration be a great one, and may you be surrounded by the people you love, and those who love you.
I am still interested in what your favorite Thanksgiving treats are, and if you want to tell me, drop a note to me at didyouknowcolumn@gmail.com. And I wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Meanwhile, enjoy the trivia! Use it for dessert.
Did you know …
… parrots do not have vocal cords? They make their sounds with an organ called the syrinx. Located in the bird’s trachea, the syrinx can reproduce any sound it can imagine. (Polly want a cracker?)
… a champion boxer once wanted to fight a gorilla? During the late 1980s, boxing champ Mike Tyson (born 1966) was visiting a New York-area zoo with his then-wife, Robin Givens (born 1964), when Tyson spotted a large silverback gorilla in its enclosure, reportedly bullying other gorillas. Tyson offered the zookeeper $10,000 to let him go inside the enclosure and “smash that silverback’s snot box.” The zookeeper declined. (I’m not a boxing fan but I’d have paid good money to see that fight.)
… you can actually hear a plant growing? The rhubarb plant, famous for the pies one can make from it, grows up to an inch per day, and as it does, it pops, squeaks, and makes other noises. (I’d rather eat one than hear one, but it’s interesting nonetheless.)
… scientists are of two minds about why Venus rotates clockwise? The other seven planets in the Solar System rotate counterclockwise, but not Venus. Nobody is really sure of why, but there are two prevailing theories. One holds that, during the early days of the Solar System, Venus rotated just like all the other planets do, but a collision with another body of planetary size actually knocked its rotation in the opposite direction and slowed it down considerably. The other theory says Venus’ north pole actually flipped to point in the opposite direction due to the very dense, thick atmosphere of the planet. The heavy air combined with the Sun’s gravity and the friction between the mantle and core of the planet caused it to flip upside down. If that’s the case, then Venus does indeed rotate counterclockwise, but inverted. Additional trivia note: A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus. In Earth terms, one Venusian year is 225 days. But one day on Venus lasts 243 Earth days. (Not that it matters, unless you’re on Venus.)
… raising a toast with your drinks has a historical source? In ancient Rome, people would drop a piece of toasted bread into their wine for good health. That’s where the “toast” came from. (I’ll drink to that.)
… which came first, plants or seeds? A botanical version of the old “chicken or egg” gag, the actual answer is that plants came before seeds. Early plants were more like moss and reproduced with single-cell spores, while multicellular seeds didn’t evolve for another 150 million years. (Now if they could only figure that out for chickens and eggs.)
Eggs clearly came before chickens. Chickens, being birds, are part of the dinosaur clade but the fossil record clearly shows other dinosaur eggs predate modern birds.
Also, both turtles and crocodilians predate dinosaurs (as do several species of egg-laying fish/shellfish).
Another plant that you can hear growing is pop/sweet or field corn. All you gotta do is just go stand in a patch of it at 0130 or 0230 hours on a nice hot 105-degree Indiana August night and I guarantee you that you’ll hear it pop, stretch and rustle.
… a portion of the Moon landing in 1969 was actually faked? No, not the flight, nor the landing itself. Those actually happened, despite what some silly people say. The faked part was the quarantine that Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong (1930-2012), Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin (born 1930), and Michael Collins (1930-2021) were required to stay in for 21 days once they arrived back on Earth. Though NASA was indeed concerned about the possibility of the astronauts bringing back some form of microbial life from outer space, they knew ahead of time that the quarantine they would be using wouldn’t have been much good if indeed some alien bugs managed to hitch a ride. And, as it turned out, no microbes came back, so the whole thing was for show.
… the Michelin “star” restaurant ratings were created to sell tires? In 1926, the Michelin Tire Company of France began awarding star ratings to restaurants. But the ratings had little to do with actual food, service and ambiance. Rather, they were awarded to encourage people to drive farther distances to eat, and thus wear down their car tires faster – and force them to buy more. (Ulterior motives exist everywhere!)
… the modern coffee filter was invented by a housewife? In 1908, German housewife Melitta Bentz (1873-1950), a woman who very much enjoyed her coffee, became frustrated with the percolation process which allowed coffee grounds to fall into the pot, then into her coffee cup. Bentz created a filter by punching holes in the base of a brass pot, then placing a blotting sheet on top of it. The sheet allowed the water to pass through but trapped the grounds, and the modern coffee filter was born. Bentz patented her invention and started the Melitta company to make the filters, and the company is still in business today, under the control of Bentz’ descendants. (I, for one, am very glad Frau Bentz invented this. I love my morning coffee.)
… news of a dictator’s death was met in varied ways around the world? The death of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) was met with extreme sadness in the Soviet Union, with many people actually committing suicide rather than live in a world without him. But in the United States, Stalin’s passing was either simply noted or, in some cases, celebrated. One such celebration took place at a Washington, D.C. restaurant called the 1203. That eatery noted Stalin’s death by offering customers free bowls of borscht. (I have a line here, but it would close the show.)
Now … you know!
The real reason that Melitta Bentz invented those coffee filters because her husband threatened to leave her. He claimed to have grounds for divorce.
A lot of Germans also committed suicide after Hitler offed himself as well.
More people mourned the loss of Adolf Hitler than the death of Daniel Bernath. You can reach your own conclusions with that information.
Stuff Polly with some cornbread dressing and bake her in a Dutch Oven.
Mike was prone to go ape and wanna fight. I was ape over Robin.
Only veggie pie I want is made from sweet taters. (1 T’giving Treat that I like)
Venus is reputed to be where women are from. Draw your own conclusions.
I like Roman bread toasted with garlic butter. Sop up the pot likker from Ms Thang Stepfania’s lasagna. Her’s is the toast of the town. Be having some of that treat next week too.
Chicken and dumplin’s and Deviled eggs will be among the other plants steaming on the table. Not sure what I will eat FIRST.
A really big show it was. I went buggy over it.
My Michelin tires are gonna take me to a 5 Star eatery that’s in my daughters kitchen. Pert near 850 miles of rubber to burn.
Been filtering my coffee with Jameson of late. Helps with the RSV Bug.
Stalin is still dead but his minions are alive and well. Pity.
Another fine J.O.B. on the trivia, CW. We Thank You, Good Sir!
I liked this just for the Venus explanation.
That silverback woulda beat Tyson as if he were Givens.
Definitely some inappropriate jokes there.. but yeah, woulda gotten his ass handed to him.. The fact that he thought otherwise says all ya need to know..
Somethings are funny even if they are wrong.
Dark humor is appreciated by some.
I may be onto something; how to get a lib to shut up. I was talking with a lib and Thomas Jefferson’s name came up. I asked him if he knew why Jefferson would not get elected today; he responded by saying something to the effect of, “What are you an idiot, he was a slave owner, so of course, he couldn’t be elected”. I countered so was Harris’s family. No said I, he wouldn’t be elected because (according to some sources) he was a red head and he stuttered and the media eat him alive. The lib scoffed at me and left. So, find a bit of trivia, throw it into a discussion with a lib, and enjoy the silence.
If you really want them to blow a gasket, ask them how Kamala Harris could possibly lose an election to the next Adolf Hitler.
Please correct me if I’m wrong; but, wasn’t Harris’ platform based on change. Isn’t that like saying, “Yeah, I was the Veep; however, we weren’t wrong in what we did, what we did was just practice. I demand a do-over”.
I believe they went over the house allowance for do-overs.
Your Friday afternoon follies should include doing an on line search to see what the proud but humble Vice President of the woman owned business has been up to since parting ways with All Points Logistics. In his 2013 bankruptcy he had to sell the world corporate headquarters on Wilson Lane for the princely sum of $53,508.75. He must have read The Art of The Deal in order to get that extra $0.75. Of course that was 11 years ago, and he filed for bankruptcy again in 2022, and at least three lawsuits for unpaid debts. This should be an interesting company Christmas party this year. Say it with Hack, “It sucks being Paul.”
What does he go by these days, Paul, Psul, Palmer or Psulmer? Inquiring minds want to know, also asking for a friend!
It doesn’t matter what you call him, he no longer has a phone. Hack needs to dig into that lawsuit from Bank of America, curious how much he owes them. As to (see what Hack did there?), Hack saw two court orders regarding his back rent, one was for 3 months at $18K+, the other seems to be maybe 6 months back rent, which would be $21K. Who the fuck rents a home for $3500 a month when they have no income. A few years back, Hack saw that his lovely bride Karen was working at the Gaylord Hotel in National Harbor, but Hack doubts that a chambermaid’s salary could cover $3500 in rent.
Happy weekend.
Derby Line VT
The house in the background, does it straddle the border? Would you need a passport to make a sandwich in the kitchen and relieve yourself in the bathroom? 2 different property taxes to pay?
The library is half and half, lots of low energy smuggling.
Eggs checkin in, took Mrs Eggs to see Gladiator 2 for her birthday. Good movie, no mention of Bikkus Dikkus tho
PRESENT and UNACCOUNTABLE as I award myself yet another Honorary First.
Epstein did not kill himself.
Those on Epstein’s list are likely VERY nervous about now and rightfully so. 😀😀😀
In order to help that liberal you know stop hyperventilating for just a second, just tell them that Donlad Trump IS NOT their President … until January 20th and enjoy watching them shit themselves again!
Well, if I was going to become a Prepper (not a Pepper), I would probably invest in a few of these devices https://shop.faradaydefense.com/
for my vehicles and home. I would buy a nice property in a semi-rural area, and put in a few solar panels and wind devices to create my own electricity and collect the rain water, as well as tap a well. I would build some green houses to grow my food I needed and encourage certain critters to visit my little piece of land. I would store up some food and medicine, and maybe a few things protected by the Amendments our founding fathers inserted in the Constitution.
Most of all, though I would live my life and get to know my neighbors. I would ensure I knew them and if I could trust them. I would help them out when I could, and maybe ask them to help me do some things I can’t do by myself. And I would raise my kids to know who they can believe and trust, and how to use those devices protected by the amendments as well!
Not FIRST!!!
But I do wonder what would have happened had an even half-assed competent shooter been behind that trigger. Fu$king scarey. The balls that man has to continue like nothing happened. Like, ‘You MISSED, LOSER!’. Thank God he didn’t get the head shot he wanted. But, he did get one for himself…
Came within a millimeter of a moving target – that isn’t THAT bad
Thankful that I could rescue this Happy Ass little Batch of Hell from The Puppy Prison. Can you believe that he was voluntarily surrendered? No more crate life for him. The kitty cats are a little pissed so there is that…
Very handsome! Looks like a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier which warms my Irish heart!
Awww, scratch him on his head and give him a biscuit for me, willya?
That’s a good looking furry beast! There’s an empty space at the Cantina. Sammy the Wonderdog chased the last tennis ball over the rainbow bridge last week, and is happily frolicking at Piddler’s green. The 2 little dogs (Gracie and The Velociraptor) are confused but are looking after MRS D. I’m too old for this shit.
Well, just Damn!, Lil’ Bro. I hate to hear that. I remember you saying last month when I lost Little Chapman and my Trixie Girl that Sammy The Wonder Dog is getting more feeble. It is never easy and truly we ARE getting too old for this. I will lift a glass in Honor to Sammy and join in with you, Gracie, Velociraptor, and Mrs D in our shared grief. We can rest assured in our faith that we will see them all again. They’ll be waiting for us…at the door.
I debated getting another Canine Fur Baby. This Little Guy was surrendered and his clock was ticking at The Puppy Prison. He’s not quite 5 yo and will most probably outlive me. If that happens I’ve already arranged for him to go to a good home with a Lady Friend. She fell in love with his Happy Ass self. I do have to work on his home training. Coco came out of the ‘hood and it’s gonna take awhile to teach him some manners. He sure is having a large time running around the fenced perimeter. Probably never been able to run more than 10 feet before. He’s already chewed up 5 tennis balls. The squirrels have gotten nervous.
Been there. My wife’s little Chihuahuas passed in the past seven months. A month ago she adopted a really cute Yorkie, so she is no longer no dog sad.
May you and your new toe warmer share all the bestest of times.
Thanks, Roh.
Present & unaccountable.
A bit ticked off @ Samsung phones right now. They did a “security update” and now I cannot extract files from it with a USB & computer.
The various & sundry chefs of the GB Compound are already making plans for the Thanksgiving Day Feast. Found out that AB Son’s in-laws are coming. Could put us into the mid-20s range for attendees. Gonna be fun.
Lots to be thankful for in the GB Compound. The smartest and handsomest grandsons in the known universe, and the most intelligent and beautiful granddaughters to match. Outstanding chillen’s and chillen-in-laws. And of course the beautiful and ever-delightful Mrs. GB to reign benevolently over all of them.
Favorite Daughter has reprised the “Thankfulness Jar” – folks write a note of something for which they are thankful and drop it in the jar. Thanksgiving evening we read them all.
God bless you all this Thanksgiving season.
At the least double that for you and yours, GB.
Things are tough. We have a whole segment of population that still can’t read the room.
And then there’s the MIC doing what they do… (RIP Jack K btw)
All I know is: I will not suffer this.
Stacking (image below) is my profession, and business is good.
Love the stuff!
Ate a lot as a kid!
In a video clip:
Finally, Trannies in a Jag are going viral. Things are finally starting to turning around for Psul of The Ballsack.
Looks to me like they went full throttle Bud Light!
Now maybe Meathead can get the help that he needs. Maybe we can get a One Flew Over Tge Cuckoo’s Nest reboot out of it.
The evil Orange Man Bad actually drove this Hollywierd Prog crazy. The looney bastard formerly known as Meathead is checking himself into a “facility.” Hopefully, he will have counselors who are skilled at treating acute TDS.
Wow, Not only does he have Trump Acceptance resistance Disorder (TARD), he lets it run his life making him an operative of it, a TARDO!
Today marks the tenth anniversary of the death of Mayor For Life, Marion Barry. In tribute, Hack Stone is requesting that the Deplorable Garbage pick up a few hookers and a bag of Coke, and head on over to the Vista International Hotel. Coincidentally, it is also the tenth anniversary of Elaine Ricci take a leave of absence as President of the proud but humble woman owned business to seek treatment for her addiction to placebos.
The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls.
That’s like saying that water is wet, fire is hot and shit stinks!
Comment #60: “My 122” by Victor Charles
I shot a rocket into the air.
It fell to earth I know not where.
(nor do I really care)
I’d like to linger to cheer and hoot,
But I think I better just shoot and scoot. – The End
I just spent some time on YouTube watching liberal moonbat go triple batshit over DJT winning the election, nearly ALL of them screeching for violence against anyone and everyone who supports Trump, some going into detail about it, all this coming from liberal “People of Tolerance” who perpetually prove that liberalism is a mental disorder! OH YEAH, the Karens and Kens who ran around screeching for all unvaxxed people to br put into camps after being fired from their jobs, the ones calling hotlines to rat out whoever they could, yada-yada, and after it was over, they hem-hawed saying WE needed to let what they did go, not THIS Red State Man!
Hack Stone has a former coworker who leans extremely left. During the COVID scam, she said that people who refuse the vaccine should be refused medical treatment. Hack Stone said that was a great idea, but don’t just limit to people refusing the COVID vaccine, we need to refueled medical treatment who drive drunk and get into accidents; refuse to treat people who smoke cigarettes then develop cancer; refuse treatment for diabetes and hypertension to the morbidly obese who fail to eat a sensible diet; and refuse treatment to any criminal injured while committing a crime. Think of all of the money that could be saved, and with these people removed from the gene pool, humans would become healthier.
Y’know, it might be fun to start a good hoax that DJT is now planning on renaming the US of A to the United States of Trump”, liberal loons will believe anything, why not have some fun playing a head game on them?
I’m in! Currency would change to “In Trump we Trust”.
General who had to leave combat zone early due to becoming pregnant while deployed says women are just as good as men in combat.
Congratulations you just agreed to give away $300B a year to make the country less prosperous.
Just how much of that money is going to kickbacks for politicians and their cronies? the whole deal looks dirtier than a third world abortion clinic!
Progressives don’t set an example, that’d be “racist” you know.
Hack Stone went and has vehicle do the bi-annual emissions check. Good for another two years. For those keeping score at home, Psul of the Ballsack’s trusty rusty 1980’s vintage Jaguar has zero emissions. He didn’t convert it to electric, it just hasn’t turned over since vacating the world corporate headquarters on Wilson Lane.
Anybody else still having a ball watching videos of liberal moonbats having meltdowns? Yes, I’m still enjoying the Schadenfreude, and those moonbats screeching what they want to do to us? Yeah bitches, try that in my neck of the woods, I live in a county where DJT won over 70% of the vote!!!