Shawn Bryan on Murtha

| February 12, 2010

Some of you may remember when Uncle Jimbo led an excursion into Murtha country during the last election in an attempt to boot Murtha. You may also remember Shawn Bryan who was brutalized in the press for calling John Murtha “a fat bastard” on the stage of a rally for Murtha’s opponent Bill Russell. Shawn explained later;

Well, when The Washington Times called Jimbo and asked him if he knew anyone who was willing to write an op-ed about the late Congressman (still a fat bastard by all accounts) Jimbo immediately thought of Shawn. So here’s Murtha’s legacy;

John Murtha has been lionized in the press for all of his service to the country instead of all his service to himself and his business associates. I know that I and many Mar -ines and their families will remember him for never apologizing to the innocent warriors whose lives he destroyed by serving as judge and jury. He passed away before being held accountable for hijacking the mili- tary procurement system and denying our troops in the field the best equipment they could get. Unfortunately, much of our leadership in Washington will pick up where he left off, forsaking anything for a vote and ignoring the warriors who give them the freedom to do so.

Read the rest at the link. Well played, Jimbo.

Category: John Murtha, Vets For Freedom

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God apologized for Mad Jack by taking him home for his thousands of years of pain and suffering.

B Woodman

If God is apologizing for Fat Bastard Murtha’s behavior, then let Him show it by:
1-Kicking EVERY DemonRat and RINO out of office, letting true conservatives take over the government, and reduce it back to its original Constitutional origins.
2-Letting our soldiers (of ALL branches) win overwhelmingly in Iraq and Afghanistan, and bring them home with honor.

Surely, if God is powerful enough to do as you said above (whatever it all means), then He can do these two little things as well.